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**Devyn's Pov.**

"Devyn, Sevyn, come here for a moment please boys." They were no older than maybe ten at the time when they heard their mom call for them from in the room they shared.
Immediately Devyn felt like something was off from the tone in their mothers voice.
She was usually a little more chipper than that.
But she sounded like she was holding her emotions back.
And he wasn't sure why.

Devyn got off the floor from playing with his and Sevyn's action figures before the two walked out of the bedroom and into the living room.
"Where's dad?" Sevyn was the first to ask and the question itself only made their moms expression sadden even more.
"Boys, I need you both to be strong for me, can you do that?" She asked them getting on her knees in front of the twins as she took their hands in hers.
Devyn's brows knitted.
"Mom, where's-"

"Your dad was in an accident this morning." Her voice was broken as she announced the news to them frowning.
"Okay, can we go see him?" Sevyn questioned confused and the tears fell down her cheeks as she shook her head looking at them.
"No baby." She looked at the two of them as the tears began to stain her cheeks.
"Your daddy died this morning." She told them and the two of them stared at her stunned by the news.
"He...died?" Devyn's brows knitted.
Their mom brought the two of them into an embrace crying harder.
"Yes baby, that's why I need the two of you to be strong for your mom, can you both do that for me?" She asked them.

The two looked to each other as the tears fell down their own cheeks as they looked at their mom with whatever confident they could.
"Okay momma, we'll be strong." They said in unison.
And that made her smile.

My eyes shot open as I lied there in cold sweat.
Everything was burning and my mouth was aching as I looked around.
I was..
At Maverick's?
My brows knitted as my head began to pound and my throat was insanely dry.
Like I was badly dehydrated.
I sat up but only hissed at the sudden pain in my stomach.
I raised my shirt and my eyes grew wide at the large scar on my stomach.

"What the fuck?" I shoved my shirt back down and I fell out of bed with a pained cry.

"You're awake a lot sooner than thought, how are you feeling, Devyn?" I remembered this blond haired smart mouth who only ever talked like he was smarter than everyone else.
Styx stood there looking at me with an arched brow, waiting for my answer and my eye twitched.
"What happened to me?" I asked him and he stared before sighing.
"Geeze, I asked how you were feeling, what happened to you is out of my control on the explanation, Maverick wants to do that part." He shrugged and I glared.
"Just fucking tell me!" I yelled and froze.
Why wasn't my heart beating?

I brought my hand to my chest and my brows knitted now standing there.
There was no heartbeat.
I brought my finger to my wrist then neck.
No pulse.
I looked at Styx horrified.

"I need you to tell me right fucking now what's going on, Styx." I growled and he frowned at me.
"You just noticed your heart is no longer beating and you don't have a pulse, what do you think happened, Devyn? We're both blond but please don't be that dumb blond, if you can't wait for Maverick to explain what happened, then connect the dots yourself." He told me glaring now.

I stared at him and tried to think about it.
What even happened last night?
I went home.
I seen mom and Sevyn..
She has alzheimer's..
My hand went to my mouth covering it as I stumbled back.

"There was a man.." I tried hard to remember before my eyes fell on Styx.
"Where are my mom and brother at?" I asked him.
Styx frowned at me.
"I promised Maverick I wouldn't tell you Devyn!"
"What happened to my family, why isn't my heart beating and why the fuck are you beating around the bush about it, just tell me!" I yelled at him.

"No." He told me and my blood began to boil glaring daggers at him.
"Then get someone fucking in here to fucking tell me since you want to be an asshole about it." I snarled and he glared but rolled his eyes.
"Stay put." He told me.

I stormed up to the door as if fixing to leave the room but it only swung open and there stood.

He stared at me and part of me wanted to say he looked relieved I was awake but I could see the hurt in his eyes at the same time.
"Maverick, what's going on?" I asked him trying to calm down and he ushered me to the bed and sat us both down as he frowned deeply.

"What do you remember from last night?" He asked me and my brows knitted.
"A man appeared but everything went black and now my heart isn't beating, I have no pulse. My head, gums and eyes are fucking killing me. But I'm not worried about me right now, where are my mom and brother?" I frowned at him and he went quiet.
He was pinching the bridge of his nose as if not wanting to tell me and that was only making me angry.

"Devyn, I need you to calm down before I tell you anything. You just woke up and what I'm fixing to tell you is going to be a lot, I can't have you in a temper." He explained and I swallowed but again, my throat was dry so it actually hurt to try to make any saliva go down.

