11. open mouth, open heart

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today in your art class you guys were working with clay. your young art teacher, petra, was always very chill and let you and your hectic friend group sit together.

she was a plant mom, you could always go to her like a friend but she'd usually end up turning the conversation into something about her cacti or her 3 cats.

conversations with her would go: "oh your aunt died? i feel ya, my cacti nearly died last week and i was so broken. but hey, want some avocado toast, i brought my everything bagel seasoning today!"

you, sasha, and mikasa sat at the end of the table talking shit about teachers and students who pissed you off (fl*ch) while petra walked around the room.

she wore mom jeans with a bob ross crop top, some vans, and cute harry potter like glasses. her shoulder length orange hair was worn down. she held a plastic container of hummus and some carrots, occasionally dipping in the vegetable then eating it while looking over students shoulder's.

"connie...what is this?" petra stopped at connies spot at your table with a disappointed look on her face. eren and jean began laughing at the boy's work.

"a dick." he looked up at her with an honest answer

"connie this is inappropriate for school and you know it." she was visibly disappointed in his response

"sorry." he hung his head while his friends laughed. "i'm giving this to my girlfriend for our anniversary." he whispered. armin let out a sigh at his dumb friend.

"and sasha what do we have here?" petra examined her work

"i dunno, sum i threw together." she shrugged. they both titled their heads at sasha's plop of clay trying to figure out what it was.

"you can make a hat, and i can put it on my cactus! doesnt that sound nice!" petra patted the girl's shoulder


"mikasa, nice work." petra complimented the girl, she made a scull with a butterfly on top of the hole where the nose would be. "i'm also loving the hair." she said, fluffing it up before walking away from the table


"i'm gonna miss this class the most." mikasa said

"me too." you agreed

"i'm not, i fucking suck at art, i only like it here cause petra let's me eat her lunch leftovers." sasha said

after a moment of silence, the conversation came back up.

"oh yeah mikasa, don't think i forgot, what the hell was your story with y/n this weekend?" sasha asked

"yeah mikasa." connie chimed in, causing your other friends at the table to gain curiosity

you looked down at the table so you wouldn't have to see your friend's eyeing you both down. the short haired girl's pale cheeks stained bright red.

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