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"I'll see you guys tomorrow." I told Devyn and Jayce as I left the classroom, it was Tuesday and there was still too much of the week left.
I had to figure out a day to invite Abel over so he can meet my family.
I felt like it would lighten the mood there.
I know my mom and siblings have been trying to get over what happened last week.
I was too.
I just..
I wanted to remain as distracted as possible so I wouldn't have time to think about it.
I didn't want to think about it.

My eyes traveled the parking lot looking for Hyde's truck but it was already gone.
Maybe he was in a rush to get home?
I mean I didn't mind walking, fresh air was always a nice thought.
Plus it gave me an excuse to stop by Catch U Latte for a hot chocolate.
It was starting to get colder out with winter right around the corner.

"Need a ride home, Adrian?"
My heart was stuck in my throat as I turned to the one I wanted to avoid all year.
He didn't have a single bad vibe pouring off him like usual.
He just seemed different.
And I wasn't used to that.

"No thanks." I declined adjusting my bag and his brows knitted.
"Listen, Adrian?" He rubbed the side of his neck and for once.
I lowered my guard in front of him.
His eyes fell on me before frowning.
"I'm not sure what I did to start this year rocky but I was hoping we could at least try to be friends? I know you rejected me and-"
"Rejected you?" My brows knitted.
I never rejected him.
What was going on?
He frowned at me.
"Yeah.., listen I don't want things to be awkward between us, I mean we go to school and have the same classes. So let's try to be friends, okay?" He offered his fist and I was starting to feel light headed again.

"Sure." I said tightly hesitating on bumping his fist with mine.
"That sounds nice." I forced a smile and that seemed to relieve him.
But not me.
What was going on?
None of this was adding up.
When Octavian asked me out.
I agreed to date him right away.
There was no rejection.
But now there was?

I walked down the sidewalk unaware of how fast the sun was trying to set.
I checked the time and it was only four thirty.
Why was it getting dark so fast?
Had time gone forward without me knowing?
I was hesitant on stopping at the coffee shop but still.
I needed something hot.
A refresher.

"Here's your hot chocolate." The barista smiled as I took the hot drink from her with a smile of my own.
I turned around and it was pitch black outside.
My brows knitted.
"Um miss?" I turned to her.
"Yes?" She smiled.
I frowned.
"Did time go forward or something?" I questioned and she blinked looking outside and her expression was unreadable.
"I don't think so, be careful getting home, there could be a storm coming." She informed me and I nodded walking out of the café.

It was almost too dark to see in front of me.
I was starting to feel paranoid.

I pulled out my phone and called the only person I would feel comfortable talking to at the moment.
I listened to the phone ring and my grip on the phone tightened.
{"I'm sorry the number you have dialed is unavailable at this time, please hang up and try-"}
"Shit." I hissed as my heart pounded hard against my chest.
I didn't like this.
It was too dark outside.

"You smell good." A voice said right behind me and I jumped dropping my hot chocolate before turning around.
I was starting to panic.
"Does he know what you smell like when you're afraid?"
"Who's there?" I demanded stepping back before fear penetrated me hearing a chuckle.
That was my cue to run.

I took off running and could hear more than just a pair of feet running after me.
Two people?
It sounded more than that.
I pulled out my phone again calling Abel.
{"I'm sorry the number-"}
"Damn it!" I cried going to put my phone back but dropped it.
My eyes grew wide but tried to pick up the speed by running faster.
But just as I was about to make it to the house.

I screamed being thrown into the alley near the house.
Everything suddenly felt like it was on fire.

"So, you're the human he's interested in?" I think my wrist was broken from how hard I landed and tried to catch myself from hitting the ground as hard.
I was trying not to hyperventilate but I was terrified.

"You talk like you're not human, are you a vampire?" I hissed.
"Oho, so you know we exist." The sky seemed to lighten and I was surrounded by maybe six people.
The one in the middle was the one I was terrified of the most.
He was tall with a dark trench coat on, he was pale with ear length blond hair and hazel eyes that looked red staring down at me with amusement.
I couldn't breathe in front of them.
"I've caught onto the idea of it yeah." I tried my best to glare but the fear took over faster than any control could.

The blond smirked deviously kneeling in front of me as my heart tried to rip itself from my chest and run far away from here.
I wanted to run.
But how could I?
I was out numbered and not even Abel was answering his phone.
It was painful to swallow.

"That's smart to have an open mind, now, how long have you known the one known as Abel Pierce?" He asked me and suddenly everything felt cold.
I couldn't think right.
Were these guys after him?
I couldn't put Abel at risk like that.
What if they tried to hurt him?

