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**Adrian's Pov.**

I flinched stepping back into Abel as that guy did the same with a smirk before his eyes fell on Abel.
"Sorry, sorry." He grinned.
"I was just curious about something, maybe I'm wrong on what I saw-"
"What did you see?" Abel frowned at him.
Ziggy glared.
"I can't tell you yet but you'll know the moment it's close to happening." He explained.

"So you're here in town because?" Nathan frowned at him.
Ziggy blinked but shrugged.
"We wanted to explore, didn't we just have this conversation?" He questioned confused and he was right.
Why did time seem like it just went backwards?
Was it because Abel asked Ziggy what he saw in my future?

Abel looked around.
"I'm only assuming at this point but does Valentine or Cruz know you're walking around with that boy?" His eyes fell on the kid who could of passed as Ziggy's brother.
Pale skin, dark curly black hair and soft steel blue eyes.
His black shirt and dark blue jeans really made him look pale.

Ziggy glanced to the other then back to Abel.
"Valentine already told us to be careful and we are-"
"What are you going to do if an outside vampire comes and kills him?" Abel asked glaring now and Ziggy's calm composure fell and his brows knitted.
"That won't hap-"
"Ziggy I'm sorry to say this now but you, Ozzie, Lyric and Winnie are not the strongest vampires in this town. All you're doing is offering that kid over there on a platter to other vampires who don't give two shits about your friends." He scolded and my brows knitted.

"What?" He glared but froze as I frowned at him.
"I'm a human, are you saying all you're doing is offering me on a platter?"
"What of course not? I can protect you-"
"Then how do you know that they can't protect this kid?" I frowned.
Abel stared at me then looked back at Ziggy.

"Does the kid even know you're vampires?" He asked him and Ziggy blinked.
"Well yeah, it'd be kind of awkward to be friends with the four of us without knowing what we were, but he knows to stay quiet about it." Ziggy shrugged.
He went to speak but the sky turned dark awfully fast and immediately I was at Abel's side with knitted brows.

"What is it?" He asked me.
I wanted to hide looking around.
"This happened when me, Jayce and Nick were all attacked by Magna, the sky grew dark in midday." I balled my free hand into a fist frowning deeply.

Abel looked around and Nathan didn't even hesitate before grabbing Jayce and bringing the four of us into a group with the others.
Ziggy looked around frowning.
"So Magna can control the night?" He asked.

"That's correct my little nosy vampires."

My blood ran cold seeing no other than Magna standing right behind Ziggy and this other black haired vampire who both went to move but Magna's arms fell over the two of them smirking, his eyes locked right on Abel.

"Who would of known I'd be so lucky to see you after you ran from Italy, Abel Pierce." He said icily.
Abel frowned deeply at him.
"You should of known you'd run into me coming to a small town like this Magna." he stated and Magna's eye twitched.
His eyes fell on me.
"I see you're still alive and very much human," he smirked his eyes on me.
"I heard your little friend, you know the one with a mouth on him, had his family killed including himself. Except now he's another pathetic vampire-"

"Watch your fucking mouth." Jayce snarled now and Nathan was literally holding him back but was glaring at Magna who smirked in response.
"I can't wait to get the two of you away from each other, just to kill you little rejected vampire." He said now and Jayce's expression fell and that only made Magna smirked.
"See I did a lot of research on the ones you all involve yourselves with, just to see who was really worth killing or just you know, turning. But like I said, I did a bit of research." He stepped away from Ziggy and the other kid who both went over to where the one Abel was talking about was.

"And I just don't understand how a vampire like yourself, Nathan Steele would stoop as low as to mark a vampire like him."
No one even seen him move before Jayce was literally at Magna's side, he had the back of his neck and free hand on the others hip.

"Magna." Nathan growled now as his eyes turned black.
Magna only smirked.
"Easy now, I haven't even touched him, I mean it's obvious he's fed." His eyes fell on me and I suddenly feel self conscious the moment Abel looked at me confused.
"But he's still incredibly weak to be known as a vampire, did you know that if Remus or the others found out you were mated to him, he would be ripped from you and thrown in a cell like the other rejected vampires in Italy? It's quite a nightmare up there." He said now.

"They lock up rejected vampires?" My brows were knitted and I knew Abel wanted me to stay quiet but I couldn't help my concern or my curiosity on the why end.
Magna looked at me smirking.
"They do, they want the vampire population to be strong and not weak, if you're weak. You're no use to them and a massive embarrassment." His grip on Jayce's neck tightened and I wanted to move forward.
To rip my friend from him.
But I was terrified.

"And if Remus found out you were with this human," he tossed Jayce to the side as if he were nothing before standing right in front of me.
His gray eyes were so dull, almost lifeless but it was his expressions that made him look alive.
"The same thing would happen, you would be ripped away from this traitor thrown in a cell and waited to be auctioned off for a noble vampire to buy you." He explained smirking at me and I felt sick.

"Not that I care what happens to anyone here." He shrugged smirking before looking to Abel.

