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**Adrian's Pov.**

"I don't usually question things but isn't it a tad weird weird we haven't heard from the guys?" I looked to Josie sitting in Chemistry.
It was so odd that none of the vampires were in the school.
Not even Devyn.
And that's what had me more confused.
He almost never skips school unless something came up.
But then he'd text one of us.
Jayce was also m.i.a.

"Devyn may be playing hooky, apparently Sevyn grilled him yesterday before school ended about not seeing them anymore." Josie frowned at me writing the notes down.
I blinked.
"He does see them-"
"Not really." Josie arched a brow at me.
"I've been hanging with Sevyn a lot more since the three of you pretty much bailed on us, so I know things that has Sevyn steamed, like the fact their mom has an early stage of alzheimers." She told me and my eyes grew wide.
"What?" My brows were knitted.
Josie studied me for a minute.
"It wasn't really my place to tell you but yeah," she leaned back in the desk frowning.
"She was diagnosed with it last Thursday before it really hit her a few days ago, she couldn't remember who she was and actually forgot who Devyn was." She frowned and my brows knitted.

"But Sevyn wouldn't let her forget," she wiped her eyes.
"He would be late to class and early to leave just to get home to her to remind her of everything all over again, he's been miserable doing it alone so I helped for a few days since Devyn had other important things-"
"It isn't like that." I frowned at her and she glared.
"It's not? Tell me Adrian, because you've also been missing out on a lot of stuff, did you know that your own sister is pregnant?" She asked me and my eyes grew wide.

She scoffed.
"Of course not, she's been dating Briar Gilmore for a while now and everyone pretty much noticed how big she's gotten, pregnancy wise." Josie looked to me annoyed.
"I get you three have these important distractions but you should also focus on your families, they've all been worried because you three are never where they need you at important times like this." She ran a hand through her hair.
"So my advice to you as your friend," she said icily.
"Is to home for once and to see your family before you run off to that other life you prefer." She told me as the bell rang and suddenly everything hurt.
Especially watching her leave without me.

I wrote Abel that I would be over sometime later but got nothing in response which was pretty odd as I made my way to the house.
Laurie was pregnant and I'm probably the worst little brother, she's always supported me and I've been off living in the vampire universe not acknowledging the human one.

I stood in the front yard staring at the house door with a deep frown.
I knew they were all going to be angry that I suddenly decided to pop in.
Yeah I was home last night.
But no one was home.
Mom was at work and the guys and I guess Laurie went out.
I guess that was fair.
I vanish on them so they vanish on me.

I walked through the front door to only hear loud chatter in the kitchen.
It sounded happy?
I swallowed before walking down the hall into the area that was noisy before stopping at who was standing in the kitchen with my mom and siblings.

"Abel?" I looked at him confused and his expression scared me at how it changed from this faked happiness to serious.
"Adrian, hello." He forced a smile and my eyes fell on my mom and them.

"You didn't tell me Abel here was such a gentlemen Adrian, you definitely need to keep him." My mom said first and I wanted to smile but something was keeping me from that.
Why was he here without telling me first?
Something wasn't adding up.
"He has his moments." I walked in further looking to Laurie and I flinched at how big she actually was.
She looked like she was going to pop.

"Oh." My brows knitted looking at my sister and she looked at me before smiling softly.
"Abel, you can take Adrian away after the two of us talk in private." She took my hand and lead me out of the room and into hers before she closed the door and kept her back to me staring at it.

"Really, Adrian, you're involved with them as well?" She asked me now and my brows knitted.
"Vampires, please don't play dumb when I already know about the one you're dating in the kitchen." She crossed her arms looking at me and my eyes grew wide.
"H-How do you-"
"Because my boyfriend is one." She looked at me frowning and my eyes fell to her stomach.
"You've known this whole time.." I frowned and she smiled softly before sitting the two of us down on the bed.

