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Thank you for taking interest in this book. I must say it is one of my favorite works so far. It is completed for the most part and will be edited soon so any mistakes and grammar issues, I apologize in advance.

For my usual readers, this work may be different. Seeing that most of my works were written when I was younger, the characters reflected that age. This work for me started young too but at a time where I was transitioning from teenage into young adulthood.

This book is completely fictional. The names, persons, events are all the sole imagination of the author. Remember it's a story, it may not reflect exactly how things are in real life.

This book also does contain mature themes in terms of language, sex, violence etc.

With that being said, this book is under the Copyright law. There may be no duplication of the book or the ideas presented in the book. I would like to avoid conflict... take it as a warning.

I really hope you enjoy this work as much as I do.
~KemrezM ♡

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