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**Adrian's Pov.**

"A hybrid is what you are an a rarity at that, who would of thought Daylight's still existed." Remus was right in my face and I wanted to run as I glared at him.
"That makes no sense, I was born a human, my mom and siblings are human!" I glared and Remus stared amused.
"If for whatever reasons you are prayed on by a angel or have consumed the blood of a vampire but your cells attempted to destroy it, the angel cells that were inside you become more aggressive as so the vampire cells, leaving you as you are now. A human but also someone who has both the genes of an angel and a vampire flowing through his veins, like I said. You're in fact rare." He didn't seem as cruel as he did just a moment before watching me.

"That could be why compulsion doesn't last long on you either because both those genes fight off anything that triggers it," He thought for a moment.
"You can probably heal a lot quicker too."

"Remus, I thought you wanted to kill him?" Malik glared now and Remus stood to his feet smirking at the other.
"Why would I kill something as rare as this boy? Did you know that Daylights can pose as a massive threat to not just our community but of the angels and the humans? I'm not saying he's a bomb or anything like that, but he is something you shouldn't test the patience of. That could also be why you've drawn the vampires in so easily to your liking, because you have the blood of the vampire and the angel showing you're posing as no threat to us." Remus looked at me.

"There is also your eyes." He said now and I stared.
"My eyes?" I frowned and he smirked actually offering his hand to me which I hesitated on taking but did so before he turned me around and my eyes were wide.
My left eye was ice blue while the other remained brown.

"Surely you should of noticed how unafraid you were of us vampires." Remus stood behind me taking me in and I frowned deeply staring at myself.
It was like the block in my head vanished and I suddenly could remember everything.
Going to my moms.
Them not being my family.
Being brought here.

I winced at the headache and Remus stepped back from me watching as I frowned deeply.
"I want to go home." I said lowly now and he only smirked.
"You do? Well there's things I want, like a few vampires heads on a platter and served with a expensive glass of wine, but we don't always get what we want now do we?" He asked taking a step back and turned as I glared at him.

"If I'm some rare thing why the hell hasn't anything changed?" I demanded and Remus blinked turning back to me.
"Oh?" He smirked.
"You thought because you were a Daylight I was going to just let you go?" He grinned walking up to me with his arms crossed.
"You are something I'd hate see die but as far as I'm concerned, you're still my prisoner in this castle of Italy, you don't get to taste freedom anymore. You don't even get to dream about it Adrian, and do you know why?" He grabbed the collar around my neck as I glared harshly at the other.

"Because you are now my rarity." He said lowly as his black eyes darkened looking down at me.
"What? But Remus-"
"Quiet!" Remus snarled at Malik.
"You lost your chance to break him the way you wanted, you failed as a well respected elder in this home of ours. You even let it slip right underneath your own nose that he wasn't even a human-"
"I'm not the only one who let that little detail slip." Malik growled now and Remus smirked.
"Are you saying it's all of ours?" He asked stepping towards the other and Malik glared.
"Are you saying it is also my fault that I let it slip?" He questioned pushing the other to the opposite wall and Malik growled in response.

"Would you rather I lie and tell you no?" Malik smirked and so did Remus before he was shoving his fist into Malik's chest.

"STOP IT!" I screamed standing there trembling as dark red blood hit the carpet and my body ached seeing it.
Smelling it.
My throat went dry as Malik slumped against the wall wheezing while Remus held the others heart before tossing it to the ground, glaring in my direction.
"Did you suddenly grow more courage after realizing you were a hybrid?" He asked me and I glared as the tears burned.
"I didn't need to know what I was to tell you to stop hurting him." I glared and Remus only smirked in response.
"You mean to tell me you actually care about this guy here? The one who wanted nothing more than to rape you over and over in his own terms of breaking you?" He asked and my face flushed red.

"I've dealt with a lot of shitty people so far in my life and right now you are the worst." I went to step past the other but he slammed me into the wall, barring his fangs at me.
"Where do you think you're going?" He smirked his eyes blazing with anger.
I stared right through the other trying not to let the fear take over.
"I want to heal him." I told him frowning.
Remus smirked at me.
"Maybe it would of been better to stay quiet about the truth of you." He said as I walked by him more freely this time and approached Malik who was holding his chest as blood oozed through his fingers and his complexion grew worse from the blood loss and the fact one of his hearts were ripped out.

