my cuddler☘[2/2]

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Part two of Anxiety

As Dream fixed himself with gay attack Sapnap was busy  fixing prostions, he fanilly got comfortable on his boyfriends lap as Dream  came back to reality, Sapnap was also hiding his face in his neck.

"Ah so you guys herd-" Dream said amiring at his adorable dark haired boyfriend.

Dono- What happend to Dnf :/

Sapnap hated the fact that others ship his boyfriend with there bestfriend.

"That ship died back in February when Dream got rejected" Sapnap said with a tint of jealously in his voice.

"Well Honstly that is true considering that's when me and Sapnap got together and Gorge got with Nija" Dream said as Sapnap kissed his neck.

Dono- doesn't mean people won't stop shipping but #Dreamnaparch let's goooo.

"We are perfectly aware of it just a certain someone gets jealous" Dream said looking straight as Sapnap as the blue light falls onto his small body.

- Sapnap mumbling -

Dono- Sapnap jealously arch... any takers? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Dream just laughs lightly "mmm yeah ovisolsy I take that daily" Dream said as his boyfriend stares dangers at him with his firce dark green eyes.

"S.shut up" Sapnap said with a light growl.

Dream leaned in to his ear "does someone want my dick far up them cause that can be arranged" he whispered.

"D..dream what the hell!" Sapnap said heating up with blush.

"Damn your adorable when you're embarrassed" Dream said with a evil like smirk.

Sapnap noticed Dreams bracelets fiddling around with the green and black braided bracelet.

Dream just smiled at Sapnap as he was being utterly adorble, he loves how clingy and cuddly Sapnap is  with him, sure the separation anxiety can be a bit annoying  sometimes, but regardless he loves Sapnap more then anything in this world, he loved everything about the soft side that not many see of Sapnap, he's really the only one and now his stream that have seen this adorable side of him.

Sapnap soon grabbed Dreams hand that was on his waist, Dream had it scaurlly around Sapnap so he couldn't fall off of his lap, as Sapnap just stared at his tall dirty blond, that has glowing green eyes, that's just filled of love. Dream of coruse held his hand back.

Since Sapnap was side tracked by fiddling with his bracelets, he looked at chat seeing toxic pepole.

"Alright that's it Streams done" Dream said ending the stream.

"W..why you end the stream?" Sapnap said quietly.

"It's not because of you, the dnf shippers in chat was just being toxic and I don't need you seeing that shit" Dream said nuzzling Sapnaps cheek.

"Love you babe" Sapnap said quietly yet lovely.

"Love you to baby" Dream said smiling at his adorable little boyfriend.

Protective Dream & soft clinging Sapnap arch. Lol.

Just Love ^Dreamnap Oneshots^[ended]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora