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**Abel's Pov.**

I watched Rose for the longest time study Magna as if she were actually hesitant to break the spell on his mind.
But after some time just taking the guy in, she finally brought her fingers to his temples and began to concentrate on breaking the spell.
Her brows were knitted for a moment before her eyes opened and she frowned softly.

"Whoever put this spell on his mind really did not like you guys." She commented looking to me and I frowned deeply.
"You can't-"
"No I can," she reassured me.
"I'm just letting you know if I do this and I will because Magna was also my friend once upon a time, that if the person who put the spell on his mind sees him back to his old self, it may not make them the least bit happy." She stated.

"Well tough shit I'll kill the bastards if they come after us." I looked to the door where both Maverick and Nathan were, they were both looking at Magna as if hoping the same thing I was.
The best and for Magna to go back to normal.

Rose looked to the two of them.
"You two never change." She smiled softly.
"Always quick to fight or kill but your reasons are valid that much I can say, is anyone going to inform Ambrose or Dante about this? Magna was also their friend." She pointed out.
"I'll find them after we know for sure Magna is back to himself." I told her and she studied me before smiling softly.
"Alright." She pulled out a clear red vile out of her pocket before looking at Magna.
"Almost done." She popped the lid off pouring the liquid on Magna's head.
Watching his expressions as she did this.

I wouldn't lie when I say this.
But I was beyond anxious.
If Magna returned to normal.
There was so much I wanted to talk to him about.
So much I had to tell him.
I wanted to step forward but it was like my feet were glued to the floor while Maverick and Nathan stood at my side, watching our old friend fighting to wake up.

Rose watched him before smiling softly as Magna's brows knitted but his expressions were no longer as harsh as they once were.
His gray eyes slowly opened and they had more life in them like back in Italy before everything went to hell.
He looked completely out of it as he went to move but his eyes fell on the chains that held his arms against the wall frowning now.
He looked around before his eyes fell on Rose and his expression softened in confusion.

"Rose?" He questioned.
Rose smiled softly.
"Hi love, how are you feeling dear?" She stepped closer to him.
He was frowning at her.
"Well I'm not going to lie," he smirked softly.
"I'm a bit confused on a lot of things right now, why am I chained up?" He looked past her and our eyes met.
And I wasn't sure what it was.
Maybe because this was the real deal.
The real Magna.
My Magna.

But I stepped forward.
"Abel.." He spoke slowly and I stood in front of him now.
"Magna, it's been a while." I told him and he smiled softly.
"Yeah, but um.. wanna tell me why you guys have me chained up like some kind of traitor?" He asked.

"You've been under a cruel spell dear." Rose explained with her arms crossed looking at him and his brows knitted.
"Another dark spell caster took ahold of that mind of yours for years, they made you do unspeakable things to your friends, you came after Abel and you hurt a few important people to him." She frowned and Magna's eyes were on me wide and in shock.
"No.. Abel, you know-"

"I know." I said tightly looking at him.
"That's why we had the best of the best come here and help you Magna," I frowned softly.
"Magna, what do you remember before you couldn't anymore?" I asked him.

Magna stood there and thought about it.
"Well.. I remember Athan being a pest about wanting to take Ryn to see a sunset, but he never came home that night.. I remember getting concerned and deciding I would come over.." His brows knitted.
"Athan's dead isn't he?" He asked and I could hear the pain in his voice but not like before.
"Yes." I frowned at him.
"We don't know who the killer was Magna, but whoever they were, they managed to get Italy to believe it was me." I told him watching his expressions before he blinked looking at me.

"You..?" He stared before the corners of his mouth lifted into a grin that lead to an actual laugh.
"No way, sorry." He shook his head smirking.
"You're probably the last person who I could see killing Athan, or anyone important to us. They really had their nails in me if they made me say it was you. I know better than that." He shrugged.
I smiled softly looking to Rose and she nodded.

"Let's get those chains off you, I'm sure it's uncomfortable-"
"What? No, I'm actually used to them now." Magna grinned and I smirked before we unlocked both his hands then his legs.

"So should I ask where we are if it's not in Italy?" He questioned massaging his wrists.
"We're in California, if Adrian hadn't made you drop your guard earlier-"
"Adrian?" Magna arched a brow at me with a smirk.
"You mean, you actually found yourself a mate while I was basically in a coma?" He asked.
I stared.
"Something like that." I rubbed the side of my neck.
I still needed to mark him but right now was terrible timing no matter how you looked at it.

