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**Devyn's Pov.**

"You want to do what?" Adrian's brow was arched looking at Jayce who sat across from us in the cafeteria looking around as if making sure no one was listening.
And by no one I meant vampires.
Apparently they were great at listening to things that didn't concern them.
Not that we had that worry with our group, but then again.
Ever since earlier when they all went to save Jayce.
He came back with an attitude.
Which means him and Nathan must be fighting already.

"Nick explained it to me earlier, it's this thing called blood rising, we can use either vampires or human blood and can bring the dead back to life." He told us and my brows were knitted.
"Sounds pretty risky, did Nathan and the others actually give the okay about something like that or-"
I smirked watching the other scowl looking away now.
"You were shot down weren't you?" I asked him and Jayce glared softly.

"I just think that if we brought Athan back from the dead and Magna had his brother back, he'd leave us alone. He's mad at Abel sure, but if we could actually pull it off." He looked at us and Adrian rubbed the side of his neck frowning.
"I don't know Jayce, it seems like a bad idea, especially if Nathan and the others shot it down. Plus we wouldn't even know where to start looking, I'm sure Athan's body is in Italy, and none of us have the money for a plane ticket so that's already screwing us." Adrian frowned at him.
"There's also the fact we don't know anything about the other vampires besides the ones we already know, and some of them still don't trust me or Devyn simply because we're humans." He shrugged.
"I just think we should have the others on board with this, I can understand wanting to get Magna off our backs with the fact my boyfriend may or may not have killed Athan but-"

"Wait," I looked at Adrian frowning.
"What do you mean, may or may not have? Did he or didn't he?" I asked and he bit his gum.
As if thinking about his answer before sighing.

"Abel is innocent, he didn't touch Athan. He swears up and down that the elders were trying to frame him because they wanted his community shut down, so they had someone pretty much come in and kill Athan where it looked like Abel was at fault.. The only confusing part is the fact everyone had this personality switch where they all saw Abel as being capable of killing someone he's known for years, even Magna believed it." Adrian poked at his carrots thinking.
"That's what's confusing me the most, Magna trusted Abel and Abel trusted everyone else, but the moment he's being confronted everyone's suddenly pointing fingers at Abel." He looked at us with knitted brows.

I took a bite of my sandwich frowning.
"So if they all had a personality switch, why does everyone seem like they're content being around Abel?" I asked but glanced to the side of me where Nick joined us with Ashby.

"Sorry for interrupting, you three are just digging so into the past we had to drop in." Nick smirked and Adrian blushed.
"Sorry I-"
"No don't apologize." Nick grinned.
"I think it's adorable how curious you guys are, but on a more serious note I think it would be best for the three of you not to involve yourselves more than you have to when it comes to us," his eyes fell on Jayce.
"That includes you Jayce. I regret mentioning the blood rising to you earlier but I want you to know, it's better for Athan to not exist anymore. I know you want to help but bringing a vampire back from the dead won't end well on anyone. That also includes for Magna, as much as I hate the guy. A vampire being brought back is no longer their old self." He explained and I arched a brow.

"So it's best we just forget flying to Italy and bringing Athan back?" I asked completely joking but Nick's expression hardened.
"Yes, what would the three of you even do if you went there and were found by bad vampires, or in worse cases. The elders? I already know Abel and the other two would be against going so how would you reach them for help if you got captured? Do you know what would happen to the three of you in Italy and being familiar with us?" He asked and I didn't like where this was going.

"We'd die?" Adrian suggested and Ashby frowned at him.
"That's a possibility, but word is that what's going on in Italy is that the entire country is mainly vampire populated and that the humans are sold as slaves. This is all thanks to that failed community of my idiot brothers that the elders took it into their own hands and basically enslaved the humans so that's all they'd ever be seen as, is nothing more than slaves." His eyes fell on us.
"So if you three went there, you'd be enslaved and would wait to be bought by vampires where they'd treat you as such, there is always the possibility of you being a sex slave but that's for the higher nobles who do it out of boredom." Ashby  frowned.
"Basically if you went there without any of us who knows Italy, would only get the three of you fucked or killed. Possibly both." He shrugged.

