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**Unknown Pov.**

Somewhere in Italy..

"So he failed the mission completely?" A tall male questioned standing on top of the stairs as he stared down at the group of vampires beneath him.
"It seems that way yes, apparently the spell that Remus placed on his mind wore off sooner than we'd hope." A female stated with her arms crossed.
"If he had just followed the plan and didn't explore, maybe he wouldn't of been taken in and that stupid bitch Rose wouldn't of erased the spell we worked hard on." She hissed.

The male smirked softly.
"Don't stress so much Zella, we're not out of the game just yet. Cepheus contacted me a few days ago, he decided to stop in on the first house he seen and that home turned out to be Maverick Brewer's  human boyfriend's house, no wait excuse me. I'm sorry he's a vampire now." He said and everyone stared.
"Cepheus turned him?"
"He did."
"But that could of been our leverage to draw Abel out! If Cepheus had thought about it, he could of brought him here and if that were the case-"

"Zella, Zella, Zella." The male looked at her smirking from ear to ear.
"You're in too much of a rush for revenge, honestly you should be grateful to be alive again. If it wasn't for Circe, Silas and Anthony, you lot would still be under the ground rotting away." He ran a hand through his hair.
"We still have multiple plans, sure Magna would of been my best bet. I had a lot of faith in that boy but now," his eyes fell on the one in the back with a smirk.

"We have the extra leverage right here, isn't that right, Athan?" He asked and everyone's eyes fell on the blond who's hazel blue eyes were dull, almost black as he looked up at the one on the stairs.
"Use me as you will." He shrugged with a smirk.
"But if we're going after Abel Pierce, why not just go after all of them." He walked up to the stairs while the others glared in response.
He walked right up the stairs and stood in front of the other who towered over him with a smirk on his own face.

"I wouldn't mind getting bloody if it means I can feel the least bit alive."
"And if I have to kill childhood friends then so be it." He shrugged.
"You'll allow me to have fun right, Church?" He asked the black haired black eyed vampire who smirked softly.
"Of course I will, I will let you each have some fun, there are a few I'd like you to try to kill." He said now and Athan studied him.

"A few?"
Church studied the other with an amused grin.
"I know you're aching to kill but you will be patient if you know what's good for you," he stepped past the blond who glared now with Church's back to him.

"Remember these names well. Styx Dodson, Rowen Steele, Cinder Moon, Ezra Brewer, Eliana Meyer, Hendrix Glass, Ashby Pierce and Adrian Grimes." Church read their names out loud and Athan's eye twitched.

"They're all vampires except for Adrian right? Why are you after just one human?" He asked and Church looked to him.
"Because he's the partner of our dear old friend, Abel Pierce." He smirked wickedly and everyone glared in response.
Athan stared at Church.
"You're also targeting Nathan's younger brother, is that wise?" He questioned and Church turned to him.

"Are you really questioning me, Athan?" He stepped towards the other and immediately everyone knelt except for Athan who stared.
"I wouldn't dream of questioning you, call it a bit of concern simply because if you target Rowen, I'm sure you'll get a visit from Dallas Webb and his bunch." He shrugged but gasped at how fast Church grabbed the others face.

"I can handle Nathan Steele, Dallas Webb, Memphis Rollins, Jensen Stein, Trip Wells and Astrid Reed all on my own if it comes down to it. They all want to play house or hide from reality, well I won't stand for it Athan, I want the one's I named dead or tortured to the point they're all begging to be killed. If the elders find out you're backing out," he grabbed the collar around Athan's neck who glared.
"They'll rip the stone Circe placed in you turning you right back into ash, now I don't really care if you die or not, it's your fault for acting foolish." He stared at Athan.

"And now that your dear older brother is free of that spell, I'm sure all you want to do is go see him right? You were killed after all." Church smirked bitterly at the other.
Athan glared softly.
"I can wait to see Magna, but that list. The majority of them are under the same roof right? How are we supposed to target them?" He asked and Church studied the other.
"You're smart you'll figure it out." He said.

