59. wildest dreams

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10:00 PM

all your belongings were just about packed. months worth of things that were organized in shelves and other places were now packed away into 3 large suitcases. this would be your last night in this bedroom with your girlfriend and god you wanted to die thinking about it.

shockingly since sasha left 2 weeks ago she'd been doing really well in florida. you'd been getting goodbye messages from family members and even your own mom which definitely shocked you. even your sister, you felt a bit better knowing she lived in new york too so hopefully now you could build a better relationship with her and her 1 year old son.


"we should head to bed, we have to bring you to the airport for 5 tomorrow." mikasa warned you

"i don't wanna sleep, i just wanna cuddle with you all night." you pouted, you sat on the edge of the bed while mikasa threw on a oversized hoodie to get ready to climb into bed.

"so do i, but then youll be tired for orientation."

"i don't care, i just want as much time with you as possible." you said as mikasa turned off her lights which left the red led lights being the only thing brightening the room.

"are you excited!" mikasa tried to make you feel better, she climbed onto her side of the bed that was near the window.

"yeah!" you made yourself sound more happier than you actually were but the tears in your eyes quickly debunked that.

"aww, babe." she sat down and hugged you.

"i mean im happy but im so scared." you whimpered

"of what? being alone?"

"yeah and that this'll be my last time with you forever."

"like what if we break up?"


"i cant lie, im scared of that too but...even if we do im not leaving your life y/n. before im your girlfriend, remember im your best friend."

"yeah." you nodded, "i just don't know what i'm gonna do without you."

"the same thing you did without me, babe." she answered you honestly. her words tore you apart but that was the sacrifice you had to make in order to follow your dreams.

"i don't remember what my life was like when you weren't there for me everyday." you shook your head

"you'll figure it out, and i'm always just a call away!"

"but what about when you go to japan? how am i supposed to contact you- mikasa i don't know what i'm gonna do." you paced with tears flowing uncontrollably

"we'll cross that bridge when we get there, just calm down." she said as you laid down next to her, facing her you cried into her chest while she rubbed your back. tears rolled down the side of her face. she tried to hold herself together for you but she couldn't.

"mikasa, please don't forget me." you pleaded with a shaky voice "please. i don't think i could ever move on after this, please."

the genuine fear in your voice broke her heart. "i won't...i won't." she held you tighter. the rest of that night you both cried yourselves to sleep.



5:13 AM

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