Nick glanced to the other.
"He's right so it's best to drop this idea of yours, I can understand wanting to breathe again without Magna being around, but we can handle that problematic child and his tantrums, you guys just have to believe in us." He smirked.

I looked to Jayce and Adrian.
"I don't know about you two but I'd rather not piss Rick off, he's been pretty patient with me on a lot of things and that includes my mouth, I would rather not push him over the edge by telling him I wanted to go to Italy for a fifty fifty chance of fixing this. Because who's to say Magna would even back off? He'd get his brother back but the dude is obviously a angry time bomb. So as exciting as it would be to go to Italy where it's a bunch of sex deprived vampires, I'm going to have to say no because my big guy is already enough for me." I said pushing my tray in front of me to declare I was done eating.

Adrian looked to Jayce.
"If Nick, Ashby and Devyn are all against it, then maybe it's best not to stress too much about this Jayce. I don't want to piss Abel off and I know you don't want to piss Nathan off, it's obvious you two got into it but I won't ask why because it doesn't concern me. But you two should talk." Adrian got up and my eyes followed him.
"You've had this troubled look on your face since homeroom and I'm sure he's also troubled, this whole thing is new to all of us, and you should respect what Nathan asks of you." He told the other and I looked to Jayce now who was frowning deeply at Adrian's suggestion.

"I won't tolerate being talked down to like I'm a kid." He said and I looked to Nick who chuckled earning a glare from Jayce.
"What's so funny?" He asked the other.
Nick smirked softly.
"To us, you are still a kid, it took Nathan and the others almost a decade to stop calling Rowen, Styx and Emery kids. Yeah we're aged around you guys, but we're still a lot older than you'd like to know." He stated.
I made a face.
"So Maverick is ancient?"

"Damn, rude." I tensed up hearing no other than the guy himself behind me with an arched brow.
I blinked.
"Sorry, but are you?" I asked him and this only made Nick and Ashby look away laughing earning a glare from Maverick who's jaw ticked for a moment before smirking as he leaned in.

"I'm old as fuck baby, but I can still make you scream." He winked and my face molted red as my heart began to pound hard against my chest.
Holy fuck.
What the fuck.
I took a long drink of my water trying to cool down but it wasn't helping.
It was hot.

"Is anyone else hot?" I questioned and Jayce arched a brow.
"I mean it's warm but-"
"No I mean like you're burning up." I fanned myself and Adrian frowned.
I got up with my tray as I tried to swallow.
"I'm burning up." I laughed awkwardly walking away from the table and darted off to the locker rooms where the showers were.

Was I burning up because of what Rick said?
I mean I knew he was a pervert who said things like that to me.
But fuck.
This time was different.

I went into a stall and removed my clothes before turning the cold water on hitting me in the face.
I got so hot in there.
It was so wild.
Why was that?
I frowned deeply as my body began to cool down.

My heart pounded hard against my chest as I looked at the stall door.
"Open up." I hesitated but unlocked the stall door and Maverick made his way inside and his lips were on mine.

"Stop, you'll get soaked." I complained and he only smirked softly.
"It's my fault you're in this state so it's only fair I take responsibility right?" He asked as his lips met my neck and I tried to hold back the shivered moan that escaped.
"We can't do this here, we're at school." I whined but was also lowkey enjoying the risk of getting caught.
"Just keep quiet." Maverick smirked softly against my neck as I shivered against him.
It was suddenly freezing and I was begging for the heat.

"Turn around." He told me and I felt my heart skip as I did as he said with my back to the other.
"Such a sexy view." He teased and my face grew warm.
"Shut up." I hissed feeling more excited at the sound of his pants coming undone.

"Yeah, can you two not do that here?"

We both froze at the sound of that asshole Nathan on the other side.
"Your boyfriend is seriously reeking of lust, Maverick, and that shit's just going to invite others in here." He told us and I stood up straight and turned to Maverick who was pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Way to ruin the mood, Nathan." He growled.
"Would you rather other vampires run in here and try to eat your little treat you were fixing to fuck in a school house? He isn't exactly marked yet just like little Adrian, they're basically free to be marked by anyone that isn't you if you two keep fucking around." He said and with that, he left the two of us alone with the freezing water hitting the ground.

"Sorry." Maverick said lowly now and I just laughed it off.
"Well that was fucking awkward." I leaned up and kissed his lips as he blinked looking at me.
"But it's probably for the best, honestly losing my virginity in a school sounds lame as fuck-"
"Devyn," Maverick whined and I bit my gum.
"Right the language, I'm working on it!" I grinned at him.
"But still, I'd rather be more comfortable in a bedroom, on a bed rather than being screwed against a brick wall in a freezing ass shower." I shrugged grabbing the towel to dry us both off with.

Maverick smirked softly as I leaned against his chest with my own smiling up at him.
"I guess that's fair." His hands fell on my ass as I bit my lip.
"But for someone who's never had sex before, you sure know how to act like a tease." He pointed out and I smirked.
"It's all thanks to the porn." I left his side dressed and he stood there gawking at me in shock.
"Are you serious..?"

"So here are the notes from history." Sevyn handed me his binder with the notes inside.
"Try not to get anything on them because I hate having to rewrite the stuff."  He told me as I stared at the binder.
"Why're you giving me this like I'm not coming home?" I asked him and Sevyn frowned at me.
"Well are you man? You practically moved in with that boyfriend of yours and considering the fact you won't return the calls mom has made really makes it look bad on your end." He told me with crossed arms.
I frowned at him.
"I'm coming home tonight, I guess I've had a lot going on that-"
"Like what?" Sevyn asked me with an arched brow.
"Like stuff." I told him and he only scoffed with an annoyed smirk followed by his eyes rolling.
"Yeah okay, stuff. Sure." He glanced to me frowning.

"You know we are twins and if there's something bothering you at home, I can talk to mom about it-"
"There's nothing bothering me Sevyn, look I'm sorry for not being home lately, I've just been distracted and really didn't think mom would care." I told him.
He made a face.
"Alright, see you at home." He left my side and I stood there before rubbing my neck awkwardly.

"So we're not doing it tonight?" Maverick asked me at the lockers and I smiled softly.
"No you big horn dog, apparently my mom and brother are feeling neglected so I'm going home for tonight. I'll explain to her that I've kind of moved in with you guys and that I'll be home on the weekends." I shrugged and Maverick made a face.
"Are the three of you not close?" He frowned and I sighed.
"Not really no, since my dad died a few years back, she's been real out of it. So it's been up to me and Sevyn to look out for her and each other, but since we got involved with you guys." I smirked softly.
"I guess it slipped my mind I had a family in the suburbs." I shrugged.

Maverick studied me for a moment before sighing.
"Well alright baby cakes-"
"Don't call me that." I smirked and so did he.
"I'll just see you tomorrow then, should I put roses on the bed?" He suggested and I rolled my eyes.
"Yes please and don't forget the exotic candles, the wine and my dignity being lost if you really think I'm fixing to be screwed on a mattress with flower petals underneath us like we just got married." I told him.

He thought on that for a moment before looking at me.
"Well technically if I were to mark you, we'd be married in a sense." He told me and I blinked.
"Oh." I thought about that for a moment looking at him with an arched brow.
He smirked softly.
"Mates can break up Devyn." He smirked and I frowned at that.
"They can?"
He looked at me.
"Well yeah, to confirm the two of you are I guess divorced? Basically an elder has to burn where your mark is and to write it down in the book of ended relationships, that's only for mates though, not for dating." He explained.
I bit my lip.

"I mean I wouldn't complain being marked by you." I blushed now looking away.
"I guess I got scared for a minute but if you can tolerate me and my mouth," I grinned.
"I suppose that wouldn't be such a bad thing, being married to you in a sense." I kissed him walking out of the building.

"I'll see you tomorrow, get home safe." He kissed me again and I could melt just being near him.
And as soon as he left my side.
It was cold.

"I'm home!" I announced to only hear feet running down the hall before my mom was in the center with wide eyes.
"Devyn." She gasped and my eyes grew wide seeing her nearly fall as I ran up to her.
"Whoa now, what's gotten into you?" I demanded with worried eyes and she clung onto me with teary eyes.
"Do you hate us? Is that why you're never home?" She asked me and a sudden pain hit me as I looked at her.
"N-No I don't hate you, I could never hate you." I told her and she looked so sad looking at me.
"Then why are you never home?" She frowned at me and I sighed softly.
"Let's go talk." I pulled her down the hall and into the family room, sitting us both on the couch, her hands in mine.

