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**Adrian's Pov.**

Prince of not just Italy but California, Florida and New York?
I knew I was something rare but was this really the right way to go with it?
I felt like being a prince was taking the cake a bit and that Remus hadn't really planned this whole thing out.
He just wanted a reaction.
But this crown on my head made it feel real.
That I really was a prince now.
This whole thing was overwhelming and I wanted to hide.
I wasn't even asked if I would be into the idea of being royal!

My eyes fell on Abel and I immediately cried for help hoping he would see how bad I wanted out of this.
I didn't want this life.
I wanted to go back home and be normal.
But not even that was possible at this point.
I don't think anything would ever go back to normal.
And with Remus literally just broadcasting this to the whole world.

I had no doubt my family, everyone in California probably now knew I wasn't human.
And my attention fell on the group that had came with Abel.
How was I going to get out of this?
I glanced to Remus who was taking in the guests reactions to the news and he looked proud of himself.
But I wasn't.
I inhaled as sharply as I could with tears in my eyes looking right at Abel.

"ABEL!" I called out his name and everyone turned to me in shock that I was brave enough to yell across the large dance hall.
The tears fell as I looked at him reaching my hand out.
"LET'S GO HOME!" I cried and Remus glared reaching for me but he wasn't fast enough.
I didn't even know Abel was either.
But he stood between the two of us taking me in as he brushed the tears under my eyes.
"You're finally ready?" He asked me and I grabbed his hand sobbing into it with a smile.
"I want to go home." I told him and he pulled me into him glaring at Remus.

"You're the prince Adrian," Remus said with a shrug.
"Where you go, others will follow you. That is the new order as of today, if California is your home. We will be there to follow you." He knelt and I felt sick to my stomach with knitted brows.
"And if I declare I don't want to be a prince?" I asked and he laughed.
Like a full blown laugh came from this sinister man.
"That isn't possible, the moment the crown was placed on your head, you were confirmed both the prince and the Daylight. There is no escaping what has been done." He smirked at us and his eyes darkened looking at Abel.

"This is not the end of when we will see each other Prince Adrian," he said icily and I pushed myself into Abel as he leaned in.
"We will create a castle in whichever state, country, city you try to hide in. We will not let you forget you are our prince and you will come to accept that with open arms." He told me as the tears burned his eyes.

"And because I took it upon myself to declare you as such prince for the Daylights, I can not argue with your wishes no longer. However I can take your life into my own hands if I do decide you are no longer proper to be the prince, that is a promise. So if you would desire to go to that home of yours in that state where the sun never wants to set, you may leave." Remus spoke out looking at the two of us annoyed.
"And it's as I said, you will be followed and you will be praised. You're something rare and you should embrace your new life." His eyes fell on Abel irritated.

"Even with a man like that at your side." He said lowly with a growl and Abel glared in response.
"So you're saying I can go home?" I asked him with knitted brows and Remus smirked amused.
"Yes, as the prince you can decide things like that as long as they're not stupid or pointless, I can't deny your wishes because as fate would have it. You're more superior than I, the elders, the angels and the vampires are. What you say now goes, that is how being a Daylight works and that is why I declared you as the prince of being the last one to exist. If another Daylight is born into this world, it won't happen for another hundred years or so. That is how your kind work Adrian, you're not a human, an angel or a vampire. You're all three so what you say goes or punishment will happen." He explained taking a step back as if showing he was no threat and I frowned at him.

"But before you go enjoy this ball I threw specifically for you." Remus smiled and it sent chills down my spine but we didn't argue on that suggestion before Abel took my arm in his and walked us down the stairs.

We made it to the others and immediately Devyn was hugging me and tears reformed in my eyes.
"Holy shit holy shit holy shit, Adrian!" Devyn hugged me tighter.
"We thought we were going to kick some ass or something but instead you were turned into some royal prince for being a Daylight? Rick was explaining it to me but holy shit! You're okay." He laughed tears in his own eyes and my brows knitted.
"But this doesn't change anything, you're still the Adrian we know, no title will change that." He grinned at me and I wanted to smile but this whole being a prince thing was really ruining my mood.

I glanced to the top of the stairs where Remus and the other elders stood watching us, watching me.
As if waiting to see if we would bolt any minute now.
And I wanted too.
But I didn't trust him.
Not one bit.

"We're going to have to humor Remus if we're expected to leave this place without any unwanted drama." Dallas commented and I looked to him frowning but my eyes kept falling on the staircase.
They had finally disappeared and it felt like this was a test to see if we would leave without their eyes on us.
But even if it wasn't their eyes in particular.. my eyes fell on the stares around us.
It was everyone else's.