"I've known for a few years actually, except when I first got with Briar he held off on telling me, and when he did tell me.. I was so scared of what would happen to you guys," she ran a hand through her hair.
"But he promised nothing would happen to anyone in this house and that he wanted us to be together," she smiled softly.
"So we started dating about two years ago, we were both pretty serious about each other and he's nothing but loyal to me and I love that about him." She put her hand on mine.
"And when he found out I was carrying his kid? He was so excited, Adrian." Her eyes had tears in them.
"He couldn't stop beaming over the fact he was going to be a dad and that he'd have a mini him running around soon." She looked down at the carpet.

"I noticed the way you and Abel looked at each other when you came in earlier, you both care a lot about one another and that's honestly great. I want you two to work like me and Briar have, they say it's hard for a human and a vampire to date, but we've made it work this long and I know you two can as well." She looked at me.

"I know I'm probably rambling but you looked at me, the guys and mom all terrified we were going to tear into you about never being home, but none of us are going to be like that when you're dating someone you like. It's understandable and you want your space, Abel has obviously made you feel safe living with them and I think if you talked to mom. She'd let you come home on the weekends to see us." She bumped shoulders with me and tears fell.

"I can't just up and leave-"
"Adrian, you're in love with Abel." She told me and the words chilled me to the bone as I looked at her.
She smiled sadly.
"I've heard a mix of things when it comes to that guy out there, how he may or may not have killed some kid, and how most of the vampire race hates him for it? But Briar told me he doesn't think Abel was capable of killing his little sisters best friend." She told me and my brows knitted.

"His little sisters best friend?"
Laurie blinked.
"Oh yeah, her names Ryn or something? It's such a cute name for a girl, if I have a little girl I think I'd want to name her something as cute as that." She smiled softly thinking about it.

"But I want you to know no one in the room is mad at you, so you can relax a little when you come and visit us." She went to get up but I jumped up first and helped her to her feet.
She smiled softly.
I looked at her.
"When are you due?" I asked and she looked at her belly.
"In three months." She told me and I stared.
"You look like you're going to pop." I pointed out and she grinned.
"Well yeah but no, this little one still has some cooking to do before they're able to come out of the oven." She opened the bedroom door and I followed her out.

"Did you two talk?" Mom asked and I walked over to her hugging the other.
"We did and I want to apologize for being missing a lot." I told her and she hugged me tighter.
"Baby we are not worried about that, just make sure you come home some time for a home cooked meal made by your mom." She smiled softly.
"I'm not telling you to move in with your boyfriend over there who's been nothing but nice waiting for you to come home, but I know now why you're never home now. I really thought it had to due with Jayce or maybe Devyn." She shrugged and I looked at her pulling away.
"No, it's all because of him." I told her looking to Abel who watched me closely and I was getting nervous.

"We're going to leave but I'll come by tomorrow and stay a few days to catch up with you guys." I walked over to Abel who looked like he was ready to leave and my mom smiled softly.
"Of course baby, this is still your home and we'll all be here." She told me and I nodded taking Abel's hand before I said my final goodbye's to them as we walked out of the house and over to the car.

"Okay what was up with your quiet personality in there?" I asked in the passenger seat looking to the other.
Abel frowned deeply.
"I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to come over Adrian, but I need you to keep an open mind, like you always have." He told me and I frowned looking at him.
"About what?"
Abel stared hard at the road and I was starting to panic.
He glanced to me.
"It's about Devyn and his family." 
I felt sick.
Like I was fixing to lose everything I ate.

Abel pulled the car over and unbuckled his seatbelt looking at me with concern in his eyes.
"Last night Devyn went home to be with his mom and brother, we searched the house top to bottom but there was no scent of Magna or any of this puppets in that house-"
"Where are you going with this?" I glared now and he frowned at me.
"An unknown vampire broke into Devyn's house last night," he hesitated on his words frowning deeply.
"Devyn's mom was killed, Sevyn is in a coma and Devyn was killed to be turned." He told me and I ripped the door open and fell out of the car.
Everything came up as my eyes burned.
No fucking way.
The tears fell.