"Okay." I looked at him trying to relax.
"Where are they?" I asked him.
He looked at me and his expression was unreadable.
"Your mom was killed last night and Sevyn is in a coma, we don't know if he'll ever regain consciousness and vampirism isn't exactly an option with him in a coma." He watched me closely and suddenly everything was on fire.
"Did.. Did you just say my mom was k-killed?" My voice broke staring at him with knitted brows and tears that fell so freely.
I was in shock.
My mind was racing with all of the thoughts.
The memories of last night were suddenly returning.

She was killed at the door, Sevyn was slammed into a wall and I..

I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom, nothing would come up as I hovered over the toilet shoving my fingers down my throat as I tried to make the acid come out anyway.
I was only gagging as the tears fell and they were hot.

I slapped the others hand away the moment he touched my shoulder and his eyes were wide as I glared at him.
"This is your god damn cousins fault-"
"No Devyn, the vampire that attacked you wasn't even connected to Magna-"
"Oh, I'm sorry that suddenly makes it okay that my mom was fucking killed and my brother may be a fucking vegetable?!" I demanded glaring harshly at him.
Maverick's brows were knitted.
"No, you're right, it doesn't make it okay.. but Devyn-"

"What happened to me?" I didn't want to look at him.
I stared at the toilet as my eyes burned fiercely with tears that begged to fall.
"The vampire that attacked your family... He killed you Devyn and poured his blood into your mouth, transitioning you into a vampire." He explained slowly and my fist swung hard against the counter next to me and it hurt so fucking bad.

"I need to be alone." I told him.
"Please." I sobbed now desperately aching for solitude.
"I won't ask you again Maverick." I looked at him with so much anger but sadness in my eyes and he looked so hurt.
And I hated that more than anything.

"Okay.. I just need to know one thing before I walk out and leave you alone." He stood at the door and my brows knitted.
"Do you hate me?" The tears fell as he asked me that.
I wanted to tell him no and to hug him and to apologize for being such a mess over this.
But I wanted to be hurt.
I needed to mourn.
And at the same time.
I wanted him to hold me and to not let me go.

I slowly got to my feet wiping my eyes.
"No." I answered him and looked at the other.
"I don't hate you Rick, just like I don't blame you.. this was my fault for ever thinking my family would of been safe." I stood in front of the other griping the front of his shirt as I stared hard at his chest.
"I just need to be alone for a while." I leaned up and gently pressed my lips to his and walked passed the other going over to the bed.

"I'll check on you in a few hours." He told me and left without anything else said.

I stared at the closed door and now that I was alone.
I fell to my knees and buried my face into my hands crying harder than I have in years.
It hurt to cry.
It burned and I ached.
My whole family was ripped from me.
My mom.
My dad.
And Sevyn.
My brother was in a coma..

I wailed louder falling into a ball position as I just let my emotions out.
This never would of happened if I hadn't set Abel and Adrian up.
If I had left Adrian alone about being single.
If I never pushed him to go on that date.
We never would of been involved in this.
We never would of known Jayce was a vampire.
Or that my family was going to be taken from me.

I hated this.
I hated everything.
I wanted it to go back to normal.
Where we were just normal teenage high schoolers trying to survive school.
Not trying to survive from vampires.

I think I laid on the floor for a good hour just trying to collect my thoughts and to acknowledge the fact I no longer have a home to go home too.
If Sevyn wakes up from the coma he's in I don't know what he'll do, he can't know about me.. or anyone in this house.
There was a lot on my mind and the only person I wanted back in here was Maverick.

I couldn't make myself be mad at him.
I wouldn't break up with him for the fact that a vampire killed my family all because I was involved with these guys.
Because again.
I had no where else to go at this point.
I wouldn't ask Adrian to let me crash at his house.
That home was already full as is.

I got to my feet and everything just felt numb.
My throat was beginning to kill me from how dry it was.

I sat on the bed and tensed hearing someone knock on the door.
I looked to it frowning as it came open and in walked Jayce.

I stared blankly at the other and he seemed just as upset as I felt.
"Hey." He greeted and I only frowned as he closed the door behind him and came over to me joining me on the bed.
"Where's Adrian?" I managed to ask.
Jayce frowned.
"He's downstairs with Abel, some guy came in and healed his arm so it's no longer broken." He told me frowning and I leaned back.
"I see, I'm sure he's glad to have his arm back." I frowned and Jayce glanced to me.

"Please don't ask if I'm okay or going to be, because I'm already exhausted and everything seriously sucks right now." I told him and he went quiet.
He ran a hand through his hair.
"Maverick thinks you hate him-"
"I don't." I glared at the carpet frowning.
"I told him earlier I didn't, he didn't know my home was going to be ambushed, he didn't know my mom was going to die or.." My brows knitted and Jayce's eyes were on me.

