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**Rowen's Pov.**

"So, how has it been with humans residing in your home the last few days?"
I looked up from the book I was reading at the park as my eyes met one of my close friends that lived a distance from the place I called home.
Ziggy Church.
If I had to describe him.
It would be exhausting.

"I've hated every moment of it." I turned the page as the pale teenager with wavy black hair smirked taking a seat next to me.
"I think you hate anything that is new, are they bad company?" He questioned and I let out a soft sigh bookmarking the page I was on to humor this clown.
"Yes because our home stinks like human, I hate waking up to those two walking around freely all because Zendaya deemed it okay." I frowned sitting the book aside.

Ziggy made a face.
"Why not kill them and make it out to be an accident?" He suggested and I smirked.
"The thought has crossed my mind a few times, but then I'd have both my cousins lined up to kill me next. And I enjoy this life as boring as it can be." I shrugged wanting to go back to reading but because he sat down.
I don't think he plans on leaving any time soon.

Ziggy smirked softly.
"If you're this irritated I'd hate to see how Styx and the others are." He said and that actually brought a smirk to my face.
"Styx hates it more than I do, you know how first impressions are important? Yeah no, the human known as Adrian and our hidden secret of a vampire came into our home all bloodied up because Magna is here." I frowned.

"Whoa, please tell me I misheard that." Lyric's brows were knitted holding her ice cream cone and I wasn't even sure how she could eat something like that.
It melts too fast and it pisses me off.
"Did you say Magna was back?" She asked biting directly into the ice cream and both me and Ziggy cringed.
Was her teeth made of steel or something?
That looked painful.

"Yes, he showed up right around the time Marcus did. I can only assume this but I'm sure that rat is how Magna knew to find Adrian, this is all Abel's fault." I groaned suddenly feeling tired of thinking about it.
"I love the love hate relationship you guys have in that house, one minute you guys like each other the next you can't stand one another." Lyric smirked and I rolled my eyes.
"I would rather be honest about this instead of lying to you guys, I mean we're all vampire what's the point in trying to keep it as a secret?" I asked them.

"That's exactly how I feel." 
My blood ran cold as I jumped up from the bench pulling Ziggy up with me as Lyric joined us to see who had been standing behind the bench listening to us talk.
I felt like I was going to be sick.

He stood there in a long dark coat with a top hat which made him look stupid as fuck, not to mention screamed vampire vibes.
Then he had those ugly circle glasses on looking at us with this smirk.

"Magna." I glared and the smirk only grew wider.
"Don't let me interrupt you kids, I was only passing by when I recognized you, Rowen Steele." He told me and I couldn't stop glaring at this guy.
He was nothing but trouble.
And not to mention.
He nearly killed Nick.
I couldn't forgive that.

Magna only smirked at the silence he was given.
"You're on high alert, that's actually smart, so then you know we're here with a motive to take anyone out that's involved with your cousin." He stated as Lyric and Ziggy looked to me in alarm.

"You didn't tell us-"
"I never had the chance." I smirked running a hand through my hair.
"So because my cousin fucked up we all get to die? How exactly is that fair?" I asked him.
Magna stared for a moment.
"I mean I don't guess I have to kill you, I could just beat you half to death to the point you want to die." He shrugged and I glared.
"Again, this is Abel's mess, it shouldn't involve us." I growled.

"But it does! He killed my only family I had left and he has plenty of you guys to suffer through watching as you each die around him. I was going to kill that human he was fond of first, but then that little vampire got in the way but then so did Nick, but there's this thing called round two." He smirked and I glared at him.

"Ziggy, Lyric, go home. He can read you and knows you haven't been involved with Abel, plus acting out in broad daylight would be pretty fucking stupid." I spat.
Magna grinned stepping forward and I felt sick.
Of all days I want fresh air and to get away.
I run into one of the biggest threats in this god damn town.
I needed my brother.
Or someone stronger than I was.
I hated conflict.

Magna watched the two leave my side as he arched a brow.
"Some friends you have there-"
"They left because I told them to, I wouldn't let those two get themselves killed over something that they knew nothing about." I glared and he only shrugged before time went still and his hand was wrapped around my throat.

"You're awfully considerate for a vampire, Rowen Steele, how fast do you think my message will get through if I kill Nathan Steele's little brother?" He asked smirking and I dug my nails into his hand glaring harshly.
"Honestly that idiot probably wouldn't even notice if I died, he's too wrapped around everything else to even notice me. But to answer your question," I thought about it.
"Probably in an hour considering I know my two friends and they'll end up returning with back up because they're stupid, and don't know how to listen to me." I told him as he squeezed down harder on my neck and suddenly the pain existed.
It was like the light I kept switched off so I wouldn't have to feel anything, came back on and suddenly I was more flushed trying to break away.

