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**Adrian's Pov.**

When I came to I was in a room I didn't recognize.
My head was pounding and my body was aching.
When I tried to think back to what happened.
Everything went blank.
I frowned deeply sitting up in the bed as I tried to take in my surroundings but had this weird feeling coming over me at the sound of the shower turning off.

Where was I?
My eyes fell on the door that I assumed lead to the bathroom before this guy walked out and my brows knitted.
Everything was telling me I was supposed to be terrified of this person.
But at the same time.
I was calm.
My eyes watched him as he paid me no mind at the time as he walked over to the closet, dropping the towel as he exposed his body completely.
Again, I wasn't phased watching him.
And I wasn't sure why that was.
I wasn't even sure who I was.

"How's your head?" He asked finally and his voice was deep.
I sat there and stared frowning.
"It hurts." I answered and he turned to me for me to finally take his face in.
He was tan with brown hair and hazel eyes piercing me before he smirked softly walking over with a pill.

"You don't remember the last two days of being brought here?" He asked offering me the pill and I stared at it frowning.
"No." I answered.
"Ah, really?" He stepped up looking down at me and before I could react.
He was tapping my forehead as if sending me to the past.

"LET ME GO! ABEL!" I screamed for anyone to help but it was pointless being practically dragged up the stairs of this castle.
And all the people passing by completely dismissed what was going on.
I didn't want to die.
I wanted to go back home.
I wanted Abel.
I wanted my mom.
The tears were burning as these guys slammed open the door before tossing me out into the middle where I was surrounded by what I assumed, were vampires.

"This is him?" The man with blond hair questioned before I turned to the other guy who threw me in here, I remembered his name.
I glared daggers at the other.

"Take me back." I demanded using what courage I had from the adrenaline of being terrified as I stormed right up to the other but let out a sharp gasp feeling the chains that were on my wrists pulling me back.

"Feisty isn't he?" The blond smirked and I glared.
"I had to knock him out back in California and when he woke up, he was noisy like he is now." Orpheus commented with crossed arms.
"Have you informed Church of what you've done? I'm sure the plan was to bring the boy to him, not us." The blond smirked amused.
Orpheus shrugged.
"What can I say? I don't take orders from guys like him, I do what I want when I want, as long as it's approved by you guys." He stated.

I was glaring harshly at the two.
"What's the point in bringing me here? Why keep going after Abel? He's done nothing wrong since you exiled him for a crime he didn't commit!" I yelled now causing the two above me to end their conversation as they stared.

"It's disgusting how humans like you think they have free range to speak to us however you like, you should know your place when it comes to comparing us to pathetic things like Abel." This black haired red eyed vampire spoke out cruelly.
I glared at the other.
"You talk bad about him but yet you respect him? How does that work?!" I demanded.
The black haired vampires eye twitched.

"We could just vote now and kill the human, it's one less parasite we have to deal with." He said now.
And my blood ran cold which only earned smirks from the others.
"Well that shut him up." He stepped up and walked over to Orpheus and the others.
"I'm sure he will find a way to come here to rescue his little human, but in three days this human will be judged-"

"Say, Remus, I have a suggestion." I felt sick.
This guy was Remus?
I watched the black haired vampire turn to this brunet who had a bored look on his face.

"We could just use compulsion on the human, make him forget all about those people and that life in California and make him think he lives here as our human, I think that would be more fun than just killing him for the hell of it." He shrugged and my eyes were wide.
I could feel everything I had ate the day we went to my moms trying to come up.

"Aw Malik, are you wanting a human pet?" This girl with long black hair and bright red eyes questioned with an amused grin on her face.
The brunet blinked but shrugged.
"I just want to break him a bit it's better than killing him, all we do anymore is kill and it's gotten stale." He stood to his feet and his eyes were on Remus who was watching him.

"You'd rather have him as a pet?"
Malik stared.
"I prefer the idea of calling him a toy than a pet, I mean you can't fuck a pet, that's pretty weird." He smirked and my heart stopped.
I was terrified.

"No." I found myself saying but it was more quiet than I wanted it to sound.
My throat was dry as this guy named Malik walked in my direction now.
"Permission to have him as a toy, Remus?" He caught the chained collar around my neck pulling me up.
Remus watched us before shrugging.
"Permission granted, we'll deal with the trespassers when they arrive, but I'm sure by then. You'll have your human broken to the point he doesn't even know his own name." He smirked and the tears fell before my eyes were met with dark hazel eyes.

"Congrats, you passed the death sentence." He said tapping my head.

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