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**Jayce's Pov.**

"You're a fucking vampire."
His words hit harder than I thought they would, the realization of the truth I had been hiding from for years now.
It was true.
I was born into this world as the blood sucking creature my two best friends were mesmerized by meeting.
How fascinated they were into the idea of us actually existing.
When we were under their nose all along.
I never wanted them to find out.
I never wanted them to become apart of the world that involved vampires.

I had gotten lazy with keeping it a secret for myself.
And to the guy known as Marcus, he obviously just didn't care if he exposed himself risking everyone else around him to be killed.
That's why I had gotten so quiet when that woman questioned how I felt about the vampires, and if I'd keep their secret.
I had no choice.
If I told the humans that vampires existed, I would be turning myself in as well.
I refused to die when I haven't even began to live yet.

So how did it come to this?
This guy following me after excusing myself from the dinning room?
Was he going to kill me?
From how he grabbed the back of my hair, I really thought he was.
But I had to expose myself then and there.
I already knew these guys weren't human.
Vampires have an aura off about them.

When you're raised in a home full of humans who know your secret, but they raise you to be more of a human and expose you to their food and life style.
The scent of being a vampire masks off you rather quick.
So it was no surprise they thought I was a human.
Although now my secret has been exposed.
Will he throw me out there in front of the two I grew up with.
Revealing the truth?
Or will he keep his fucking mouth shut and let me keep pretending to be human?

"So," this smirk appeared on his lips looking down at me, his eyes were jet black locking with mine which were now also black with rage.
"What to do with this little secret? I meaning throwing you out there for everyone to find out would be hilarious on my end." He smirked and my glare only hardened.
"I've done nothing to make you threat me that way." I hissed but flinched at how fast he caught my chin.
His eyes piercing mine.
"You've done nothing?" He smirked brushing his thumb against my lower lip.
"You've done plenty, I mean posing as a human is pretty disgusting, and living as one is even worse." He stated and I wanted to say my heart was pounding.
But I wouldn't even know how that felt considering the fact, a vampires heart does not beat.

"You try being adopted into a human household-"
"I don't want to hear your sob story over something I don't care to hear about." He growled and I just glared in response.
"So what are you going to do huh? Go out there and tell the whole party what the fuck I am? Go for it." I glared and he just smirked grabbing the collar of my shirt.

"You'd risk losing your friends?"
"At least they'd know the truth, hell it's bound to get out with vampires going around trying to attack people." I hissed.
He studied me before releasing the hold on my shirt.
"Tell you what, I'll cut a deal with you." He stepped back and my eyes locked on him.

"A deal? What deal?"
"Mating season is right around the corner right?" He asked and suddenly I felt more nervous about this question but kept my guard up with him standing right in front of me with his arms crossed and this amused smirk on his face.
"What about it?" I dared to ask not even realizing how quiet my voice had gotten over the idea of mating season.
If humans weren't so stupid, they'd notice there were a lot of vampires around with how desperate they are for sex.
How painful it can be and how hot it gets.
It doesn't bother vampires if they're fifteen or younger, but if you're sixteen?
You're screwed.

He came up to me.
"My deal is you have two choices, choice number one is you find someone to sleep with, doesn't matter who and if you do. I won't tell your two oblivious friends out there that you're one of us." He smirked and my brows knitted.
"What does my sex life have to do with you backing off?"
"Absolutely nothing because honestly? I already know you'll fail getting laid." He grinned from ear to ear as I glared.
"You're small, easily mistaken as a child and no one will want to mate with a vampire blossoming."
"So if I lose you're going to tell my friends?" I demanded glaring now.
"Will I?" He asked arching a brow and I felt my blood boiling.

"And if I just say fuck you and your deal, what then?" I hissed but gasped at how fast he slammed me into the wall, his eyes back to black but this heat was coming off the other.
"I wouldn't say things like that, you never know who would really try to fuck this ass of yours." He growled harshly into my ear as my whole body grew tense in front of him.

"Hopefully someone with more class or can treat me better than how you are." I growled and a harsh chuckle erupted from his throat.
"Don't tell me you're one of those." He said and my brows furrowed.
"One of those?" I glared.
"Who want the perfect ending to the story they're reading, that special partner who is this gentleman or perfect lady that cherishes every piece of you." He smirked and my glare never fell.
"That's honestly disgusting to want something that'll never exist, there's not a single vampire or human out there fixing to become this made up imaginary prince or princess who makes you feel on top of the world." He told me and my eye twitched.

