N.M - Reality Check

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Can you write an imagine where you find out you're pregnant and you were so excited to tell nate but he comes home drunk and high and you guys get into a fight about him coming home like this and you say something along the lines of "I'm done nate, we're done, I'm not letting my child have this kind of life" and he realizes you're pregnant and promises not to do it anymore but you leave anyway and the jacks and sammy watch nate struggle with the breakup and force you guys to get back together.

-- (Y/N's POV) --

It's been two days since my appointment at the doctors to confirm my pregnancy, it's now the day I scheduled to tell my boyfriend, Friday. He left for the studio a couple of hours ago and not once has he replied to my texts and calls, I know I sound like a clingy girlfriend but he's been partying non stop for the past two weeks - without me, I can't help but worry. Nate promised he wouldn't drink anymore because he's been arriving home early hours in the morning and it's really effecting our relationship.

It's now 10pm, he left at 3pm and there's been no contact. I continue to ring him every half hour, no answer.

4am takes it's time to come around, the time he stumbles into our shared apartment. I stand in the kitchen, he'll have to pass me to get to the bedroom, where he's expecting me to be. He mumbles to himself and almost falls when he sees me. "Nate where have you been?" I ask calmly, deciding that getting worked up will only make matters worse.

"Baby." He slurs, opening his arms for a hug. Despite my protest, he wraps his arms around me, making me sick to my stomach with the smell of weed and alcohol lingering around him.

"Nate stop, sit down," I order, pointing to the stool beside the counter. He obeys and pouts like a little child. "Where the fuck have you been and why haven't you answered my calls?" I ask again, gripping the counter behind me to relieve some pent up anger.

"With the guys, what's your problem Y/N?" He asks, his finger swaying as he points at me. I feed him a piece of bread to sober him up and hand him a glass of water.

"My problem is, Nate, that I had a special night planned for you and you throw it away for drugs and alcohol! You've been coming home early hours in the morning for the past two weeks, I hardly ever see you and when I do you're either drunk or hungover, what's going on?!" I shout, finally allowing myself to show anger.

"It's called being fun Y/N, maybe you should try it one day when you get your head out of your ass!" He retorts, standing up but he didn't intimidate me, I was too angry.

"Shut the fuck up Nate it's not fun but maybe I'll have actual fun with our baby in 9 months, without you." I scoff, stomping off to our bedroom to pack an over night bag.

"Oh yeah, of course you're going to pull the pregnancy card." He sarcastically shouts, a tear slips as I grab a backpack and shove some change of clothes in there with some essentials.

"I'm not pulling anything Nate, we're done, I can't handle this anymore! I do not want or need my child to grow up with such a fuck up for a father." I yell, putting on some shoes with my sweats and a t-shirt.

And with that being said, I ignore him and walk right out of the front door. He doesn't try to stop me.


It's been three days, I've been staying at Sam's house for the meantime and I have ignored all of Nate's calls and texts, giving him a taste of his own medicine.

"Y/N you've got to get out of bed sometime, it's been a couple days and you haven't moved. Have you even eat anything? Damn it Y/N you need to eat for two now." Sam rambles before leaving the room for a few minutes and returning with a tray full of food, I chuckle at his kindness and sit up, the appetite for food over taking my broken heart for a few minutes. At least he believed me when I said I was pregnant.

I eat something before sighing and remembering the whole night I last saw Nate. "Y/N I know you don't want to talk about it but he's in a really bad state, he's wrecked the whole place up and hasn't spoken to anybody, you guys need to work it out." Sam sighs, ignoring his Mom when she shouts him for the visitor at the door.

"I've messed it up Sam, we've both messed up, I regret everything that night. I was being so dramatic, I didn't have to call it off." I don't even attempt to stop the tears that build up in my eyes and eventually fall onto my lap.

There's a knock at the door, the Devil himself walks in unannounced. "I'll uh...leave you guys to it." Sam awkwardly says, smiling slightly as he walks out of the room and closes the door behind him.

The sight of Nate breaks my already broken heart, his eyes are red and puffy, his hair is messy, he looks so broken. "You can sit down." I mutter, noticing he's still standing by the door, staring at me.

He sits down, taking my hand in his, I don't pull away, it's all I've ever wanted in these past three days. "Y/N I'm so fucking sorry, I fucked up big time didn't I?" He sighs, lifting my hand up to kiss the back of it, softly and slowly.

"Yeah, you did, but so did I. I didn't mean it when I said we're over and I didn't mean to call you a fuck up, you're not, you're the complete opposite." I say, the tears fall.

"But it's the truth and I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry Y/N, let me make it up to you." He pleads, resting his forehead on my hand, I feel his tears on my skin.

"You don't have to make it up to me, just promise you'Il stay by my side through this pregnancy." I say, he raises his head.

"You don't know how happy I am right now, I should have believed you, I'm so stupid," He says, letting more tears fall on me as he lifts my shirt up and caresses my stomach, there's no bump yet, it's still early. "Daddy is sorry for being a complete idiot, when you arrive I'm going to be the best daddy and boyfriend, hopefully husband, ever." He promises, threading our fingers together as he kisses my stomach.

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