N.M - No More Hoops.

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Can you write an imagine where you go to one of nates basketball championship games and they loose and he's all sad but you make him feel better.

-- (Y/N's POV) --

The final buzzer echoes through the gym, I sigh and look at Nate who looks equally as defeated as the team put together. My heart cracks for him, he's worked so hard over the past few weeks and I can already tell he'll blame it on himself by the way he ignores what his coach has to say and storms off to shower and change.

We agreed to meet in the car, so that's what I'm sticking to. I say a quick hello to the team and head out to the parking lot where Nate's car is. I climb into the drivers seat and wait patiently whilst listening to the radio. Nate steps in after a few minutes. "Nate-"

"No Y/N, we lost, it was the fucking championships." He sighs, running his fingers through his hair.

"Nate I know but you can't win every game." I sigh, unsure of how to console him - he's never lost a game in a long while and I've forgot how to comfort him over these things.

"But it was the championships, we should have won!" He whines, I start the car and head to his house. The car journey is silent, I'm sure he's fell asleep but I keep my eyes on the road.

We walk through the front door and immediately his brother walks out of the kitchen with a bright smile on his face.
"How was the game?" He asks, thinking he had won.

"We lost." Nate snaps, grabbing a packet of chips before running up to his room and slamming the door.

"Damn, what did I say?" Stew wonders out loud as he shakes his head and walks off into the living room.

I rub my forehead and follow after Nate, heading straight to his room whilst shrugging of my coat. "Fuck off Stew." He yells after I knock on the door.

"Nate it's me you ass, let me in." I giggle, tapping on the locked door repeatedly.

"Why so you can laugh at me?" He asks as he opens the door and walks back to his messy bed.

"No Nathan, I'm not going to laugh at you, I here to congratulate you on getting so far. Next year you'll win the championships." I assure confidently, laying down beside him.

He sighs. "I don't want there to be a next year in basketball, I don't wanna do it anymore." He tells me, I immediately sit up and frown at him.

"Seriously Nate? You're thinking about quitting over one game?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "No I like making music more. Let's be honest, I'm not gonna' get anywhere with basketball so why carry it on so seriously? I want to shoot hoops for fun, not worry about winning or losing. I want to do what I love." He tells me, I resist the urge to kiss his face off of him and cuddle him like a teddy bear for being so adorable and ambitious like a little boy telling me what he wants to be when he's a big boy.

"Baby I'm gonna' support you either way, but it's not all about winning or losing, it's about having fun and doing what your passionate about." I sooth his messy hair down, laying back down beside him.

"I know Y/N and I love you so much for that, you're seriously the best girlfriend a guy could ask for but music is what I like doing best. I want to make somethingb out of it you know?"

"Just as long as you're happy, but don't make nothing official until you're completely sure you want to drop basketball and start on music." I kiss his cheek and he lays his head on my chest.

"I am happy baby, I've got you and I've got a lot out of basketball, now I want to make something of my music, I could go far. I'm gonna' speak to my dad about it, you know what he's like." He chuckles, tracing patterns on my hip.

"I do baby," I laugh, stroking his hair. "I love you Nate." I smile, leaning down to kiss his head.

"I love you too lil mama, so much." And with that, he flips us over and begins tickling my sides.

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