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**Abel's Pov.**

"We look like a damn tourist group with all of us coming into Italy like this." Nathan growled as we stepped off the plane from the airport and looked around.
"We don't know Remus's plans and I'm sure he already knows I didn't come alone to bring Adrian home." I said walking by the people inside but something seemed off.
Like they weren't even people.
But a mirage.
What has Remus done to this country since I was exiled?

"Well I can tell you boys right now, it's going to take more than a days time to get this kid out of here." Astrid commented with crossed arms frowning.
"Our main goal was just to get here." I glanced to her as we walked out before glaring at the sun that was already almost gone.
"We arrived much later than I wanted." My eyes fell on Maverick annoyed as Devyn popped up behind him.

"Did you really think I was fixing to let you guys boss me around? Jayce is more emotional than I am about this, I get both of us couldn't come but I was about to be damned if you thought for a moment, I was staying behind." He hissed with crossed arms and I stared at the other.
"It was going to be dangerous involving you two. Plus our group was already enough without involving you." I said now and Devyn arched a brow with his hands on his hips and looked at Maverick who rubbed the side of his neck.

"I couldn't tell him no-"
"Of course not." We all said in unison walking down the street and my eyes fell on the large castle that rested on top of the hill.
The only off thing about it was the fact, there were no vampires guarding it.
He was definitely up to something and it was pissing me off.
I just wanted Adrian back.
I wanted us to go back home.
And sleep this all off and call it a real bad dream.

We walked to the closest motel as I looked around waiting to be seen.
It would of sent red alerts but it would of told those guys I was here and ready to collect what was mine.
I knew lives might be lost the moment we stormed into that castle.
But I was prepared for anything.
So were these guys.
Adrian meant everything to me and I refused to just give him up because he was a human.
He was the only human who would ever understand me.
Just like I was the only vampire who would ever understand him the way he wanted.
That was why I had to fight for him.

"I want us to lay low tonight don't make it obvious we're not from here because that will only draw attention and we don't need that yet." I said in the room.
We had to settle for four rooms because there were too many of us to share just one room.
And I had a feeling we were bound to be found sooner than I actually wanted.
But that's fine.
The sooner we get this over with, the better.

"The only thing about that statement is, we are from here." Dallas crossed his arms looking at me.
"We grew up on these streets Abel, any old face that sees us will tell Remus and the others because we're not supposed to be here." He said and I looked at them.
"I'm aware of that and that's why I'm grateful you agreed to come with me anyway, I probably would have struggled if it had just been me coming here. I may have gotten myself killed, so I really am grateful how selfless you each are being." I said and they looked away frowning.

"Stop making it sound embarrassing, we did this for the kid and possibly the community you mentioned recreating." Dallas rubbed his neck avoiding eye contact and I smirked softly.
"Right, of course. The community will in fact be created if we can get Adrian back home safely, after a day or twos time we will gather again and I will go over those very plans and goals for this community. There are a lot of vampires who crave to be together, there's even human and vampires who want to be together, but because of Remus and his damned control. That very idea is nonexistent with me out of the picture, but that will all change." I said with promise.

"So are we supposed to just stay cooped up in here?" Trip arched a brow at me and I frowned at the other.
"No, you guys can go out and explore but don't be seen by anyone who may recognize you, that just makes this plan a lot harder for us to achieve if we're caught." I explained and Trip nodded getting off the floor.
"Well I'm going to go check out a few of the old stores that apparently ran down, I wonder if mister Jameson is still around in that old bookshop of his." He smirked as Astrid and Jensen got up with the other.
"Probably," Astrid grinned.
"The poor guy loves his books too much." She said as the three walked out and my eyes fell on Dallas who smirked.

"They'll be careful, you're seriously stressing too much over this Abel. How about you, me, Rick and Nate all go have a drink for old times sake? We always tried but then it lead to drama and we never really did get to have those drinks." He suggested and I stared as Maverick and Nathan both smirked.
"You need to loosen up, let's go." Maverick grabbed my arm and brought me to my feet as I frowned.

"Yeah, we'll hang out here." Nick said sitting with Devyn and the others and it was painfully obvious that Devyn wanted to be where Rick was, but he was a serious eye catcher when he started talking, because he was usually cussing.
We didn't need to draw attention to ourselves.

