N.M - Meeting The Parents.

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-- (Your POV) --

"Oh honey you didn't tell me she was this beautiful!" An older looking female version of your boyfriend calls, opening the door. You straighten your dress and smile kindly, outstretching your hand for a handshake. She ignores it and hugs you tightly, rubbing your back as Nate chuckles and wraps his arms around the both of you.

"My two favourite ladies." He says, pulling away as you and his mother do.

"Well sweetie, I'm Kami, Nate's Mom, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." She says, guiding you into her family's home.

"The pleasure is all mine." You reply, smiling up at Nate as he threads his fingers through yours and gives you a assuring smile, as if to tell you you're doing great so far.

"Everybody get down here! She's here!" Kami yells, leading you into the kitchen where the dining table is located.

"She, has a name ma." Nate chuckles, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.

"Well I'm sorry Nathan but you didn't introduce us correctly like a gentleman should." His Mom scolds, pointing the spatula at him as you take a seat at the table, beside each other.

"No no, that's my job, I'm Y/N." You giggle, thanking Nate with a nod and smile as he pulls your chair out for you.
After dinner you all sit in the living room, you've met Nate's father and siblings and surprisingly got on really well, as if you'd knew them for years. Kami exits the room for a few minutes before returning with a large book. The family groans. "No Mom, no baby pictures!" Nate sighs, burying his face in you shoulder with his arm around you.

"Just a few honey, Y/N needs to see the handsome young man she's in love with when he was a cute, innocent, little baby!" She grins, gesturing for Nate to move over so she could place herself between you and her son. You both shuffle along the couch for her and smile as she places the book on her lap and opens it onto the first page.
Immediately you spot a cute picture of Nate, sporting a nice button up shirt, a hat and his dimples on point. He hasn't changed one bit. "Oh this is my favourite picture, he was so happy with his new hat, he just had to try it on!" Kami explains, Nate rolls his eyes.

You continue flipping through the pages until it's time to leave, you all exchange goodbyes and Nate and you walk out of his family home, hand in hand. "Sorry about the picture-"

"It's okay Nate, I enjoyed it and I love your family." You smile, reaching up to connect your lips in a soft, loving kiss.

"That's good, one family down, one more to go." He chuckles, interlocking your hands together as you both walk over to his car to drive back to your shared apartment.

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