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"He didn't show up? What the fuck?" Devyn was glaring across the table in the cafeteria while trying to eat his burger but the news had apparently interrupted his appetite and ruined his mood.
I shrugged.
"Maybe he got cold feet? Devyn seriously, the blind date idea was already bad to start with, maybe he thought so as well and that was his way of letting me down gently." I suggested taking a bite of the cold French fry and frowned in response to the awful aftertaste.
Devyn was frowning at me.
"How are you so calm about this? Adrian you should know your self worth, and what that guy did was a low blow." He told me.

"I have to agree with Devyn on this." Jayce said with crossed arms holding his tuna sandwich looking at the two of us.
"If the guy was going to bail, he should of at least told Devyn on that weird dating app, so then Dev could of told you that way you wouldn't have to look like a lost puppy at Catch U Latte." He said and I bit my gum.
"You guys are seriously more worked up over this than I am, look, it's fine. I'm fine." I tried to casually get up and toss my trash away but my untied shoe lace decided it was time to make me look like an idiot as I felt my knees buckle and could see myself plummeting forward.

But I never met the ground.
A hand had found its way around my waist and my eyes were staring at the square tiled floor before I was back on my feet and staring at a model.

I recognized him almost immediately.
Nick Brewer, tall blond and handsome.
His hazel eyes usually had a pair of sunglasses covering them, except today.
Nick actually caused a lot of trouble with the teachers when they'd tell him to remove his glasses, but he claims his eyes burn in the bright classrooms.
He even got a doctors note that made it to where this was allowable for him, so the teachers could no longer harass him into taking them off.

"That was a close one, good thing I was here." He smirked and I felt like my face was burning at that friendly smile of his.
It was so inviting and reassuring that everything was going to be okay.
His smile had its own way to comfort someone, and that was a nice trait to have for a person.

"T-Thanks, you literally saved me from being picked on for the rest of the day." I tried to laugh but I felt more miserable than anything.
Nick stared at me before smiling.
"You don't seem like someone who would be the type to be picked on." He was trying to make conversation.
I smirked softly.
"You clearly don't know who I am." I had a hand on my hip and Nick smirked in response.
"Care to enlighten me?"
I was beginning to feel anxious in front of this guy, why was he suddenly so curious to know about me?
I sucked in some air.

"I'm the guy who broke Octavian Collin's heart by breaking up with him." I said with a roll of my eyes which earned a grin from the blond.
"Oh that? That's old news, I mean I knew about the drama that guy was wanting all for the sake of attention, I just thought something new happened that involved you." He told me and I bit my lip.
"Nope," I smiled.
"I'm trying to keep my head down if you catch my drift, it's better to not exist if I want to survive the next two years." I told him.
Nick tilted his head as if he wanted to know more but his eyes flickered and he looked over his shoulder and my chest tightened when Octavian and Joshua walked in.

Nick glanced to them and I knew those guys were his friends and here I was, making it look like I was into this guy.
When in reality, I was stumped about last night.
I wanted to know why Abel never showed up.

"Ah, there he is, with that whore." I flinched hearing the coldness of Joshua's voice and my eyes ended up meeting Octavian's who smirked in response.
"Are you really trying to flirt with my friends? Are you really that heartless?" He asked me and my stomach twisted in a painful not.
That wasn't what I was trying to do.
I was trying to throw my trash away.
Why was this going to be another dramatic day for me?
Was existing here really going to be like this from now on?

"It's called a conversation, you know people tend to have those." I managed to get the words out and the room fell quiet and eyes were on us.
Octavian's eyes darkened while Nick seemed amused by my response.
I wasn't really sure where the confidence came from, but I was grateful I wasn't going to let this guy try to walk over me.
I wasn't his carpet he could step on when he wanted too.

Octavian stepped up and my hands bawled into fists which of course he noticed, he smirked softly.
"Adrian, I would like for us to talk, just the two of us. If you actually listen and let me explain myself, maybe we can forgive and forget? I really want to try again with you." He said loud enough for anyone to hear him and I wasn't buying it.
I frowned at him.
"There are plenty of kids in this school dying to get with you, I can forgive and forget you as easy as saying hello, I don't want anything more to do with you Octavian." I told him walking past the crowd of angry scowls.

I was used to this.
I was used to him acting out, trying to make me look like the bad guy.
And it fucking hurt time to time because some of these kids used to be friends I could talk to.
Now they want nothing to do with me.
All because Octavian twisted the story and how he played the victim.

I walked into the locker room in hopes to fucking breathe.
That's all I wanted to do was to breathe and try to get through the next three periods before I go home, where sanity was.

"You have a lot of fucking nerve making me look like a god damn fool out there."
I went to spin around but stumbled and fell over the bench as Octavian stood there, furious.
My heart was pounding hard against my chest with my brows knitted, I slid across the floor and pushed myself up against the locker.