The blond smiled at me before I let out a pained cough feeling his fist connect to my gut sending me over as I groaned in pain.
Everything hurt.
"How long-"
"We broke things off the first day we met!" I screamed tasting blood as I laid perfectly still.
"Oh?" He sounded disappointed and that was good.
If he thought we broke things off.

"You should know human, you're a real bad liar and your thoughts are running wild." He told me as my heart came to a complete stop as he grabbed the back of my hair ripping my neck back.
"There are vampires all over this town and have seen the two of you together more than once, I applaud you for thinking you can trick me, but it was worthless efforts in doing so." He smirked against my neck and the tears finally surfaced.
I was going to die.

"I guess before I kill you I can let you in on a few small facts about why we came as a pack to kill you, you see. The one who you're interested in, Abel Pierce is actually a no good traitor and a vampire." He told me and chills raced through me.
"No he-"
"He is." The blond smirked wickedly now.
"He's been lying and playing you like a fiddle into thinking he was only human, it's a sick thought, to pose as something as weak as you." He smirked.
"Even if Abel is a vampire, it changes nothing on how I feel about him, I still like him!"
"And that's how your tragic love story comes to an end, right here." He told me biting into my neck as I let out a pained scream.
Everything was burning.
And my vision was growing blurry.

"Let him go!" I looked over my shoulder to the entrance of the alley and thought it was Abel.
But shock is what caused me to lose consciousness.


"What's this?" The blond stood to his feet smirking as he let Adrian fall to the ground, there was blood.
My head was spinning as I stood there in front of the six vampires.
How did I even end up here?
I know I was going to see Adrian just to check on the other from the day we've had.
But then.
I heard him scream.

"Seems like you're lost little boy." He came up to me and I glared daggers at the other.
"Oh, you're a vampire?" He didn't even give me time to think.
My body met the brick wall but that wasn't all.
His hand was inside my side as I coughed, blood escaping both my mouth and the side he tore open.
"From how you smelt I thought you were a fucking human." He smirked and I couldn't think.
"Oh, are you dead already?" He let me go and my body hit the ground, wheezing.

"I think you six have had a bit too much fun tonight." I managed to keep my consciousness long enough to see Nick and a few others, glaring daggers at this guy and his crew.
"Just taking care of business." The blond shrugged but Nick glared.
"Business? You mean killing two innocent people?" He arched a brow and the blonds smirk died down.
"We're taking out anyone involved with Abel Pierce, even if it means our own kind." He stated and Nick glared in response.
"People make mistakes-"

"He killed my god damn brother." The blond snarled.
"Do you know how many vampires are itching to kill Abel?" He demanded with a smirk.
"Half the population of the vampire community! Abel was a fucking leader, he taught everyone everything they needed to know to survive in Italy, and not only Italy, New York and Florida! There are a lot of angry vampires wanting to see him suffer because he got lazy and gave everything up to come back here." The blond growled.

Nick stared at him.
"He came here for his own personal reasons-"
"That's not fucking good enough! My brother lost his life because he wanted Abel to stay put, to keep being a leader, you think I wanted to come here  just to kill?" He asked and Nick frowned deeply.
"The answer is yes." He was right in front of Nick now.
"I want to see Abel suffer, to writhe in pure agony as we rip everything he fucking cares about here, starting with that human and that pitiful vampire." He smirked.

Nick glared daggers at him.
"You start going on a massacre and you'll set off the head vampires, Magna." He growled.
The blond known as Magna shrugged.
"Good, I'd love to have special guests witnessing me destroying a vampire they had high respect for." He stated.
Nick's eye twitched.
"But I'll let this conversation end here tonight, good thing a vampire has two hearts." Magna stated and Nick blinked before noticing the large hole in his chest where his second heart was.

"Fuck." Blood fell from his mouth dropping to his knees.
"Nick!" Eliana gasped as Magna and the others all vanished.
"Get them to the house!" Ashby demanded.

**Abel's Pov.**

Why hasn't Adrian been answering his phone?
He usually answers right after school and any time I've called him, it's been busy.
I was trying not to stress about this.
Maybe he was off with one of his friends.
Being a teenager and not trying to put his life into the vampire world.

"Oh my god there's so much blood!" I heard Aspen scream.
I got up from the desk in my room and stormed downstairs but only came to a stop.
It was like time stopped at the scene before me.

Nick was trying to stand even though his shirt was drenched in blood.
Jayce was covered in blood and unconscious.
And Adrian.
He was completely unconscious with his neck bleeding.
I tried to keep myself from stumbling.

