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"So you guys are going on a double date but you actually just wanted it to be you and Abel?" Jayce questioned walking the track during gym class.
My hands were in my pockets as I leaned my head back thinking about it.
"Yeah, and I know that makes me sound selfish that I just wanted it to be us, but Devyn seemed kind of excited about it." I frowned.
Jayce rolled his eyes.
"This is why I'm good with being single, you two are exhausting and neither of you are even fully dating that person. I'm pretty sure Maverick just agreed so he could get laid-"

"Did you really just fucking say that?"
I froze as my blood ran cold turning around and of course, Devyn had caught up to us after complaining about a cramp in his foot.
He stood there looking angry but also really fucking hurt.

Jayce looked shocked the other was even there to begin with.
"Devyn look, that isn't what I meant-"
"Oh yeah? You sure about that?" Devyn was maybe two inches taller than Jayce and was right in the others face now.
"Because I'm calling bullshit! Who the fuck talks shit about their friends like that?"
"I wasn't talking shit about you!" Jayce hissed.
"Maverick plays around and if you seriously like him, I would rather you be careful!"
"Oh gee thanks." Devyn did the unbelievable thing by shoving Jayce back which earned our classmates to stop jogging and stared in the direction we were in.

"Thanks for thinking about me even after making me sound like I'm easy for a quick fuck, that's some real consideration you've done there pal." He said icily and I stepped between the two glaring.

"Okay, knock it off both of you. Jayce didn't mean it Devyn, you know his filter is off sometimes but he's a teenager, we all are!" I snapped glaring.
Devyn was flushed and Jayce was flustered as he glared.
"You know I never talk shit behind your back Devyn, I tell you straight up if I have a problem, that's how our relationship has always been. I was talking about Maverick." He said now trying to cool down but it was obvious he was still pissed from being shoved by the other.

Devyn was glaring at him.
"Don't talk about him either then, look whatever comes out of this relationship between me and him, is our problem. I don't need either of you talking about what goes on in my personal life-"
"Devyn come on, don't be like that." My brows were knitted now as Devyn glared at me.
"Be like what Adrian? Honest?" His brows furrowed and my chest grew painfully tight and my knees were growing weak.

He was angry.
My heart was pounding as the outside world spun around me.
A panic attack?
How lame is that?
It was just Devyn!
I was used to him getting angry over things like this.
But my head was suddenly killing me.
Was it the cereal?

I went to look at the two in front of me who now looked more worried than angry and just as I went to speak.
My body gave in and my knees buckled, sending me into the grass.

When I came to, everything was blurry as I looked around.
I was in the nurses office laying on one of the beds.
I wanted to take in how the curtains were actually down for once and not done up, or how the plants that were usually aligned side by side were missing.
But the two guys sitting on the floor slumped against each other sound asleep made all those questions vanish.

I smiled softly feeling better that those two were fine.
Maybe it was the heat that got to us.
That's the only thing I could think.
I knew Devyn didn't do well with the heat and Jayce had his moments.
But still.

"How are you feeling, Mr.Grimes?" I looked above the two to the nurse who stood at the side taking the two on the ground in with a small but curious smile.
"Better than earlier." I told her sitting up and she came over to me with a cup of water and a pill.

"I can imagine, your sugar was real low and the heat is what caused your body to react the way it did, you didn't sleep for very long but I'm sure your body is grateful it got some recovery." She explained as I put the pill in my mouth swallowing it with the water.

"I doubt you'll know, but how were they when I was brought in here?" I asked her.
She glanced to them before smiling softly.
"Just being two overly concerned friends, you should really keep those two close by your side. Not a lot of kids will argue with the teachers over going to class over waiting for you to wake up. They may be suspended for a few days for their actions, but I'm sure it was worth it knowing you were okay." She said and my brows were knitted but I just let out a soft sigh in response.
"Those idiots." I smirked getting out of the bed and walked over to the two still asleep.

I knelt down in front of the two which only earned Devyn to jerk in his sleep before his eyes slowly opened and they grew wide seeing me.
"You're awake!" He exclaimed moving from Jayce's side who fell over with a groan.
I smirked softly.
"It was just too much heat and not enough sugar." I rubbed my neck and Jayce looked at me half awake.
"That's why you passed out?" He asked.
I nodded and the two looked to each other before grinning.

"You're a damn drama queen Adrian." Devyn smirked and I blinked as my brows knitted.
"Hey now, rude." I frowned as Jayce grinned leaning against the blond as I studied them.
"Are you two okay?" I asked.
They glanced to each other and Devyn nodded.
"I was stupid earlier and I think it was mostly the heat, I mean I still don't like thinking of myself as being easy but-"
"I never said you were easy." Jayce sighed and Devyn smirked.
"Anyway, we're fine, I think after you collapsed it snapped us both to our senses. I was a total jerk earlier and apologized to Jayce." He said and the other actually nodded to that fact.