"You've had your emotions turned off." Magna smirked wickedly and I glared as my eyes glazed over with actual fucking emotion.
"I-I'll turn them off." I hissed trying not to hyperventilate.
Magna watched me amused.
"And then what?" He asked me.
I glared.
"Then I won't care if I die or not." I stated with a smile.

"Jesus kid you're depressing me." I blinked as time remained still but watched the guy I never thought I'd see again appear.
My brows knitted.

"Dallas." I gasped as Magna looked over to the one I addressed before smirking.
"Dallas Webb, you're not on my kill list but if you stay here-"
I couldn't even think as I felt myself falling from Magna's grip.
I sat there with wide eyes noticing Magna's right arm was gone.

He just stood there as blood hit the ground.
I couldn't move as Dallas stared at the other.
"Do you realize how long this is going to take to heal back?" Magna laughed leaving my side and walking over to where his arm was laying on the grass.
Dallas stared at the other.
"You're targeting people I care about Magna, I can't have you doing that. Abel is the only one you're after, go after him." He said walking over to me and my brows were knitted as he offered me his hand to help me up.

"How could I make him hurt if he's dead? All I'll be hurting is the ones around him instead." Magna picked up his arm staring at it.
"I'd rather watch him suffer, it's more fun that way." He smirked.
Dallas's eye twitched.
"I'm warning you now Magna, you come after Rowen or the younger vampires again like this, you'll lose more than your arm-"
"You caught me off guard, we rank the same in strength in case you've forgot." Magna growled and Dallas frowned at him.
"Stay away from Rowen and the others, I won't tell you twice." He said and time resumed except it lead to a woman screaming at the sight of Magna holding his arm.
He just stared at it before looking at Dallas smirking.
"You've just fucked up, friend." He said before disappearing.

"Rowen, are you-"
"Thank god." I wrapped my arms around the other clinging onto him.
"I thought I was going to die, holy shit." I tried not to dig into the other as he stayed perfectly still.

"What were you even doing that caused you to land in that situation?" He asked me and everything was starting to ache being close to him again.
"I was trying to read." I frowned flushed.
Dallas smirked softly running his fingers through my hair and it burned.
"Your emotions are on-"
"I know and I hate it, I've kept them off for too long and now I have all of these feelings and it's gross." I cringed earning a laugh from the other.
"Feelings are gross?" He grinned and I hugged the other tighter.
"Very." My brows were knitted.

I was going to get sad again.
"Are you going to disappear?" I asked him.
Dallas frowned breaking free of the hug and looking at me.
"Rowen, you know I have to-"
"But why?" I demanded with a glare.
"Why do you get to disappear and I can't?" I asked and he frowned looking at me.
"Rowen, you know the rules, you and I-"

"Fuck the rules Dallas, I'm not a kid anymore and I want to be with you." I cried and he smiled softly.
"You saying that just shows you're still a kid, you know Nathan would kill me and there's that chance your aunt and uncle would lock you up again. We can't have that, I won't do that to you. You'll find someone be-"
"There is no one I want to be with except you." I growled and he sighed.
"You're such a stubborn one." He ran a hand through his hair as he looked around before taking my hand and everything burned.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.
"My place." He told me and I tried not to drown in my emotions as he lead us down the street.

"Excuse the mess." He pushed the door open as I trailed in behind the other.
"I don't understand where the mess is, sure you could maybe straighten the cover on your couch or dust those books, wait why the hell are the books dusty? They deserve better than that, Dallas!" I hissed.
"Yeah yeah." He pushed open a door that lead to his room and I hadn't even processed what we were doing here.

He didn't give me time to think before lifting me up and his lips were on mine.
Another placed that burned before he laid me on the bed and his lips traveled to my neck.
"Dallas." I moaned and he smirked.
"We haven't even started yet, Rowen." He teased and I blushed hard.
"Right." I said slowly as he removed my shirt then his.
He studied me for a moment.
"Have you been eating?" He asked and I glared.
"Are you really going to ask that kind of question in this position we're in?" I frowned and he looked concerned.
"You just look like you've lost weight-"
"You're so lucky I'm not a chick or I would of shoved my shoe right up your as-mm"

His lips were on mine as he unbuttoned his jeans and helped me with mine, I could feel his tongue traveling as his lips pressed against mine before breaking the kiss and his eyes were black.
"You're sure you want to go forward with this Row? Because there's no going back." He told me and I stared at him.
"If I didn't want this, I wouldn't of followed you here." I pointed out and he smirked softly sliding his hand into my boxers earning my back to arch up.
"Dall." My hips thrusted against him earning a low growl from the other before his fangs pierced my neck and pain greeted me.
"Fuck." I cried out digging my nails into him.
I could feel his fingers poking into me as I tried to relax but I was more focused on the fact he was actually eating me.