"Something tells me you have a lot to tell me." Magna looked past me now and over to Maverick and Nathan who were just staring at him blankly.
I frowned at the two.
"Are you guys just going to stare at him like that? I don't think your mates would appreciate that very much." I joked and Maverick flinched.
"Sorry." He smirked walking over to us now and took Magna in.

"It's just, it's hard to see you as the Magna we knew back in Italy, the guy who was playing as you was a real bastard. He tried to kill Nathan's mate, almost killed Nick, he broke Adrian's arm then threatened to kill the whole school of humans." He thought about it.
"Oh and apparently you were going to turn all of California into a vampire populated community and finish what Abel couldn't." He explained.

Magna stood there practically gawking at the explanation.
"That's a lot to take in." He frowned.
"Tell us about it, we've pretty much had to keep our guards up with you and that crew you brought here. But now things are even worse for us." I frowned and Magna looked at me with knitted brows.
"Should I even ask how-"
"Cepheus is alive." I told him and his eyes grew wide.
"Yeah." My arms were crossed.
"There's apparently blood risers in Italy reviving all of the vampires who died or were killed." I told him and he frowned deeply.

"Does that mean that.."
"It's possible, but Magna you know if they revive Athan, he won't be the little brother you knew." I frowned and so did he.
"Damn.." He looked away frowning deeply.

"So I know this is going to be weird but I feel like I owe these mate's of yours and Nick an apology." Magna said now and we all looked at him surprised that he'd feel guilty enough to want to apologize on the end that wasn't even really caused by him.

"We may need to give them a heads up, as level headed as Devyn is trying to be. He may act out, Jayce doesn't really like you honestly, and Adrian?" Maverick looked to me and I smiled softly.
"I think we won't have any issues with you talking to Adrian, I honestly think you're going to like him." I told the other and Magna blinked.
"Off limits right?" He joked and I smirked.
"Yes." We walked to the staircase and I really hope that Adrian is open minded and doesn't freak out.

**Adrian's Pov.**

"Maybe he doesn't want to mark me." I frowned laying in bed with Devyn and Jayce who laid on the opposite side of me as we all stared at the ceiling of the bedroom.
"I'm sure he does dude, but maybe the timing is always off." Devyn suggested wanting to roll on his side but couldn't because the wound was still healing.
I bit my lip thinking about it.

"Maybe.. do you guys think they managed to fix Magna's mind?" I asked changing the subject.
Jayce glared softly.
"And if they did? It doesn't change what he's done to anyone here Adrian, don't forget he broke your arm-"
"But that wasn't him-"
"I don't care! He still came after us and actually tried to kill me, you really think I'm fixing to forgive and forget?" He demanded and I sat up frowning.

"I never told you guys to forgive and to forget, I'm sure he regrets what he's done and I want to hear him out." I said with a shrug and Devyn watched me before shrugging as well.
"That's all we can do is hear the guy out and if he seems serious and real about his apology, I may consider accepting his apology." He said and I smiled softly before my eyes fell on the door after hearing someone knock on it.

I felt relief seeing it was Abel.
He walked in and his eyes were on me.
"Can I borrow you for a moment?" He asked me and I blinked but nodded getting out of bed before joining my boyfriend at his side.
"We may be bringing you each out separately for this." He said pushing me out of the bedroom and into the hall.
I arched a brow.
"How's Magna? Is he still locked up?" I frowned asking him this and he glanced to me frowning.
"No." He pushed open a door and walked us both in but I froze.

His back was to us as he looked at some books on the shelf in Abel's room.
"You know you really haven't changed much when it comes to your love for books," I could tell he was smiling and I looked to Abel who watched the other.
"If you weren't reading you were writing, I'm surprised your room isn't as messy like before-"
He turned to us and his grip tightened on the book he was holding.
I was in shock at how different this guy was.
Was this really the Magna Taylor who was ready to ruin everyone's lives?
Who wanted me and Jayce dead?

"This is Adrian right?" Magna asked not making a move forward but keeping a respectful distance between us.
"Yes." Abel had his hand on my back looking at Magna.
"Adrian as confusing as things may seem to you and I'm sure they are, this is the Magna Taylor who I was best friends with. He isn't the thing you saw a few hours ago." He explained to me and my brows were knitted looking at him.

