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**Abel's Pov.**


My eyes shot open and I was still inside Adrian's house.
"Fuck." I winced sitting up and was surprised to find not just Nathan and Jayce here but Maverick was also here with Devyn.

"Where's Adrian?" Devyn asked me glaring as he looked around and my eyes fell on Briar and Sora before my eyes turned black and I was on my feet storming right over to the two but Nathan's hand slammed into my chest.
"Easy." He growled and I shoved his hand away.
"Where did they go?" I demanded glaring right at Briar who glared back.

"We had nothing to do with what happened, I really thought that was my girlfriend earlier, they tricked all of us-"
"Where is Adrian?!" Jayce demanded now glaring and I frowned deeply.
"He's gone." I told him and both Jayce and Devyn stared at me.
"What do you mean, he's gone?" Jayce growled and I frowned at him looking around.

"I mean we came here in hopes of things going our way of Adrian being marked and turned, but instead Orpheus put on a show-"
"Whoa back up, Orpheus was here?" Nathan asked me with knitted brows but he looked angry and I frowned at him.
"Yeah him, Cyran and Velvet were here with a few other vampires I didn't even get a chance of naming, it was planned for them to come here. Why they took Adrian I don't know." I rubbed the side of my neck.

"I need to find his family." I walked out of the room leaving the others and started slamming doors open.
Damn it, where are they?!
I growled storming to the last room in the hall but stopped seeing that it lead to a basement.
My brows knitted turning the light on and could hear scared whispers below me.
They hid them down here?

I made it to the final step but ducked at how fast this broom went flying in the direction of my head.
Catching the handle I stared wide eyed at who I think was Hyde.
He stood there glaring at me.

"It's not him, Hyde!" I heard Adrian's mom cry as her and Laurie hid in the corner while Bellamy stayed at the side of them glaring in my direction.
Hyde glared at me.
"Where are those demons at?" He asked me.
My brows furrowed.
That was a name I haven't heard in a very long time now.
I swallowed.

"They're gone, are you guys okay?" I asked and everyone went quiet before Laurie looked at me.
"Yeah, if you're here, where is Adrian?" She asked me and I frowned deeply.
His mom walked over to me and I couldn't face her.
How could I let my guard drop that easy?
I should of known their scents were off.
I should of been able to handle a single bullet going into my chest.
I should have been able to keep Adrian safe.

"I'm sorry." I frowned avoiding eye contact now.
"We thought they were you and they shot me but took Adrian." I said now and I waited for his mom to hit me, to maybe scream.
But nothing came.
Just the sound of her standing there crying looking at me while her expression screamed how devastated she was at the news.

"He's gone?" She asked me and her voice was broken.
"Yes." I said tightly.
"But I'm going to get him back." I tried to reassure everyone in this room, including myself as I looked at his mom frowning.
"How are you going to get him back Abel? Those things weren't even human! They were-"

"Vampires." I looked over my shoulder to where Maverick and the others were.
Adrian's mom looked alarmed but Laurie wasn't phased like the other three were.
"Vampires?" His mom repeated through tears.
"I-I thought those were folklore, that they didn't exist." She cried and I frowned at her.
"They do exist and they're all around you." I told her and she looked at me with knitted brows.

"Because we're also vampires." I told her.
"Whoa, Abel-" Maverick glared and I frowned at him before looking at her.
"But we're not like the ones who came in and made you hostages in your own home, we're the ones who wanted to exist like everyone else does." I frowned deeply looking away from her.
"I promised myself I would keep Adrian safe, just like the ones behind me promised to keep their own safe, but I let my guard down because I thought one of our problems had been dealt with. I wasn't aware they were one step ahead this whole time." I swallowed looking back at her.

"But I love your son, Ms.Grimes, I always have. And I promise you I'll bring him back home, I just need you to promise you won't call the police, because if you do. You'll put us in danger." I told her and she looked angry for a moment.
Her eyes fell on Jayce and Devyn.

"Did you two know about this? That my son was dating a v-vampire?" She fought to get the words out and they both looked guilty before Jayce rubbed the side of his neck.

"I couldn't say anything because I've been hiding from everyone until recently that I was also a vampire.." He spoke softly and her eyes grew wide.
"You're a vampire as well?" She looked horrified and Jayce frowned deeply.
"I didn't want to put anyone at risk and the family I lived with made me keep it a secret." He told her and she looked away from him as the tears fell.

"And you Devyn? Are you and Sevyn vampires-"
"No." Devyn frowned at her.
"My mom was killed a few days ago, Sevyn is comatose and I was killed but brought back as a vampire." He told her and everyone but us looked at him in shock.

