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I stared at the message even though it had no command to it or showed he was angry.
It was just the message that I hovered over clicking just to make sure there was nothing else added besides the message he had sent.
Biting my lip I looked at Devyn.
"I'm going to step out for a minute." I told him and the other just nodded going back to watching the show as I stepped out of my room and out of the house completely so incase anyone was going to try to listen in on my conversation.

I listened to the phone ring a few times before the other end finally picked up.
He sounded impatient and my chest squeezed me painfully tight.
"Abel, I'm sorry I didn't text you when I got home last night, everything is a blur and the only thing me and Devyn remember is coming to a stop at the stop sign and the next thing we knew was we were waking up in my room." I explained trying to catch my breath as I stood there completely flushed.
"I really am sorry." I pushed into the phone before freezing at the sound of him inhaling sharply before he laughed on the other end.
{"I'm not mad at you for not texting me Adrian, I mean I was worried for a moment but my brother told me he saw the two of you walking home last night having a good time, I assumed you forgot to message me. My reasons on having you call me were to just make sure you were okay."} He explained on the other end.

I took a seat in the grass bringing my knees to my chest.
"Oh." I said slowly.
{"I'm sorry for causing you to panic over the message you received, it wasn't at all intentional to try and upset you into thinking I was upset. I don't lose my temper over things like that, a certain cousin of mine may but I have ways of blowing off steam."} He told me and I held onto the phone frowning.
"It's not Maverick with the short fuse is it?" I asked him.
He laughed again and it was such a nice sound.
It made me happy to hear the other actually laugh over the phone, it was enough to make my face heat up in the cooler weather as I laid in the grass.

{"No."} He answered.
{"If thing's weren't so complicated I'd like you to meet my family here, it's just complicated and the last thing I want is to make things complicated for you when you already have issues at school with certain people."} He said into the phone and I frowned.
"Yeah.. I mean, I would still like to meet your family, you tend to talk about them and my family would like to meet you too." I told the other.
{"That's a nice thought, if you'd like I could come over sometime next week and have dinner with you? We wouldn't have distractions except for your family of course, but that would be fine because I'm supposed to get to know them."} He said and I could feel him smiling that charming smile he had no problem sharing with me.

"That sounds perfect." I bit my lip smiling into the phone now.
We both went quiet for a minute.
Should I tell him what me and Devyn talked about?
What if Abel lost interest in me knowing I believed in something like vampires?
I frowned.

"Sorry." I cleared my throat.
"Abel, I have a question, I just hope you won't think I'm insane asking it." I told him.
{"Oh? Well you've definitely piqued my interest, what is it?"} He questioned and I nibbled my lip.
"Do you think.." I rubbed the side of my neck frowning.
{"Yes..?"} I could feel him smirking.
I began growing red.
"Never mind it's stupid and I really don't want you to lose interest-"
{"Adrian, tell me."} He told me and I sighed softly running a hand through my hair.

"Do you think vampires exist?" I asked him.
My brows knitted.
I knew it.
That question was what was going to end this for us.
{"I do, does that make me insane with you?"} He questioned and my face grew insanely warm.
"I guess so." I smiled softly relaxing a little.
{"What made you ask anyway?"} He questioned and I frowned.
"Can we meet up?" I asked him.

{"Sure, where would you like to meet?"}
I thought about it for a minute.
"The park, there will be too much going on for people to listen in on our conversation." I told him.
{"Okay, I'll be there shortly."} He said hanging up.

"You're going to the park with Abel?" Devyn questioned under the covers looking incredibly comfortable watching the marathon of South Park.
"Yeah, we wanted to talk about some things that's better to discuss in person." I grabbed my jacket and Devyn arched a brow before yawning.
"Okay cool tell me all about it when you get back, also Jayce said he's coming over to stay the night while we have the weekend away." He told me.

I arched a brow.
"When did you suddenly move in?" I asked smirking.
He grinned.
"You know this is my second home bitch, I already told him to get over here to cuddle me and he said he'd be over here shortly." He said and I grinned.
"Do you think Maverick would be okay with you cuddling with another guy?" I questioned.
Devyn shrugged looking tired.
"He probably wouldn't care, but I'm not going to get his permission to snuggle my best friend while we laugh over south park. If he gets like that, he can fuck off." He said turning away from me as I slid my shoes on.
"Uh huh, I'll be back later after I see Abel." I said walking out of the bedroom knowing full well Devyn wouldn't drop Maverick that quick.

I made it to the park and was relieved to see Abel near the trees that would lead to the trail bringing us to a tree in the middle.
If you went left it would take you to the library and if you went right you'd be taken to the cemetery.

"Hey." He greeted me with a smirk as I came up to the other, immediately his lips were on mine and I felt weak standing in front of the other.
"So, you wanted to talk about this in person?" He questioned.
I nodded taking his hand and bringing him towards the trail away from everyone else.

