78. no strings attached

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w// smut😛


with mikasa's hand still on top of yours, your mind started racing. you remembered your previous activities with her and suddenly felt the need to do it again.

god y/n can you sit through one movie with her without thinking about fucking her?

'is she okay?'

"what's wrong?" she asked

"hm? oh i-uh...nothing." you shook off her concern

"you sure? did i do something?" she moved her hand away

"wait- no! just was thinking about last night...that's it." you admitted

"what about last night?"

you instantly smiled, the memories coming to surface in your mind.

"ah, i see. you miss it huh?" mikasa smirked, understanding what you meant

"literally shut up, i'm not having this conversation with you." you laughed, shoving your friend playfully

"aww cmon you were almost there? i wanna know what you missed." she smiled, pressing you for answers lightheartedly

"nothing." you tried to keep a straight face "watch the movie."

"please? i won't tell." she gave you that look that would always make you give in.

"i'm going to bed, see you upstairs if you're coming-." you moved the decorative pillows off your lap and began to get up but she tugged your arm back down, making you fall back onto the couch. "mikasa! what the hell." you whined

"forgot i was stronger than you, huh?"

"you cant hold me hostage like this you know?"

"you ready to tell me what you were smiling about earlier or not?"

"you." you said just to get her off your back about it

"that's it?"

"yes. you."

"nice." she let your hand go, pretending she didn't care.

"that's it? after all that, that's all you have to say to me?" you scoffed

"well since you miss me so bad come do something else about it?"

"that a dare?" you raised a brow

"no, a request. come and do something about it. i'm waiting." she challenged

im supposed to be keeping my guard up...but if she's down then so am i

maybe we can make out for a few minutes and be done.


you straddled yourself on her lap. looking down at her for once gave you butterflies. the smirk on her face sent your mind into a frenzy, with your stomach in knots you had to try to hold yourself together. you lifted her head to have her look at you more before leaning in and starting to kiss her lips.

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