I smiled softly.
"That's good, I'm glad the two of you made up, I would rather not deal with Sevyn and Josie wondering why you two are acting distant. I mean that sort of thing hasn't happened since we were kids." I grinned and now the two were blushing looking away from me and each other.
"We were kids." Jayce said running a hand through his hair and I smirked.
"Dramatic kids."
"Look who's talking!" Devyn grinned at me and I rolled my eyes in response.

"I'm home." I announced but got no response as I looked around.
"Mom? Dad?" I called out before checking the time.
They should of been home by now.
I nibbled my lip and walked down the hall before stopping at the sound of giggling.
Female giggling.

I looked towards my parents room and my head suddenly felt like it was pounding as I walked into the kitchen for some water.

"I'm going to get something from the kitchen, do you want anything Debbie?" 
I stood there hearing a female response and soon enough.
Dad was in the kitchen in just his boxers, staring right at me as I held the glass of water, trying not to shatter it in the death grip I had on it, staring right back at him.

"Adrian," he said tightly.
"You're home early son, what time is it-"
"It's two because I was sent home early from collapsing earlier, if you had picked up your phone like mom had done earlier you would of known. But it seems like you had other important things on your mind rather than the well being of your child." I said with a smile and his brows knitted.
"Adrian, don't say anything to your mom-"
"Did you seriously not hear the part where I told you I collapsed?" I glared and the color drained from his face.
"Right." He frowned.
"Why did you collapse?" He asked me and I smirked.
"That isn't important," I took a drink of the water and he seemed more angry now.
"Don't play games with me kid-"
"No dad," I slammed the glass down earning a flinch from him.
"Games always lead to cheating in the end and between you and I? I wouldn't sink low enough to cheat on someone I married, to my partner I said I love you too. I'm not into games." I frowned deeply at him.

"If I were you, I'd tell that Debbie girl to leave, or do you not even care about mom?" I demanded and his eye twitched in response.
He pinched the bridge of his nose before letting out a sigh.

"Your mom and I are getting a divorce, Adrian." He leaned against the counter and now the power I thought I had over him was officially gone, and the words leaving his mouth hit me ten times harder than him cheating on mom did.
Was it even considered cheating then?
I just stared at him.

"Oh." I said slowly and his eyes fell on me as he frowned deeply in response.
"We weren't going to tell you kids until the court date got closer so you could be prepared-"
"Prepared? So who wanted to leave who?" I demanded as the tears burned my eyes.
He frowned.
"I found a job states away from here, I told your mom all about it but she was persistent about staying here. She said all of your friends and memories were here, she refused to take that from you kids, so I suggested just breaking our marriage up-"
"For your own selfish reasons?" I asked him.
"I refuse to be stuck here when there is no work for me son, I have opportunities up north for me and staying here isn't going to pay your phone bill, it's not going to afford the mountain of groceries for you kids!"

"It doesn't mean you cheat and break moms heart!" I screamed at him as my heart pounded hard against my chest.
"Mom loves you and you threw her away, you threw twenty four years away for a Debbie and for a better opportunity! You're a shitty ass person-"
"Watch your mouth!" Dad snapped and I glared.
"No! If you're leaving you don't get to tell me how to talk to you, you chose to leave you chose to cheat on mom, you fucking chose to leave us! If I want to scream at you, I will, if I want to cuss at you. I god damn will because you were my dad! You suck as a person and mom definitely deserves a whole lot better than a sorry excuse of a dad you turned out to be!" I screamed at him completely flushed.

The room was quiet except for the sink I hadn't fully turned off.
I stood there staring at him.
"Want to save mom the grief of actually breaking down? Pack a bag and catch the next train-"
"Alright you little shit I have had it up to here with that damned mouth, you think just because you caught me cheating you can talk to me like that? I am still your father!" He yelled loud enough to rattle anything close by us.

"You will stop talking to me like the grown ass adult you think you are, you are a damn child who has a lot of growing up to do! You will go to your room and you will stay there until your mom and I have talked and called you kids down to tell you the news ourselves and-"
"You're not my dad." I told him glaring.
"I hate you and you can go fuck yourself with that bull-"

I couldn't even react.
His hand connected to my face faster than my thought process would let me.

"Oh my god! Dad what the hell?!" I heard Laurie scream running into the kitchen.
She was at my side as I stood there I could taste blood as my eyes burned fiercely with tears.

"A-Adrian, son, I'm-"
He went to reach for me but I smacked his hand away.
"Don't fucking touch me, don't." I snarled as the tears fell and his eyes were wide with regret.
Laurie had a death grip on my shoulder as she glared daggers at dad full of confusion and anger before walking us out of the kitchen and out of the house completely.

"Breathe, Adrian." We took a seat on the cool grass as I just stared ahead, just when I thought my one bruise was ready to be healed, I was going to be receiving a new one by in the morning.