"Alright fine." I agreed and the three before me all grinned in response.
"Alright." Dallas smirked.
"We won't be gone long Memphis so make sure the other problem children stay put." He said and the black haired vampire nodded in response.
"You got it boss." He laid back down on the bed reading the magazine that had been abandoned in here before the four of us were walking out and it was night.

"Four beers." Dallas raised his hand in the bar and glanced to me.
"So let's say this plan does pan out the way we want and you get your human back, what then? Are we supposed to run and go back to living life how we had been?" He questioned as the bartender pushed the beers down our way.
"Things will change Dallas, when we return and I talk to Adrian's mom. He will become a vampire like us and I will mark him, I'll have more control and know where he is if danger ever crosses our path like this again."

"Wait, you're turning him?" Maverick arched a brow and I looked to the other taking a drink.
"Yes, he wants to turn-"
"But are they your wishes or his?" Rick pushed and I frowned.
"Both, I wouldn't force this on him Maverick." I glared now and Maverick raised his hands.
"I'm just saying man, Devyn is still in transitioning so his hunger hasn't fully hit yet, if you turn Adrian into a vampire the moment we return home. That's two nasty newborns we have to deal with and not just one." He downed the rest of the beer wiping his mouth with a sigh.

"Who was the worst newborn out of our bunch?" Dallas questioned.
"You know, before we all became the traitors in the country we were raised in." He smirked sipping his.
I looked to the guys before thinking about it.

"Rowen." Nathan and I said in unison before blinking then smirking at each other.
"He was a fucking handful growing up because as kids we never tasted blood, our moms and aunts never allowed it for whatever reasons, but when we turned twelve. We could have our first taste that triggered the vampires inside of us, and he was a mess." Nathan smirked looking at his drink.
"He lost control for months and would drink just to have something to bite into, but then situations happened and he shut his emotions off." His eyes fell on Dallas who glanced to him now frowning.

"Hey, Nathan-"

"Abel? Abel Pierce?" We all went stiff turning our direction to this kid who looked like he was maybe in his teens with shoulder length brown hair and bright baby blue eyes.

"Holy shit, is that you Nico?" Maverick was gawking at the other and the brunet's eyes grew wide.
"It is you guys!" He pretty much threw himself at us and I grinned in response.
"Look at you, you've matured into a half way decent brat." I teased and the brunet smirked.
"Shut up you're a bunch of old men under those young faces, I'm still in my youth." He grinned and I smirked.

"Why are you guys here in Italy? Does Remus and them know?" Nico frowned.
"No, but they have something that's mine." I told the other and Nico blinked before his eyes grew wide.
"Wait, are you here for that kid that was brought here a few days ago?" He asked and I frowned at him.
"I am, that's my boyfriend." I told him and Nico's brows were knitted.
"You didn't hear this from me then but apparently Remus and the others are throwing this big ball tomorrow night at the castle regarding that same human, apparently something big is happening and the kid is being pampered big time by Remus himself." He told me and we both stopped drinking and looked at him in shock.

"Pampering him? They brought Adrian here to kill him." Nathan frowned and Nico crossed his arms.
"I don't know the details you guys, just what floats around town, but a lot of elite vampires are going to be there for the sake of this ball, even outsiders." He told us and my brows were knitted.
Elite vampires?
A ball for Adrian?
What the fuck was happening?

Nico rocked back and forth on his feet for a moment.
"Anyway you guys, it was good seeing you four and good luck getting your boyfriend back Abel." Nico smiled walking out of the bar and I sat there racking my brain on what was going on.

"Orpheus's plan was to bring Adrian here to have him put on judgement and if he failed he was going to die, that was why we all came to back you up when we rescued him. But now he's being pampered by Remus?" Dallas growled and I glared.
"I'm as confused as you are." I growled as we got up and stormed out of the bar.

"Good evening gentlemen, it's been a while." I've never turned faster in my life before turning with a harsh growl in response to Morgan leaned against the wall near the door, holding a letter in his hand with a rather devious smirk.

