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**Devyn's Pov.**

"Blood rising? Isn't that the thing Jayce was wanting to use to bring Athan back?" I found myself asking out loud rather than just thinking it to myself because now, there were eyes on me.

"How did Jayce find out about it?" Zendaya looked at me frowning and my eyes fell on Nathan who rolled his eyes.
"I mentioned it the other day in the locker room and Nick decided to explain to my mate what it meant, so Jayce had it in his head he was going to fly to Italy to revive Magna's brother." He explained frowning at me now annoyed that I ratted him out.
Zendaya frowned deeply.
"But it's been confirmed that's not happening right? Who ever is in Italy reviving vampires isn't someone we need to involve ourselves with, I don't want to believe Cepheus is even alive." She looked to Hendrix who frowned deeply.

"I'll take the boys out tonight and we'll see what we can find about this blood riser using his ability to bring the dead back, honestly the dead should stay dead."
"You don't think.."
We all looked to Nathan who had cupped his chin thinking about it before looking at the guardian's.
"The blood riser is forming an army do you?" He asked and it chilled me to the bone hearing how serious he sounded when he asked that.

"Why would they form an army?" Zendaya asked him now.
He shrugged.
"We killed a lot of vampires back in Italy is all I'm saying, that blood riser could form an army of revengeful vampires who are out for blood, and the main ones who ever killed just for the hell out it were me, Abel, Maverick, Synclair, Dallas and Cinder." His arms were crossed.
"They could be after us." He suggested and my brows knitted looking to the guardian's for some kind of explanation.
But they were quiet.

"Is that why this Cepheus person attacked my house? Because I'm involved with Maverick?" I asked frowning deeply.
"No." Zendaya came up to me.
"Cepheus is a rather merciless vampire who attacked humans because he knew he could, your house could of just been one of the first he decided to hit up, but don't think for a moment that it's because you and Maverick are an item." She had her hands on my shoulders looking at me.
"He adores you and would never want to see you hurt like that on purpose, the loss you're trying so desperately to toss over your shoulder will come back Devyn, you can't just get over the fact both your mom and brother are dead." She told me and I stepped back frowning at her.

"I know that but if I keep thinking about it I'll just get depressed, I don't want to think about the sad things right now." I told her and she stared before sighing with a soft smile.
"Alright, I'll leave you alone about it, we'll get this situation with Cepheus figured out. Why don't you go and check on Maverick? He's been spaced out since the two of you talked earlier." She informed me and I blinked but nodded.
"Yeah, sure, okay." I left the three of them alone with a frown.

Nathan watched the door for the longest time before his eyes fell back on Zendaya and Hendrix.
"You don't think this blood riser revived all of the vampires do you? And that includes you know who." He said and Hendrix frowned at him.
"If this blood riser has revived the vampires including that one in particular, I don't think your dear cousin will ever catch a break, I just hope." His eyes fell on the door.
"He marks that boy sooner than later before it's too late and he winds up like Devyn, or in worse cases. Dead."

I walked down the hall with my fists balled frowning.
I wanted to bring this up to Rick and the others but part of me felt like, it wasn't my place.
But still.

I stopped at the bedroom door that would lead to Rick's room.
My eyes were on the knob for the longest time before I gently knocked then walked in.

Maverick was there thankfully and his eyes fell on me.
"I'm sorry." I walked right up to him and my lips were on his with knitted brows.
"I shouldn't of rejected you when you were just trying to be there for me, I appreciate your consideration." I breathed him in and wanted my heart to pound like it used to.
But that wasn't possible anymore.

"I have a strange request." I told him.
His brow arched up.
"What's that?"
I smiled softly blushing.
"Dance with me." I told him and he blinked before smirking softly.

[Sean Garrett-Feel Love ft. J.Cole Begins Playing.]

His hands were on my hips as we swayed to the beat, my hands were on his shoulders as I looked up at him.
"I guess dancing is my comfort zone, tell the guys and I'll kill you." I smirked and he only grinned spinning me before bringing me back to him.
"You think I'm fixing to tell the others you dance? Why would I share you like that?" He asked kissing my lips then my neck.
I smiled softly.
"That's a good point." He leaned me backwards as I kept my eyes shut for the longest before they opened and reality hit me like a truck.
I was in love with Maverick.

My eyes flickered looking at him.
I looked at him.
"Mark me." I told the other and his eyes grew wide with surprise.

"Are you sure?" He questioned and I smiled softly.
"I'm in love with you Maverick Brewer, so yes. I'm sure." I told him.
His brows were knitted but he looked so fucking happy.
"Okay." He smiled pressing his lips to mine and brought me to the bed.
He laid me down and ran his hands up my shirt gently grabbing my neck as he planted small but sweet kisses against it.