"What if other vampires get in our way?" Zella questioned with her arms crossed.
Church glanced to her with a smirk.
"You'll kill them as well if it comes down to it, if Magna hadn't slipped up, he could of killed Nick Brewer, and that's the one thing I won't tolerate is you slipping up. If you fail on killing one of them, you will stay gone until their dead or you'll run for the mountains and hope Remus and the others do not seek you out." He glanced to Athan.

"Come with me." He said walking down the stairs while the others glared at the two of them now.
"This plan will commence in three days, not a day later, I expect you to do well and not to get yourselves killed. I hand picked you out to be revived for a reason, do not let me down." Church said walking out of the room with Athan right behind the other.

"S-Slow down." Athan's back was arching up as his nails dug into the mattress.
"You questioned me out there in front of my followers Athan, do you realize how foolish you made me look?" Church growling biting the others shoulder earning a shiver from the small vampire of the two.
"It wasn't intentional to make you look like anything, it was a question for my own curiosity." Athan hissed the moment Church thrusted harder into him.
"You can keep your curiosity to yourself when it comes to meetings, those puppets out there I have lined up will only see me as a joke if you start opening your mouth like you did today." Church growled slamming his hand against the others ass who cried out but glared feeling Church's hand around his throat now.

"I chose you to be revived because I felt like you would be great pulling Abel from that world he's living in, if we can kill him we can permanently shut that community down and that is when all hope will be lost on both the humans and vampires. I'm so sick of hearing how high the elders talk about that prick, when they planned all of this." Church slowed his thrusts down letting out a breath as he looked at the wall.
"I just need the noise to stop when it comes to that prick, he wasn't born as a prince or anything but he got the most respect from everyone in this fucking country. All he ever did was talked like he had a clue on what he really was saying." He looked down at Athan who was trying to catch his own breath and that made Church smirk.

"And if this plan of mine does work and we can kill the majority of the ones I named off," he leaned in and kissed Athan's shoulder he bit into.
"Maybe I'll convince Remus and the others to let you live permanently instead of temporarily, would you like that Athan?" He asked the blond who looked back at him.
"Yes," he smirked softly.
"I would." He told the other who smirked in response.
"Good answer."

**Adrian's Pov.**

"How long will you have Magna in custody?" I asked Abel who sat with me outside on the balcony as he shrugged.
"Just until we know things are cooling off," he glanced to me smiling.
"Why? Want him gone already?" He asked and I shook my head leaning against him.
"No it's not that, but what if his friends are worried?"
"Ambrose and Dante?" Abel smirked.
"I doubt they'll even know he's gone since they decided to attend school, you should of seen his reaction when I told him he was going to a high school." Abel grinned.

"What did he say?" I looked at the other completely relaxed.
"I'm too old to attend a school then asked me what a school even was." He laughed shaking his head and I smiled softly.
"Apparently that evil ego of his made him not remember he has a test tomorrow in History." I said now and Abel blinked.
"Wait, we have a test?" He asked.
I smirked shaking my own head now.
"Where has your head been Abel Pierce?" I asked him smiling now and he only shrugged looking at the trees.
"Every where I guess, I mean a lot has happened and we're not even through the first year yet." He stated and I frowned softly lacing our fingers together.
"I know.. it's been what? Two months since we've known each other and I found out things I never knew that I would know today. Like how Jayce has always been this vampire or that the guy I was seeing was also a vampire." I smiled now.
"Or that my other best friend was turned into a vampire, honestly I'm feeling pretty left out." I half way joked.

Abel looked to me.
"Do you.. want to be a vampire..?" He asked me and the conversation turned serious all of a sudden.
I stared at the other.
"Before I would of said no in a heart beat, that I wanted to hold onto being a human for as long as I could but now..?" I leaned my head back thinking about it.
"But thinking about it now, if I want to live an eternity with you, I think I'd like to turn." I told the other and he stared at me as if wanting to move but stayed still.

