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"Relax." His breath was hot as he whispered against my neck, my back arching as he planted small kisses on my throat.
"I want you to say that you want this, that you want me." He told me and I felt my heart racing, my body was aching as my hips thrusted against his.
"Please." I whined my forearm falling over my eyes as my body trembled, the teasing itself was enough to make me go insane.
He was enjoying this.
And I hated him for it.
My eyes burned looking up at him.
"I want you." I told him.
He smirked licking his lips exposing the very fangs I fell in love with.
His fangs pressed into my throat and I fell into pure ecstasy.

"Adrian wake up, or we'll be late for school again!" 
My brown eyes opened as I winced to the sun beaming down on me, the curtains that I usually had closed were wide open and my room was still a mess from last night when I had Devyn and Jayce over.
We were your typical teenage boys who liked to get a pizza and play video games, there was no shame in it.
But when my mom sees this mess.
She may kill us.

"I'm up." I responded but stopped after noticing the lack of clothes on my body, I could of sworn I had a shirt and shorts on last night.
My brows were knitted looking around for my missing clothes but felt my chest squeeze tight as I spotted them still sitting on the dresser from last night.
Running a hand through my messy brown hair I walked over to the clothes not even caring I was standing in my naked glory trying to piece the puzzle together on how I never actually put my clothes on.

"Adrian, are you almost ready?" I turned around still half awake as my brother Hyde opened the door but let out a surprised yet startled gasp.
"Jesus Christ, put your clothes on you idiot!" He cried slamming the door shut and I just stared.
"Why are you overreacting to seeing me naked? We are literally two guys." I grinned grabbing a solid black shirt and my gray jeans.
"That isn't the point! What if it had been Laurie that opened the door? She's our only sister and you would scar her for life." He said on the other side of the door.

I ripped it open and the brunet with olive green eyes stood there looking at me.
"That really hurts." I faked sobbed and he glared.
"Seriously Adrian, lock your door if you're gonna stand in your room naked." He scolded and I blinked.
"I literally didn't even know you were gonna barge in also, I was trying to figure out why I was naked and not in my clothes from last night." I told him with crossed arms.

"That's because my wild best friend, you said you wanted to try out sleeping naked for once to see how it was, and of course you'd forget."
My eyes fell on the teenager behind Hyde, Jayce Hart, in his dark blue hoodie and black jeans, his beanie on his curly black locks as he had his soft blue eyes on us.
I made a face.
"How could I manage to forget something like that?"
"Because you forget easily." Hyde rolled his eyes.
"Let's get to school before the teachers kill us." He said now and I nodded glancing to Jayce.
"Where are the twins?" I questioned walking into the empty kitchen taking note that Laurie and Bellamy were already gone and so were our parents.

"Oh, Devyn was wanting to get to school early, I want to say he was half joking about getting you a date with fliers but Sevyn was pretty serious about it." He told me and my eyes were wide.
"I'm not desperate to date someone!" I snapped and Jayce arched a brow.
"You're always complaining about being single-"
"It doesn't mean I want fliers out about it, I'd like to run into someone or have something cliché happen, like we end up at the same coffee shop and they make the conversation, I don't want the whole school to think I'm needy." I had my face in my hands sitting in the front seat of Hyde's truck who glanced to me.
"Sevyn is cruel but I really don't see Josie letting that sort of thing slide, unlike the twins and Jayce, I think she actually cares about your feelings." He shrugged.

"Hey now, I'm the best friend here, of course I'd care about Adrian's feelings." Jayce hissed in the backseat and Hyde made a face.
"You care? Then why would you tell him about it rather than telling the twins not to go for it?" He asked and I watched the color drain from my friends face.
I sighed softly.
"Jayce, I'm not mad, but if they really did put me out there. I'm disowning the three of you for an entire day." I told him now.
He looked away.
"We're just trying to set you up." He sighed and I looked out the window watching the people walk down the sidewalk.
"Not like that, be more clever with setting me up with someone, not where the whole world needs to know. I already have problems with Octavian, Rhys and Joshua. I really don't need them coming after me for seeking attention." I quoted my fingers and Jayce bit his gum.
"Right, sorry man." He rubbed the side of his neck.

Ever since the break up with Octavian it's like he's been trying to make the whole school see me as this whore who just wanted attention, when in truth it was never like to that to begin with.
He came to me and said he wanted to hook up and of course the hook up led to feelings and we ended up dating for a bit.
But that was when he started showing his true colors, he became possessive and cruel.
He didn't want me around Jayce or the others and just wanted me where I was in his line of vision.
It was horrible and I fell into a bad depression until Bellamy stepped in and made us end it, or well made me end it.
And after that?