"You saying that makes me feel like I'm on clouds right now." He confessed removing his shirt then helped me with mine.
"And to make it even better, you want to be marked by me." He smiled against my lips kissing them as I smirked softly.
"You're being awfully mushy about this, Rick." I grinned and he smirked now.
"I want to savor this moment with you Dev, being marked is an important thing for us vampires, and I don't want anyone else to get the chance to mark you. I want you to be mine and no one else's." He brought my sweat pants down and there was a sudden chill but I ignored it as my eyes remained on his face.
If I look anywhere else.
I think I would of gotten embarrassed.

"I have a confession as well." He said now kicking off his jeans and my eyes flickered.
"What is it?"
"I'm in love with you as well, Devyn Fox." He told me kissing me and I was melting.
My face was warm and as much as I was ready to enjoy this.
Maverick stopped with concern on his face.
"What is it?" I asked him.

He brought his thumb to my eyes brushing under them.
"You're crying." He told me and I stared at him.
"I'm fine-"
"Please." I cried this time as the tears fell more freely.
"I don't want to think about anything else but this moment with you, I don't want to be sad, so please." My brows knitted.
"Make me yours." I told him and his brows were knitted.
"Tell me to stop if it becomes too much." He told me and I nodded.

He kissed my shoulder and it was suddenly hot before this sharp pain echoed in my arm.
"Ow." I cried with knitted brows.
He held me still biting in deeper and I wanted to rip him away but I just bit my lip trying not to draw blood but this hurt.
So much.

"Done." He licked the mark before kissing it and his eyes were black.
"You're beautiful." He told me and I blushed harder at those words.
"Don't call me that." I hissed and he grinned kissing my cheek.
"But you are that red eye color suits you-"
"My eyes are red?" I asked him frowning and he nodded.
"All newborn vampires eyes are red Dev, but once you've fed, they'll go back to that gorgeous emerald green." He told me and I relaxed against him.
"Oh." I smiled softly looking at him.
"Are we going to have sex now?" I asked him.
He smirked softly.
"Yes." He grinned pulling my boxers down and he joined me by removing his own and my heart was in my throat feeling nervous.

His fingers laced with mine as he prepped me to get ready for what's to come.
It felt weird.
The movement of his fingers, how hot my body was getting and how I was beginning to ache for more than just his fingers.
"Rick." I whined and he smirked.
"You're going to hurt if I put it in now and I don't want that-"
"I'll be fine-"
"No." He growled kissing my throat.
"Bare with it for me." He told me and I felt like I was going to to insane.

It felt like forever before he removed his fingers and looked at me.
"Ready?" He asked and I nodded feeling the tears slide down my cheeks.
He kissed them before pressing against me and my forehead met his shoulder as I felt him.
It hurt.
I wouldn't lie about that.
"Relax, Devyn." He told me and my eyes burned with tears as I tried to relax but it wasn't possible.
"It hurts." I cried and he frowned not making any movement.
"I'll wait until you think you're ready for me to start moving." He told me.
And just that was enough to actually make me relax.
I let out a slow breath and relaxed against the other.
"Okay." I nodded convincing myself we could do this.
That I could do this.
He already marked me.
So it's only fair if we do it now.

He watched me for a moment before slowly moving and it felt weird but it wasn't as bad as it was just a moment ago.
It actually..
Felt good.
"You can go faster, I'm okay." I reassured him and he seemed hesitant but began to thrust and my back arched at the feeling, the pure pleasure I was getting just from having sex with the guy I fell in love with.
It made my eyes burn as I clung onto him.
Our bodies rubbing against each other and the cool sweet scent of the sweat that fell off of us.
This was what having sex felt like with a vampire, as a vampire.
I wasn't afraid of this.
I was in love with it.
With him.
My mate.

I let out slow breaths laying on my side looking at Maverick who was already looking back at me looking half awake.
"Your mark will heal in a few days, just try not to scratch it." He told me and I nodded lacing our fingers together smiling softly.
"I was scared at first," I confessed quietly.
"To have sex, I mean." I looked away from him as my eyes flickered feeling the sudden exhaustion hitting me.
"But when I realized I was in love with you Rick, I wasn't scared anymore, I trusted you and knew you'd stop if I said to." I bit my lip smiling as my eyelids grew heavy.

"Maybe you're why I'm not as sad as I should be about my mom being dead and Sevyn being in a coma." I looked at him and his brows knitted.
"Shh." I smiled softly.
"You're the only thing I need right now, not to mourn, not Adrian or Jayce. I just need you and only you." I buried my face in his chest holding him as I felt even more sleepier than just a moment.
"So thank you, Maverick." I said before slipping off into dreamland.

**Adrian's Pov.**

"How's Devyn?" I watched Maverick walk out of the bedroom the two of them were sharing and the other stopped and looked to me.
"He's getting through the loss in his own way." He told me and I frowned softly but tensed feeling his hand on top of my head before he ruffled my hair.
"You're a great friend to him and I'm sure when he wakes up, he'll want to see you and Jayce." He told me fixing his shirt before walking past and down the stairs.