"What happened? Why did dad smack you?" Laurie asked me with knitted brows.
I frowned deeply bringing my knees to my chest.
"I guess I was out of line by disowning him as my dad, he cheated on mom." I told her and her eyes grew wide.
"What?" She went to get up but I snatched her wrist.
"They were already planning on telling us they were getting a divorce, apparently he's leaving." I shrugged frowning.

Laurie just stared at me before sitting back down and sighed.
"Honestly? I kind of figured something was up, him coming home late, the smell of a different perfume on his coat that wasn't moms. How distant he's acted towards everyone." She glanced to me.
"I don't think I've seen you that angry either, it was pretty shocking, I think dad thought you were a grown up talking to him instead of his sixteen year old kid. But it doesn't justify him hitting you as hard as he did." She frowned and I just ran a hand through my hair.
"Maybe I deserved it-"
"No you didn't." Laurie glared at me but it died down and she took my hand.

"Mom's going to come home, she'll panic over seeing your face bruised up, dad will tell her about his new partner and about the divorce. Everything will be rough for us the moment that happens, but for now? Let's just breathe and try not to think about dad leaving mom alone with four teenagers all for the sake of his own personal reasons." She said leaning against my shoulder as I frowned softly.
"Right." I said tightly now.
"Just breathe."

As much as I want to go into the painful detail over how our parents sat us down that same night, telling us they were getting divorced.
I really didn't want to relive the yelling and my mom throwing things.
How angry she was.
How her voice broke, how fragile she was and how fast she left that night.
But the thing that hit me the most.
Is how angry she got when she found out Ethan hit me.
She hit him that lead to punches to just her crying.
She knew they were getting divorced.
But she wasn't ready to accept it yet.
To accept Debbie.
To accept anything of it.

So the world felt like it stopped for a bit.
And before I knew it.
Friday was here.

"It looks like you got in a bad fight, are you sure you're okay to go on the date tonight?" Devyn asked me at the lockers as I frowned, my cheek was bandaged and it really did look like I got into a fight.
I wasn't ready to tell my friends about the divorce.
But it was starting to ache.
Everything was aching as I stood there.
Yesterday he had his bags packed and he left without as much as a goodbye.
And the house was quiet.

Hyde and Bellamy were angry but they wanted to use school to distract them both.
Laurie was still just quiet about it but it was obvious she was hurting.
How Ethan could just walk out of our lives like we meant nothing to him.
I was angry, hurt and just lost now.
How did our family fall to pieces like this?

"Yes, I need the distraction and having you there is even better." I forced a smile and Devyn's brows were knitted.
"You still didn't even tell me what happened, was it-"
"It's seriously nothing, it'll heal like the other one did and-"

"Well don't you look awful?" I glared in the direction that no other than Octavian stood in.
Of course he was here the day I would be going on my date later.
He was just ready to ruin my mood.

"I think it suits him, at least it makes him look more like a boy than some girl." Joshua shrugged with a smirk and Devyn growled in response.
"Watch your damn mouth, Stone." Devyn growled.
"See what pisses me off about you Fox is you're all bark but no bite, you like running that mouth but you never post up about how big you talk. It's pretty pathetic." Joshua spat and Devyn smirked.
"I wouldn't want to wreck that pretty face of yours, you may lose some of the fanbase you think you have." He shrugged and Joshua glared stepping up but was stopped as Devyn's new interest stepped in.

Maverick Brewer, he was always found off in the corners of places or flirting it up with whoever gave him the time of day.
And of course he had his group with him who all seemed pretty irritated at Joshua and Octavian even being around us.

"I suggest you back up Joshua, that's my boyfriend you're getting too close to." Maverick said in a warning tone, pushing his brown locks back exposing his bright blue eyes that reminded me of sapphires.
No wonder Devyn was into him.

Joshua smirked raising his hands in the air.
"I wouldn't dream of touching your little chihuahua, Maverick. I don't think anyone would, I mean. He's pretty easy if someone like you was able to get with him." Joshua's eyes flickered smirking as I watched the color drain from Devyn's face and he glared harshly.
"What was that?" He stepped up but Maverick grabbed the back of the blonds shirt.

"He isn't easy actually, he's a fucking pain in the ass and speaking of ass." Maverick smirked.
"He has a great one," he was face to face with Joshua now.
"And I don't appreciate someone with such high standards who doesn't look higher than a two, talking low about what is right in front of me." He spoke lowly and the smirk on Joshua's face died down and Octavian was in shock.

Maverick smirked before kissing Devyn right in front of them.
"I'll pick you up at seven thirty and Abel will be grabbing you at the same time, Adrian, see you two tonight." He kissed my friend one more time before leaving the two of us there.

"Damn." Devyn stood there fanning himself with a grin.
"Did it just get hot in here?" He asked.

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