"And I did hear for a fact, Cepheus is alive." He said and Abel's eyes grew wide.
"A blood riser is in Italy reviving vampires." Magna cut him off.
"And as far as I know on the who or how many part, so far they've revived the majority of them, which means only one thing." He smirked.

"Athan is alive." He told the other and I watched Abel's brows knit together.
"Magna, you know how wrong that is-"
"How is it wrong?" Magna smirked.
"That my innocent baby brother gets another chance at living after the one he loved killed him in cold blood?" He growled.
"Vampires don't come back the same if they're revived Magna, you fucking know that! Silas revived that one vampire and they went on a murder rampage killing not just their own kind but family, and innocent beings!" Abel snapped but my eyes grew wide at how fast Abel was ripped from me and slammed into the brick wall.

"You act like I give a flying fuck who lives or dies at this point, the only family I ever had was Athan, if he comes back and kills a few. It's only fair." He growled glaring at Abel.
"And just so you know, my dear old traitorous friend, I'll send him in your direction in hopes he runs into that human you're so fond of. And I do hope Athan kills him and doesn't hold back." He said smirking from ear to ear.

"I want to watch you fall apart when the one thing you hold dear to you is ripped away and you're left alone with nothing but pure guilt and agony, I hope it eats at you to the point you're starving but you refuse to fucking eat because you lost the one thing that kept you together." I wasn't even sure if Magna knew this.
But he sounded so fucking sad, so broken as he stared hard at Abel.
Like any given minute he would break from the emotions he's kept locked up.

"I want you to suffer the way you made me suffer, I want to watch you give up everything like I did, I want you to fucking die Abel Pierce. The world would be a better place if you just died." He growled.

Abel stared at him.
"Magna, you know I'm innocent when it comes to the death of Athan-"
"Keep his god damn name out of your fucking mouth, you don't deserve the right to say his fucking name!"

"It wasn't him!" I yelled now and time went still.
It was just the two of us again and I was scared I would lose my arms so I kept them behind my back frowning at Magna who's back was to me.

"You don't know anything but what that liar fed to you, you don't-"
"I do know!"
"How?!" He was in my face now and he looked so angry, so lost and for the first time since meeting this guy.
I wasn't scared of him.
He was just stuck in mourning over his brother, like he was trapped.
A spell maybe for him not to forget?
But who would do something so cruel?
He didn't need to keep reliving in the past like that.
He should be allowed to move on.
And if he could do that.
Maybe he'd go back to normal.

My brows knitted.
"Because I trust Abel's word, he told me all about your brother Magna, how much he respected Abel. Abel thought it was adorable but he could never see himself being more than a friend to Athan, because he didn't want to make it hard on you." I felt my eyes burning.
"Abel was never in the position to want to kill Athan, he was Ryn's best friend, Athan was the sun in that town you lived in. Abel was never threatened or stressed out by him, Athan never gave him a reason to be." I refused to break eye contact because he was actually listening to me.

"I came to the house that night, I saw Abel standing over Athan!"
"You saw what your mind wanted you to see Magna! You were too wrapped up in the fact Athan was dead in your best friends house, you wouldn't process what could of really happened. Abel mentioned there were some humans the two of you didn't trust, and this name keeps repeating over and over in my head. But what if it was Conrad that killed Athan and somehow the blame fell on Abel? Another vampire could of came in and messed with your head Magna! Do you really think Abel would of killed Atahn?!"

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" Time went back to normal and there was rain pouring as Magna scratched and pulled at his hair and face.
Like something was telling him not to remember.

"On it."
Abel and Nathan both ran over to Magna, Abel grabbed the back of his arms and before Magna could even try to fight back.
Nathan was snapping his neck and the other was falling on the ground.

"Lock him up in the basement." Abel hissed.
"We have a basement?" Nathan arched a brow and Abel stared.
"Yes." He walked off and Nathan followed while I stood there and looked to Jayce frowning.

"What are they going to do to him?" Jayce frowned and I only shrugged wanting to follow.
But I knew I shouldn't because this was between those three.
I wouldn't lie that I was curious to know what they were going to do.
But it was obvious now.
There was some kind of spell that was locked on Magna's mind.
That had him stuck in avenge mode.

"I don't know, maybe they have a plan." I finally said and bit my lip.
"Let's go check on Devyn." I told him and he nodded not evening rejecting the idea of distracting himself.

**Abel's Pov.**

My eyes were locked on Magna chained to the wall with my arms crossed.
"So its a spell?" I asked and Eliana nodded frowning softly.
"It seems that way, I can't believe the pain they've been putting him through." I looked to her and frowned seeing her eyes glistening with tears.
"It's awful Abel."

"You should of known something was wrong Abel, he used to be your best friend." She crossed her arms studying Magna frowning.
"He was never cruel in Italy until Athan died and the blame fell on you, but now that we know it's a spell. We'll just need Rainer or Rose to come back here because it's out of our hands as healers, we can only heal the wounds, not the mind." She said frowning softly looking at his now sleeping face.