"It started a few days ago in school, it's just the vibes they were giving off, I mean I'm not saying they're one. They walk in broad daylight and eat garlic, I don't know. I'm sorry I'm being weird about it." I frowned crossing my arms now.
Abel looked at me.
"You think there could be kids in your school that are vampires?" He asked and I shrugged.
"Maybe?" I frowned.
"Does that scare you?" He pushed and I came to a stop, his hand in mine as I stared at our hands frowning then at him.
"No, I don't guess it does, I mean if I was confronted by one then maybe I would be.. But I don't think they're scary, they look like us right?" I frowned.

Abel watched me before frowning for the first time.
"What about those rumors, you know the ones where vampires are claimed to be heartless monsters who just feed on humans to get by?" He asked me and I looked at the other.
"I would rather judge a vampire in person rather than go by what the internet tells me, I mean if vampires really do exist to feed on humans, then I guess I wouldn't be too fond of them, then again.. They have just as much a right to exist as humans do." I shrugged.

Abel smiled softly.
"I like how open minded you are about that sort of thing Adrian, it's a good quality to have in a person." He squeezed my hand and I smiled softly before his lips were on mine.

"Damn you're hard to find but no surprise on why." I grew tense when Abel broke the kiss quick before turning around and facing the two standing at a distance.
I didn't recognize them as they stood there.
They were both guys.
One was taller than the other with curly brown hair and green eyes, I didn't want to assume things but his black shirt seemed like it was on backwards.
Maybe it was planned that way?
And then the guy next to him who was more around my height stood there glaring holes into Abel's skull.
His hair was more of a wavy blond with bright green eyes that reminded me of Devyn's.

"Why are the two of you looking for me?" Abel frowned at them.
The brunet stared back.
"There's a family meeting happening back at the house, we can't start without you." His eyes fell on me before they flickered and he smirked softly.
"You can bring your friend-"
"No." Abel frowned at him and the brunet shrugged.
"It was just a suggestion, I'm sure our family would love to meet your friend." He spoke more icily now at Abel who frowned deeply glancing to me and his expression softened.

"Adrian, I apologize for this but it looks like our date has been cut short, I will make it up to you." He said with promise in his voice.
I sighed trying not to pout in front of the two who were apparently Abel's family, even though he seemed to be against them even knowing we were here together.

"It's fine." I smiled softly trying not to force it.
"Devyn is staying another night at my house and our friend is going to be there, I'll just call you later or you call me after you've attended the family meeting." I kissed his cheek and he smiled softly.
"Your consideration and patience for me is appreciated, get home safely and I'll talk to you soon." He kissed my lips and I nodded walking out of the trail.
Completely irritated.

"So he dropped everything and went with those two who interrupted your park date?" Jayce questioned sitting on the bed munching on Cheeto puffs while sitting across from me on the floor.
Devyn was on the laptop playing some zombie game as I frowned.
"I mean I can't be mad if it's family related but it was still frustrating, we were having a moment and I wanted it to last longer than it had. It just feels like those two showed up on purpose to ruin it for us." I frowned and Jayce stared for a moment.
"Well did Abel seem just as upset that they ruined the moment?" He asked and I shrugged.
"I mean I guess so? He seemed frustrated that they had even appeared." I frowned.

"Sounds like some family drama is coming your way." Devyn looked up from the laptop.
"If the guy is gonna drop you for something he could of been tuned in on-"
"But what if it was mandatory? Or that someone died?"
"Did the two that interrupted you guys make it seem important like someone died?"
I frowned biting my lip.
"Well no but-"
"Then it wasn't important enough to take him from you." Devyn shrugged.
Jayce nodded.
"I agree for once, Abel could of just told them he'd hear about it later and focused on you." He told me and I just sighed.

"Can we get off the subject, it's starting to depress me." I frowned trying not to think about it.
"You were the one who brought it up." Jayce pointed out with a smirk and my face grew warm.
"Shut up." I grinned dropping my arm over my eyes.

**Abel's Pov.**

"This better be as important as the two of you claimed it to be or so help me." I growled storming towards the home I told myself I'd never return to.
But here I was.
Synclair glanced to me.
"It was mandatory you show yourself to a family meeting, Abel, you've been away for years now and to suddenly reappear out of nowhere just because you disagreed with your parents, if you're going to live with our aunt and uncle. You're going to take the meetings serious." He hissed and I glared in response.
"If it's regarding a feeding then I'm leaving, the meetings can be pointless." I spat.

"It's regarding your sudden interest actually." Styx commented with a cold look in his eyes.
"Apparently he ran into that no good Marcus last night and of course Rowen, Ozzie and Valentine showed up the moment Marcus nearly made a meal out of those two boys." He told me and my eyes grew wide with rage.
"Was Marcus killed?"
"No." Styx glared in my direction pushing open the door that lead to our cousins all waiting in the main hall.

"You're late, Abel, no surprise there though." Cinder commented with a roll of her eyes.
I glared in response as my eyes fell on my aunt and uncle who had been standing there patiently.

