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I walked through the front door of my home after saying my goodnight to Abel, I knew I was still flushed from this whole thing, but still.
I couldn't help but feel anxious.
We were going to see each other again on Friday and it made me feel good knowing he actually wanted to go on a real date.
It was definitely something that would distract me from reality for a bit.
But Devyn was right on one thing.
He really didn't look twenty two.
Maybe I'll bring that up on our date on Friday without making it awkward.

"There he is."
My eyes fell to the hall with the light on and in the middle stood my mom, Veronica Grimes.
She stood there with crossed arms in her night gown checking the time, her brows were knitted frowning at me.
"Where have you been?" She asked me.

I stared at her confused.
"What do you mean? I wrote you earlier.." I walked into the kitchen where everyone else was and Laurie looked guilty about something.
Before it clicked.
She told them.

"Adrian, if you're going to go on a date with a stranger at least tell me or your dad first, all I got from you earlier was a text you were going out and that was it. And when I called you, you didn't pick up." She was frowning and now so was I.
I looked at my phone and sure enough there was a missed call from her.
"I'm sorry." I frowned and managed to look at my mom now noticing the actual concern in her blue eyes.
"Well, I'll let it slide since you seem like the date went okay. How was he? Nice I hope." She smiled and it just made me feel ten times better now.

My parents had always been supportive when it came to our sexual orientations, Bellamy was straight, he usually had a new girl over every month claiming the other girl was boring or had cheated.
Laurie was bisexual and Hyde was still not sure, he claims to like girls but you can see his eyes wander sometimes.
And then there was me.
Your average gay kid.
My mom said she got the whole package and never complained once about it.
All my dad wanted was for us to be happy and to be loved the way we deserved to be.
So when I came out.
They celebrated and marked it on the calendar.
I didn't deserve them as parents.
They were too good to us.
Way too good.

"He was." I couldn't help but smile now and it seemed to lighten the mood in the room, my mom smiled in response looking at me.
"Really? That's good baby, I'm glad. What's his name?" She questioned.
I looked at her.
"His name is Abel Pierce." I told her and Hyde looked to me.
"Oh, he's Ashby's brother." He said and I nodded.

My dad made a face.
"What grade is he in?" He asked and my chest grew tight.
"He's homeschooled from what Ash told me." Hyde answered.
"The guy was living off in Italy with some family and based on his relationship with his parents, it didn't work out living there so he came home, he's supposed to be returning to Silver Oak's this year some time as a senior." Hyde explained and for some reason that both relieved and bothered me.
Devyn said Abel was twenty two.
But Hyde just confirmed he was a senior which would make him seventeen or eighteen.

Dad glanced to me now.
"Try not to get too attached to him then son, if he's graduating next year it'll only end your relationship with that gap." He told me and my heart sank.

"Ethan!" Mom hissed glaring and my dad looked taken back.
"What? I'm being honest with him dear, a senior dating a sophomore would only end up in heartbreak, especially if this Abel guy goes to college states away or something." He said and suddenly my mood fell completely.
I just bawled my fists before forcing that fake smile.

"Well we have another date on Friday, he wants to take me somewhere else besides Catch U Latte." I said and my mom's eyes lit up.
"Oh that's wonderful! Do you know where?" She asked and I shook my head.
"Just somewhere he can get to know me better, we relate to sharing the love of the piano, he told me he wanted to hear me play." I was feeling shy as I said that out loud but still.
It made me happy.
I just hope this guy actually likes me and it's not some god awful prank where Octavian is behind the scenes paying this guy to show interest in me.
How shitty would that be?
I don't think my heart could bare that kind of heartache.

My mom was grinning ear to ear before looking over to the screaming kettle letting her know the tea was done.
"Well if the date on Friday goes well, I'd like to meet this date of yours, especially if he makes my baby smile like this." She turned the burner on low and came up to me placing her hands on the sides of my shoulders squeezing them.
"That's all I want for my children is for them to be happy, and if you think he'll make you happy and you two can make it work even after he graduates. Sink those nails into him baby and don't let go, that way he knows your serious." She smiled kissing the same cheek Abel kissed earlier and suddenly I felt more warm than before.
I smiled.
"Thanks, I'm going to do my homework then get some sleep. Goodnight you guys." I said leaving the group and headed to my room.

["So the date went well?"] Devyn asked over the speaker as I wrote the notes down Sevyn was letting me copy from earlier.
"It did, he was really nice, it went better than I thought." I said flipping the page.
["See! Oh and by the way he wrote on the app earlier asking for your number and I gave it to him, hope that was okay."]
I smirked softly shaking my head.
"Well if we're going to keep seeing each other he's going to need my number so stay in contact, so I guess that's fine." I joked.
["That date really put you in a good mood, I'm glad. You seemed pretty down the last two days so it's good this date blew up in the right direction."]
I read over the notes before writing down what Sevyn underlined.

"Yeah, maybe you guys can meet him, well actually scratch that, did you know he was actually younger than he claimed to be?" I asked.
["Somehow that doesn't surprise me but how did you find out? Did he tell you?"]
"No, Hyde brought it up earlier when I told my mom Abel's name, apparently he's a senior and going to be coming to Silver Oak's." I told the other.
["Oh shit I bet that'll set a fire under Oct's ass, not that I'm complaining. I really want to see that bastard fall on his ass and no one offer a hand to help him up. Especially after the shit he's put you through."] Devyn said and I nodded my eyes falling off the notes and onto the window, the moon was shinning bright tonight and it was probably easy to get lost in if you stared long enough.

["So, I have a question, I'd hate to take the topic off you but I never get to talk about myself."] I could seriously see Devyn smirking as he said this over the phone, which only made me smirk in response.
"Hey, no one told you that you can't talk about yourself, talk away I'm all ears." I told him leaning back in the chair and twisting around.
["Fair point so do you think it would be weird if I started being into the Brewer brothers?"]
I blinked before hanging up and requesting a video chat instead.

{"ASSHOLE! Who the fuck hangs up over a question like that?"} Devyn glared at me and I grinned.
"Sorry sorry, but are you into all three of them like as a poly or separately?"
He squinted his eyes at me.
{"Separately you weird ass."} He smirked.
{"I'm just drawn to them, I mean Ezra is a total goofball who likes to make people laugh, I like to be happy sometimes, Maverick is just fucking hot like hands down if he told me to drop my pants without getting to know each other, all he has to do is say the-"}
"Devyn." I was pinching the bridge of my nose and he laughed.
{"Sorry, off the bridge a bit, but then there's also Nick.."} He went quiet on that and I stared at the blond who was beginning to pick at his nails.

"Stop that." I told him and he blinked before realizing what he was doing.
{"Oh, sorry, it's just. Nick has this cool vibe about him right? But he also has that cold vibe and I'm attracted to the idea of him stepping on me because honestly, I'd probably say thank you."} He said with a shrug and I felt disgusted.
"If he stepped on you wouldn't that be abusive?"
{"Not if I'm asking for it, it's called a kink my friend."} He winked and I arched a brow.
"You have a kink to be stepped on? Why do I feel bad for you all of a sudden?" I asked him and he smirked.
{"What's your kink, Adrian? I told you mine."} He laced his fingers and looked at me.

I smirked at him.
"I don't have one-"
{"Fucking liar."} Devyn laughed shaking his head me.
{"Everyone has a kink."} He told me and I thought about it.
"Maybe having my hair pulled? Or spa-"
{"Alright you kinky little shit I asked for one kink not your list."} Devyn teased and my face turned red.
"Sorry." I coughed feeling more embarrassed but he looked off the camera.

{"But back to me for a minute, do you think I should tell them and see who bites the worm?"}
I stared at him horrified.
"Is biting also your kink?"
{"That was out of context and you know it! Be serious for a minute you pervert."} Devyn smirked and I rolled my eyes but grinned.

"I say write them a letter and-"
{"Okay I'll call Jayce or Josie because no way in hell am I writing guys a letter about my feelings, I have a dick and balls, not a vagina and breasts Adrian!"} He told me and I blushed.
"Well sorry! I never confessed to a guy before, Octavian came to me and he was my first everything but ruined that experience all together in the end, if I hadn't met Abel and he was at our school, I probably would of been cliché and wrote him a letter because I learned he's into clichés." I shrugged.