"Breaking into Italy took a lot of balls considering you're all traitors." He smirked and I glared.
"What's going on, Morgan? Why is Remus throwing a fucking ball tomorrow regarding Adrian." I growled and Morgan blinked before rolling his eyes.
"Oh that? God I wish people would talk about something else that wasn't regarding that brat, all he does is whines the whole time, so god damn annoying-" he smirked widely the moment I wrapped my hands around his throat glaring harshly at the other.

"Easy now, I was actually requested to bring this to you in behalf of Remus himself." He handed me the letter as I tore it open and read over it glaring.
"Why the fuck would we be invited to the ball, we could come right now and get Adrian. There's twelve of us." I growled and Morgan smirked.
"Quite a number for one brat but yes as much as it disgusts us knowing he actually invited you, you're required to come. It'll be quite the shock for everyone and honestly? I can't wait to watch your expressions fall over what's to come." He grinned as I glared harshly at the other.
"What do you mean-"
"Bye bye." Morgan blew a kiss before turning to dust and the wind took him right to the castle.

"DAMN IT!" I slammed the door open startling the others in the room as I glared.
"Abel just breathe for a minute, if they're throwing a ball then it means Adrian is alive and he'll be easier to get out of there." Maverick tried to reason with me and I was at my wits end with this.
Nothing was making sense.
A ball?
Why were they throwing a fucking ball for Adrian?
What has Remus done?

Nothing was adding up and it was making me sick to my stomach.
So sick that I lost sleep that night.
Scratch that.
I didn't sleep.

**Adrian's Pov.**

"What even is a ball?" I questioned Morgan the next day while standing in the room as the maid measured my body for this insane outfit I was expected to wear.
Morgan looked annoyed at the question.
"I hate you." He responded and my eye twitched.
"I'm being serious-"
"Oh I am too, I really hate you." Morgan shrugged thinking it over.
"But to answer your question as exhausting as explaining anything to you is, a ball is a large party where royal and elite vampires show up at for crowning or some magical news no one really cares about. You're annoyingly enough falling on both so don't embarrass us elders with your stupid face doing those things-"
"Are you talking about emotions?"
"Yeah those, don't make emotions because they're disgusting, like you." Morgan informed me and I rolled my eyes in response.

"How is his suit looking?" I looked over my shoulder to Remus who had no interest in his eyes looking at the maid who stood up.
"It's finished." She told the other.
"Shall we get him ready then?" She suggested looking at the other as Remus's eyes fell on me before smirking.
"Yes, guests are already arriving, we can't have our main attraction late so make it quick." He said disappearing leaving the three of us alone and nothing but knots built their way into my stomach now.

**Abel's Pov.**

"It's already packed." Nathan commented as we walked up towards the stairs as vampires flooded inside.
I was frowning deeply the whole time searching for any hint of Adrian being nearby.
"Nothing is sitting right with me." I frowned and Nick looked to me.
"We're going to get him back Abel." He reassured me and I forced a smile walking inside and could feel eyes all on us.

"It's Abel Pierce."
"Is that Dallas Webb?"
"Who invited the traitors?"
"Should we tell Remus?"
"Shh, they'll hear you."

I looked around frowning as my eyes fell on the three way staircase where no other than he stood, his black eyes already on me and my eyes only darkened in response.
"There's Remus." I told the others and they all looked in my direction before frowning deeply and that just made the other smirk widely in response.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I hope you each had a safe trip getting here tonight." Remus spoke normally but anyone who was a vampire could hear him.
You could tell who were humans because they all looked confused.
My eyes fell on Devyn and he was trying to get Maverick to explain to him what he said.
Who ended up telling him anyway.

"I wouldn't of thrown this ball if I didn't have a good enough reason but then again, who doesn't enjoy a ball every now and then?" He shrugged looking at us as he smirked.

"A few days ago Orpheus brought us quite the treat who was actually going to end up on judgement's trial today." He spoke and my blood ran cold looking to the others.
He was talking about Adrian.
My eyes wandered as I tried to listen but also to look for him.
Where was he?

"And then something happened two days later, the treat attempted to make a run for it for his pathetic excuse of a partner you all know as, Abel Pierce. He is here with us, wave to them Abel, make yourself known." Remus smirked as I glared harshly at the other while everyone else looked at us disgusted.
The only one who didn't have a clue was Devyn.
Who still looked beyond confused.