"If you're not planning on marking me, don't bruise me." I told him and he let go of my neck.
"You know I want to, Rowen." He frowned and tears swelled in my eyes.
He pulled my boxers down and my emotions took over as the tears fell.
This wasn't fair.
I wanted to be with him.
If we could just explain it to my guardians and if they'd give Dallas a real chance to redeem himself.
Then maybe..
My body trembled against his as he thrusted into me earning a surprised but startled moan as the tears fell more.
I was in love with him.
I knew that much.
And after today.
My emotions will turn back off and I'll go back to being the person no one liked.
Because all I wanted.
Was Dallas.
And I couldn't have him.
Which probably hurt more than death would.

"Rowen." Dallas laid next to me as I kept my back to him trying not to cry.
"Don't turn your emotions back off, if you keep them on like this, you will find a more suitable mate-"
"I want you." I cried.
"You can't have me Rowen, Nathan will kill me." Dallas sat up and I pulled the cover over my head.
"He can kill me too then, Dallas I don't want anyone else." I was hurting and I hated sounding so selfish.
Not to mention childish.
He just sighed in response.

"You know this is hard on both of us, but I can't risk you losing the place you know as home. Hendrix is a real ass and your aunt has her moments, but I won't let you be selfish." He looked at me as my brows knitted.
"I'll use compulsion on you before you even try to be selfish, you'll forget all about me-"

"I'm leaving." I got up naked as I grabbed my clothes and held them frowning deeply.
"I won't listen to you talk to me like that," I looked at him glaring.
"You're exactly like Nathan, you say you care about me but here you are, acting exactly like him. Threatening to use compulsion all because you can't accept the fact I'm fucking in love with you." I yelled as the tears fell.
"I love you so fucking much that it hurts because you don't love me back." I cried.
"It hurts waking up every day when there are humans who have a better love life that I do, because all I think about is you." I stared at him with my face completely flushed.
"But you don't give two shits about me. All you came here for is to fuck me then flee like your usual cold self." I growled and he was on his feet glaring at me now.

"I did not come here to fuck you, Rowen. I arrived in town to get supplies when I saw that bastard trying to kill you, would you of preferred to die? To leave your responsibilities behind and to leave the only real family you have left? You know Nathan cares about you, he fucking left Italy for you Rowen because your parents couldn't stomach the fact you were in love with a guy, they disowned you and he disowned himself just so you wouldn't be alone." Dallas was in my face as I stood there crying.
"You don't get to be selfish Rowen, you don't get the happy ending you want because it won't ever happen. Not with me." His eyes were black and I felt like I was going to be sick.

"All you had to say was to get out, you dick." I shoved past him into the other room to change.

When I returned to the house everything ached.
Don't turn your emotions off.
I scoffed as my face burned staring at the front door.
After being humiliated like that? 
I wanted to die.

The door swung open and out walked Nathan, as well as our aunt and uncle.
"There you are." Nathan stormed right up to me and I couldn't even think before my hand swung and connected to his face as his eyes turned black.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now? You were attacked in the park and I'm the one being hit?" He grabbed me by the collar and the tears returned.
"I fucking hate you." I cried and the anger in his eyes died down looking at me with the thing I never thought I'd see again.
"It's your fault I can't be happy, I just want to be with him and I can't because you guys ruined it!" I wailed as everything hurt.

"I just want him, why can't I have him?" I looked at my brother who let me go and his brows were furrowed.

"You ran into Dallas." He frowned.
"You're damn right I ran into him." I cried.
"Did you guys set this up? To make me feel again? To make me fucking hurt?" I screamed.

"Rowen, sweetie, baby. Let's go inside." Our aunt was in the middle of us as I stood there trembling.
"I'm in love with him and because you couldn't accept your best friend fucking your brother, you had the elders ban us of ever being together. You're so fucking selfish I can't stand to look at you!" I yelled.

"Rowen." I suddenly flinched looking to our uncle who looked far from happy about my outbursts.
He walked right up to me and frowned deeply.

"Sleep." He commanded.
And just like that.

It was lights out.

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