"Do you think he'll regret what he's done up until this point?" I asked her and she sighed softly but with a soft smile she looked up at me.
"I think he'll be angry with himself yeah, but that's your job as his best friend to help him feel better-"
"We're not best-"
"You are." Eliana frowned at me.
"Best friends get into fights Abel, and Magna wasn't even Magna, he was just some puppet another vampire was using to try to ruin everyone's lives. That isn't the Magna I knew and looking at him now? I'm sure you know, he regrets ever coming after you." She stood at my side before looking to me.

"I'll see if we can get Reiner or Rose down here to heal him." She told me before leaving the two of us alone.
And for the first time in a long time.
I was quiet.
I was disappointed in myself.
To never notice the difference in him.
To not acknowledge the fact, someone else could of been behind this.
I failed as his leader and as his friend.
And looking at him now.
I hated myself.

I leaned against the wall and frowned thinking back.

"Would it be stupid of me to think I'd ever find love?" They were finishing up some paperwork, days before the known accident would occur and Abel's eyes were on Magna.
"What kind of question is that? Who do you have your eyes even set on?" Abel tried not to smirk as Magna thought long and hard about it.
"Don't judge me but I honestly think I'm finding myself attracted to Rowen Steele-"
"You've lost your mind my friend." Abel laughed shaking his head.
"Nathan will slaughter you, you know Rowen's already in that mess with Dallas who decided to start a rebellion against the community. If Nate finds out you're in love with his younger brother, you may as well stake yourself." He smirked.

Magna stared.
"You know as my best friend, you're supposed to hype me up about this, not drag me down and depress me. So in other words, I should give up?"
"I never said to give up." Abel walked over to the desk where the other papers were, scanning through them smiling softly.
"I'm just saying you should be careful Magna," his eyes fell on the other.
"Nathan loves his little brother like you love Athan, the idea is sweet and all but as your best friend, I'd suggest falling for another vampire who wouldn't kill you for being in love with their sibling." He suggested.

"So what if I were to crush on Ash, Ryn or Rix." Magna joked and Abel smirked.
"Well I really do think Rixley has a sister complex with Ryn so you're pretty much out of luck with those two, unless you want to see Rix's wrath. And Ashby?" Abel arched a brow at the other.
"Pretty sure he'd gut himself because he has no interest in anyone, now if you're asking how I'd react?" Abel thought about it.
"I guess I wouldn't care unless you hurt them, then I would. But in Nathan's case.." Abel frowned.

"Rowen is special, we all know that, but their parents are cruel and Nathan doesn't want anything bad to happen to his brother anymore than it already has. Why do you think they forced Rowen's emotions to shut off when they closed the idea of him and Dallas ever happening? That boy was in love with Dallas Webb, more than his own family, that guy is all Rowen wants and will probably ever want." He smiled softly walking over to Magna putting his hand on the others shoulder.
"So I'm sorry friend, I just don't think it's going to happen." He told the other.

I leaned my head against the wall frowning.
What if that was another reason to come back here?
Was to go after Rowen and to win his affection somehow?
I looked to Magna frowning.
If Reiner or Rose do agree to come back here.
And we can break him out of that spell.
Maybe things will calm down for a moment before anyone else tries to ruin it.

My mind fell on the fact that Cepheus was alive.
What if Athan was also alive?
I was worried about Adrian.
I couldn't force him to turn.
He was safer as a human unless Athan or something removed the others heart or head.
But I would do the dangerous thing by either turning him or using blood rising somehow.
Some way.

This whole thing was a mess.
I gave Magna one final glance before making my way upstairs and into the main hall.
To only stop and stare at who was here.

"Rose Cross?" I watched that same blonde who always got us into trouble back in the day turn around wearing that same light green dress.
She held a smile walking up to me and I knew now.
If I hadn't came here.
If I never met Adrian or didn't possibly love him even in the slightest.

I would of been madly in love with this woman in front of me.

"Hello darling," she greeted me with those beautiful sapphire blue eyes that I could always get lost in any time we were around each other and made eye contact.
"How are you?" Her lips were on my cheek and I stared at her.
"I'm tired." I told her and she smiled softly looking at me.
"I was informed a lot's been happening for you problem children here-"
"Problem children?" I smirked and she grinned.
"You were always a problem for me, Abel Pierce, it's those eyes of yours. Always changing on me, but Eliana filled me in on the phone and I was actually already in the area, you have Magna Taylor in your custody?" She asked me and I frowned softly.

"His mind has a locked spell on it Rose, can you heal him?" I asked her.
She smiled softly caressing my cheek looking at me.
"I'm not a witch for nothing baby, I'll get your best friend back to his senses. All I ask for in return is a date." She said and I went to object but she turned and smiled.
"I'm kidding, you're an open book dear and it's obvious you have your eyes on the boy upstairs with the two vampires, I wouldn't interfere like that. I would like your company down there if you don't mind." She told me and I nodded.

"Of course, Rose." she took my hand and smiled.
"Good, let's go save Magna Taylor and hope you children can catch a break for a moment." She smiled walking us down the stairs.

That's all I want.
Is a break and for Magna's mind to be free.

So hopefully.
This works.

Let it work.

Date With A VampireOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara