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With as fast as the day flew by it didn't give me a chance to mentally prepare myself for the double date tonight.
I guess Abel was okay with it.
Devyn gave him my number but I still haven't received a single message from him.
That was the part of me that had me the most anxious.
Maybe he put more thought into the date or the idea of seeing me and tonight was just him being generous?

I stood inside my bedroom staring at the clothes I had laid out trying to decide which outfit I would wear.
I wanted to tell myself I was looking too into this and that Abel wasn't even the type to be like that.
But I didn't even know him yet.
Just that he lived in a nice house with a lot of cousins.
Oh, and that he had his own personal driver.
Which made him sound too rich for me.

I think I was starting to depress myself just thinking about this now.
Should I even go on the date?

"You're not even dressed?"
I turned around and found my mom at the door, she had a glass of wine in one hand and a small pint of ice cream in the other.
My brows knitted.
She smiled coming into the room sitting the two down and looked at the outfits I picked out.
"Does Abel seem like he's into the darker clothes or lighter?" She asked me.
I just stared at her.
"Darker." I told her.
She lifted up the dark blue shirt and jeans up.
"Then wear this, if you want to impress him, sometimes you need to dress to impress their needs. That's how they'll see you're trying for them." She smiled and I looked at her for the longest minute.

"Mom I can cancel and-"
"Don't do that." Mom shook her head lifting the glass of up and brought it to her lips.
"I won't let you ruin your night for the sake of your mom, I'll be fine baby." She smiled at me and my brows knitted.
"Are you-"
"Adrian Daniel Grimes you are wasting time, get dressed and be ready for when your date arrives. You forget you have other siblings I can bond with tonight, I will be fine." She told me walking out of the room closing the door behind her.

I waited outside patiently for Abel to show up.
My mom wanted to meet him but she said she would wait and see how the date went tonight before she introduced herself to him.
I was feeling anxious as this black car drove up and this guy got out of the driver seat and opened up the door behind him.

I sucked in some air before looking in and my heart was in my throat seeing Abel in the backseat behind the passenger seat.
His eyes fell off his phone and onto me as he smirked softly.
"Good evening, Adrian, you weren't waiting long were you?" He asked as I got in the car sitting beside the other now.

"No, I just walked outside when the car drove up. I guess you could say it was perfect timing." I shrugged with a shy smile.
Abel glanced to me smiling.
"It would seem that way, by the way, I was informed by my cousin him and your friend would be joining us tonight. I gave them my okay about it but were you alright with them coming tonight?" He asked me.
I stared at him before clearing my throat.

"Yes, after more thought over it I finally settled with the idea of my friend coming. I felt like it would help me relax a bit more, plus he seems excited about it." I smiled now.
Abel watched me.
"Well as long as you're okay with it, I guess that's a good thing, you look good tonight." He told me and my face began to heat up.
"T-Thanks." I nibbled my lip.
"You also look good." I complimented the other who smirked in response.
"Thank you." He said and suddenly the air in the car fell thick and I was suddenly more anxious than I was waiting for the car to arrive at my house.

"There they are."
I looked up from the sidewalk and my eyes somehow found Devyn at Maverick's side.
I almost didn't recognize him with his usual messy blond hair being pushed back and his face seemed lighter too.
But he still looked like Devyn, even wearing the button up red shirt that wasn't even all the way tucked in and the fact his jeans were shorter that exposed his legs.
I wanted to laugh but I bit my tongue so I wouldn't embarrass the other.
I was sure he already knew.

"I thought we agreed on six?" Maverick questioned Abel who looked at his phone.
"We did." He nodded.
"It's almost seven-"
"We agreed to pick our dates up at six not to arrive at Jekyll's at that time." Abel explained and Maverick glared but just rolled his eyes.
"So we should of just said seven because I've been waiting here with my date while you took your time getting here." He growled.

Abel stepped up.
"Let's not be unattractive in front of our dates cousin, we can save what problems we have towards each other back at home when we're not in front of these two." He said offering his hand to me and I hesitated but took it as he lead us up the stairs and my heart was starting to pound.
Were we already off to a bad start for the night?
When it hasn't even began yet.

"What can I get the four of you started with for drinks?" The waitress asked and I looked at the menu before my chest grew tight.
Everything was expensive.
I almost didn't even want to order anything.

"I'll take a water." Maverick was the first to speak and Devyn studied the menu carefully and I could see it in his eyes that he was thinking the same thing.
Sure we were on a date and it was obvious these two were going to be paying but we didn't even know the budget.

