N.M - Forgiveness.

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Can you write one where nate is all bitchy to you and it bothers you but you won't say anything and on the next day he comes up and apologizes? :)

-- (Y/N's POV) --

I climb out of bed and stretch, looking over my shoulder to see Nate not in bed, I furrow my eyebrows and slip some sweats on since I just sleep in my panties and a t-shirt. I stretch and make my way downstairs to see Nate eating at the dining table in the kitchen. "Oh what did you make?" I ask, smiling at him.

"Bacon, egg and beans." He replies, too busy on his phone.

I look around, frowning when I don't see any for me. "Did you make me any?" I question, looking at him. He shakes his head and doesn't remove his eyes from his phone. "Gee thanks Nate." I mutter under my breath, feeling a little mad because I always make him breakfast every day without fail - even if I'm not having any myself, and he can't even make me some once in return?

I cook my own breakfast and join him at the table, he's half way through his breakfast. "So did you sleep good?" I ask, tucking into my lovely smelling food.

He shrugs his shoulders, scrolling through his phone still. "Alright."

"I had the craziest dream last night," I pause and realise he's not listening, smiling at something on his phone. "Yeah I left you, fucked your best friend and ran off to start a family, how great does that sound huh?"

He hums in response, totally oblivious to what I had just told him. "You know what people say, dreams can come true. I'll be waiting for that to come true, maybe Johnson is willing to take me, what do you think Nate?" I question, I stop eating my food and place my chin on the palm of my hand, watching him ignore me.

"Great babe." He mumbles.

"Yeah, I thought so too, maybe I could steal all your money and leave you homeless too." I frown, anger boiling that he isn't even listening to me.

He hums in response again, typing on his phone. "Nate!" I snap, snatching his phone out of his hand. "Do you have any idea what the fuck I just said?" I ask angrily, locking his phone when I see he was just tweeting.

"God Y/N, no I don't because I don't care about what shoes you're going to buy today or what dress you've seen but haven't bought, I'm a guy baby, I don't care about that stuff."

I scoff bitterly. "Wow Nate, just wow. I don't know what to say to you right now but fuck you for the time being." I push away from the table and scrape my food into the trash before stomping upstairs.

I change into my black gym shorts, a sports bra and my favourite hoodie. Grabbing my fully charged phone and headphones, I hear the front door slam which makes me sigh, even more pent up anger to release when I'm running.


I walk into our house with a new mind set, deciding to be calm and collected like an adult should be.

"What would you like for lunch?" I ask Nate, noticing him on the couch watching a basketball game.

He ignores me, picking up his phone to call somebody. I roll my eyes and head into the kitchen to make myself some lunch.

I eat my sandwich and head into the living room to clean up his small mess, ranting to him about cleaning up after himself - though he didn't listen to a word I said. "This is abandonment Nate, do you realise I could leave you for this?" I ask, he remains ignoring me on his phone. "Whatever, I'm going to shower. When you want to grow up and talk to me, come let me know."


After a shower I change into fresh comfy clothes and dry my hair whilst thinking of reasons Nate is being how he is.

Is it me? Have I don't anything to upset him? What have I done? Is he not telling me something? What can I do to get my Nate back?

I walk down the stairs, refreshed, and boil with anger - throwing the calm and collected Y/N out the window when I smell weed and pizza. I storm into the living room, flinging the door open to see Nate sitting with three girls and Sammy smoking weed and eating pizza whilst watching some weird ass cartoon on the tv. "Uh Nate can I borrow you for a moment?" I sourly smile, eyeing the girls who stare at me with amusement in their eyes, Sammy lays on the floor claiming to see wizards.

"No, I'm busy." He mutters, passing the joint to the brunette who snickers at his reply. The two other girls remain quiet, one sitting on the other's lap whilst playing with each other's hair.

I walk over to him and grab his ear, dragging him to the kitchen. "What the fuck is going on Nate? I thought you promised to quit that shit!" I yell, remembering the close call he had the last time he got high.

"Letting loose Y/N, I'm sick and tired of you nagging me. I want to forget." He replies, rubbing his red eyes.

I chuckle bitterly, crossing my arms. "Fuck you, for the second time today, asshole." I snap and walk out, grabbing my car keys and walking up stairs to change. I change into a casual dress and converse with my hair in a sleek pony before grabbing my bag, phone and keys.

"Where are you going?" Nate asks as he sees me walk towards the front door, dresses to go out.

I ignore him, giving him a taste of his own medicine, and slam the door behind me. Climbing into my car, I call a friend, who's been there for me through thick and thin. "Hey girl, what's up?" She answers, I giggle and put the phone on speaker so I can drive at the same time.

"Nate's being an ass, want to go shopping?"


"Baby, Y/N wake up." Nate wakes me up by shaking my shoulder, sitting on the edge of Y/F/N's spare bed.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Apologising for being a dick to you-"

"Finally, thank God." I sigh in relief, sitting up. Thankfully he doesn't still smell of weed and he's cleaned himself up, he looks hot like always.

He chuckles sadly, lowering his head in shame. "I'm so sorry baby, I don't know what's been up with me lately, I'm such a dick." He sighs, resting his head on my shoulder.

"That you are but I half forgive you, you know how much I hate being ignored." I pout, running my fingers through his hair gently.

"I know I'm so," he kisses my shoulder. "So," he kisses my collar bone. "So," he kisses up my neck. "So," he kisses my jawline. "So," he kisses my cheek. "So," he kisses the corner of my lips. "Sorry." He finally kisses my lips, smiling into them.

"Say sorry all you like, only a couple rounds of sex are gonna' make up for this." I smirk, he blushes.

"If that's what I gotta do, that's what I'll do." He tackles me down onto the mattress, pinning my hands to the mattress to kiss me passionately.

Three loud bangs erupt from the bedroom door. "You guys better not be fucking in there! That's my spare bed!" Y/F/N yells from the other side of the door, Nate and I burst out laughing.

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