Devyn stared and thought on that.
{"I'll just be up front with them-"}
"What happens if they all like you?" I asked.
Devyn smirked.
{"Thanks for making me feel fucking attractive, that's nice of you but if they each liked me. I would probably find someone else to like because I couldn't date one brother and not the other two, plus if I tried to date all three it would be fucking weird because they're siblings."} He told me.
"I mean some people are into that." I shrugged.
{"Gross."} Devyn smirked with a disgusted grin on his face.

{"Anyway bitch I'm getting off and heading to bed, we have two more days of hell to get through before the weekend, get some good ass sleep and I'll see you in the morning."}
He sent kisses through the screen before hanging up, leaving me grinning like a total dork.

When the morning came all I wanted to do was sleep in, I stared at the alarm I had silenced and just thought about how angry my parents would be if I tried to skip.
But if I skipped, I wouldn't get to find out how Devyn's confession idea went.
So I guess I'll suffer and go through another day of Octavian acting like a big ass baby about something old news just to make people hate me for all the wrong reasons.

"You're up early." Mom commented in the kitchen as I grabbed a bowl and the cheerio's.
"I decided to answer the alarm the first time and not thirty minutes later for once." I smirked already feeling tired as I poured the milk on top of the cereal.

"You and Devyn seemed to be lively last night with all that talking you did, you sounded like a pair of teenage girls gossiping over the hot boys in your school." She teased and I blushed in response.
"I mean we were talking about boys and it's one reason why I want to go to school today, Devyn is apparently trying to get with some juniors and I want to be there to support the best friend." I shrugged.
Mom arched a brow.
"I thought Jayce was your best friend?" She asked and I thought on that.
"They both are." I looked at her.

"Well I hope it works out for him, you kids are only young for so long before you're old and married and all you know is work and sleep." She smiled brushing my bangs back and kissed my forehead as I put the bowl in the sink pouring water in it.
"I know that's why I want to make these last two years of high school the best ones yet, I know drama is going to be right there but so are the good times." I smiled grabbing my jacket and heading out the front door where Jayce and Hyde were in the truck waiting.

"Are you sick?" Jayce asked in the backseat and I rolled my eyes.
"No, I just felt like getting up early today, I may regret it by fourth period but it's too late to turn back now." I smirked.
"Yeah because I'm not waiting thirty minutes for you to get more beauty sleep." Hyde commented driving out of the driveway and onto the street.

"He's not here today?" I questioned taking note of how quiet the halls were with Octavian missing.
Sevyn shook his head.
"Apparently he fell in the locker room yesterday and was found unconscious by the gym coach, he doesn't remember shit but that he'll be out for the next few days, which means you can enjoy school." He told me and that did make me feel better.
Knowing I could learn without people giving me hell.
It was a nice feeling for once.

"Where's Devyn?" I asked now and Sevyn blinked.
"Oh him?" He looked around.
"I think he dragged some guys off and told them they had to wait in line so he could talk to them separately, it was kind of fucking weird to be honest." He looked uncomfortable as the first bell rang.
"That's homeroom, I guess we'll hear about how that little lineup he had going goes after History, let's go." He told me and I nodded following the blond into the classroom.

We were halfway through the session before Devyn finally decided to appear and was scolded the moment he walked in, but he seemed flustered about something before taking his seat.
My brows were knitted.
"Where have you been?" I whispered and he glanced to me before smirking deviously.
"Catching my fish." He winked and I gagged.

"So, who did you end up confessing to?" I asked him after the class ended and Devyn didn't even seem disappointed as he grinned.
"I told Maverick I was into him and he actually said he liked me too, we kind of talked a bit but then it lead to this pretty hot make out session." He said fanning himself.

I rolled my eyes as he looked at me.
"By the way, would you be against the idea of a double date Friday?" He asked me and I stared at him.
"I mean not at all but-"
"Okay cool because I learned Maverick is actually Abel's cousin? And those two live in this huge ass house with their other cousins which is weird as fuck but I didn't question it, he just asked if you'd be down with us also attending the date." He said and I nibbled my lip but smiled.

"A double date sounds like a lot of fun actually, and it'll be easier to breathe with you there, so yeah of course it's fine with me." I grinned and so did he.

I know I said I was fine with the idea of a double date.
I just hope it doesn't interfere with me getting to know Abel.
I wanted to get to know him.
And deep down.
I knew he wanted to get to know me too.

I just need Friday to get here and for Octavian to stay far away from me that day.
I want it to be perfect.
I need it to be perfect.
Because I deserve happiness.


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