"Why?" I demanded crying as he ran over to me and got me to my feet.
"We don't know why they were targeted, if Devyn hadn't went home last night, we don't know if his brother and mom would of been attacked. But because he was home, everyone was attacked at once." He explained and more tears fell.
"Y-You said Sevyn was in a coma, do you-"
"We don't know anything about Sevyn, except that the doctor told us they'd try everything they could, but right now.. we don't know if he'll wake up." He told me and I felt my legs give in.

"Oh my god." I cried harder as Abel brought me into an embrace.
"I'm so sorry, Adrian, I'm sorry. If we had known-"
"I'm not blaming you guys." I cried into his shoulder.
"You didn't know who the vampire was so I can't be angry at you," my brows were knitted.
"But I'm sad." I looked at him.
"Devyn's mom who had alzheimers was killed in cold blood for no reason, Sevyn who had no idea that vampires even existed is in a coma and Devyn.." The tears slipped.
"You said he's turning?" I looked at him confused.
"What does that mean?" I asked him.

Abel stared at me for the longest time before frowning.
"He's transitioning into becoming a vampire." He explained and my eyes grew wide staring at the other.
"What? But why?" I frowned and Abel frowned in response.
"We don't know but it was that vampire that did it, no one knows about his motives or if there are other outsider vampires waiting to attack out of random like last night." He told me and my eyes fell to the ground.

"How is Maverick handling the fact Devyn is turning?" I asked him.
Abel looked at me before smiling softly.
"He's angry he wasn't the one who turned him, but he's like an over protective lion right now with Devyn still asleep."
"He hasn't woke up yet?" I frowned.
Abel looked around then to me.
"No, that's why I came to grab you, so you were one of the first people he seen when he did wake up. We're all in agreement that he doesn't need to see Maverick first off-"
"Why?" I looked at him confused.
"It's complicated, but let's go so we can get there." He opened the car door and I hesitated before getting in and trying to breathe.
This was a lot to take in.
But I had to handle it.
There was no way I was backing out now.
I had to be there for both my friends.
Mainly Devyn.
And suddenly.

Everything ached.

We got to the house and it was all too real.
The vampires.
The enemies.
And now we had other vampires who were just attacking to attack.
Were they linked to Magna some how?
It wouldn't surprise me.
He was determined to get to Abel.
To destroy everything around him.
Even my friends families.

Laurie and the others suddenly fell onto my mind and I was paranoid.
What if they hit my house next?
I don't think I would be able to live if my whole family was killed.
Laurie was pregnant.
She was going to be bringing another life into this messed up world in a few months.
If she died..
If any of them died..
I honestly think I would run.
To leave everything behind.

Yeah I had Jayce and Devyn.
But to lose my whole family thanks to vampires?
There's no way I would ever accept that.
Even if I may be in love with Abel.
I would never forgive them.

"Adrian!" My head snapped to the right of me where Jayce was, he ran right up to me and his arms were around me frowning deeply.
"I'm assuming Abel told you." He stepped back holding my hands and I frowned.
"Yes, Abel filled me in on the way here." My brows knitted and I watched his whole composure drop in front of me with tears in his eyes.
"They don't think Sevyn is going to wake up a-and Ms.Fox was killed." He brought the palms of his hands to his eyes as the tears fell and everything was way too real as I brought him back into an embrace.
My own eyes were burning with tears and everything hurt.
"I know." I spoke softly holding the other.
"Why go after Devyn's family? Why go after people who were no threat to vampires? They didn't even know about vampires existing! So why?!" Jayce was angry.
I stood there frowning deeply staring at the other who was breaking down for the first time in years.
He hasn't broke down like this since he first told me and Devyn he hated his family.

"He's going to wake up and have so many questions, he's going to want his mom and he can't even have her because she's dead!"
"She's dead and Sevyn is in a god damn coma!" He wailed as he fell to his knees and a few of the vampires ran into the room with alarmed looks at Jayce who was trembling as he cried harder.

"Jason." Jayce flinched as my eyes left him and looked at Nathan who came into the room with his arms crossed.
"That's enough, you're only going to make yourself sick." He said now.
"I don't give a flying fuck what having emotions is going to do to me! My best friend's mom is dead, his brother is in a coma and we don't know if he'll ever regain consciousness! Devyn is going to become a vampire and you're telling me, that's enough?" Jayce got to his feet and was facing Nathan.

"I'm allowed to express myself so fuck you for thinking otherwise, in case you fucking forgot. I allowed you to mark me because I thought you were going to change, I guess not." He was glaring harshly at the other who stared at him frowning.
"I'm your mate not your fucking doll you get to tell when something is enough, if you don't like me having emotions, then you chose the wrong fucking vampire to mark you asshole." He ran off and I stood there with wide eyes.

I turned to Abel now who motioned for me to follow him.
We walked in silence down this long hall.
"They'll be okay, Jayce has been like this since he got home yesterday and saw Devyn in the worst state." He explained to me frowning.
"But those two have been butting heads lately, Nathan has it in his head he'll make Jayce fully submit to him, but Jayce is a bit more bite than he is bark, so I don't see him submitting as easily as Nathan may like." He shrugged and I frowned deeply.

"He was so angry just then Abel, are you sure those two will be okay?" I asked him frowning.
Abel stopped and looked at me before smiling softly.
"I'm positive, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but Jayce is a bit of an emotional one. Given the fact it is still mating season so his emotions are all out of whack right now, but they'll work it out." He explained taking my hand and knocking before bringing us into a room where Zendaya, Hendrix, Styx, Eliana and this unknown guy stood.

"Oh right, my arm." I frowned.

"How are you feeling dear?" Zendaya came up to me with a kind smile as if wanting to make me feel better about what's going on right now.
"I'm pretty out of it, Jayce kind of broke down-"
"We heard." She smiled sadly.
"But he'll be alright as will your friend in the recovery room who will wake up within the next day or two." She told me and I frowned deeply.
"There was no saving his mom or brother?" I asked her.

"Maverick confirmed his mom had been dead for some time and as much as we'd like to give blood rising a try on a human, I don't think it would of been possible on her, the brother however.." She looked at me.
"We're going to have one of our good doctors go in and do a little memory rewriting so he won't know anything that happened last night, we'll contact some of Devyn's family and see about some moving in arrangements for the boy, again memory rewriting will be required but it's the only thing we can do for him, if or when the child wakes up." She explained and I frowned.

"But, we're not here to discuss that and to darken the mood anymore than it already is, we're here to fix that arm of yours." She looked over to the table where this guy had been setting up.

"Rainer darling, please come over here for a moment." She told the other and he stopped what he was doing before walking over to us.
He really had a doctor vibe about him with the white trench coat.
Was this what healers were into? Trench coats?
His brown hair was pushed back that exposed his hazel eyes that were hidden behind a pair of black prescription glasses.

"Rainer, this is Adrian Grimes, Adrian, this is the one who can fix your arm." Zendaya told me and I stared at this guy.
He was already staring back before I blushed and looked away.
"O-Oh okay." I felt shy for a moment.

Rainer smirked softly.
"I was told that Magna broke your arm, may I see it?" He looked at me and I nodded removing it from the swing but kept it up in the air so no pressure applied to it.
Rainer stared before frowning.
"Yeah, it's definitely cursed, but no problem for me." He grabbed this vile and without warning, he poured it all over my arm.
It was cold then hot.
My brows knitted but what shocked me the most was the color of Rainer's eyes.
They were no longer a hazel.
But a dark violet color that glowed watching the potion he poured on my arm, take it's course.

"Try moving it." He told me and I blinked before doing as instructed but my eyes were wide.
"It doesn't hurt." I said and Rainer smirked looking to Zendaya.
"A lot easier than I thought it would be, the curse had a small bite to it but nothing drastic, you're lucky it wasn't a poison or this would of costed you your whole arm." He told me and my stomach sank.
Abel looked to me then to them.
"Thank you, Rainer."
"Sure sure," Rainer smiled.
"Any time and let Rix know I said hey." He told him as Abel nodded going to push me out but Nick ran in.

"Devyn's awake." 

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