N.M - Panic At Childbirth

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• Can u do an nate imagine: y/n is giving birth and then the baby comes out fine but y/n isint breathing and nate gets worried after 5 mins y/n starts beathing again and everything is fine

-- (Nate's POV) --

"Come on Y/N you can do it! I can see the head!" The midwife announces, the water from my eyes falls as my sweaty wife goes through torture.

She squeezes my hand, it goes purple but I don't care - she's giving birth to my baby boy or girl. We kept the sex a surprise and kept the baby's room neutral colours for either sex.

"Baby come on, you can do it." I urge her, placing my free hand on her forehead to wipe the sweat away, knowing how much it irritates her.

A few minutes later the midwife announces one more push, I resist the urge to jump up and down for joy and stay by Y/N's side with her hand suffocating mine. "Y/N I'm so proud of you, come on, one push and it'll all be over." I smile, kissing her hand as she gives one last push as ordered.

The screams and cries erupt from the tiny baby laying between Y/N's spread legs. "Congratulations it's a baby boy!" The nurse smiles, placing our baby in Y/N's arms. I smile brightly, crying whilst admiring my beautiful baby boy.

"Well done baby, I knew you could do it." I whisper in her ear before kissing her sweaty forehead. The cord is cut and our baby is wrapped up in a blanket for the time being.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to step outside." The doctor says as the nurses rush around frantically.

My stomach drops, I look down to Y/N and see her pale face with her eyes closed. My boy is taken from my arms and two doctors pull me off the bed, pulling me to the door despite my protest. "What the fuck? Get off me! That's my wife! What's wrong with her? I need to be by her side!" I yell, fighting the doctors as they push me towards the door but I break down outside the door as they eventually push me out.

"Bro what happened? Where's my little niece or nephew?" I hear Sam ask as he runs towards me from the waiting room with a bunch of flowers in his hand.

I don't reply, just cry even more. He pulls me up to a chair and sits me downs, hugging me. "Sh-she was so pa-pale." I sob, he pats my back.

"She'll pull through, she's a fighter." He tells me, my heart clenches.

She needs to fight, she can't give up, her own parents aren't even here yet!

We wait for a few more minutes before finally the doctor walks out, handing me my clean and healthy baby boy. "How is Y/N?" I ask straight away, cradling my boy in my arms as Sam admires him and ignores our conversation for privacy.

"She's well Mr Maloley, she lost a lot of blood which caused her to pass out but she's awake again and wishes to see you." He tells me, patting my shoulder as I put my head down and kiss my son's head.

She's okay, she's awake.

"Here, I'll take this little man and you go in, I'll wait a couple of minutes." Sam smiles, patting my back before I hand him and walk into the room where Y/N lays, looking less pale than before.

"Y/N." Is all I say, multiple tears fall and hug her tightly as the nurses and doctors leave us alone.

"That was so scary Nate." It broke my heart to hear her weak, shaken voice.

"I know baby, I was scared too but you're better now, you're going to be okay." I assure her, kissing her lips.

We hug for a while longer and wait for Sam to walk in with our baby. He safely places him in Y/N's arms and I sit beside her on the bed, admiring my new family. "I love you too so much." I whisper to them, wrapping my arms around the both of them.

"We love you too Nate."

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