"You can get whatever you want, money isn't an issue for us." Abel said and I hated myself for flinching which Devyn and Maverick both noticed.
I could feel my mouth becoming more dry.

"A water please." I said and Abel glanced to me.
"Are you sure? They have pretty good drinks here, the apple clear is pretty tasty." He suggested and I looked at it then to the waitress.
"I'll take that then." I told her and my response seemed to amuse the one next to me.
Devyn glanced to Maverick who had looked over his shoulder.
"I've only been here once so I can't recommend a good drink," he smirked as his eyes fell on Abel.
"Abel's been here a few times on his own just because he enjoys the music and the scenery." He said now.

Devyn bit his lip.
"What about the blueberry razz?" He asked.
Abel shrugged.
"You can get it and try it, that's how you learn what you like here." He said and Devyn glanced to Maverick as if making sure it was okay to order it and Maverick just grinned.
"He'll be getting the blueberry razz." He told her and she smiled with a blush.

"So I have one water, one apple clear, a blueberry razz and for you sir?" She looked at Abel who glanced to me.
"What should I get? You order for me." He smirked and my heart skipped.
"O-Oh, um.." I read all the names.
"He'll have the um," my head was staring to spin trying to decide on the spot like this.
Abel just chuckled.
"Two apple clear's please." He told her and she nodded quickly writing that down.
"I'll get those drinks right out." She said before disappearing.

"Sorry." I frowned and Abel just smirked.
"I just wanted to tease you a bit, the apple clear is actually my regular when I come here. I just appreciate the aftertaste I guess." He shrugged and I nibbled my lip with a nod.

Abel's eyes traveled off me and onto Devyn.
"So, you were the one behind the phone setting the two of us up?" He asked my friend who was reading the menu before he looked up.

"Yup." He smirked.
"At first it was just going to be a joke I guess, but there were a lot of creeps on that site." His brows knitted for a minute.
"And I mean they really were creeps, some were asking odd questions." He frowned now and I looked at the other.
"Odd questions how?" I somehow questioned.
Devyn looked at me.
"Well, one guy was wanting to know if he could taste your blood?" He seemed bothered and I suddenly felt chills.

"Did you get a name on that guy?" I glanced to Abel and my eyes were wide over how angry he seemed.
Devyn frowned.
"I blocked him, there were a few guys like that, girls as well. I thought they were just trolls taking the pranks too far, but some were really rubbing me wrong. Honestly I considered calling the police on a few of those people. I mean who jokes like that? Drinking blood or wanting to see the color of our blood?" He looked away now with furrowed brows.

I frowned.
"I was actually fixing to call it quits but then I received a message from you and you actually seemed sane compared to those other freaks." Devyn looked at Abel.
"That's why I acted like Adrian for a bit just to make sure you weren't another creep, I mean he already has to deal with those bastards at school and-"

"The bullies?" Abel glanced to me with an arched brow.
I suddenly felt smaller now that Devyn was bringing this to the table and on our first date too.

Devyn frowned at him.
"Nah I wouldn't call them bullies, more like piece of shit people who just need to be put in their place. See he had this boyfriend-"
"Devyn." I shook my head and Abel looked to me curious.
"Would you rather not talk about it?" He asked me and I frowned.
"It's more along the lines of this being a double date and it ruining the mood." I said frowning.
Abel smirked.
"You're considerate, that's actually attractive, but I was kind of curious to know about this person that has Devyn here so fired up. He is talking for both of you after all." He teased and I blushed harder.
"Sorry, it's supposed to be a date and here I-"

"Adrian," Abel smirked softly.
"I am joking with you, it's honestly no shock that this would happen, but as long as you're here and socializing with us, I don't mind you being quiet at the same time." He explained and suddenly I relaxed sitting next to him.
"I won't make you talk when you're not comfortable just yet, I would rather you relaxed with me instead of stiff like you've been. I promise I won't get frustrated with you, I'm a very patient person." He told me softly and that just made me feel ten times better hearing him say that.

Abel looked at Devyn.
"Now then, what about this boyfriend?" He asked.

Devyn watched me before looking at him.
"His names Octavian, a total prick to Adrian, see those two were dating last year and everything seemed fine out in the crowds, Adrian was happy. But then we all found out that Octavian was actually mentally abusing Adrian anytime he disagreed over something, Octavian was also pretty controlling. He wouldn't let Adrian be around any of us and pretty much kept Adrian at arms length in case he tried to go off." Devyn was frowning deeply now.