I knelt down and he growled in response as I reached for where the wound was.
"Don't." He snarled and I glared.
"You'd rather die?" I asked him and it was like Deja vu all over again.
We were both just in the same situation earlier in his room except, the roles were now reversed.

Malik glared harshly at me but coughed wheezing as he did so.
Not even thinking I brought my hands over his chest and his bloodied one snatched my wrist glaring at me and I glared back.
"Vampires can live with just one heart but what happens if they lose the other one?" I asked him and his grip loosened and I frowned focusing on the wound turning in cold sweat not even realizing I was actually healing this guy.

My eyes were closed before they opened and his wound was completely healed as I knelt there trying not to gawk.
Malik was also staring at me as I looked at my hands.
I did this.
I just healed this guy!
Holy shit.
I felt so powerful as I stood to my feet and looked to Remus then back to myself in the mirror.

My eyes were still the same as before, one was ice blue and the other was still brown.
Would this be a permanent thing?
Would Abel be attracted to me still?
God I missed him.
I was aching for him.
And unlike before.
I wasn't terrified of these guys.
I was confident.
I was something rare, something that stopped existing a long time ago.
How was I going to explain this to Abel and the others?
Would they still accept me for me?
I was terrified of losing everyone.
But something was telling me.
I wouldn't lose anyone back home.

I wanted to learn more about the Daylights.
I needed to know more.
Without making these guys think I was being cocky now.
But I felt like I had the right.
Even if I was their hostage or whatever.
This was important to me.
And I had to find out more about this species.
And what I really was.

"Is it possible for me to learn more about the Daylights?" I questioned and Remus blinked arching a brow.
"What could you possibly want to learn?"
"Everything." I frowned and Remus studied me as if actually thinking it over before smirking and came over to me.

"If you swear to obey me without any sort of rebellious attitude with your new knowledge of finding out the truth, and you don't try running off again. I will have Morgan escort you to the bookstore where you can read or find what books you're requiring to learn about the Daylights." He was in my face with a cold smile.
"Deal?" He questioned and I smiled back.

"I'll have you know I had better things to do today besides babysitting someone with a rather large target on their back." Morgan walked behind me as I looked around the stores we passed by.
The moment I was introduced to this blond haired, blue eyed vampire I knew right then and there.
We were going to clash with our personalities.
For one.
He liked to complain and hear the sound of his own voice.
And two.
He flirted with a lot of people on the streets, regardless of the gender.

"Yeah well I wouldn't be allowed to go to the store if I didn't have someone holding my leash, you know running away has crossed my mind a few times now." I shrugged and Morgan's eyes darkened.
"You know I may turn a blind eye and actually let you attempt to run if you're fast enough, surely as a mix of both angel and vampire, you should be a fast runner." He challenged and I smirked.
"I'm tempted but not ready to die just yet, I have my boyfriend and family back home and I don't think they'd appreciate me dying." I said coming to a stop at this store that read BOOKSTORE in big bold letters.

"Oh? So you're actually planning out an escape plan?" Morgan questioned amused and I glanced to the other.
"I've been drawing out the blueprints on what could work and what would end me faster than anything." I shrugged walking in and it definitely had that book smell to it.
Still though.
I was aching to learn about the Daylights and what they were like.
What they did and how long they lived before they were confirmed extinct.
Until I screwed those plans up somehow.

"Ah, master Morgan, good evening. Did you come here fancying a book?" The book keeper questioned with closed eyes and a friendly smile.
Morgan stared back.
"No. I came here to kill myself." He answered short before glancing to me.
"Find what you're looking for and let's go." He walked off and I blinked.
Was this a test to see if I'd run?
I looked to the door but then turned back around to only jump back.
The book keeper was right in my face.

"Hello, Daylight." He greeted me and my heart was in my throat.
"Sonny I'm old but not stupid, anyone with a good sense of precognition could tell what you were right away." He told me and my eyes widened.
"You're a vampire-"
"Accused as charged." He gave a wrinkled smile.
"But don't fear lad, I'm not one of the cruel ones here in this twisted country. Honestly I was quite glad the two of you came in today, I haven't had any company in maybe the last four years." He told me and I looked around now taking in all of the cob webs and the rotted floor boards underneath my feet.
I frowned deeply.

