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**Abel's Pov.**

"I would like for us to talk about what happened last night." Aunt Zendaya spoke up in the main hall as I stood there with my arms crossed, my eyes had been locked on both Nathan and Rowen for some time now.
These two were going to be problematic in the future when it came to the humans, I knew that deep down.
With Rowen abusing his power to wipe memories.
And just Nathan involving himself.
But what I can't get out of my head.
Is how that Jayce kid was a vampire.
We could usually tell if someone was a vampire, but by his scent.
He was more human than one of us.

"What's there to discuss? Rowen wiped their memories last night."  Cinder pointed out and I felt this annoyance roll over me any time she opened her mouth.
She had a problem with most of us and it was always usually me.
"There's plenty to discuss dear." Zendaya smiled at the black haired brown eyed vampire who glared now.
"Such as?"

"The young vampire posing as a human is a good start." Uncle Hendrix spoke up standing next to his wife as she glanced in his direction.

"I couldn't even tell he was a vampire." Emery spoke up softly as she played with her blonde hair, she kept braiding the side then would undo what she had created, her blue eyes were on anything that didn't include those in this room.
"I mean, his scent-"
"It's from living with humans for as long as he has, it's honestly a surprise the child hasn't died from lack of actual nutrition that he properly needs." Zendaya said with her arms crossed.

"How did you find out he was a vampire?" Nick glanced to Nathan who blinked but then smirked.
"Well, I was going to turn him as we had discussed what would of been done if they seemed like they would turn us in, but just as I was about to, he transitioned. He's frail for a vampire but he was bold enough to expose himself, but there's a catch with that little fact." He looked at our aunt and uncle.

"He's well aware we're all vampires and as we know, a vampiric spell lasts on it's own kind for only a matter of days." He stated.
Nick frowned.
"You think he'll tell those two boys that were here?" He asked.
Nathan frowned.
"No, if he's kept it a secret this long that he's one of us, I'm sure he'll have no problem keeping a secret from those two as well. He seems like he's smart with his words and actions, so I don't believe he'll say anything." He shrugged.

"And if he does?" Hendrix questioned his eyes on Nathan who stared back at him.
"That'll be up to him and to his friends, I cant believe I'm saying this, but I actually think those three will keep their mouths shut about this whole situation." He stated.

"I believe that as well." Eliana spoke up with her arms crossed, her eyes had been closed before looking at everyone.
"I truly believed what Adrian said to us and we all can tell when a human lies, they make it painfully obvious, but everything that came out of his mouth was the honest truth on how he felt towards vampires. I believe Devyn will also have no problems staying quiet abut it either, the only one I want to understand in this whole situation is, Jayce." She glanced to me then frowned.

"He's a vampire who was raised in a human household, the family probably never once introduced him to blood, so of course he's one of us but he's more human-"
"What are you insisting we should do about this, Elli?" Zendaya questioned the blonde who thought about it.
"I'd like to introduce him to blood, if he keeps posing as a human, when push comes to shove where he's confronted by a vampire who's been feeding. He'll be killed." She said.

I looked at her.
"Why involve yourself with him?"
Eliana glanced to me.
"Because he's the human you're interested in's best friend, I may be a vampire but I can still understand the human emotion. I don't think Adrian or Devyn would be okay if Jayce just suddenly died." She stated and my brows knitted.
"And if he doesn't even want your help?" I questioned.
Eliana stared at me.
"I'll figure it out but with knowing he's a vampire, I would like to help him more-"

"I go to school with those kids, I'll probably have a easier time trying to talk to Jayce before you can, Elli." Nick spoke up with his arms crossed.
She frowned.
"I'll leave it to you then." She said.

I felt my phone buzzing, frowning deeply at the distraction I desperately wanted, I wasn't sure if this meeting was going to continue or if I could actually step out.

"Excuse me for a moment, I need to take this." I said and Maverick glanced to me.
"Is it Adrian?" He questioned trying not to smirk.
But I ignored him and stepped out.

"Hey." I greeted.
{"Hey.."} My brows knitted over how off Adrian sounded.
"Is everything okay?" I asked him.
{"I don't actually know, I woke up today completely out of it. I couldn't remember anything about yesterday but then Jayce said me and Devyn got high off helium and passed out, but that's not the weirdest part."} He hesitated and I frowned into the phone.
"What's the weirdest part?" I asked him.
{"I got to school and it's like everyone had their memories wiped of me and Octavian ever dating, they're all acting oblivious and being nice to me. I'm worried because what if it's some real bad joke and they're waiting to humiliate me?"} He was frowning into the phone I could tell.