"You hurt people." I told him and he frowned at me.
"I know." Magna looked at me frowning.
"Abel and the others told me what I did while in that coma while the other thing in me raised hell, I feel disgusted knowing I tried to kill important people. I'm angry and I hate that I can't remember anything besides Italy, I didn't even know time went forward so fast that guys like Abel, Maverick and Nathan all managed to snag mates before I could." He rubbed the side of his neck.

"I know that's not an acceptable excuse on why I did the things I did, if I could take them back I would.. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt Abel or anyone, I know Athan was killed and I know in time I'll properly mourn over him but right now, I just want to make things right for everyone in this house that I hurt. That includes you, Maverick and Nathan's mates and Nick."  He looked to Abel frowning.

"I hate how blank I am on not knowing what I did because I feel like I should be trying harder to apologize to you, but I also feel like you're not the main one who I need to apologize to." He said now.
Jayce was the only one who came to mind when he said that.
Not only has Magna attacked him once or twice but he's attacked him three times now.

"Yeah.. I mean you broke my arm and bit my neck but you went after Jayce three times, so he's not exactly ready to forgive you just yet, I'd give him some time if I'm being honest." I said rubbing my neck and Magna frowned at that.

"But." I stepped up now looking at him.
"I think I can forgive and forget what happened because when we all think about it, you weren't in control of what you did to us, you were someone's puppet." I looked at him frowning softly.
"So I can't hold it against you when not even you remember everything you did." I told him and Magna's brows were knitted before looking at Abel who smiled softly.

"I told you he's a bit open minded." He said and Magna looked back at me with a soft smile of his own looking at me.
"I appreciate that though, I was trying to prepare myself to be screamed at." He rubbed the back of his neck and I smiled softly.
"No, that will be more of Jayce who screams." I informed the other and his expression fell.
But I smiled softly in response to that.
"Just let him vent if you will, I think ever since he was found out as a vampire, the main one who gave him hell about it was you." I told the other and his lips formed a thin line.

"Are you meaning for your words to pack a punch or is it by accident?" He asked and I smirked.
"A little of both, but I would save Jayce for last to talk to, Devyn is a bit more like me except he has a mouth on him." I informed the other and he took that in before nodding.

Abel walked over to me smiling softly.
"Rick is going to grab Devyn so if you want to go back to the room." He told me and I nodded but stopped as I looked to Magna who seemed nervous about a lot of things.
Exhaling slowly I walked back over to Magna and offered my hand to him.

"My name is Adrian Grimes by the way, a full blood human who is dating your best friend over there, I want to be the first to give you another chance because I honestly think you deserve to redeem yourself." I told him and he looked like he was going to break right in front of me before taking my offered hand.
"Thank you, Adrian, that means a lot. And I truly mean it." He told me and I smiled softly.
"I know." I said before walking out with Abel now.

**Devyn's Pov.**

"So I have to play nice with the guy who tried to kill Jayce three times?" I arched a brow at Maverick in the hallway after Adrian joined Jayce back in the bed and Maverick was pinching the bridge of his nose.
"It would mean a lot to me baby if you were a bit more pg13 with your language with him, he's been out of it since Rose brought him back to his senses and all he wants is to make it right." He explained and I bit my gum with my arms crossed.
"So no cussing?"
"I would prefer you not to." He told me and I sighed but smiled tightly.
"I'll try but if he says or hints he's a jerk-"
"I can assure you right now Dev, he's far from that. Just trust me okay?" He sounded desperate and that actually irritated me but I guess I would try for his sake.
I took his hand and he lead me to the room I guess we were meeting the real Magna.

"Damn I can tell he's different just by his scent-"
"What did I just say about the language?" Maverick whined and I looked to him standing in the same room as the new and improved Magna.
"Right, my bad, sorry." I grinned before my eyes fell on Magna who actually seemed hesitant to approach us.

"Your mate is a newborn?" Magna asked Maverick over me and my eye twitched.
Maverick looked at him frowning.
"It wasn't his choice to be turned just yet, it's a rather touchy sub-"

"Basically some Cellophane guy came into my house, killed my mom, made a vegetable of out of my brother and killed me but also turned me." I said with crossed arms and Magna's brows were knitted.
"Did you say Cellophane?" He frowned looking at Maverick who was pinching the bridge of his nose again.