"Oh and let me guess, you're one of those who want someone to submit to you, someone you can beat on and treat like absolute garbage but it's all okay because at the end of the day, at least you're happy." I spat.

"Nathan!" My eyes fell to the door but my whole body nearly went limp at how fast his lips pressed to mine and how dizzy I had began to feel as his tongue clashed against mine.
He pressed me hard against the wall slipping his leg between mine as I tried to break free to breathe, but it was impossible because he was all muscle.

He broke the kiss grabbing the back of my hair tugging my head back.
"That's exactly who I am." He smirked into my ear before stepping out of the bathroom first.

**Adrian's Pov.**

My eyes fell to the archway where that guy known as Nathan reappeared.
I felt nothing but confusion on why Jayce was gone for so long.
Just as I was about to get up to go look for him.
He appeared.
But he looked completely out of it.

"The two of you were gone for quite a while, is everything okay?" Zendaya questioned but I could see something in her eyes, the expression she wore on her face, she could tell something had happened between those two.
My brows knitted looking to Jayce who carefully sat down and joined us.
His eyes on the bowl of soup that hadn't been touched yet.
It was probably cold by now.

"I won't say anything about what we've talked about tonight." His voice sounded hoarse like he couldn't talk as he sat there, his hands in his lap as he frowned deeply.
"Oh?" Zendaya smiled.
"What is your reason on staying quiet?" She asked and he went quiet for a moment.

He sat there and Devyn looked to him.
"Speak up dude-"

"Because I'm a vampire and I'd rather not be stupid enough to let the whole town find out there are others like me out there." He said and I wasn't sure why but it didn't click.
How serious he sounded.
The tears appearing in his eyes.
The pain behind them.

"Did he just say he was a vampire?" One of the girls asked and my heart was starting to beat hard against my chest.
"Jayce, is this a prank? Because it's not funny." I frowned and he just smiled sadly.
"You were talking pretty high and mighty about wanting to understand them, but here one is. Right beside you in this room, and the main thing on your mind is thinking of this as a prank. God I fucking wish." The tears rolled down his cheeks as he sat there.

"How long?" I asked him.
He sat there frowning.
"How long, Jayce?" I pushed.
"Sixteen years." He got out through the broken voice that just about killed me.
The sadness in his tone as he sat there.
Staring at the bowl which probably looked like nothing now.
Everything was suddenly aching.

"What's the big deal telling everyone all of a sudden?" My eyes fell on the one known as Nathan who looked pissed at Jayce who looked startled for a moment.
I could see the anger in his eyes.
"You knew?" Zendaya looked at Nathan who just stared at Jayce.
This anger in the others eyes now.

Nathan looked at them.
"Yeah I fucking knew, way before you guys knew. It's been a personal thing between the two of us, but thanks to this awful fucking dinner-"
"Nathan, watch your tone." Zendaya hissed.
Nathan smirked.
"He had no choice but to come clean, what are you going to do aunt, uncle? This was your idea." He was on his feet and Jayce looked at him with furrowed brows and a confused expression, as if Nathan was making this all up.

Zendaya looked to the man who had been quiet most of the night.
"It's more complicated than I expected, that's for sure." He stood to his feet and I could see the fear in Jayce's eyes as this man walked towards us.
But Jayce was ripped out of the chair by Nathan and shoved behind him.

"Awfully protective over something that isn't yours, nephew." The man spoke as Nathan glared at him.
"Knowing you uncle, I have no choice but to be protective, he just confessed he's a vampire." He hissed.

My eyes were on Jayce now no longer understanding the situation we were clearly in.
Was this man going to hurt Jayce for being a vampire?
I looked to Devyn and his eyes had been locked on our friend for the longest time.
Why had Jayce kept the truth from us?
How was he able to blend in with the humans so easily?

"Based on the negative energy in this room, I have a pretty good suggestion to ease everyone's minds." This guy spoke up and he looked like a porcelain doll.
White skin with a few visible freckles on his arms and face, soft but bright blue eyes and wavy brown hair as he stood there wearing what resembled a butler's outfit.
But maybe he was into that kind of thing?
A fashion sense I guess.

"What would that be, Rowen darling?" Zendaya questioned the boy near the end of the table.
His eyes on everyone.
"I would like to wipe the memories of everyone tonight, to forget this night even happened. It's obvious the boy didn't want the truth to be found out, and his friends?" His eyes fell on me and Devyn as I got to my feet.