"Do Devyn and Jayce seem okay?" I asked him.
{"Yeah they're fine.. I just don't know, I'm sorry for calling out of nowhere I just didn't know who else to call or would hear me out."} He said and I leaned against the wall frowning.
"You know I have no problem hearing you out Adrian, I want to help you with those kind of problems. It's a bit odd to me as well considering the history you and Devyn explained to me and Maverick dealing with those students at school. You said they're all acting like they've had a memory wipe?" I questioned.
{"Yes.., Abel-"}
"Listen Adrian, I know it may sound impossible but I'll try to figure out what happened, just to help relieve that weight on your shoulders." I told him as my brows knitted.
I wanted to tell him.
I desperately wanted to meet up with him and to tell him I was a vampire.
That there was a good chance a vampire who goes to his school and tampered with everyone's memories of him.

{"I appreciate that Abel, are you busy right now?"} He asked and his voice was soft.
I smiled softly.
"Unfortunately we're in the middle of a meeting and-"
{"Shoot, I'm sorry for calling at such an important-"}
"Hey," I smirked softly.
"I wouldn't of picked up if it was important, we're just going over some things regarding the family, it may take a minute or two but I'll always get back to you." I told him.
{"Thanks...um, I guess I'll let you go so you can get back to that, I just mainly wanted to hear another opinion on what they thought about what's happening at my school, I just didn't want to sound crazy."} He explained and I smiled softly.
"You're far from crazy, I'll talk to you real soon, Adrian." I told the other and again he was hesitant.
{"Okay, talk to you soon, Abel."} He hung up and I stared at the phone showing that the call ended.
Shoving it back in my pocket I stepped back into the main room.

"So what happens if the boy eats and he goes berserk from his first taste of blood?" Synclair questioned.
"We kill him-"

"There is no need to kill him if he loses himself, a vampire can always find them self again after they've been cooled down and locked up for a weeks or even a months time." Zendaya said with her arms crossed looking at Synclair who was frowning at her.
"That vampire is nothing to this family, so why involve yourself for someone who may not even appreciate what you're aiming to achieve?" He demanded.
For once.
He made a point.

But I think it was more Nathan who was wanting the family to step in.
Ever since Jayce left, he's been quiet unless spoken to.
It was pretty out of character for him.
He usually had a smart ass remark to make.

"Be a bit more open minded, Syn, what if Styx were a long lost sibling of yours and he was a vampire who had been taken in by a family who never introduced him to blood. Would you let your own brother starve?" Ezra questioned.
Synclair glared in response.
"Well no-"
"Jayce is a vampire who apparently can't sense his own kind that well, to him everyone in that school is more human than a vampire. He's probably terrified and wants someone to help him-"

"Then why not ask for help?" I looked to my younger sister.
She had been standing in the corner with Rixley.
Ryn had always been an inquiring mind about things like that.

"Because some times a vampire can't cry for help when they think they're alone." Ashby answered with his arms crossed, he had been standing next to Styx for the longest time.
"I'm sure that kid is hurting more than anything, so like Nick and Elli, I want to help him. If he's a vampire, he needs to feed to gain strength, if he doesn't. He's as good as dead." He ran a hand through his black hair staring hard at Nathan.
"And I don't think our cousin wants to lose something he's also interested in, regardless of the shock that Jayce is a vampire. We'll see to it that he doesn't die." He stated.

"Then I'm leaving it up to the ones who go to school with these boys, I want you to watch out for Jayce and to help him in the right direction of being a vampire. If he turns in the wrong direction, he'll turn out like Marcus and the others." Zendaya said and suddenly I flinched at the thought of someone like Jayce becoming something like Marcus and the others.
That's the last thing we needed.
A vampire feeding on its own kind or going on a murder rampage of just feeding.
It sent chills down my spine.

"If I may ask a question, I just off the phone with Adrian and I know there are a few of you here, but who tampered with the memories of the students at the school? He told me they were all acting like their memories had been wiped and everyone was nice to him-"

"Oh, that! That was me, Rixley and Ash." Nick spoke up rather boldly and my brow arched up.
"Why?" I asked.
Nick smirked.
"You don't go to that school Abel, you don't see the real hell those humans up there put your human through. I honestly felt bad for him and wanted to help so I asked Rix and Ash to help wipe their memories." He stated and I just stared at him.
"You don't think someone's going to break out of that spell and question what's going on?" I asked frowning at him.

Nick made a face.
"Human's can't remember unless we want them to remember." He tapped his own skull looking at me.
"He's right, Abel, that's why Adrian and Devyn were suddenly able to remember last night when we were talking about Marcus attempting to attack them. Rowen wiped their memories the night before and when needing a reaction from last night, Rowen broke his own spell he used on them." Aspen explained and I frowned at her.

