69. but i still love you

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pulling up in front the band's house after a long day of shopping it began to rain hard outside, storming almost.

"damn i'm gonna get soaked." you looked out your window, your eyes following the water droplets on the glass."do you have umbrella?" you turned to mikasa in your seat as she parked on the driveway.

"no, i had no idea it was gonna rain i'm sorry."


"wait- get out the car." mikasa unbuckled her seatbelt with a sudden wave of excitement in her.

"what? get the stuff?" you started to rush and grab a few things but she hurried out the vehicle. she ran over to your side and opened your car door.

"mikasa what the hell are you doing?" you giggled as she started to unbuckle you and take you out the car herself.

"come on, i've never got to do this." she took your hand and led you into the empty street. rain was now soaking you guys from head to toe.

"MIKASA WE'RE IN THE FUCKING STREET!" you screamed/ laughed while she dragged you out. you tried to scurry out of the road but she came from behind and carried you back out with her. you kicked and screamed playfully while being held.

"nobody's here, come on." her arms were wrapped around you. standing in the rain, she put you down. you turned around to face her, she struggled to blink away the pouring water that streamed down her face. "you know i'm yours right?" she looked down at you.

"i know." you teased

"say it back dumbass." she moved a strand of hair that was stuck to your skin behind your ear.

"no." you giggled.

"god, i love you so much." she melted at the sound of your laugh.

"prove it-." you challenged but your words were interrupted by mikasa's lips attaching to yours. at the moment your lips met there was a silent discharge of lightning in the grey skies.

your hand cupping her wet cheek as you kissed, just like in the movies. just as things were soon to turn into making out you were both startled by a loud clap of thunder.

"oh shit- we should head in." you held your hand over your heart to calm yourself down.

"nooo, please just a few more minutes?" she begged.

"mikasa if i get strikes by lightning then i'm no-."

"shhh, you won't." she whispered to you while holding you close.

"how come you're always the one holding me and not the other way around." you wondered out loud

"cause i'm taller than you."

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