"You mean show everyone how desperate you look?" I demanded and I couldn't even react, his fist slammed against the locker next to my head and my eyes were wide with shock.
"You are NOTHING without ME!" He growled and I glared.
"I would rather be nothing than be miserable dating someone who treated me like shit, who controlled me! I want nothing to do with someone who told me to throw away my life all for the sake of your fucking image!" I snapped but hissed in pain when his hand wrapped around my neck and he squeezed.

"I allowed to you see them-"
"You're a fucking lie." I glared as tears burned my eyes.
"You threw fits and threatened to kill yourself because I wanted to be around my friends, a relationship doesn't have to be where we're fucking miserable. I never got mad when you were around Joshua or anyone else! I'm allowed to have friends, Octavian!" I snapped but cried out when his hand connected to my face and my left eye swelled with tears as the pain echoed.

"Know your fucking place when you raise your voice in front of someone, who can make your life even more miserable than it already is! You want to be around those faggots and that trashy female? Go for it. I gave you a choice and you chose fucking wrong like the idiot you were born as." He growled harshly and the tears begged to fall as I glared harshly at this guy.
"Get away from me before I scream." I warned and he smirked at that.
"I remember when you used to scream, but for the right reasons only." I felt sick when his lips fell on mine and I slammed my fists against his shoulders.
"G-Get off!" I screamed and my eyes grew wide at how fast Octavian was ripped away from me and thrown into the bench in front of the lockers.

Nick stood there and the tears finally fell freely.
He was looking at to where Octavian had been, he was unconscious.
Fear struck me and my eyes somehow fell on the blond in front of me who was rotating his shoulders, his eyes fell on me.

"Are you okay, Adrian?" He offered me his hand and I felt paralyzed.
"Is he d-dead?" I asked him and he looked back to the other who was knocked out.
"No," he seemed disappointed in his own answer.
"Just unconscious, can you stand?" He asked me and I nodded getting to my feet.
Nick studied me before frowning.
"Why didn't you call for help?"
More tears appeared and everything suddenly hurt.
"Because no one would of came." I laughed as the tears fell.

"So how about a movie and pizza tonight?" Sevyn suggested as the five of us walked down the street towards the park to hangout.
I glanced to the blond with forest green eyes.
"Me, Devyn and Jayce literally just had pizza." I smirked.

"Movies and tacos?" Josie suggested with a grin and I grinned.
"Now you're speaking my language, movies and tacos definitely sound like a great night." I said now and she grinned.
Jayce's eyes were on me.
"What are you going to tell your parents about that bruise?" He asked and my hand fell to my swollen cheek as the pain returned, I wasn't even thinking about it until now.

"I'll be honest." I hesitated on my own words frowning.
"They already knew Octavian was a piece of shit, if it wasn't for Nick, I don't know what would of happened." I frowned and Devyn glared at me.
"He would of fucking been dead, he's lucky I wasn't in there-"

"Easy you feisty kitten." Josie teased with a smirk.
"We all know you would of kicked his ass because you're just this total badass who can take down an entire army, but this is also our friends problem." Josie said now and I flinched.
Jayce glared at her.
"He's my best friend, his problems are my problems, we don't let each other battle our demons alone. We back each other up with the support we need when we call out." He said now.

"Shut up." I froze hearing Devyn say something out of character towards Jayce who glared.
"Excuse you-"
"No seriously, shut up." His eyes were on me.
"Abel just sent me this fucking book explaining that he was sorry about last night, he wants to try again tonight but you two have to meet in an hour back at Catch U Latte." He told me.

My brows knitted.
"Seriously? He already stood me up once-"
"I get that and it still pisses me up but he actually explained himself about his actions and he seems pretty sorry." He told me and I frowned.
"What about movies and tacos?" I questioned and Josie grinned.
"We can do that tomorrow, if you go on this date it'll give us something to talk about tomorrow." She pointed out and that definitely a point made.

"Shit okay, what time is it now?" I asked.
"It's five, so you'll be meeting him at six, if you run you'll have time to shower and look nice." Devyn told me and I was beginning to feel more nervous.
Letting out a shaky breath I nodded.
"Okay, wish me luck." I smirked running in the opposite direction from the group who were sending nothing but love and support about tonight.

I made it home just in time to shower and to do something with my hair.
I had to make myself feel and look attractive.
Sure he was twenty two but I could work with that.
It just meant he would be more mature and knew what he wanted.
My hands were starting to sweat just thinking about it before I grabbed my coat and ran out of the house.

I sent my mom a quick text letting her know I was going back out tonight and just received a bunch of heart emojis.
I really hope those were for my dad.
Then again I don't want to know what emojis they send each other.

I made it to Catch U Latte with a few minutes to spare but still walked in.