My locker had been vandalized with names like whore, slut, fag.
But Octavian was also gay so why wasn't he also targeted?
Oh that's right, because he's the school president, because everyone likes that twisted bully who just wanted everything to go his way.
But the moment he was told no?
He got angry.
Thankfully he never laid a hand on me, sure he got rough or would get dangerously close enough to make it seem like he was going to hit me.
But the blow never came.
Just the mental abuse did.
You're not worth it.
Hitting you would be pointless.
You're nothing without me.
The whole school will treat you like shit if it wasn't for me.
If we break up, its over for you.

Like I said, he was cruel.

I walked into the cold building and felt relief seeing no posters or fliers with me on them.
Just like I didn't see the twins or Josie.
"You're tensing up, relax." Jayce pushed me forward and I had to remind myself to breathe.
I really didn't want to be here.
I wanted to go back home and sleep the day away.
But that wasn't possible.
My parents were known to be the coolest parents in town, but they were also strict when it came to our studies.
They wanted to see their four kids graduate and to make something of themselves.
They didn't want us to end up nowhere after we graduated.

Laurie and Bellamy were twins and in the twelfth grade so they would be graduating next year, Hyde was in eleventh and I was a sophomore.
So I still had two years to go and to please my parents.
Not that I minded the idea of going somewhere with my life.
I just had no idea on the what part.

I made it to my new locker that was still in decent shape compared to the last three lockers Octavian practically destroyed with Joshua's and Rhys's help.
I was hoping this locker would be my lucky number four and nothing bad would happen to it.

I opened it but felt my blood run cold hearing excited squeals from some of the girls in the hall.
"It's the school president, Octavian Collins and his members!" I swear they treated the school counsel like celebrities.
Sure we lived in a small town, but seriously? They didn't need fan service.
Even though those seven ate off it.

On the side was Rhys Forbes, the tall smart mouth lady charmer, he had messy black hair and bright hazel eyes, his skin was light so it really made his eyes pop.
On the other side was Joshua Stone, a blond haired blue eyed model but a fucking idiot.
Behind them were Nick Brewer and Morgan Baker, two of the biggest flirts in our school, and based on the fact they were loaded?
No one minded, even the same gender.
Then you had Paige Solomon and Zoe Ross, they were quiet but they were quick to defend Octavian or anyone in the student counsel.
And of course in the dead center of them.
Was no other than Octavian Fucking Collins.
Tall, gorgeous but a total dick.
He had that vanilla skin with dark black hair like he keeps adding black to darken it just to brighten those bright gray eyes.
Making it nearly impossible to not fall in love.

And lucky me, our eyes met and I did the dumb thing by looking away and shutting my locker.

"Adrian!" I froze dead in my tracks and my heart was pounding hard against my chest hearing him coming closer towards me.
I dared myself to turn around and he was right there, towering over me.
"I thought long and hard about this break up you declared you wanted and I just can't get you out of my head." He sighed looking at me and I wanted to barf.
"So I was thinking, maybe the two of us can try again but this time, don't leave me on the corner crying in the rain." He smirked and I glared.

"No thanks Octavian, I'm not interested." I told him and his smirk died down.
"Excuse me? I just offered you an opening to get back with me-"
"And I denied it." I smiled at him.
"I have no interest in dating someone like you." I said icily now glaring and everyone was glaring daggers at me.

"How stupid are you? Our president wants to give you another chance you asshole! Why are you going to play hard to get?" A girl demanded.
"You're not even that good looking, but we respect what our president wants-"

"God damn shut the fuck up with that shit already, I'm seriously over hearing how high and mighty you annoying fucks talk about this guy."
I blinked looking over my shoulder and smirked seeing Devyn walking up, he looked like he just woke up and I swear he wasn't a morning person.
His mouth was ten times worse.
His blond hair was pushed back by a black headband even though there were strands poking out and his green eyes were even brighter now without the hair in his face.

"Devyn Fox, this doesn't even concern you-"
"Excuse you bitch?" Devyn stared at the girl who looked back at him in shock.
"This is my friend you think for even a fucking second I'm going to stand by and let you fucktards talk shit about him right in front of me? No ma'am get fucked and get lost, let's go." He didn't even give me a chance to say anything, he snatched my wrist and dragged me off before anyone could say anything else.

