N.M - Fire.

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• Can u do an imagine with nate: Theres a fire in ur house and u cant get out and the fireman if here and theres tons of ppl outside and nate comes over to visit u but he relaizes that thers a fire in ur house and he tries to get in ur house but the police wont let him go and the fireman finds u and they put u on a strecher and nate is worried and so on and so on SORRY if its confusing love ur blog can u do it from u and and nate pov thank u

-- (Y/N's POV) --

I lay in bed half asleep, missing my boyfriend who's at the studio still. He said he'd be home in half an hour ago, a couple of hours ago. I've left him calls and texts, mad and disappointed that he forgot about the dinner we planned.

I was dressed up, in his favourite dress of mine, my naturally straight hair curly and my make up to perfection. We don't live together but he sleeps over 5 nights of the 7, he's at the studio at least 2 nights. But I don't mind, he needs to focus on his career.

I fall asleep, an unusual smell lingering in my nostrils.

-- (Nate's POV) --

I walk out of the store after buying Y/N her favourite snacks as a apology for not coming home when I was supposed to. My phone died and I got caught up with writing a new song that I didn't even find a way to let her know I wouldn't be coming home, I fucked up big time and snacks aren't going to help but what else can I do at this time of night? Stores are closed.

I jump in my car and begin driving to her small house her dad bought her for her 21st birthday. I wanted her to move in with me but not everything goes as planned.

Blue and red lights flash as I pull into the street she lives in, my imagination gets the best of me. It may be her neighbours.

But Y/N is always forgetting to switch things off, it annoys me because I worry about her leaving her straighteners on one day and coming back to a pile of ash.

The fire truck is parked in the middle of the road, I jump out, not bothering to shut the door or switch off the engine - I need to check she's okay. I run to the tape where her neighbours are crowded, in their night clothes and worried expressions on their faces. I search for Y/N and a string of curses escape when I don't see her.

"Mrs West, have you seen Y/N?" I ask the old women frantically, grabbing onto her fragile shoulders.

She shakes her head, looking up at the house in flames. "Nathan she's still in there." She informs, sympathetically patting my back as I stare up at the house in shock.

That's her house? The house I've been sleeping in more than my own apartment downtown? It's unrecognisable, burnt and unidentifiable. But my limbs move naturally, taking me under the tape and to the front door. Four arms catch me at the porch, dragging me back down as I scream curse words and Y/N's name.

"My girlfriends in there! Fucking let me go!" I scream, angry tears hastily make their way down my face.

"Sir you cannot go in there." A police officer yells, pulling me back down where they restrain me by their cars.

"I've got to get her! You don't fucking understand just let me go!" I shout, squirming to get out of their grip but they're too strong.

"Sir we understand, the firemen are doing their best to get her out of there. Do you live here?" He asks.

My girlfriend is in a burning down house and he's asking me questions? He's a madman.

"Let me go," I scream, freezing when I see one fireman walking out of the house with my beautiful girl over his shoulder. He puts her down on the neighbours lawn where it's safe and begins wafting air in front of her face as others rush over with a oxygen mask. "Let me go!" I shout once more, yanking out of their grips and over to Y/N.

I watch from behind the paramedics, waiting for them to do what they have to do to save her. Her body is limp, I collapsed to my knees and reached between two paramedics to hold her hand. "Y/N." I cry, squeezing her hand in mine.

"We've got a pulse." One announces, her fingers twitch in mine. I squeeze my way between the paramedics, repeatedly whispering her name as she comes back around, using the oxygen mask on her face.

"Y/N, baby, I'm right here, you're alive, you're okay." I cry, resting my forehead on the back of her hand and she squeezes my hand back.

Her beautiful eyes crack open slowly, looking around with a terrified expression on her face. My heart shattered when I saw her face, so scared and innocent. "Sir we're going to take her to the hospital, are you family?"

"Of course I fucking am, I'm going in with her." I snap, caressing her face.

They place her onto a stretcher and carry her to the ambulance, my hand still in hers.

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