N.M - Big Brother

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An imagine of Nate begin my older brother and a guy at school knocks on my door for a date we made but Nate is protective of me so he says no and shuts the door on his face but in the end we make up and have cute bro/sis moments? Thank u!

- (Y/N's POV) -

The doorbell rings just as I secure a last bobby pin in my hair, it's 6:55pm, Caleb isn't supposed to be here yet.

I rush down the stairs because my parents are out on their own date and my brother is on tour so nobody else can let him in. I open the door after checking I look acceptable in the mirror in the hallway. Expecting a hot school jock to be standing there, I'm left in shock as I see my older brother Nate with his luggage. "Nate?" I squeal, pouncing into his arms, not caring if I messed up my hair or creased my floral dress, he's been away for three months and I've missed him like crazy.

"Y/N!" He chuckles, picking me up off my feet, squeezing me tight. "Why are you dressed up looking beautiful?" He asks, setting me back down on my feet.

"Oh uh...I've got a date." I mutter, shyly tucking a few strands of my hair behind my ear.

"A date?" He questions, looking at me as if I'd just insulted his tattoos. "When, where, with who?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing at he drags his suitcase and bag into our house.

"At 7pm, at the movies and with a guy from school." I tell him shyly, fiddling with my fingers.

"Yeah in your dreams Y/N, you're not going on a date unless I've met him already." He says, I frown with anger.
"You can't control me Nate, I'm 17." I argue, stomping my foot a little.

"Not an adult yet and acting like a toddler, I'm serious Y/N," he sternly says, I roll my eyes and walk into the living room to watch tv for the time being. "Text him and tell him you can't make it, delete his number after that." He orders, I scoff.

"Are you listening to yourself Nate? You're acting as if I'm about to marry the guy, it's a little date." My voice raises before a knock on the front door is heard.

Nate beats me there, stepping outside, stopping me from interfering. I press my ear to the wooden door. "Are you here to take Y/N on a date?" Nate asks, his voice sounding intimidating from my point of view.

"Uh yeah, who are you?" Caleb replies, I groan quietly - his defensive attitude won't get him anywhere with Nate.
"Her brother so turn around and come back where you came from, she's not able to make it." Nate orders, I bang the door to let him know I'm not okay with his decision.

Caleb leaves few minutes later after questioning why he's locked me in the house, I run up to my room when I hear a car drive off and Nate reenters the house. "Y/N!" He yells loudly.

I ignore him and climb onto my bed, hoping my eyes don't disobey and let tears drip. My bedroom door opens with a creek, Nate sighs and sits down beside me, lifting my head up to place it on his lap. "Y/N I'm sorry."

"It's too late for that Nate, I really like him and that was my only chance, he's going to avoid me like the plague in school forever now." I punch his knee, letting him know I'm still mad at him.

"You're too good for him anyway, that hairstyle is a mess. He's an ass and you can do way better than him." He assures, playing with the ends of my hair.

"I'm still mad." I mutter, he chuckles.

"I know but right now I need you to forget what happened and give me some lovin' because I've missed you," He says, pulling me up so we can hug comfortably. "And for the record, I'm your older brother, it's my duty to ruin your potential relationships and make you become a nun as soon as." He adds, I giggle and reach up to kiss his stubbly cheek.

"Nunnery is a no go."

"We'll just have to wait and see." He chuckles, kissing the top of my head.

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