"What about the vampires?" I asked them.
"The vampires don't really meddle with the humans at the school, so there was no point wiping their memories." Nick said.

I ran a hand through my hair.
"So what am I supposed to tell Adrian? He thinks he's going crazy-"
"Let him think that." Ashby spoke up and I glared at my brother who stared at me with a blank expression.
"He's bound to find out eventually whether it's an accident or you or Jayce come clean, but make sure it's in a positive way when he does find out, honestly. I like these humans." He shrugged.
"And I'd hate for something to happen to them if things go sour." He told me.

**Jayce's Pov.**

"And for this question here, you will write-"
I stared at the notes for the longest time, everything from last night was replaying in my head.
Me being found out.
Adrian and Devyn being put at risk.
All of us hurting in the end of it all.
They can't find out I'm a vampire.
If they did.
I wouldn't be able to face them.
I can barely face myself half the damn time.

To wake up without a pulse.
To crave for anything that wasn't human food.
I hated how dry my throat got.
How I wanted to tear into anyone's neck.
But I refused to.
I was adopted into a human household who wanted me to be human.
I had to be what they wanted.
Because I had no where else to go.

"Jayce?" I glanced to Adrian who revealed his doodle of the teacher yacking his gums off, I was trying not to grin but the drawing was terrible.
So terrible it was funny.
This was why Adrian wasn't in art.
He would fail but always kept trying to do better.
It's just who he was.
And I envied him.

I gave the other a thumbs up grinning and he smirked going back to his drawing.
I let go of my pen and relaxed in the desk.
If the truth got out I was a vampire.
I would have to let this all go.
My friends.
My school.
The home I was raised in.
Because I would run.
Adrian and Devyn both think they can handle knowing the truth of vampires, but there's a lot of baggage.
And it's a huge secret that can't be exposed.
No matter what.

When the bell rang I got my stuff gathered up and headed out of the classroom first.
I was starting to feel sick as I darted off to the boys room.

I stood inside the stall waiting for the nausea to disappear.
But it only got worse as I dropped to my knees and felt the food from this morning begging to come up.
I was dehydrated.
I knew that much.
Having to stomach the human food for so long has fucked my stomach up.
If it wasn't for my guardians.
I don't know where I'd be right now.
Probably dead.

I flushed the toilet and stepped out completely flushed but stopped when the door was blocked by two guys I recognized immediately.
Ashby Pierce and Nick Brewer.

"Hey." Nick greeted me and it was painful to swallow.
"If you guys are seriously stepping up to be bullies that's a new low-"
"No." Nick smirked.
"We want to help you out with the situation you're currently in." He told me and my brows knitted.
"My situation?" I asked feeling the nausea trying to resurface.
"You know, the one where you haven't fed." Nick said and my stomach twisted in a painful knot earning everything to ache in response.

"I don't need to-"
"You do." Ashby told me frowning.
"You're slowly killing yourself more and more by refusing the nutrition's your badly missing out on." He said and I frowned deeply.
"I've lasted this long-"
"Are you really going to be selfish about this? You have friends who would miss you if you died." Ashby hissed and I glared.
"I can't feed! If I feed the family who took me in will disown me faster than anything!"

"Then let them." Nick's eyes were black.
"You don't belong in a human household where they keep you from being yourself, you can't turn human by not feeding, Jayce. What they're doing is destroying you." He growled and I frowned at him.
"I owe them for taking me in, I owe-"
"No you don't. They took you in for a pity act, humans don't give two shits about vampires, you're nothing to them. If they are trying to change you, is that really family to you?" Nick asked me and the aching feeling returned.
"I have no where else I can go, I won't burden my friends like that and-"

"You can come live with us, you know, you're own kind." Ashby told me and I just stared at him.
"I'm not your family though-"
"It doesn't matter." Nick smirked walking up to me with his arms crossed.
"You're still a vampire who needs to be with his own kind, where you can feed and not be judged, where you can exist and live like a person and not feel like some creature under someone's roof who doesn't approve of you." He told me.

I felt weak.
"Think about it." Nick smiled softly.
"I'll go over it with my aunt and uncle tonight after school and I'll give you a few days to consider my offer, it's a pretty good one you shouldn't pass up. I'd feel better with you there." His eyes fell on me and suddenly I felt more self conscious with the scars and bruises under my clothes.
"Just." He put his hand on my shoulder.
"Consider what's best for you." He told me as the two of them walked out.

What's best for me?
I stared at the tiled floor frowning.

Not even I know what's best for me.
But still.
I'll take what they said into consideration.
And give it some more thought.
I just hope.

I make the right decision and not the wrong one.

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