I looked around and ended up spotting a very attractive person in the back corner, his eyes were on this book with a cup of coffee next to him.
I felt nervous.
Was this him?
I made myself swallow my nerves and walked in his direction.

He looked up and I felt hot.
He had raven black hair that was pushed backwards exposing his soft green eyes, they were gorgeous.
I couldn't find my words as I stood in front of him.
He stared up at me closing his book and my heart skipped.

"I'm Adrian!" I ended up shouting and my face turned into a bright red at how quiet the café got from my sudden outburst.
I heard the other chuckle.

"So you're my date?" He asked and his voice was warm and deep.
I looked at the other and managed a nod.
He smirked putting his book aside.
"Well, in that case please have a seat and join me. I do owe you an apology in person after never showing last night." He told me and I shook my head.
"No, it's okay! I figured something just came up or maybe you got cold feet.." I rubbed my neck feeling awkward and Abel watched me closely.

"I'll be honest with you because it seems like that's something you're in desperate need of." He told me and I looked at him confused.
"I really wasn't sure about coming today either simply because your little friend who set this up? Was being too much with great detail over you, I thought you were going to be an actual child with daddy issues and really didn't need that sort of baggage, especially in the situation I'm currently in living back home with my family." He explained and my heart sank.

"Oh, you already have a partner? I'm sorry, sometimes my friend really is an idiot, he didn't even tell me you were-"
"No," Abel laughed and my heart began to beat again.
"What I mean by family is my cousins, I came home from Italy for a while and it's been nothing more than a mess for me. When I received that message from your friend, I really thought you were being pranksters, until I saw you come in just now." His eyes were on me.

"What happened to your cheek?" He asked me and my eyes grew wide.
"O-Oh, this?" I wanted to hide as he looked at the bruise.
"Bullies." I half way lied, I really wasn't going to talk about exes with him.
We just met and I really don't want to see him get up and walk out.

Abel was frowning but he soon dismissed his own expression by leaning forward.
"Well then, why not tell me about yourself Adrian? I mean your friend did by over kill but I would like your summary of it." He told me and I swallowed.

"My summary?" I asked him and he nodded with a soft smirk with an interest in his eyes.
I thought about it for a moment.
"I have three siblings, two brothers and a sister. I like to play video games and watch scary movies, tacos are my comfort food and-"
"You like video games?" 
The question threw me off as I stared back in confusion.
He smirked at that.
"You said you like to play video games, what kind of games?" He asked me and my face grew warm.

"O-Oh, racing games are usually the games I go to, those war games are too much for me." I rubbed the side of my neck and Abel watched me.
"What about hobbies? Any skills you're good at?" He asked me.
I bit my thumbnail.
"Volleyball is something I'd like to say I'm good at, my hobbies would be maybe playing the piano." I told him and he seemed interested in that.
"You play the piano?"
I nodded and he leaned forward.
"I would like to hear you play sometime soon then, I also like to play the piano. It's a rather soothing instrument I tend to get lost in." He told me.

I smiled softly.
"My uncle taught me how to play before he left the state, he wanted me to make it far with the piano, but after I got into high school and met certain people, I fell away from the piano." I frowned and Abel stared before thinking over something.
"What are your plans for this weekend?" He asked me and I looked at him confused.
"Well it's Wednesday so I'm not sure." I laughed and he smiled softly.

"I'm interested in you Adrian and would honestly like to take you on a better date than to a coffee shop. As much as I'm into cliché moments like this, I'd feel better getting to know you over a meal and music, instead of coffee that doesn't stay hot for very long." He explained and I nibbled my lip as if thinking it through.

"Okay, that sounds fine." I smiled softly as he stood from the table and the two of us walked out of the café.
"What time would be good for you?" He asked zipping his coat and I looked around.
"Any time is good." I said and he thought on that.
"I'll pick you up at eight, is that alright?" He questioned and I nodded.

He smirked as this black car drove up, the windows were tinted as the driver got out and opened the door for Abel.
He looked around.
"Where is your ride?" He asked and I blushed.
"I, um. I walked here." I told him and he blinked before looking around then back at me.

"I would like to take you home, I don't trust these streets, so please allow me to take you home." He said and I blushed before nodding.
"You don't have to go out of your way but thank you." I crawled into the back seat and he joined me.
"I would hate to leave you at the café when something could happen, it's the least I can do." He smiled and I tried to relax but only felt tense the whole way to the house.

When I got out he joined me and took in the image of my house.
"So, I'll see you at eight on Friday?" He asked me and I nodded.
He smirked leaning in and kissed my cheek.
"Until then, enjoy the rest of your week, my little snowflake." He said getting in the car and vanishing.

I just stood there in awe of the night before it suddenly hit me.
Did he just call me a snowflake?  

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