"Your mom was killed-"

"We're off subject, I know everyone wants to understand everything that's going on but the longer we stall, the longer it'll take to get Adrian back." I said with crossed arms and his mom glared at me.
"You promise you'll bring my baby back?" She asked me and I frowned at her.
"I promise and when I do get him back here, I'll leave it up to you to decide whether we can continue seeing each other or not." I said and it hurt over thinking I might lose Adrian for real if she actually demands for us to stop seeing each other.
I didn't want to let him go.
But this was my fault.
All of it.

"Abel, that's going too far, you've keep Adrian safe until now." Maverick glared.
"What right does she have to take him from you?"
"For failing as his boyfriend to keep him safe in the first place." I glared back.
"This is his mom Rick, I won't go against her wishes. If she wants me to stop seeing Adrian," my eyes fell on her and she looked angry but also hurt and confused.
"I'll stop as much as I really don't want to. I'm in love with him but you're his mom, who he adores and who he talks about constantly." I stepped up and she froze as I reached and brushed the tears away from her eyes.

"I'll bring him home, I promise." I told her walking to the steps.

"Abel." I stopped and turned to his mom and she actually had some hope in her eyes.
"When you bring him home, I want the three of us to sit down and talk, that's when I'll decide whether you can keep seeing him or not." She told me and I exhaled slowly but nodded.
"Sounds good." I responded walking up the stairs and down the hall towards the front door.

How could I let him slip through my fingers so easily?
I should of been stronger than this.
When did I get so weak?

The whole way back to the house it was quiet.
I couldn't think.
I just wanted him back.
I flat out told his family I was a vampire, then everyone else exposed themselves for my sake.
How were we going to get him back?
I really wasn't sure who was going to be on board to get him back.
If I had to involve them..
I would have no choice but to.
If it meant I could have Adrian back in my arms.
Safe and sound.

"Abel!" I heard Zendaya called as I walked into the main hall but stopped seeing everyone present and my eyes fell on Devyn who held his phone in the air.
"I called on the way here and told Zendaya everything we know." He told me and my eyes were wide looking back to the stairs where Zendaya and Hendrix were.

"Orpheus was behind the kidnapping of Adrian?" She walked down the stairs and I frowned deeply.
"He was, Cyran and Velvet were also present, aunt we have to get him back-"
"I know dear." She walked right up to me.
"And we will but we need a plan, we're not just going to go after Orpheus blindly-"

"Why are we making this everyone's problem?" Hendrix asked and I glared in response.
"This is Abel's problem, not everyone here is on board about saving some human, what has he even done for anyone here? Abel can handle this on his own or die trying-"

My eyes grew wide at how fast Nick went up the stairs and punched the other in the face, knocking him flat on his ass.
"When you speak for everyone aren't you only speaking for yourself? Because I like Adrian, he's a good kid who hasn't caused anyone trouble while staying with us, he has Zendaya's respect and he has everyone else's as well. You are the only one who can't seem to stomach anything new happening in this house and I'm sick of you always trying to give Abel more grief when he's done nothing to you!" Nick was glaring at him.

"If you can't handle a human living here or having Jayce or Devyn here, because trust me, I see the disgusting looks you give them. You can get the fuck out and find a new family to put up with your shit, why do you think you don't have enough screen time? Oh that's right, because no one fucking likes you when you act like a bastard half the damn time." Nick snarled.

Zendaya was quiet watching the two.
"Do you have anything you'd like to add, Hendrix?" She asked him.
Hendrix glared.
"You're really going to let him talk to me this way?"
She smiled in response.
"He's my nephew not my child and if we were, I'd still be proud that someone was finally able to get a hit on you for once." She shrugged her eyes back on me.

"As much as I don't want to call them I already know we'll need those five with us because I refuse to involve the girls-"
"Aunt Zendaya we can fight-" Rixley protested with a glare.
"No." She looked to my sister frowning.
"I need you seven here because I'm sure we'll get visitor's if Cepheus and the others are also in town, and I know you can handle them-"
"If that's the case, I'll stay here with the girls." Synclair spoke up as Ezra and Ashby both nodded.
"We will as well." They said.
Zendaya nodded looking to Rowen and Styx who were both quiet.

"I'd like for at least one of our healers to come with us, so Styx will you-"
"Yes." Styx stepped up with his arms crossed earning a surprised glance from his brother.
"As much as I don't want to, Elli is our other healer and I wouldn't dream of sending her out there with a bunch of rogue vampires seeking blood. So I'll go with you." He said his eyes on me and I frowned softly.

"If Orpheus is behind this then you know," I knew that voice way too well and so did everyone else as they walked in and my eyes fell on Rowen before they did Nathan.

