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**Adrian's Pov.**

"I just want to know what's with the sudden request to go back to the house we were under house arrest at." Devyn commented in the back seat of the car Abel was usually drove around in.
I sat next to my boyfriend frowning as I looked to both Jayce and Devyn.
"I'll explain everything when we get there, being out in the open like this-"
"We're inside of a moving vehicle, I don't think anyone is going use their super vampiric strength to make this car stop." Devyn commented and I just frowned at him.
"I will explain everything shortly." My eyes fell off the other and out the window.
It was maybe after nine and the exhaustion was finally kicking in.
Or maybe it was the pain medicine for my arm that I had to keep reminding myself that was broken.

When we got to the house, all my sudden confidence was gone and I wanted to tell Abel and the others I was joking and wanted to go home.
But I'm pretty sure they'd each be pretty irritated at me.
So jokes weren't going to happen just yet.

"Just stay here and I'll get Zendaya and Hendrix." Abel let go of my good hand and I frowned at how cold it got when he left my side.
Jayce looked to me.
"I'm as curious as the other two but is what you're doing back here that important that the others need to know?" He asked and I frowned at him.
"I think they'd like to know or at least the vampires who go to our school and have human friends would." I told the other and his brows knitted.

"Goodness child what on earth happened to your arm?" Zendaya came down the stairs in a gorgeous blue night gown with her hair done up.
I nibbled my lip frowning.
"I broke it earlier today, I'm sorry for coming back uninvited but I-"
"Adrian, you're always welcome here." She smiled at me but her brows furrowed at my arm.

"Hendrix, Abel, please inform the other members of our family we will be having a meeting in the next few minutes regarding Adrian Grimes." She said and immediately Hendrix and Abel vanished from the room.

"I'll have Styx heal your arm darling, it looks like a clean cut and I'm sure you need both arms when it comes to your schooling." She smiled softly and she reminded me of a mom.
It was honestly pretty nice.

"Didn't they just leave like yesterday? Why are you guys back?" Styx growled coming up to us and his eyes fell on my arm and his brow arched up.
"What the fuck-"
"Styx, let's watch your language for a moment angel, and heal his arm please." Zendaya said and Styx made a face looking at her.
"Styx, I would appreciate it if you helped our friend out." She said and he let out a heavy sigh.
"Yes aunt Zendaya." He came over to me as I tried not to make any sounds knowing he was going to touch my arm.
But the moment his cold hand touched the sling, moving my arm.
I did the embarrassing thing.
I screamed in pain.

Styx's brows were knitted as he stepped back the moment Abel was in front of him.
The other's eyes were black.
"What did you do?" He growled.
"Abel, I asked Styx to heal Adrian's arm, he did nothing wrong." Zendaya commented with crossed arms and a arched brow.
"But, Styx darling, what happened?" She asked him.

His eyes were locked on my arm before running a hand through his hair.
"I can't heal it." He turned to her.
"It may be broken but there's something blocking it from being properly healed." He glared at me.
"What happened?" He demanded and I flinched as Abel pulled me back.
"Easy, Styx." He growled and the other glared.

"Zendaya, the children are in the main hall waiting to be spoken to." Hendrix returned and his eyes fell on my arm frowning.
She turned to him and it was shocking to see the glare in her eyes.
It wasn't aimed at anyone in this room but it was obvious.
She was pissed.

"I see the two humans are back, should we just turn them since they like being in the company of vampires so much?" From what had felt like a week of being here.
I actually noted everyone's names while being under the same roof as them.
It was that Nathan guy who stood in the back with Rowen, who still looked completely out of it from the other day.
I never knew a vampire could hold in so much emotion before suddenly letting it all out like that.
It was pretty heart breaking knowing how sad he really was.

"They returned because Adrian wanted to speak with us as a group which was considerate of him." Zendaya looked to me before motioning me to leave Abel's side and to join hers.
I was hesitant but let Abel's hand go and walked past the eyes that were locked on me.
"Why is his arm broken?"  I heard Aspen question and I wanted to answer her.
But I would just answer their questions when I tell them what happened today at school.
And how I'm concerned about the safety of the kids there.
Even Octavian.
As crazy as that sounds.

"Well what is it?" Synclair frowned at me and I frowned back trying to find the right words to start with.
I could feel the anxiety trying to consume before I let out a shaky breath.