"But that didn't happen exactly, you see, I actually attempted to kill him then and there. His body shattered against a wall and I wanted to think of him as dead, but that didn't happen." His eyes fell to the top of the staircase as if waiting for someone to come down.

"I would like to introduce to everyone here the last of his kind, he is rare and extinct, or that's what the books wanted us all to think. Please welcome my treat for the night, Adrian Grimes. The one and only, Daylight." He announced and no one made a sound.
How could they?

"What kind of sick joke is that? Adrian is a human." Devyn glared now as if able to hear what Remus just said.
My eyes watched the stairs before my eyes were wide watching him come down.
He didn't even look like Adrian.

His usual brown messy hair was now pushed back and his eyes were hidden behind a mask that just hid his eyes as he walked down with no other than, Morgan.
Adrian was in a dark red tux with a black tie and he slowly made his way to Remus who was watching the other with full amusement.

"I'm sure everyone in this room has their doubts, Daylights were known to be extinct, the end of their own kind. The last Daylight to exist of its kind was over seven hundred years ago and they were all killed in their home, this child is a rarity ladies and gentlemen and let me give you the proof that declares my statements are no lie!" He ripped the blindfold off and my eyes were wide in shock.

Adrian's eyes were two different colors.
I wanted to fall to my knees.
How did none of us know this?
How could we not sense that there was something off about him?
He was a human.
At least that was what I wanted to tell myself.

"And for my own humor I'm offering a one and only chance for the traitor Abel Pierce to dance with his dear Adrian here before I give the real shock of the night." Remus's eyes were on me as the vampires cleared the way as Adrian hesitated but he walked down the stairs, his eyes on me and I wanted to run to him.
I wanted to touch him sooner than my feet were letting me.

We met in the middle and looking at him closer.
He was pale.
And had lost weight from the four days of being gone.

"Hi Abel." He greeted me and it was obvious he wanted to hug me.
To cry for help.
But we were having to put on a show for these guys.
It was all apart of Remus's plan.

I made my hands move and they fell on his hips.
I wanted to growl at how he flinched being touched.
But I just took this in.
Holding him.
Being reunited with him.
It had just been four days but it felt like years for me.
I missed him so fucking much.
I was losing my mind just standing here.

"Abel, they're all staring." Adrian's voice brought me back and the panicked look in my eyes met his.
"We can run Adrian, right now." I told him and his brows knitted.
"We can't Abel, it was planned for this to happen. For you guys to show up here tonight, Remus won't let anyone leave until he announces the final thing." He was trembling and I couldn't stop staring at his eyes.

"Adrian, did you know you weren't human?"
"Not until two days ago." Adrian told me frowning.
"I read everything I needed to know about Daylights and it's still shocking to me. Did you know that we don't age after we're confirmed as Daylights?" He gave me a pitied smile.
"Who would of known I wasn't going to get any older than sixteen. The thought makes me sick to my stomach, but I was prepared to change for you." His eyes swelled with tears and I was aching looking at him.

"Abel, I want to go home." He cried burying his face in my chest.
"I don't want to be here, I just want to go home." He dug his fingers into my shoulders and I frowned deeply.
"I'm going to get you out of here." I told him frowning.

Adrian was forced to leave my side minutes after dancing and brought to the top again standing beside Remus and Morgan while Malik and Deidre stood behind the three.

"For the final and last bit of exciting news for the night, and being as he is the last of his kind. We thought it would only make sense to announce this to the whole world." His eyes fell behind us and my eyes were wide seeing all of the cameras on the walls.
People were pulling out their phones and it had Remus on the screen talking as he is now.
He was fixing to broadcast this to the whole world?

"I would like to declare Adrian Daniel Grimes the rarity of his kind as the last Daylight as announcing him as the Prince of Italy." Remus announced.
"Where he will rule not only this country but of California, Florida and New York. I am calling you out my brothers and sisters, from this day forward. We will worship and we will praise Prince Adrian as our one and only ruler." He started clapping as did everyone else.

I looked to the others and then at Adrian who looked just as shocked.
Remember when I said I was prepared for anything?
I lied.

What the fuck have you done?

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