2O. its brutal out here

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5:26 PM

speeding on the highway with the windows rolled down, you had your mind on one thing and one thing only. armin's phone.

in the short span of 5 minutes you came up with a somewhat decent plan to get armin off your dick and maybe even get you on his just to get in his head.

"y/n slow down." sasha said from the back seat "we're gonna get a ticket."

"hush, not the time, just be on the look out." you said keeping your eyes on the road. switching from lane to lane to prevent getting held up, you were nervous but had to play it cool. that's the only way this would work.

"are you sure this will work?" connie asked from the passengers seat

"if it doesn't i'm offing myself, so we kind of have no choice but to make it work."

your (h/texture) hair blew in your face from the fast wind but you didn't have time to look cute, you had business to handle. (AH OMG I FEEL SO BADASS WRITING THIS RN)



5:40 PM

arriving in the gated community you parked 4 houses down and you planned to walk the band's house so nobody would see you.

"okay, everyone knows what they have to do right?" you said putting your hair in a ponytail then putting the hood of your hoodie on.

"yeah, let's do this shit." connie cheered, he would be the watchdog and would relocate if necessary.

you rolled up your windows and hopped out the car with sasha. she put her hood on and started the walk to the house.

"oh my god i feel like a spy right now, AH!" sasha squealed, walking on the side walk

"i kind of have to admit this is really fun." you said

"isn't this kind of illegal?"

"not really since mikasa is letting us in the house." you said.

stopping at the house next to theirs you took out your phone and texted mikasa to let her know you were outside so she could open her window.

mikasa 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
it's open

dw hes in his office


"she's ready, let's go." you said stuffing your phone in your back pocket and going to their house. you hopped on top of their large trashcan and jumped on top the roof, your crazy friend followed.

"OH MY GOSH.!" sasha nearly fell off the roof backwards but she caught herself in time.

"SHUTUP!" you said trying to tip toe across the roof

"YOU GUYS ARE SO LOUD!" mikasa popped her head through the window, ready to help you guys in.


"thanks." sasha said climbing inside mikasa's room. the short haired girl closed her window.

"alright, he's in the office so we just gotta distract him enough and grab his phone." mikasa said

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