"That's one reason why I wanted to come along tonight, not just because I wanted to experience a double date with my best friend, but because I wanted to make sure you treated him right. That guy was his first everything and he ruined it for Adrian, so I want to give you a heads up, when he flinches around you. It's not something you've done to him, it's something he's being reminded of." Devyn looked at me.
"Or when he averts his eyes, he's not lying or keeping anything from you, he just gets nervous because dating that guy gave him a shit ton of anxiety. Adrian was broken for a while but he's trying to get through high school without that dick holding him down the whole time." He frowned and my eyes were burning with tears.

Abel looked to me.
"Your drinks, are we ready to order?" The waitress questioned with a smile.
Abel looked at her.
"Not yet." He smiled back and she nodded disappearing.

"From what Devyn just told me I want to reassure you that I'm nothing like that person." He said and just glared seeing Maverick smirk in response.
"Oh you're not?" He asked.
Abel's eye twitched.
"No." He smiled.
"I came home from living in Italy to continue living here with everyone I know, there was nothing for me up there with my parents. Being here will give me better opportunity, but I know for a fact living in the past with my cousins and living now? I know I've changed for the better and I believe you deserve better than someone like that person. And I want to be the person who can treat you better." He smiled at me and my face was suddenly burning at how honest he was being.

"I want to be someone you can talk to about anything, someone who you know will always be there for you. From the story Devyn shared with us, you deserve to be happy Adrian, and I can make that happen. I want to make that happen, you just seem like someone who's had all this weight on your shoulders and I would want nothing more than to lift it for you." He took my hand and my heart was suddenly pounding hard against my chest.

"I've never met anyone like you, as kind as you're offering to be towards someone you've only known for a few days now." I said and he smirked.
"I'd like to think of being one of those rare people who show up once in a lifetime." He smiled.

"So here's the two steaks, the ribs and the grilled pork chop." The waitress laid our plates out.
"Would you gentlemen like a dessert in the end?" She suggested.
Maverick glanced to Abel then to her.
"No thank you, we'll take the check and be on our way afterwards." He told her and she seemed disappointed by his answer.
Like she wanted them to stay here longer.

"Careful with how you cut the pork chop, the knives here are very sharp." Abel warned both me and Devyn as he paid no mind to Maverick who was watching Devyn saw into the steak with his knife.

I lifted up my knife and tried to be careful cutting my pork chop.
"Excuse us!"
My hand jerked as this group of kids hit our table and lucky me.
The knife dived right into the side of my hand.

"Shit." I hissed quickly grabbing a paper towel.
"Damn Adrian, are you okay?" Devyn jumped up.
"Hey you punk ass kids come back here and apologize!" He demanded as I got up.

"I'm fine, excuse me real quick." I got up from the table not even aware Abel was right on my heels as I ran into the bathroom and ran the wound under the water in hopes of the blood to stop.
It wasn't deep enough to need stitches but it was deep enough to keep it bleeding.

"Let me see your hand." Abel told me and I glanced to him.
"Seriously, I'm okay, it's not even that deep." I tried to reassure the other and he seemed angry over the wound.
"I'll have them come back here and apologize." He told me turning away.
"What?" I frowned.
"Abel, it's fine." I laughed grabbing his hand and walked in front of the other but stopped at the sight of him.

He had dark black veins under his eyes before he pinched the bridge of his nose closing his eyes.
"Are you okay?" I frowned at him.
"Yes, sorry I got something in my eye."
"Well let me see." I told him.
"No." He growled softly before standing away from me for a minute before turning back and looking completely fine.

"Let's get your hand taken care of, the sooner the better." He told me.
I had it wrapped in the paper towels walking out of the restroom with the other who went straight to the table.
"Get to go boxes, I'm taking Adrian to the hospital." He told Maverick as Devyn jumped up.

"Are you okay?" He asked me worried and I nodded.
"I just need my hand properly bandaged but I'll be fine." I smiled softly walking out with Abel.

We got in the car and he wasted no time to drive away.
I glanced to him.
"Is your eye okay? You looked like you were in pain in there." I frowned.
He glanced to me.
"I'm fine, I'm more worried about you." He said and I leaned back in the seat frowning.
"It wasn't a deep cut so I should be fine." I looked out the window and honestly?

I was worried about him.
Dark veins were under his eyes earlier and it didn't seem like it was just something..
I didn't want to push him too much about it.

I was curious to know what was up about that.
Maybe I'll google it later.
That place usually has all the answers.

And unfortunately it gives me the answers.
I don't want to read.
Or the truth.
I didn't want to hear.

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