"We'll be making a trip to Italy." Dallas spoke up with his arms crossed frowning.
"Orpheus wouldn't be obvious enough to stay here knowing we can easily find him with his scent, so his only escape would be going back to Italy where Remus and the others are." He explained glancing to Nathan and Rowen.

"But it's going to be hard for me and my boys to get in when we were exiled, the last time I checked, they have this huge ass gate now that prevents unwelcomed visitors going in." His eyes fell on me.
"And with you being known as the savior and traitor of Italy, I don't know how it'll look on you." He shrugged.

"Are we really fixing to risk our lives for a human though?" Trip questioned with an arched brow.
Dallas glanced to him then to me before smirking.
"We are for the sake of redemption, I won't drop my rebellion, that's the only way we survive." He shrugged and my eyes flickered.
"And if I were to create a new community where you can be who you want and to see who you want without their being an order where that isn't possible?" I looked at the vampire who stared back.
"Then I'd consider dropping my rebellion, but that's only if you were able to create this community of yours. The moment it fell apart in Italy was the moment the rebellion was born, I refused to live the life Remus and the others were demanding we create." His eyes fell on Rowen who looked away from the other.

"I'll deal with Remus and the elders when we get to Italy, even after being wrongly accused of killing Athan and exiled from Italy, they still had this respect for me. I'm ready to knock them off their high horses." I said with crossed arms.

"But you said Orpheus was behind the kidnapping of your human?" Memphis questioned with an arched brow.
I frowned at him.

"They're moving with option c." I turned to Magna and there were nothing but glares aimed at other.
"Why is this dick here? He should be killed!" Astrid demanded and I frowned at her.

"No?" Dallas glared at me.
"He tried to kill Rowen in broad daylight-"
"It wasn't him Dallas, believe me when I say this, he was under a spell casted by Remus. If Adrian hadn't lowered his guard the other day and had him freak out, Magna would still be that cruel version we were all seeing." I explained and the others all glared at Magna who frowned deeply.

"I really don't want to keep apologizing-"
"You don't have to." I told the other frowning at Dallas and the others.
"This is Magna you guys grew up with in Italy, he isn't what he made you see. I swear that on my own life, stake me if you think I'm wrong-"

"God damn stop being so dramatic." Nathan was pinching the bridge of his nose.
"We're moving forward with what Magna just said about option c, obviously you remembered there were other plans up their sleeves besides just making you a psycho." He said with crossed arms and Magna frowned at the other.

"Right." He said tightly.
"It's a bit fuzzy but their leader isn't Orpheus or Cepheus." He looked at everyone before his eyes fell on me.

"It's Church." He told us and the room went quiet as we all stared at him.

"Fuck." Nathan looked to me.
"That's a problem for us then Abel, if Church is really the mastermind behind this freak show they're putting on for us, this won't end well and we may not even get to Adrian in time to save his life without stressing over our own." He told me and I glared.
"You backing out on me, Steele?" I asked.
He blinked but then smirked.
"Fuck no but you're staying here." His eyes were on Jayce who glared daggers at the other.

"Like fucking hell I am, Adrian is mine and Devyn's best friend, you really think we're staying here while you guys go and save him?" He demanded.
Nathan sighed.
"Jesus I knew you were going to be stubborn, listen Jayce-"
"Jason!" Nathan yelled and my eyes grew wide at the two.

Jayce was glaring.
"Putting on another show to show everyone how much of an ass you're being?" He asked.
"Hardly." Nathan walked up to him.
"I am asking you as your mate to stay here with the others and help keep this home safe, if we're up against not just Orpheus, Cepheus but also Church? I would rather not put you in that kind of danger, especially when you're not strong enough yet." He said and I was arching a brow as he acted careful with his words.
I'm only assuming this but I'm guessing they finally talked.

Jayce frowned at him before looking away.
"You better come back as well then, I'll be pissed if you get yourself hurt." He growled as Nathan smirked softly.
"Uh huh." He turned to Magna.

"What were these options?" He asked now.
Magna blinked before nodding.

"Right, so option a was to use me obviously but it failed and with the fact they already know this, means they saw I got taken in the other day. Option b was to send the vampires out and to kill whoever they got their hands on if it meant they could lure you out." His eyes fell on me.
"But apparently that lead to option c the moment Orpheus came out to play which leads to him ambushing Adrian's home, leading to option d." Magna's arms were crossed.
"If Orpheus was able to achieve option c by taking you out his next goal was to bring Adrian straight to Italy for judgement." He told everyone and my eyes were wide.

"And if Adrian fails judgement day that falls onto option e." Magna looked to me.

"They're going to kill Adrian." 

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