"I'll talk to him later about this, but as far as relationships go, I want to say the two of us are fine." I frowned softly.
"I signed up for the possibility of loss the moment I accepted that vampires existed, that my boyfriend was one. I won't blame him for this just like I won't blame anyone else except for the ones who did this.. earlier I blamed Abel but I regretted it, Rick said they don't know who the vampires were." I said.
Jayce looked to me frowning.
"Yeah, Zendaya and Hendrix are getting a group out tonight to go and lurk around, maybe get some tips of outsider vampires coming into the town. Do you remember anything about him?" He asked me.

I thought about it.
"He was tall, spoke in a language I didn't understand. I want to say he was Italian.. he had dark black hair and hazel eyes, he was wearing a trench coat and had a group with him. It felt like they were more of a mafia than vampires from the vibe I got when I first saw them.." I rubbed the side of my neck frowning.

Jayce frowned.
"If you don't think you're ready to talk to anyone, I can go tell Zendaya and Hendrix his description for you-"
"No." I got up and his eyes followed me.
"Mom died and that sucks but she wouldn't want me to get depressed over it, that's the kind of woman she was, she never wanted me or Sevyn to fall apart where we fell into some kind of depression.. even when my dad died, she never once got depressed, she was sad for a few days but she eventually moved on and focused on herself plus me and Sevyn...so," I looked to him forcing the best smile I could.

"I'm going to make her proud even beneath the ground and keep a level head, a strong heart and a brave state of mind. I'm sorry for seeming out of it, I'll be fine and I'll not dwell on what happened last night. I'll focus on myself, Maverick, you guys and everything else that's going on." I let out a shaky breath.
"But, I can talk to Zendaya and Hendrix, I need to distract myself instead of staying locked up in here." I told the other and Jayce looked at me with a frown.
"I'm fine." I smiled at him even if my expression screamed I wasn't.

I walked down the hall with Jayce trailing behind me.
I had to be strong for myself and not think about my mom being gone.
I had to focus on moving forward.
Even as a person transitioning into a vampire.
I just had no fucking idea what that meant.
I still felt human.
Just without the heartbeat, the pulsing and now gaining pain in my gums, head and eyes.

"Devyn?" I stopped and turned.
Adrian stood at the staircase with a surprised look on his face seeing me and I smirked.
"Hey." I greeted him and the confusion only worsened.
He came down the stairs and right up to me.
"Are you in shock? You look perfectly fine-"
"I am fine." I told the other and his brows knitted.
"How? Your-"
"I know." I said tightly and his expression softened.
"But I don't want to get depressed over it, it sucks my mom died and my brother is in a coma, but mom wouldn't want me to be depressed. I wasn't when dad died and I won't be now, I just have to face reality and deal with the fact, what I called home is no longer home to me.." I rubbed my upper arm with a frown as I thought about it.

"Is Zendaya and Hendrix in their room? I was going to give them the description of the vampire from last night." I cut Adrian off and his brows were knitted.
"They are-"
"Okay." I said leaving the two of them and made my way to the staircase staring ahead.
Keeping my mind blank so I wouldn't think of anything else.

I stood in front of the door where Zendaya and Hendrix would be behind.
I frowned deeply before knocking and waiting to be informed to come in.
I felt my body grow cold but tensed hearing someone telling me to come in.

I walked into their room and Zendaya was the first to see me.
"Devyn darling, how are you-"
"I wanted to come give you the description of the guy from last night." I cut her off frowning and she looked taken back, she walked right up to me and pressed her hand to my cheeks then forehead.
"You're burning up Devyn, you weren't supposed to wake up for another day or two to finish your transitioning-"
"Am I going to die for real because of that?" I asked her.
She looked at me.
"Well no but you're the first that's woke up sooner than expected, I'm just concerned of this fever you seem to have-"

"I'm not worried about my health considering I'm not even alive anymore." I spoke out more coldly than I wanted and based on my expression she knew I didn't mean for it to come out like that.
She looked at me.
"You mentioned a description of the vampire, would you like to start there?" She asked me and I frowned.

"He was tall and wore a white trench coat, kind of like Styx does, he spoke nothing but Italian to me and had black hair and hazel eyes." I explained and her eyes grew wide before looking to Hendrix in alarm as he came over to me.
"You said he was wearing a trench coat?" He asked.
I nodded frowning and they looked to each other.

"That sounds like good ol, Cepheus Mullen back from the dead." I turned around to find Nathan at the door leaned against it with his arms crossed looking at Zendaya and Hendrix both.
"That's not possible considering he was set on fire back in Italy." Hendrix stated and Nathan glanced to me.
"You just heard the kid say it himself, that was a pretty solid description of Cepheus which means only one thing." He looked to me then to them.

"Someone used blood rising to bring back a demon from Italy."

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