"How can you erase everyone's minds if you're a human--unless." My eyes were wide as I looked to Abel who looked angry but guilty.
"No one here but me and Devyn are human are they?" I asked lowly and the one known as Rowen walked up to us.
"Does that scare you? To know you're in a room full of vampires, and to find out your best friend you've known for years has been one?" He asked me and my chest ached painfully.

"I'm not scared." I answered truthfully as I frowned.
"I'm just.. confused on why we weren't trusted enough to be told something as serious as this, I would of liked to help Jayce more if I had known." I said trying not to get emotional over this.
Jayce refused to look at me and that hurt more than the truth did.
"I don't want to lose you as my friend Jayce, so please, talk to me." I tried not to beg him but it felt impossible if I didn't.

"Aunt Zendaya, permission to do as I suggested?" Rowen looked over his shoulder at the woman who had been standing there watching this whole thing go down.

"I don't want to forget this!" I cried now.
"I don't want to forget that my best friend is a vampire, or that you guys are also maybe vampires?" I looked to Abel.
"This is something I want to keep stored in my head." I frowned deeply.

Rowen stood right in front of me.
"I'm sure the truth is bound to be revived sooner or later, it's just too soon for you to know about us, Adrian. But when you do find out, it'll be on better terms than how it was tonight." He told me and everything went numb.
So no matter what I said.
It didn't matter.
It was just putting these guys at risk if they're found out.
I could understand that.
I looked at Jayce one more time.
And he just looked so sad.
Before everything went black and I was knocked out.

The morning came and I was aching everywhere.
Where did the weekend even go?
I remember going on that date and hanging out with Devyn and Jayce.
It was already Monday and no matter how hard I try to think back to yesterday.
I come up blank.
I wasn't a fan of not remembering days.
If there was one day I could forget.
It'd be the day dad left.
That's the main day.

"Morning." I yawned walking in the hall of the school as I made my way over to Devyn who looked like I felt.
"Did we get drunk or something? I can't remember shit from yesterday." Devyn complained rubbing his eyes.

"You guys seriously forgot?" I looked over my shoulder to Jayce who arched a brow at us.
"You got so high off helium from the balloons your mom brought home that you passed out." He told us and my brows knitted.
"You can pass out from inhaling too much helium?" I questioned and Jayce just stared at me.
"Yes." He said tightly.
"So we got high and forgot but you just supervised and watched us make stupid decisions?" Devyn asked the other.
Jayce blinked but then smirked.
"I never said I was good with decision making and you two looked like you had a lot of fun, well until you knocked yourselves out with pillows. Now that was funny." He grinned and I was starting to feel more embarrassed.

"No wonder it's so fuzzy." I ran a hand through my hair frowning.
"So, are we going to kidnap Sevyn and Josie later? I don't want them to think we're neglecting them." I frowned.
Devyn arched a brow.
"What's wrong just being the three musketeers? Honestly those two never show up when we need them anyway, I actually like it as just us." He shrugged.

Jayce looked at the other.
"Sevyn is your twin, how can you say something so cruel?" He asked.
Devyn glanced to him with a smirk.
"Easy, because he's my twin." He winked as the first bell went off.

"Are you guys noticing how quiet it is around school?" I looked around and noticed I wasn't getting the usual death glares from half the classroom from just being here.
"Maybe everyone suddenly lost interest in being assholes." Devyn suggested as Jayce wrote his notes down.
"I wouldn't think too much about it." He added and I bit my lip but nodded continuing my notes as well.

"Hey Adrian." A few of the classmates greeted me in the hall and suddenly nothing was adding up.
Why was this feeling like freshmen year all over again?
I looked around and there was nothing but smiles and even my second locker that Octavian had made into a personal punching bag, was fixed and wiped clean of any ugly words.
I was starting to feel light headed just standing in the middle of the hall.

"Are you okay? Adrian?" I tried not to flinch at the sound of his voice.
Octavian stood there with Morgan, both with concerned looks.
"Drop the act Octavian, it's really getting pathetic." I tried to bite back but his expression only made my chest grow tight.
"What act? Adrian, I'm being serious. You're seriously spacing." He pointed out and I hated how right he was.
I was getting weak in the knees and the room kept spinning.
It was starting to hurt.

He reached for me but I smacked his hand back and his eyes grew wide.
"SHUT UP!" I screamed standing there and the hallway went quiet.
I felt myself swaying as my head pounded painfully.

"Someone get a tissue, his nose--oh my god, Adrian!"

The only thing I felt was my legs giving in and the feeling of my body falling completely.
What is going on?

And why is Octavian.
NOT Octavian?
Maybe after this nap.
I'll figure it out.
I hope.

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