"Seriously Devyn, thanks." I said inside the locker room and Devyn rolled his eyes.
"You were late to homeroom so I figured something was up, it's like that stupid ass is wanting to make this an every fucking day thing or something. Seriously how pathetic can one guy be?" He demanded and I just stared at him.
"Devyn, you're more worked up over this than I am, it's seriously not a big-"
"Adrian, they are literally being assholes all because of that dick, before you guys dated, everyone was fucking nice, this school was actually tolerable. But because Octavian is a petty ass bitch who twisted the shit all up, school isn't even school it's fucking hell and I hate it." He slammed his fist against the locker staring hard at the floor.

"Oh, also you have a blind date tonight at six." He told me and I blinked.
"I'm sorry, a date? Devyn!"
"Look, it's completely safe, I even talked to the guy who took an interest in you, he said he would be free after five and I suggested six." He explained and now I was rubbing my temples.
"Damn it Devyn, I don't know this is pretty sudden, what am I going to wear?" I asked.
He glared.
"Adrian you own a closet full of clothes, everyone does. You just pick out your nicest shirt and jeans and go to Catch U Latte." He told me and I bit my thumbnail.
"I feel like this isn't going to end well, what does he even look like?" I asked and he smirked.
"It's a blind date for a reason babe, but for a name, he goes by Abel Pierce." He told me and my brows knitted.

"Why does his last name sound familiar?" I questioned and Devyn shrugged before his eyes lit up.
"Oh! Ashby Pierce is his brother, he also has two sisters, Ryn and Rixley Pierce that also attend here, he doesn't for his own reasons-"
"He's not old is he?" I cringed at the thought of dating someone twice my age.
"He's like twenty two-"
"Fuck, Devyn, that'll get us in trouble!"
"Shut the fuck up my oblivious but cute friend! No one is going to say shit about his age except you, he doesn't even look twenty two." He told me and my head was pounding.
"I don't know-"
"You do know and you're going, do not cancel or I'll kill you." Devyn warned and I sighed.
"Okay okay, I'll go." 

"I'm not going." I told myself in the bedroom mirror, I felt sick and nervous.
A blind date?
I've never gone on one but Devyn made it sound like this guy was worth it.
I kept pacing my room and making myself more sick in the process.
I told my parents I was going out but they said I could only stay gone until ten with it being a school night.
But I wasn't even sure what I was going to wear.
I stared at the clothes in my closet and my stomach twisted in a painful knot.

"What? Help you pick out an outfit just to go to the coffee shop?" Laurie was laying on her stomach on the bed, her brown hair pulled back into a ponytail while her brown eyes remained hidden behind a pair of prescription glasses reading a book.

"Y-Yeah." I said nervously and she smirked softly with a confused look on her face.
"Well alright dork, I mean it's about time you came to me about your fashion choice." She shrugged closing the book and followed me into the bedroom.
She took a few shirts down and hovered them in front of me as if thinking it through.

"This shirt," she tossed me the light blue button up shirt.
"With this tie and jeans-"
"Why a tie? It's just a coffee shop-"
"Adrian, its obvious you're going on a date." She smiled and my face burned but her smile fell.
"It's not with him is it?" She asked me and I shook my head fast.
"No way in hell, all I know is his name is Abel-"
"Oh! It's a blind date." She smiled widely.
"That's exciting, don't tell the parents, you know mom will shut that down quick." She told me and I nodded.

I ended up at Catch U Latte sooner than planned and grabbed a table anxiously waiting for this guy to show up.
The more I thought about it the more nervous I was getting.
"What can I get you sweetie?" The waitress asked me and I looked up with a smile.
"Just a coffee please, I'm waiting for someone." I told her and she smiled softly at that.
"I'll be right back." She said and I nodded resting my arms on the table and watched out the window.
The people passing by, the wind that was gently blowing.
The darker the sky was getting and the more sad I was beginning to feel.

I knew this was going to happen.
Blind dates were always fifty-fifty, maybe he was more nervous than I was?
I mean I could understand that but I wish I had some way to reach him, just to see if he was close.
I stared at the coffee already half gone and I was trying to make it last because refills weren't free.
I ended up checking the time and my chest tightened.
Seven thirty.
I looked around for any guys around twenty two and they were all older and it was also just me and this old man who sat in the corner all alone.
My chest was aching as I finished the last of the coffee.

I got up leaving a two dollar tip because it was all I could afford from my allowance and did the sad thing by walking out.
Because with those three hours of waiting patiently for this guy.

He never showed.
Not once.

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