"You want to live an eternity with me?" He asked and I blushed.
"Well yeah dummy, I love you after all." I slammed my hand over my mouth and we were both gawking at each other.
"Ah that's embarrassing." I cried out as my face burned.
"I didn't want to tell you yet but you asked and I thought about it." I hid my face but Abel pulled my hands away as he smiled at me.
"Adrian, I want to mark you." He told me and my face burned.

He nodded with a smile taking my hand and leading us inside his room.
"And if you're serious about turning I want to do that as well-"
"Abel, I want to tell my family before we do anything." I told him and he stared at me.
"I know it's risky." I rubbed the side of my neck.
"But if I'm fixing to give up being a human, my mom and them deserve to know." I told him now and he inhaled sharply.

"That's a good point, I wouldn't want to force you to keep it a secret, if we're going to be mates. They should know." He smiled softly kissing my cheek.
"Get some clothes on and we'll go over there." He told me and my heart was in my throat.
He was actually willing to let my family know the truth.
I mean I knew Laurie knew about him.
But my mom and brothers were who I was concerned over.
I know I had to have faith in them but..
I really was concerned.

"Ready?" Abel questioned and I nodded walking out of the house and over to the car.
"I told Zendaya and Hendrix while you were getting dressed." He told me behind the wheel and my eyes grew wide.
"What did they say?" I asked.
Abel looked to me smiling softly.
"Zendaya was more open minded about it than Hendrix was, he's against it completely but Zendaya wants them to know. She said if you're serious about giving up being human, your mom is the main one who deserves to know what you're about to sacrifice." He told me and I nibbled my lip.
"I'll still be able to see them right?" I asked the other and Abel smiled softly.
"Of course but if you want to be a vampire like us, you have to be cautious about visiting your family, it can put them at risk." He told me and I leaned into the seat with a nod.

We pulled into the driveway before noticing another car was here.
Laurie, Hyde and Bell were all here and so was mom.
So who's car was this?

We got out and walked into the house to only hear people talking in the family room.
Sora Stevens and Briar Gilmore were both here and everyone's eyes were on us.

"Adrian?" Mom was on her feet and looking at me with surprise.
"You didn't tell me you were coming over." She came over for a hug and I smiled softly.
"It was sort of last minute, we were in the neighborhood." I told her glancing to Abel who was staring Briar down, who was doing the exact same thing.

"Were we interrupting?" I asked frowning.
Laurie got to her feet with a smile.
"No, we were going over baby names and Sora tagged along because he was wanting to know how he could get in contact with Jayce." She told me looking to the blond who was frowning softly.
I made a face.
"Getting in contact with Jayce?" I looked to Abel who crossed his arms.
"He'll be in class tomorrow or should be." He told the blond who frowned deeply.

"It's important I talk to him." He said in a soft voice.
I frowned.
"Okay um.." I looked to Abel for help and he cleared his throat.
"I'll call Nathan-"

"Nathan Steele?" Briar spoke up and Laurie's eyes were on him frowning.
Abel paused.
"Yes, excuse me." He stepped out of the room and my mom smiled looking at me.

"You look like you have something you wanted to talk about." She told me and I rubbed the side of my neck.
"Well I did but it seems there's other important things needing to be talked about-"

"We'll step out." Briar stood to his feet looking to Sora.
"There's something I need to talk to Nathan about when they get here, come with me Sora." He told the other.
I watched the two leave the room and I tried to relax until Abel walked in.
"They'll be over here shortly, where did Briar go?" He asked.
"They stepped out for Adrian to talk to us." Laurie told him and he blinked but his eyes fell on me.

We walked over to the couch and I stared at my lap frowning.
"This is harder than I thought it'd be." I bit my lip.
"You want to move in with him, is that it?" My mom asked and I looked at her.
"I won't deny that's part of it but.."

"Do you believe in the term, vampires existing in this world and time?" Abel broke the ice and got right to the point.
I tried not to gawk at the other who was looking at no one else but my mom who was staring at us.
"Vampires existing? You mean the folk-"
"Yes." Abel looked at her.