"What is the meaning of this? I thought we had a rule that the vampires could not feed until midnight!" I snapped glaring in rage.
Uncle Hendrix stared coldly at me.
"It is a rule, Abel, Marcus was dealt with last night-"
"But he wasn't killed?" I growled.

"He didn't exactly break the rules, Abel." I glared at that uptight brat, Rowen Steele, always trying to look like the golden apple in the fucking tree.
"Then what is with this fucking meeting?" I demanded.
"I was actually trying to blend in with a friend-"
"A human friend." Styx growled and I glared as everyone glared at me.

"You should know better than anyone here that keeping humans as friends is a bad fucking choice, they can't be trusted." Cinder hissed lowly at me.
I glared at her.
"This isn't the god damn past, humans have evolved into being more accepting. I want to know why the hell you morons can't see that-"

"Abel, darling, that is enough." Aunt Zendaya spoke with a smile.
"Don't forget these people you're speaking cruel towards are the only family you have here, it would not be wise to make yourself the enemy here. I agree the humans have evolved into being more accepting as you've stated, but its the fact that they can spill our secret at any given time." She came down the stairs and I glared softly at her.
She smiled.
"You can be friends with this human you've decided to devote yourself to, but it won't be long before he finds out and tells people. What will you do then? There is only one choice but will you be willing to go through with it?" She had her hand on my cheek looking into my eyes more saddened than before.

"To kill someone you thought you could trust, you've already walked that road once, are you really prepared to walk it again?" She asked me.
I stepped back glaring at her.
"The human I'm friends with is a bit more open minded that you're not seeing him as, he actually wants to understand us-"

"I'm sorry but why?" I glared in Nathan's direction.
He stood there smirking with a curious gaze in his brown eyes that looked more black right now.
"Why would a human want to understand us? To write it down in his diary after exposing us? We've been hiding for a damn reason Abel, use that brain in your fucking head for once. What does he gain understanding us?" He asked.

I stood there glaring at the other.

"We're late!" I glared at the archway where Maverick and Nick both were.
"Sorry, traffic was a fucking bitch and this guy doesn't like cutting people off, I would of just hit them and kept going." Maverick shrugged as Ezra stepped through his brothers pinching the bridge of his nose.
"It's illegal to do that shit, Rick, and considering the fact Nick doesn't even have his license would really screw us." He growled before looking at our aunt and uncle.

I stared at Cinder.
"You called me out for being late like everyone was already here, what the fuck." I growled as she smirked.
"Sorry I guess I forgot." She shrugged.

"So what's up with the sudden request for the family meeting? I got the message from Emery that we needed to get here asap but it doesn't look like there's a fire." Maverick looked confused as uncle Hendrix stared at him.

"We're discussing the problem with humans, Rick, socializing with them." He stated and Maverick arched a brow.
"It's a problem how exactly? I go to school with humans every day based on my choice but none of them are problematic, well except for Nick's bunch of stuck up ones who think they are Kings and Queens all because they're the student counsel, I swear they piss me off more than-"

"Off topic Maverick." Styx hissed and Maverick blinked.
"Right, problems with the humans, again what's wrong with us being friends?" He asked.
"The problem is the fact how quick they can expose us, they're twisted and only care about their own safety." Uncle Hendrix commented.
"How do you know that for certain?" I asked glaring.
"How do you know the humans we know would expose us? The one I'm around would stay quiet about it." I hissed.

"That's a lot of trust in one human." Cinder glanced to me.
"I'd like to watch you choke on that statement." She smiled and I glared in response.

"Well as much as I like to agree to disagree with this family of ours, I actually will continue hanging around the humans, considering I'm dating one." Maverick shrugged and everyone glared at the other who held a bored expression on his face.
"You're dating one?" Rowen asked lowly glaring.
Maverick smirked wickedly.
"Hell yeah I'm dating one and he's gorgeous as fuck." He shrugged.

"End it." Uncle Hendrix spoke now and Maverick arched a brow.
"I never pinged you as one to make jokes uncle and it's not even April Fools day-"
"It's not a joke Maverick, you'll end it with that-"
"I don't think you're my fucking dad, uncle." Maverick glared at him now.
"I won't end it with that human just because you said so, just like Abel, I trust the humans we're around, they're not a threat. If you'd just meet them-"

"That's a great fucking idea." I glared at Nathan who was grinning from ear to ear.
"Let's meet these humans our cousins are talking about, if they're so trusting I would want nothing more than to meet them. Let's see how trusting they are towards us and if one of us are exposed as a vampire and they freak out? We'll kill them." He smirked deviously and I glared.

"Or we could just turn them." Nick suggested and my brows knitted.
"Turn them? No-"
"No, I like that idea better than killing them. If they come here and even hint they'll tell, we'll turn them and if they expose us. They expose themselves." Nathan said and I looked at our guardians who stood there as if thinking it over.

"Bring the humans here tomorrow night, we will feast and see what you see in them. While they judge us, we'll judge them, and as Nick suggested. If they try to turn on us, we'll turn them." Uncle Hendrix said.

I just stood there and my eyes fell on Maverick who looked as I felt.


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