It felt like hours before Morgan approached us with the book I had received from the bookkeeper from the other day.
"We could care less about seeing you annoying beings off so here's your book, you're free to leave at any given time you want. Which would be great if that was now." He smiled brightly right at me and my eye twitched.
"It's not a test?" I asked him.
Morgan smirked.
"You are a smart one as much as I despise looking at your stupid face, but no. It's not a test and we would all feel better if you left this country and went back to that state of yours, I don't care if you're a prince. You still annoy me and I don't see what's so great about you, but you've interested Remus so I'll leave it at that. Bye bye." He disappeared and my eyes fell on Abel who watched the other closely before looking to the group then me.

"Ready to go home?" He asked and I smiled softly.
"Yes." I answered.

I think the whole flight home I slept because I felt safe.
There were still eyes on us and I had to ignore the unwanted attention.
Apparently I was going to be trapped as this prince until the day I die.
But what if I have kids?
Will the title fall onto them or will they just be my children?
The thoughts were becoming more pointless the more I thought about them.
And that's why I let sleep take its turn and I was out.

**Abel's Pov.**

"He's fast asleep." I closed the door turning to Zendaya who watched the door before her eyes fell on me.
"Could you tell there was anything sinister behind Remus's words, Abel?" She asked me with crossed arms and I shook my head frowning.
"No, he was actually quite serious about this, that's why it has everyone on edge because it doesn't seem real. We went there thinking we were going to have to kill our brothers and sisters for the sake of him, but that wasn't even an option. No one knew Remus was going to throw this ball or announce to the whole world Adrian was a Daylight." I frowned deeply looking to the door frowning.

"Well he's home now and speaking of home," Zendaya frowned at me.
"The two of you have a family to meet with tomorrow, given the situation and the news that Remus shared. Adrian's mom has called Jayce numerous times wanting an explanation, she knew of you being a vampire but her own son? She's quite upset and she has every right to be. I know I would if I had a child and they turned out not human... I would be devastated." She looked at me.

"But on a brighter note," she smiled softly.
"I'm glad all of my children returned home safely and we didn't have to lose anyone, I think that would of killed me the most." She placed her hand on my chest.
"So with that said, good job, Abel. I'm proud of you." She told me and my brows knitted watching her walk off and my eyes fell back on the bedroom door.

Running a hand through my hair, I stepped back into the bedroom and went to the side Adrian slept soundly on.
I got down on my knees and rested my arms on the bed watching the other.
This was a lot to take in.
And I knew it was probably going to stress him out knowing he was both a Daylight and a prince.
But I think the one who was going to stress the most.
Was his mom.

I brushed my fingers through his hair as his brows knitted in his sleep and I smiled softly.
"I'm glad you're home, Adrian." 

**Adrian's Pov.**

When I woke up I recognized the room, this was the room I shared with Abel.
I went to get up but went still feeling a pair of arms wrapped around me bringing me closer to the other.
I looked over my shoulder and smiled softly at the already tired smiling Abel.

"Good morning, Adrian." He kissed my cheek and I smiled.
"Good morning, Abel." I yawned softly but grinned feeling his lips on mine.
"I'm happy to be home." I told him and he smiled against my lips.
"I'm happy you're home, how are you feeling?" He asked me and I rubbed my eyes looking at the other.
"Relieved." I confessed and he smirked.
"I'd ask if you just want to stay in bed all day but the two of us have plans." He told me sitting up and I watched him.
"We do?"
He nodded getting out of bed and walked over to the dresser.
"We're going to go see your mom." He said and my eyes grew wide getting out of bed.

"You don't think it's too soon?" I asked him and he watched me before frowning softly.
"Adrian, your mom saw Remus announce to the whole world you were a Daylight not to mention a prince, she wants to see her son." He walked over to me and I frowned.
"What if.. what if she rejects me as her son? What if she bans the two of us seeing each other? Oh god what if I get kicked out-"

"Whoa whoa, no one is getting rejected and no one is banning anyone." He took my hands reassuring me with a gentle squeeze.
"I think your mom is a bit more open minded than that Adrian and the same thing won't happen twice when it comes to imposters, as a Daylight you can sense those things. The purity, the negative, so you'll know it's your mom." He told me.  
I was quiet for just a moment before I looked at him.
"Alright, let's go see her." I forced a smile.

When we made it to the house I was beyond nervous.
I was scared out of my mind knowing there was a possibility she would be angry at me.

"I can't get out." I said weakly and Abel smirked in response.
"You can and you will, if I need to I will carry you in by force." He told me and I stared at him.
"She's going to freak out I mean my eyes-"
"Adrian, you're going to be fine. I think your eyes are the last of her worries." He smirked getting out and coming over to my side before pulling it open without giving me a chance to try to lock myself in.

"Come on." He took my hand and lead me to the door pushing it open after knocking.

"Ms.Grimes?" Abel called out walking down the hall not letting my hand go.
I was scared.
I was terrified.
I didn't want to lose my family over this.
Besides the family at Abel's, this was my blood family.