"Ever since those elders took over that Morgan there follows blindly, a lot of our businesses went down rather fast, but I'm not quite ready to let this place go." That wrinkled smile returned as his eyes finally opened revealing a tired hazel color.
"I grew up in this store and wanted to work here the moment I could count money and use the proper grammar for the customers. This was my dad's bookstore you know." He smiled as if reminiscing and it was nice.
"That boy over there won't admit it being as he is a stubborn one, but he grew up loving books, but then he got carried away with his looks and was eventually invited to be an elder with those in that looming castle. Ever since then, it's just been me and these dusty old books." He sighed and I looked around frowning.

"Do you have anything about Daylights?" I asked him.
His eyes closed and he looked at me.
"You don't know much of your own kind do you lad?" He smiled taking slow steps towards one of the bookshelves.

"Daylights were born as human from the start you know that much right?" He questioned and I nodded.
"I was informed just earlier I was this thing they called a Daylight, excuse me mister, but as far as I knew. I thought I was human for the last sixteen years." I frowned and he did as well.
"You don't know it until death is greeted at your doorstep, every child that is human is born with an angel always in their ear waiting for something to happen. I'd call them your guardian angels if you have a loved one upstairs but then you have that vampire blood in your system. Perhaps you aren't aware of it but if you consume a vampires blood while still alive and have angels blood also inside you, their cells mix together and thus. A hybrid is born." He handed me a dark red book that was covered in dust before blowing on it.

There was no title or an author addressed.
I looked at the elder for an explanation and he only smiled.
"Keep this book close to you Adrian, you'll know everything you need to know the moment you read this." He told me and my brows knitted.
"Wait, how did you know my-"

"Let's go." Morgan was at my side before pulling me backwards and I was trying to make the other stop as I watched the old man stand there smiling and my eyes grew wide as the wind rushed in taking him away with it.

"Wait, Morgan-"
"What?" He growled and we both came to a stop and I stared at the store but my heart stopped.
The sign was no longer as bold as it was and the windows were all shattered, the door was gone and there was no one inside.
My brows were knitted holding tightly onto the book.
"N-Nothing," my eyes fell on the book.
"Never mind." I said looking away now and tried my best not to look back.
No matter how bad I wanted too.

We returned to the castle and immediately I was thrown into a different room that wasn't Malik's.
There was still a bed and a dresser with a window.
So I guess Remus was being a bit more lenient with being cruel towards me.

I walked over to the bed with the book and opened it but frowned noticing the pages were blank.
My brows knitted staring at it before my eyes widened as the words began to write themselves onto the page.

"The Daylights were once the known threat of our world before we knew it today, they over powered both the vampire and angel race. The Daylights were almost as rare as the nephalem, a child born of an angel and a demon, but the Daylights were born human. Not a ounce of vampire or angel blood was entered into the infants body until they turned age six." My brows knitted frowning deeply.
"The moment the child turned six the angel who rested on their shoulder would drop only a small portion of their own blood into the sleeping child's mouth, and as their body began to change through the years so did their cells and body. Of course this would only make it seem that the child was born as an hybrid of human and angel but that is not the case here, the child ages with the angel blood and as the child turns sixteen, they are met with an vampire. Be it good or bad in the eyes of the Daylight gene, all vampires turn out good to the child and they are both shown each other are trusted." I stared at the words as they kept being written on the page.
It was getting harder to swallow.

"As fate would have it the first vampire the child met would not be their attacker in which would trigger the angel and vampire cells to combine, but it would be the second who would allow their own blood to infuse with an open wound of the child's. The child does not need to consume the blood through the mouth, any opening with an wound can cause the child's body to change for good, however.." I flipped the page frowning.

"The chance of the vampire and angel blood equaling out is very low, most children do not survive the changes in their bodies as most would want. The moment the child has meet with a close to death experience, they would vomit up blood and continue doing so. Rejecting both the angel and vampire cells killing the child immediately in the process." My blood was cold not wanting to read anymore.
I closed the book and walked over to the window.

So you basically had to be special to be chosen to be what I was?
How could I not of known my own body was changing besides going through puberty?
I frowned looking back to the closed book and as I let out a shaky breath.
I walked back over to the book opening it and continued to read.

"What Daylights are today are extinct, there is not a single one recorded in today's history showing they exist, or well.. That's what they wanted you to think but there is one left, the only one left of his kind, and as luck would have it, he's reading this very book." My eyes grew wide.

"Welcome Adrian Grimes, to your new life known as the Daylight."

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