"Today we returned to school and we were informed that there were eight new kids now attending our school, according to my friends Josie Levine and Sevyn Fox, they appeared out of nowhere and right around the time the three of us went missing and were kept here." I began and tried not to shrink at how everyone's eyes were on me.
I hated attention.
I hated speaking in large groups.
I always wanted to hide and wait for the party or occasion to end so I could breathe again.

Letting out a gentle breath I sighed.
"One of those kids just happened to be the one who broke my arm today." I said out loud and watched the anger appear in Abel's eyes.
I frowned.
"It was Magna Taylor." I announced and suddenly everyone's eyes were wide.

"Why is that piece of shit attending a high school?" Ashby demanded locking eyes with Abel who glared in my direction.
"We have friends in that school if he-"

"That's why I wanted to come here." I cut Rixley off with an apologetic expression which she took note of with a nod.
"Today Magna confronted me again, he used some kind of mind magic-"

"It's called nightmare illusion." Nathan cut in with crossed arms as I frowned at him.
"Not only can the bastard use blood and body bending, he can fuck with your mind and if you're a human, it makes it all the more real. He usually casts that to kill who ever he's after. Or that's what he's done in the past at least." He shrugged.

I stood there frowning at Nathan who leaned against the wall as if waiting for me to continue.
Clearing my throat I frowned feeling anxious.
"He used nightmare illusion and made it look like my whole school had been butchered by him," I swallowed and it hurt.
"Magna wants to continue attending our school but he confirmed that time to time again, a classmate would come up missing and possibly end up dead in the woods." I frowned looking to Jayce and tried not to get emotional up here.

"He said that if I told anyone, the first one to die would be Jayce." I said lastly and Jayce's eyes grew wide as Devyn looked from him to me with wide eyes.

"Why the fuck is he targeting Jayce all of a sudden?" He demanded and I just shrugged.
"I don't know Devyn." I frowned deeply and Jayce was frowning at me.
"Is it because-"

"You may have been a vampire this whole time but Magna knows all of the vampires, except you." Nick glanced to my friend who glared in response.
"Apparently that night you tried saving Adrian, you pissed him off that he didn't know there could be vampires right under his nose, so of course he's going to come after you since you're practically a newborn in his eyes." He explained.

"So, you came here to warn the ones who go to your school to be on guard around their friends for the sake of them not dying?" Rixley asked me frowning and I looked at her also frowning.
She came up the stairs and I wanted to scream the moment she hugged me.
"Thank you, Adrian." She frowned softly.
"If I lost any of my friends at that school, I'd lose myself, and with us all knowing this now. I'm sure my aunt and uncle will have no problem keeping you and your friends safe, that includes Jayce." She looked to the group I was in and Jayce was standing there frowning.

Zendaya looked to her then to me.
"She's right, you could of kept this to yourself and let the innocent die as long as your friends weren't touched, but you put your hand in deaths door for the sake of not only you and your friends, but for the sake of my children here as well. You have my most respect, your consideration for others will always be appreciated and I can see now why Abel was fond of you," she smiled softly.
"You're a rarity, Adrian Grimes. Please never lose sight of yourself." She told me.

"With what has been said I would like to enroll in their school." My eyes fell on Abel who stood there looking up at us frowning.
Zendaya glanced to me then to him smiling softly.
"I have no problems with that Abel, you're only eighteen so there shouldn't be an issue enrolling you." She said and my eyes tried not to grow wide.
He was eighteen?
But Devyn said he was twenty two.
My head was spinning as I tried not to stumble.
The age gap suddenly made me more relieved all of a sudden.

"Is there anyone else that would like to enroll?" She asked the room and everyone exchanged looks.

"Protection for the family is required right? If something were to happen to my cousins all because one childish vampire can't stop living in the past, I don't think I'd be able to control my anger. So I'll attend this school as well." Synclair stated and I stared at the brunet while his brother stood there gawking at him like he was an idiot for even suggesting that.

Zendaya smiled softly.
"That's considerate of you." She smiled and he seemed happy with her response.
"So Abel and Syn will be-"

"If Magna is at that school, where my brother goes, I have no choice but to fuck my lazy afternoons up by going as well." My eyes widened at Nathan who glanced to Rowen who glared but said nothing in response.
Nathan smirked.
"The kid may hate me for personal reasons but he is my family, I can't have him dying on me for the sake of education." He shrugged.
"And he has some humans I don't think he'd appreciate having dead, as much as they annoy him, Rowen does have his emotions back on. So like the other day-"

"Would you please for the love of hell, shut up already? We get it, you're coming to my school!" Rowen growled earning chuckles in the room watching the two.
Nathan smirked in response.
He was doing what all brothers do.
Teasing the other for a reaction.
I knew that all to well.
Bellamy and Hyde were bad about it.