We walked into the family room and it was like the other night all over again.
Except Sora and Briar were missing.
My mom was on her feet taking me in and the tears fell the moment she ripped me from Abel and her arms were wrapping around me.
And before I knew it.
Hyde, Bell and Laurie were also hugging me and not wanting to let go.

"Baby you're home, oh my god you're home." Mom cried hugging me.
"I was so scared I wouldn't see you again, we saw the broadcast and everything, but baby." She was caressing my cheeks taking me in.
"Are you okay?" She asked as the tears fell down her cheeks looking at me.
My brows knitted looking at her.
"I am now that I'm home, mom I'm sorry." I cried and she shook her head hugging me again.
"You have nothing to apologize for baby, all I care about is the fact you're home and you're alive." She told me.
I swallowed hard looking at her now.
"Even though I'm not human?" I asked her and she stared before smiling softly with knitted brows.

"Adrian I don't care if you're not human, you're my son and I'll love you regardless what you are. That will never change no matter what you throw my way, being what you are does not change who you are, and that's the important thing." She told me.
The tears swelled as I blinked them away smiling.
"God I missed you guys." I hugged them again before we were taking over to the couch and I was sitting beside Abel who had my hand in his not letting go.

My mom was staring hard at the other.
"Abel, I told you to bring my son home safely and you did just that and as I said the night you left here, we were going to talk about whether I would let you keep seeing my son or not." She said and my eyes grew wide.
"Hush." Abel glanced to me frowning as he looked at her serious and she was still looking at him as my brows knitted.
There was a chance I would lose Abel?
I couldn't accept that.
I wouldn't!

"I want you to explain to me why you and your family couldn't come out to everyone in this small town of ours, we do live in a decent sized state but this city isn't at all the size of L.A. or any other large city in this state. Why you decided to hide yourselves and why you put my son at risk knowing he could probably die the way Devyn's mom did." She said with crossed arms looking at Abel who frowned at her.

"We were told to stay quiet, it wasn't much of a choice because we didn't want the humans to think we were some threat. When I lived in Italy, I was trying to create a community where we could coexist equally without there being any fear of living or hiding. I wanted  humans to know we just wanted as much a right to live as they did, but due to unfortunate circumstances my best friends younger brother was killed by humans and I was framed for it," Abel frowned at her.
"The people who took your son wanted my community shut down because they found it revolting, they didn't want our races to coexist so they did the unspeakable thing by taking away an innocent life who just wanted to love sunsets and make people happy. He was like a younger brother to me and because I was cocky, he was killed and I was blamed for it." Abel's hold on my hand tightened.

"In a few days I will be gathering a group of vampires and a mix of humans and I will reattempt this ideal of mine for a community where vampires like me can come out of hiding, where the couples who hide no longer have to and where titles are not important. I want there to be peace in this day and time, I want us to coexist and I want the generations after us to realize they can be free as they are and not restricted to what they're not." Abel looked at her.

"We hid for as long as we could but then I met Adrian and he changed those plans, he came to us open minded and he showed us we could trust the human race again. But as things turned out your son isn't human," he looked to me smiling softly.
"He's something rare and something I want to cherish until time no longer exists for us, Ms.Grimes, I'm in love with your son and I want to last an eternity with him." He told her and my face flushed red at how serious he was being as he smiled softly.

"I go crazy if he's not with me and I want to keep him safe, I want to keep him happy and be there for him every step of the way. That is why I want to mark him as mine and that is why I'm sounding desperate because truthfully." His eyes fell on me and his brows knitted.
"I don't want to lose him like that again," he looked back at her.
"I can't and I won't, so please understand that I am serious when I tell you how much I love him and how much I would fear if you took him from me. In the end I'll respect your wishes of course, but at the same time. I hope you'll respect mine." He told her.

The room was quiet.
My siblings were gawking and Laurie looked like she was going to cry.
Mom was staring at him as if taking in everything he just said.
Before her eyes fell on me.

"Adrian." She looked at me now and Abel squeezed my hand.
"Yes ma'am?" I looked at her as my heart pounded hard against my chest.
She studied the two of us.

"Do you love Abel?" She asked me.
My face flushed red but I smiled immediately and looked at Abel.
"I do, he means a lot to me mom, and as he said. I also want to spend an eternity with him." I told her with knitted brows.
"He's everything to me and I won't find anyone like him." I told her and she stared before sighing with a soft smile now as she got off the couch and came up to the two of us.

She brought us both into a gentle embrace.
"As long as you keep my baby safe and happy Abel, I'm giving you my blessing to keep seeing him, if you both mean that much to each other. How could I say no to that?" She smiled kissing my cheek then his.

I looked at her and wanted to say so much more.
But the moment Laurie stood up to come over to us.
She came to a complete stop and looked down at the puddle underneath her.

"Well shit." She looked at mom who was staring at her wide eyed.

"The baby is coming."

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