My mom looked to Bell and Hyde who were trying not to laugh from the question but mom's eyes were on Laurie now who was staring at us in shock.
"Why are you guys doing this?" She asked and I frowned softly.
"Because there's a reason behind it." I told her and her brows furrowed.
"Do you know how dangerous this is?" She demanded.

"Wait wait wait, Laurie are you actually believing this?" Hyde grinned at her.
"Vampires existing? What kind of bullshit is that?"
"Hyde watch your mouth." Mom scolded and her eyes fell on me.

"Baby, I'm not understanding the question you're trying to ask me, are you asking if I think vampires really exist?" She asked.
I swallowed hard.
"That's exactly what I'm asking." I told her.
She stared at us before sighing.

"Yes." She answered, Bellamy and Hyde were both gawking at her answer as I stared at her wide eyed.
"Really?" I questioned.
She looked at me.
"Where do you think you got your open mind from?" She asked smiling softly.
"It definitely wasn't from that bastard of your fathers, he was as closed minded as one person could get. I've always kept an open mind about other beings besides humans existing, you can say it's silly for me to believe in make believe but-"

"There isn't anything wrong with believing in things that can or are a reality." Abel cut her off and my eyes were on him.
"I'm sure in other countries, states even, there are other beings that exist. Like mermaids, maybe even fairies. But you don't know because they hide from the world, in fear of being rejected or captured as some kind of prize. But we're here to talk to you about you believing in vampires or not, I believe in them, Adrian does too." He told her and I blushed feeling everyone's eyes on me.

"I do too." Laurie spoke up and my eyes fell on her.
"But I want to know why you're asking us this."

"Because I am one." Abel said and the room fell cold.
No one said anything as they stared at Abel.
I felt eyes on us from behind and I was pretty sure it was Briar and Sora.
My mom's lips formed a thin line.

"You're a vampire?" She asked him and he nodded.
"I've been a vampire my whole life, I grew up in Italy back in 1870, I was forming or well attempting for form a community in hopes of both humans and vampires coexisting where we didn't have to hide from each other. I didn't want humans to think we were only after your blood, we wanted to exist and before I was exiled from Italy. My community was actually working, but I moved to California back in 1893 and pretty much had to hide because of personal reasons, but then I met your son, your brother." His eyes were on me and I smiled softly.

"And I came out of hiding and I gave dating a chance," his eyes fell on my mom.
"Adrian has shown not only me but my family there are humans we can actually trust, he's living proof of that." He let my hand go and stepped up before walking over to my mom and kneeling down.

"I would never bring harm to you, your son or your children. I want us to live like we're each equal, where vampires are just trying to exist and where humans don't think they're on top of the food chain. You're not just our meals and if I'm being honest here, human blood is actually disgusting." He looked to me and I was trying not to smile.

"But we came here for a reason, Ms.Grimes, I am in love with your son Adrian. And I want you to know how serious as a am not as a vampire but as a person, by asking your permission for me to not only to mark him as mine but to turn him." He said and my blood ran cold.
It was like a proposal.
And my heart was racing.

She stared at him for the longest time before her expression was changing into an expression that didn't fit her face.
She was smirking at him.

"This was too easy." She stood up and Abel's eyes grew wide watching her crack her neck before the image we saw as her, was no longer her.
But of a man.


The man turned to me smirking and soon enough everyone's images were changing into people I didn't know and before we knew it.
We were surrounded.

"Abel Pierce, traitor of not only Italy but of your own brothers and sisters, you really have fucked up." The man's eyes fell on me and just as I went to step back.
I was met with a chest.
Abel got to his feet.

"Orpheus!" He moved forward but the sound of a gunshot went off and my eyes grew wide at the bullet that went through his chest.
"ABEL!" I screamed as he fell to his knees staring at it.

"We got the boy, let's go." The black haired male known as Orpheus commanded.
I stepped back.
"I'm not going anywhere." I glared and that only earned him to smirk.
"This isn't negotiable, bitch ." He growled and before I knew it.

Everything was going dark.

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