"I started seeing a guy." I smiled softly and she watched me with her eyes that were dull with no expression.
"I wanted to tell you all about him but I sort of got distracted with a lot of stuff here lately.. and I guess I forgot to come home or to check in on you, but I'm here now." I told her squeezing her hands.
She stared at me before smiling softly.
"That's nice sweetie but..who are you again?" She asked and my blood ran cold as ice.
"What?" My brows knitted.
"I'm Devyn, your son!" I told her and she frowned at me now.

"She was put in the hospital a few days ago." Sevyn told me with crossed arms.
"Apparently it's an early stage for alzheimers." He explained and my stomach sank looking at her as she stared at the two of us.
Tears swelled in my eyes.
"Do you know how it hit her so early?" I asked.
"It just happens Devyn, that's why I wanted you home, to see first hand what I've been going through without you." He frowned at me and the tears slipped but I felt chills hearing the door bell.

"Oh that must be the Chinese." Mom let go of my hands and my eyes followed her as I got to my feet.
Sevyn ran a hand through his hair looking at me.
"Do you see now?" He asked.
I went to speak but was stopped at the sound of the front door slamming open.

"Mom?!" We both ran down the hall but my eyes were wide at the group of people standing in the doorway.
All except for the one who had my mom pinned against the wall with blood running down it.

"Oh, povera cara, si e arresa abbastanza facilmente." My blood was ice cold as I stood in the hall way with Sevyn.
We watched this guy drop my mom to the ground before stepping right over her.
His eyes were pitch black with blood running down his chin looking right at the two of us.
I didn't recognize him.
My heart was pounding hard against my chest looking at where my mom was.

"Sevyn, run--"
I couldn't even move before this guy was in the middle of us before he was slamming Sevyn into the wall and I swear I heard something break inside of him.

"Quindi sei uno dei problemi che il mio padrone sta affrontando." He stated and I couldn't understand a word he said, it wasn't English I knew that much but my thoughts were shut off  before he was pinning me against the wall, his hand around my throat before squeezing down hard enough where I couldn't focus or even try to breathe without it burning.

"Non sei nemmeno un vampiro." He smirked looking at me and my brows were knitted looking at him.
"W-Why..?" The tears fell looking at him and he stared.
"Perche?" He looked confused before something lit up in his dull hazel eyes.
"Oh, vuoi sapere perche ho ucciso tua madre e tuo fratello, giusto?" He looked at me grinning and I glared not understanding a single word this bastard was saying but I could still move.
I used what courage I could and kneed the hell out of his stomach as he dropped me to the floor groaning.

Everything went still.
The cold feeling of something sharp piercing not only my neck but my stomach as I coughed up blood in reaction stumbling as this guy held me still.
"Guarda che stai facendo un pasticcio.." He sighed and everything was going numb.
Was I going to die here?
Without mourning over my mom?
Without knowing if Sevyn was going to be okay?
Without ever getting to see Maverick again?

The pain hurt so fucking bad.
Everything was burning.
"Ti daro una nuova vita umana, per ricominciare." He said and as I lied on the cold tiled floor feeling my heartbeat slowing down as I felt nothing but a numb feeling.
The last thing I did feel.

Was something going down my throat.
And me swallowing it.

Nothing but darkness took over.

Mom and Sevyn..

I'm sorry.

Translations for the sentences above:

"Oh, povera cara, si e arresa abbastanza facilmente."::((Oh, poor dear, she gave up quite easily."))
"Quindi sei uno dei problemi che il mio padrone sta affrontando."::((So you're one of the problems my master is facing.))
"Non sei nemmeno un vampiro."::(("You're not even a vampire."))
"Oh, vuoi sapere perche ho ucciso tua madre e tuo fratello, giusto?"::(("Oh, you want to know why I killed your mother and brother, right?"))
Guarda che stai facendo un pasticcio.."::(("Look, you're making a mess.."))
"Ti daro una nuova vita umana, per ricominciare."::(("I'll give you a new life human, to start over."))

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