"Excuse him he's bad at naming people, I mean he called you Mayonnaise." He smirked but it died down.
"But he meant Cepheus, I don't know how he's that creative with the names but that's what he's been calling him and-"
"And I  thought you were the one who pretty much put him up to killing my family, but it seems that wasn't the case and you apparently had no idea about any of this which is really pissing me off because I want to be pissed at you but now based on your new scent, you seem like a good fucking guy-"

"I'm sorry I cuss when I'm anxious!" I cried out. 

We both stopped glaring at each other at the sound of a real genuine laugh coming from Magna and it actually calmed me down not to mention, threw me off.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to laugh, you're just quite the character." Magna smiled softly and damn.
Adrian was right.
He was a whole other person.
"But like with your friend who came here before you, I want to apologize." Magna said now and I stared at him.

"Well honestly you didn't harm me like you harmed Jayce, I was just piss-" I flinched feeling Maverick's eyes on me.
"I was just mad you were hurting those important to me and I'm protective not to mention supportive over my two friends, so the whole thing had me angry, but you're not even the same guy from before so it's pretty awkward explaining this to you now." I explained frowning.

"I get it though." Magna told me.
"You have every right to be angry over what I did to your friends and I want to make it up to each of you somehow, because if I'm staying in California.. I'd like to redeem myself in the best way I can." He said and I blinked but smirked softly.
"That's a good start, just try not to screw up and I think you'll be fine. I will warn you though, Jayce is the last one coming in here and he's nothing like me or Adrian with his known temper. He really doesn't trust you." I told him and he frowned.
"I can understand that." He said frowning and I smiled softly.
"Just stay quiet and let him talk if he chooses too, and answer any question he asks, Nathan is going to be in here as well with him, so I'm sure he'll have no issue keeping Jayce in line as much as that pisses me off." I glared now but looked at Magna.

"So with that Mayo, good luck." I said walking out while Maverick whispered a sorry behind me.

**Jayce's Pov.**

"I don't want to face him."
"You will." Nathan told me with crossed arms and I glared which only made him glare back.
"Don't go in there yelling at him Jayce, he's not the same bastard from earlier-"
"I think I'm allowed to be pissed Nathan, he tried to kill me a month ago, tried again in the locker room and then today! How the fuck-"
My eyes grew wide at how fast he slammed me into the wall and his eyes locked on mine.
"I will use compulsion on your ass if you start getting loud with me again, I let it go the day Devyn was killed, I won't tolerate you being mouthy in front of me. Mate or not I will tear your ass up if you test me." He growled and I shivered glaring.

"Let's get it over with then." I hissed walking past the other and he snatched my wrist earning a low growl from me this time and he only smirked.
"Watch it." He said warningly before pushing open the bedroom door and I felt nothing but anger seeing him just standing there looking like he was fucking innocent.

"You must be Jayce-"
"No shit." I hissed but gasped at how hard I felt Nathan's hand connect to my ass right in front of this guy.
"Try again." Nathan growled and my eyes burned glaring at him before glaring at Magna.

Magna looked at Nathan.
"Can I suggest an idea that may get me killed?" He questioned and Nathan smirked.
"Trust me he's all bark but no bite, go ahead with the suggestion." Nathan told him and Magna hesitated.

"I think the two of us should be alone when we talk-"
"Hell no." I hissed.
"Why do you think that?" Nathan asked him grabbing the back of my neck holding me still and Magna frowned.
"Because you're distracting as always Nathan, you pulled the same stunt with Rowen, Ziggy, Nick and Ashby when you wanted to show dominance, we can both see you're dominant but I feel like nothing will get across him if you're in here with us." He explained and my blood was boiling.

"Stop acting like a brat Jayce, you forget that he's in a home of vampires and you're my mate. If he hurts you, I'll kill him. I'm not going far and-"
"I said no!" I yelled but flinched the moment he raised his hand.

"Okay, okay. Nathan, seriously." Magna actually stepped up with knitted brows.
"Just stand at the door but don't hit him." He told the other and my face flushed red.
The tears appeared and my eyes were on Nathan who actually looked angry at me.
He looked at Magna before looking at me.

"You will be fine." He leaned in for a kiss but I stepped back earning a low growl from the other in response to being rejected.
I was trembling and for all the wrong reasons.

Not because I was angry for being in the same room as Magna, the guy who tried to kill me three times.
But because I was terrified.

Of Nathan.

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