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"It's not deep enough for stitches but it may bleed for a few days, I'd make sure to keep it clean and refrain from reopening the wound. It needs time to heal from the slice." The doctor explained as I sat on the bed while the nurse wrapped my hand.
"I would also recommend keeping it wrapped for the time being except in the shower, it will need to breathe." He explained and I looked at my hand frowning.
"What about when I'm in bed or in gym? Sometimes my hands are needed-"
"I will write you a note for the gym coach to dismiss you during any activities regarding your hand, like I said before, it's a deep cut Adrian-"
"But it doesn't need stitches?" I arched a brow.
"No." He smiled.
"I will also be prescribing you some pain meds in case your hand starts to ache in any kind of way, but other than that. You should be fine." He told me and I bit my lip with a nod.
"Right." I said tightly.

"I'm sorry I ruined our night." I apologized next to Abel as we waited for Maverick to drive up with Devyn who would be staying the night with me tonight.
Abel made a face.
"You did no such thing Adrian, accidents happen and those kids are the reason our night was interrupted." He frowned.
"Honestly, we will just keep trying for the perfect date until we're satisfied, I really do enjoy being with you." He told me and my face gained color.
"O-Oh really?" I asked him.

"Uh huh." He smirked coolly leaning in and I tried to breathe feeling his lips against mine.
I tried not to flinch at how cold his lips were, but it was like they melted into warmth touching mine.
It was honestly nice.
This feeling of warmth taking over and just being here with him.
It was comforting.

"What did the doc say?" Devyn came up to me with two to go boxes as Maverick trailed behind the other before he was with the three of us.
"Basically not to use my hand unless I absolutely need to, he excused me from using it during gym class." I told the other.
Devyn made a face.
"Maybe I should cut my hand-"
"Stop." I smirked and he grinned.

"Would you like me to take you home?" Abel offered and I looked at him.
"I think we're going to walk, it's such a nice night and it would be a waste not to enjoy it." I shrugged and Devyn arched a brow but shrugged at my suggestion.
"I'm fine with walking." He said now.
Abel studied the two of us and glanced to Maverick.
"You have your own way home." He stated and Maverick smirked walking over to Devyn.

"You sure you don't need a lift?" He asked the other.
Devyn smirked in response.
"We're boys in case you've forgotten, I'm pretty sure we can handle a few old people needing help crossing the street or something." He shrugged with a grin.
Maverick rolled his eyes grinning.
"Whatever you say, I'll see you on Monday." He leaned in kissing the other.

I glanced to Abel who seemed hesitant on letting the two of us walk alone.
"Abel?" I questioned and his eyes found mine.
"Sorry." He smiled brushing his hand through my hair.
"Get home safe, I called your phone earlier so just text the unknown number in your contacts letting me know you've made it." He said kissing my cheek then lips and I blushed with a nod.
"I will, goodnight, Abel." I smiled.
"Goodnight, Adrian." He smirked.

"So, you gonna tell me why the hell we're walking when we had a car capable of taking us to your house?" Devyn complained in question as we walked down the street.
"I just wanted some fresh air, it just feels like we don't get enough of that lately." I told him and he made a face at that.
"Speak for yourself, my old man's always dying for me and Sevyn to go jogging with him or play basketball. I honestly wish he was like your dad dude." He commented and I flinched earning his brows to knit.

"What's wrong?" He asked and I frowned.
"If you say it's nothing I will smack your injured hand, don't test me." Devyn warned and my eyes grew wide.
"Harsh." I frowned.
He shrugged.
"You keep putting things off, I wanna know what's eating you dude, me and Jayce are your best friends and here lately you've gone mute again." He pointed out and my face heated up as I frowned.

"My dad left the other day, my parents are getting a divorce." I told him and his eyes grew wide.
"Holy shit? Dude, I'm sorry. I didn't-"
"I know you didn't know." I frowned.
"I wasn't even sure if I was going to tell anyone but sitting in the restaurant earlier, I had a lot of thoughts consume me and my mind fell on the fact my dad left my mom for another woman and a better opportunity upstate." I told him.

Devyn frowned deeply.
"What a piece of shit, how's the family holding up?" He asked and I frowned coming to a complete stop next to the stop sign.
"Mom's a mess, Bellamy and Hyde are trying to remain distracted and Laurie is just existing even though she's claimed that she knew something was going on. Apparently she noticed dad was being distant beforehand but never wanted to say anything in case she was wrong about it." I explained and Devyn frowned.

"I'm sorry Adrian, I really am. That shit seriously sucks and you held it together amazingly tonight with that mess going on in the background." He crossed his arms.
I smiled softly.
"I tried-"

"God something smells fucking good out here."
Both Devyn and I froze as we stood at the stop sign looking towards the aisle near the old bookstore.
This tall guy walked out looking like he had just woken up with messy black hair, his clothes were torn and from the scar on the side of his neck.
He screamed bad news.

Devyn's eyes were locked on this guy and the food in his hands as if trying to decide to ditch it and us run.
We had no idea if this guy had a gun or a weapon on him.
And because I wanted to get fresh air.
I had us in this situation.

The guy was looking around as if he were searching for something and before I knew it.
His eyes were on us and I couldn't even blink before he was right in front of us.

"Ah, it's you." He smirked grabbing my hand and I hissed trying to jerk my hand away but the pain echoed as the blood began to soak through the bandage.

"I was just trying to get a few hours in but then I caught a scent of something delicious, usually we're not supposed to hunt until after midnight but I'm fucking starving." I was horrified watching his hazel eyes turn to black and the same dark veins that were under Abel's eyes earlier appeared under this guys.
I couldn't move.
I couldn't breathe.

"You won't mind right?" He grabbed the back of my neck and fear penetrated me completely.
"Let go!"
I couldn't think in time before this guy was kicked in the side, sending him flying into the brick wall knocking some bricks out and falling on top of the other who coughed groaning in pain.

"Just what do you think you're doing, Marcus?" I looked up and didn't recognize these guys.
There were three of them staring right at this guy who was trying to get back to his feet.
"Oh you know, just trying to survive for the night." The one known as Marcus answered the one in the middle who was smaller than the two behind him.
Body guards maybe?

"You know the rules Marcus, we can't feed until-"
"Midnight I know that shit but when something smells that fucking good, how can you resist bending the rules?" He asked and the one in the middle glared.
"Regardless of the aroma, you'll be dead if the higher ones here of this, I suggest you finish your slumber." He spoke coldly and I felt Devyn's hand grabbing mine.

"Let's go." I heard Devyn speak lowly and just as I nodded we both froze when the one in the middle was right in front of us.
"Did you honestly think we were going to let you two go after what you just seen?" He asked us and I wanted to call for help.
For someone's light in their house to come on, just to give us a chance to run.
"We didn't see shit." Devyn growled and the one in front of us smirked.
"As if I haven't heard that one before, you humans like to confuse us with lies like that. It's why we can't trust you." He shrugged and suddenly my heart was in my throat.

"You called us humans like you weren't one." I was terrified at this point.
That one guys eyes weren't normal.
The veins.
The taste for blood?
What were those things called..
Damn it!

The guy in front of me just glared.
"Sleep." He commanded and before either of us could make a sound.
We were out.

When I woke up.
I was..
In my bed?

I looked around but hissed in pain when I added pressure to my left hand that had been rewrapped.
I felt movement next to me before looking down and my heart began to pound seeing Devyn in bed next to me, still completely out.
I swallowed running a hand through my hair with my good hand frowning.
I got out of the bed and made my way into the bathroom for a shower.
I needed something to wake me up.

What happened last night?
I remember us walking home.
We stopped at the stop sign and I told Devyn about my parents..
I poured the shampoo into my hair trying to make myself remember but it was like I had hit a wall after that.
I had a lot of anxiety just thinking about it.
But I don't even remember making it home last night.

I turned the shower off but remained standing inside it, my dripping wet hair hit the cold surface of the tub now, the warmth had completely vanished as I opened the shower curtain and stepped out to dry off and to finally change.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I asked Devyn as we sat the kitchen table and he looked still half awake trying to eat the cereal he made himself nearly twenty minutes ago.
"I remember us walking but that's it, maybe we got home and sleep was like, hello bitches time to knock you out." He shrugged taking a bite of the mushy cereal and his expression after the first bite just told you, he was unhappy he let it soften.
Honeycombs were better crunchy, not soft.

After breakfast we went back to my room and I grabbed the laptop while he turned the tv on and went straight to watch South Park.
I smirked softly before going to Google and typing in the first question that came to mind.
What do dark veins mean under the eyes?
I braced myself for the answer and I felt like part of me wasn't even ready to know.
Dark veins under the eyes are lead to sun exposure.
I frowned at the answer and scrolled through the other answers it had given me.
Sun exposure.
Advancing age.

All typical responses.

I leaned against the bed frame staring at the words on the screen.
I was hesitant and I don't know why.
But I had to know.

Do vampires exist?
I hovered over the search button before pressing it, refreshing the page completely with different answers and even images.
I frowned reading the questions to myself before clicking on a site that brought me to a wiki over it.

"For hundreds of years now the ones we've always known as a myth are actually in fact real, vampires have existed for a very long time now and they've blended in with society remarkably well, at first we thought it was just people taking things too far with biting each other and drawing blood, but that isn't the case here. We've met them, the vampires who have remained hidden from the world. They've exposed themselves to us in hopes of understanding one another. But how can we understand the monsters who come out at night to feed on humans? There was nothing to understand about them, they were murderers who feasted on humans to exist here."
I stared at the book of text frowning deeply.
"My advice to you if you happen to run into one of them, do not befriend them. Do not invite them into your home and do not let them get a scent of your blood. They will target you until they've got you where they want you. Vampires are not our friends, they are heartless beings who want nothing more than to destroy humanity."

I ran a hand through my hair letting out a shaky sigh and Devyn looked up from the floor.
"Are you okay, Adrian?" He asked me and I bit my lip.
"I'm fine." I got off the internet closing the laptop and joined my friend on the floor, I brought my knees to my chest and leaned against the other staring at the scene playing in front of us.

I went quiet for a minute, thinking about even asking him what he thought about vampires.
I felt like he would laugh at my question.
Or insult me like he usually did when I asked dumb questions.
I stared at the tv frowning.

"Do you think vampires exist?" I asked him waiting for the other to laugh at my question.
I wouldn't blame him if he did.
Hell I knew I would.
To question the existence of a vampire?
How crazy was that?

Devyn glanced to me then rotated his free shoulder.
"I would like to think there are other beings that exist out there rather than just humans, so I guess I think vampires exist. I don't know what they'd look like in this timeline but I want to believe they don't look as fake as the ones we see on tv." He told me and I nibbled my lower lip thinking on his response.

"Do you think they're monsters?" I asked next.
Devyn smirked putting the show on pause and turned around to fully face me.
"Alright what's up? What's with the sudden interest in vampires?" He questioned and I shrugged.
"Can't I have interests?" I asked him innocently and he rolled his eyes.
"Okay wise guy seriously, you never question things like that. What's up?" He pushed and I ran a hand through my hair.

"I just wanted to know if you thought they existed and your opinion on it so I wouldn't look nuts talking about it." I told him.
Devyn blinked but then smirked.
"Well to answer your question on if I think they're monsters?" He thought on it for a minute.
"No." He looked at me with a serious expression now.
"I think they're misunderstood and just want to exist as much as we want to, if they really do exist and as bad ass as that would be. I would love to meet one, to understand them and them understand me. Everyone's always talking about the world ending in a zombie apocalypse but what if the world ends with vampires instead?" He questioned.

He looked so serious as he looked away from me now.
"Do you think they exist?" He asked checking the time on his phone before looking back at me now.
I stared at the other and thought about it.
I mean I had to if I looked it up right?
I wanted to see if they existed and it was confirmed that they did.
It was just hard to believe.

"I do." I responded and Devyn blinked before smirking softly.
"So I guess that means we can be nuts together about this, I mean we can ask Jayce and the others on Monday, maybe even ask Maverick and Abel-"

"Abel!" I yelled and Devyn fell backwards as I grabbed my phone and felt my blood run cold as ice.
I had seven missed calls and a few messages from the unknown number.
I went to the messages and I felt my heart stop from the last message the person sent.

[Unknown]: It's Abel, call me.

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