I stared at the bedroom door frowning softly.

"What's wrong?" I turned around to Abel and I nibbled my lip shaking my head.
"Nothing." I walked over to the other taking his hand.
"Just checking on Devyn, he's taking the loss way too well and it just has me concerned." I confessed and Abel watched me.
"He's a newborn so his emotions are going to be all out of place right now, I wouldn't exactly be concerned over him if he's acting okay, what he'll probably need is for you to be okay with him." He explained walking us down the stairs and my eyes kept falling back on the door where Devyn was behind sound asleep.

Abel glanced to me.
"Would you like to go out today?" He suggested and I blinked.
"Go out?" 
He smiled softly.
"Just to get some fresh air, enjoy the day and to get out of this stuffy house. It's Christmas Break so you guys have two whole weeks of freedom and this is only day one." He told me and I smiled softly.
"Sure, that sounds nice." I agreed thinking about it.

"Hey Abel?"
"Yes, Adrian?"
I looked at him.
"Would you be against me inviting Jayce and Nathan? I honestly think Jayce could use some fresh air as well." I suggested and Abel studied me.
"That's fine with me, honestly a group is probably better than a pair right now." He shrugged.
I nodded letting the others hand go and walking off to find the other friend.

"So it's a double date in a sense." Jayce was leaned against the door looking like he just woke up and I nodded.
"Yeah, I mean, me and Devyn went on a double date with Abel and Maverick, so now it's yours and Nathan's turn." I smirked.
Jayce grinned.

"Double dates are lame, we're not going." Nathan stated with an arched brow walking up behind Jayce now who glared at him.
"Double dates are not lame and we are-"
"Fine." Jayce stepped out putting his shirt on.
"Then I'll just third wheel and go without your ass." He shrugged and I sucked in some air over the tension between these two.
How long were they going to be like this?
It was hard to watch.

"Oh you will?" Nathan arched a brow at him.
Jayce glared.
"Yes." He stated.

"How did the two of you manage to get him out of the house?" I walked down the street with Abel while Jayce and Nathan trailed behind us.
"It's still confusing on my end." I smiled softly rubbing the side of my neck.
"Is it normal for mates to argue like they do?" I asked him.
"Yeah if they're bound to that guy back there, he's always looking to find a reason to argue even if it's with his own mate." He sighed and I smiled.

"If we.. or if you ever decide you want to m-mark me, will we be like that?" I asked.
Abel looked to me smirking.
"Of course not Adrian, I have a bit more respect for my cute little boyfriend than he does, I wouldn't dream of arguing with you just for a reaction. Not only is it childish-"

"You do realize I'm not deaf and can hear everything you're saying right?" Nathan shot.
Abel smirked looking over his shoulder.
"Just checking and making sure your hearing is still working cousin, your mate there is absolutely miserable because you don't listen to him, and I can't help my filter turns off when you're around." He shrugged.
"You piss me off as much as I piss you off, just because we're with our partners does not mean I'll act friendly towards you and your childish ass." He stated.

"Well that's a relief I think I would of died if you acted nice for even a moment towards me, brother killer." Nathan shot and the two of us stopped and Abel stared hard at Nathan.
"Too far." He said warningly.
Nathan's eyes darkened as he smirked.
"Is it? I thought you were innocent, cousin." He stepped up letting Jayce's hand go.
"I am." Abel growled also stepping up.


They both looked disgusted at the nicknames before turning around and here ran this pale teenage boy with four other teens running after him and before I even knew what was going on.
That same pale teen was pretty much pouncing on Abel nearly knocking him into Nathan who actually helped Abel keep his balance.

"Ziggy? What the hell are you guys doing out here?" I felt this lump in my throat seeing this smile on Abel's face as this guy known as Ziggy grinned.
"We're visiting the town while Rowen stays home and plays hooky, so we're sort of skipping school." He grinned.
I was pretty much jealous at this point, not only was he wrapped around my boyfriend, he was fucking cute.
He had wavy black hair and bright blue eyes and his pale face really made his eyes pop.

"My brother has to hold your hands to go to school?" Nathan arched a brow at Ziggy who grinned.
"Well yeah it's boring if he's not there! I could seriously smell you guys coming and had to make sure my nose wasn't going out, but look what I found." He was in my face now and I nearly fell backwards.
There wasn't anything harsh about this guy but wow.
Did he not believe in personal space?

"Two cute boys with you! One's a vampire though, but you." His was grinning at me.
"A real life human is dating the Abel Pierce, it's so shocking that I'm sure even Athan would be turning in his grave about it." He smirked.
"Ziggy, enough." Abel frowned at him.
"What?" Ziggy looked alarmed.
"I wasn't meaning anything bad about it! I think it's great you're dating a human, but for how long I wonder?" He questioned and before I could even question what he meant.

His lips were on mine.

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