"Abel Pierce, Synclair Dodson and Nathan Steele are all confirmed to be enrolling at the school, if no one else wishes to attend, I would like to close this meeting for the night." Zendaya's eyes fell on me.
"And I'd like for Styx and Eliana to join me and Adrian in the other room to see about a proper healing for his arm." She said walking away leaving everyone else who dismissed themselves from the room and returned back to their own.

"If it's a cursed bone, the only one who can fix it would be the one who broke it." Eliana stated looking at my arm frowning.
"And because that person turns out to be Magna, the one who would be able to step up next would be a more powerful vampire, that or a witch." She suggested frowning as I stood next to Zendaya who frowned in response.

"The only witch and wizard I know of that would be close to us to get here within a days time, would be either Rainer Stone or Rose Cross." She crossed her arms.
Eliana made a face to the names she mentioned.
"Magnus isn't an option?" She questioned.
Styx glared at her.
"He went off with the rebellion lead by no other than Dallas Webb, you really think we're going to let a traitor involve himself in this home with what we're already dealing with? If Magnus found out we had humans in our home, the elders would be informed and no one wants that." He frowned.

I looked at them confused.
"Are these elders you guys talk about bad people?" I asked.
Zendaya looked to me frowning.
"They're far from nice dear, it's one reason why a lot of our own kind disbanded in Italy, and why Abel left was because they were always breathing down his neck. Expecting the unexpected from him, the poor dear couldn't handle the pressure and so he fled as well. They're called the elders but in reality, they're each quite young for their age. Let's see." She thought for a moment.

"I think the only one in that home of theirs who is the most reasonable would be Malik, although he comes off cruel, he can be quite a little bear with his emotions still on. Morgan turned his off permanently after the loss of his mate, Athan Taylor." She frowned and my brows knitted.
"An elder was mated to Magna's brother?" I asked and she blinked but nodded.
"Yes but it did not last, Athan was in love with Abel but he sacrificed his wants and needs by moving on and accepting Morgan's feelings, those two were together for maybe three hundred years before Athan slipped away one night and never returned." She frowned and so did I.

"Remus is a violent one by nature itself, I wouldn't even wish my enemies to know his wrath. He kills just to kill with no motive involved, it's cruel but it's how he gets his point across." She sighed.
"And lastly is Deidre, an uptight lady who thinks she has to be right no matter the circumstance, it's a bit naïve on her end, but everyone knows to never point it out or they'll lose their heads." She looked at me.

"But for you arm, I will see if Rainer or Rose can come down and see about fixing you up, it has to be frustrating that you can't use your left arm the way you want." She said and I nibbled my lip.
"Thank you Zendaya, I appreciate what you're doing for me." I told her and she smiled softly.
"You've already did so much for us Adrian Grimes, its the least I can do." Her eyes fell on the door as I turned and there stood Abel, he was frowning at us before his eyes met Zendaya's.

"Can I steal my boyfriend back now?" He asked her.
She smiled softly.
"Of course, I was just telling Adrian that I'll have Rainer or Rose over here shortly to fix his arm up for him." She told the other and he nodded taking my free hand.
"We'll be up in my room then, excuse us." He said leading me out of the room and towards the staircase.

"Abel, are you mad at me?" I asked him as he pushed the bedroom door open and hesitated on his answer.
"No, I have a million thoughts running through my head right now and the main one is how I'm going to keep you safe from Magna, and if word gets out. How any of us will keep you and Devyn safe from the elders, if they find out it won't end well." He told me bringing us over to the bed and sat down.

"Why not?" I asked him.
He looked at me.
"Because if someone tells them we have humans in our home we're not feeding on or mating with, they will take it into their own matters by taking the two of you from us and either imprison you, kill you or turn you." He explained and my heart was stuck in my throat.
"Why are they seeing humans as such a bad threat?" I frowned looking at him.
Abel looked at me.
"Because," he frowned deeply.

"It was the humans who killed Athan." He told me and my eyes grew wide.


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