A Little Nicer

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Later At McKinley In The Choir Room

Will, Sue, Sebastian, and Joe walked into the room. "Before, we start Sebastian has the floor." Will said to everyone. "Everyone it's is Joe and he is joining the New Directions." Sebastian said to them. "Hey." Joe said to everyone who claps for him. "Take a seat, Joe." Sebastian said to him and the two boys sit down. "Let's give our undivided attention to Coach Sue." Will said to them and Sue walks to the front. "First off, please don't ask me which celebrity is the father of my baby. Please. I will release that information once I've finalized my book and movie deal." Sue said to them and she walks closer to them. "Now, it has come to my attention that I have been a tad harsh with some of you. I thought I was being kind. Kids, it's in my DNA to be intense, okay, just like it's in Porcelain's DNA to poop rainbow glitter." Sue said to them making Jesse look at Kurt. "Now, I'll admit I-I behaved badly. I also realized something. I am here for two very important reasons. Number one: Mr. Schuester needs at least one adult friend. And number two: I am hoping that the miraculous life growing inside of me can soak up some of your constantly annoying, though admittedly laudable, optimism and decency." Sue said to them with a smile. "Now, I promise to be nicer if you promise to work your talented little butts off until they hand you that first-place trophy in Chicago." Sue said to them making everyone stand up cheering for her making Sue smile.

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