"What happened?" Zendaya demanded storming into the main hall, she went straight to Nick and he frowned battling in and out of consciousness.
"Magna." He winced.
"They're after Abel." He wheezed looking at me and my eyes grew wide with rage.

"That bastard did this?" I demanded and Nick glared as I went to storm passed him but Ashby grabbed my wrist.
"Don't." He growled and I ripped away from the other.
"If they're after me I'll settle the score right fucking now, our cousin is injured. Adrian and Jayce are also-"

"Abel, breathe darling, we will get this whole thing situated, but for now." Aunt Zendaya's brows were knitted.
"They need to be healed and recovered before we even go out and try anything, if it's Magna, you know full well how bad this is bound to get. He's having another temper tantrum-"

"It doesn't give him the god damn right to come here killing family!" I hissed.
"You killed his brother." Ashby pointed out and I glared at him.
"That's a fucking lie, I never touched that kid-"
"Alright enough! Get your cousins in here so we can heal these children, Jayce and Nick have both lost a lot of blood." Aunt Zendaya hissed looking at Nick.

Styx and Eliana were in the room in an instant.

"Heal Nick first." Zendaya told them and Styx was at the others side glaring at the blond who was somehow still conscious.
"I can't believe you challenged Magna, of all people, you're a total idiot." Styx growled and Nick smirked weakly.
"He was going to kill those two, I couldn't just stand by and let that happen, think of what it would do to our cousin-"
"I don't care about that, you come first." Styx hissed.
"You will always come first, before some human or some vampire who needs a lot of work done." He spat but he froze.

"Nick, your heart-"
"Oh right, Magna sort of took a trophy with him." Nick stated and my eyes grew wide as Zendaya stormed over to Nick.
"He took your heart?" She demanded.
Nick frowned.
"Just the one, I'll have to get with the doc to see about a replacement." He laughed before finally losing consciousness.

"This is bad." Eliana frowned with knitted brows.
"If Magna really is here and he's after Abel, won't he come after us to get to him?" She asked and I glared.
"I won't let it come to that Elli, I'll deal with Magna myself-"
"You won't go in alone, Abel." Zendaya hissed.
"I won't risk losing anymore family than I already have!" I yelled at her and Hendrix appeared.

"I thought I smelled a decent amount of blood being spilled in here, what happened?" He asked.
"Magna is back with some friends, he attacked Adrian, Jayce and Nick-"
"Is Nick alright?" Hendrix glanced to the blond who was out like a light.
"He will be." Styx frowned focusing on healing the other.
"It may be a few days but those two need to stay here to be healed-"

"A hospital can do it." Hendrix stated and my eye twitched.
"A hospital? Have you forgotten Jayce is also a vampire?"
"They'll figure it out-"
"You can't be serious, uncle!"
"None of this would of happened if you had just stayed put in Italy, running that community of yours, because look what you've done, Abel. You're hurting innocent people, again." Hendrix said icily and I just paused.

"Right, if you want to blame someone, I'm your person." I stated my eyes on Adrian.
"Neither of them would be in this position if I had just stayed away, so maybe I'll go back and be staked-"

"Enough!" Zendaya hissed as the tears burned her eyes.
"Hendrix darling, I love you but you're being a real piece of work right now, Abel is our family and you won't treat him like the bad guy in this. No one knew Magna would return and target those two boys and Nick knew what he was getting into by stepping in, but you won't talk to my nephews like they don't mean shit to you." She growled.
"We're a family and we protect each other, if you're going to always overreact when it comes to Abel, you can leave and I'll handle this family on my own!" She yelled.

Hendrix stood there frowning at her.
"You can't handle this family on your own, Zendaya, you can barely handle it when one of the boys fight." He stated and she glared.
"If you're going to stay here, you'll stop treating Abel, Nathan and Cinder like shit. They are not our children but they are your family, I remember telling Abel something similar the other day about making his family into the enemy. Don't be that person." She crossed her arms as I watched Adrian and the other two being taken off to be fully healed.

Hendrix just stared at her and his jaw ticked before looking away.

"How long will he be out of it?" I asked Eliana inside the room where Adrian and Jayce were both resting.
She stood above Adrian frowning.
"It may be a few days, Abel, Rowen isn't going to wipe his memories this time. He's angry that Nick got hurt." She said.
I frowned in response.
"You don't think I'm angry he's hurt?"
"I can see that you are." She looked at Adrian frowning softly.

"He's going to know you're a vampire, he'll find out we all are. Are you ready for the truth to be found out?" She asked me and I looked at him who seemed to relaxing more in his sleep.
"I can't keep making him forget, sooner or later that will make him forget who he is. When he wakes up.." I swallowed frowning.

"I'll tell him everything."

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