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*Nsfw moments.
You have been warned.

**Jayce's Pov.**

"Maybe later.."

Those words kept racing through my mind since the other night when Nathan pretty much tried to rape me.
Maybe I was drunk from being flushed over everything that's been going on and I didn't have time to process the fact, I told that jackass later..
Now he was going to be bothering me about it until I finally said screw it and dropped my pants for him.
I was nervous not to mention scared.
I knew there were other available vampires besides him.
But maybe it's his personality that has me interested.
I nibbled my lip sitting on the edge of the bed that belonged to the bedroom I was given.

It was much more spacious than the one I lived in before, you walked in and there was a bed and a desk.
One main reason why I never invited Devyn or Adrian over.
I've been to their homes countless times.
But not once did I ever offer to have them over.
I knew how toxic my human family was.
And I didn't need her breathing down our neck for having the door closed.

This room was twice it's size and I was still trying to adjust to it.

Getting off the bed I walked over to the window with my arms crossed.
For so long I've had to stay hidden from my friends.
From reality and the truth.
If Adrian had never met Abel.
I would still be living in that house.
Dreading going home every day.

"Have you lost your mind? No you can't have anyone over! You're not a human and non humans don't get to have guests, you could turn and hurt someone! Do you want that on your conscious, Jason?!"

I swallowed hard staring at the moon that hung up in the nights sky, my brows knitted.
"The moment you turn eighteen you can leave this home and you can do whatever you want, but for now we all get to suffer over the fact we adopted the one kid who turned out to be a monster. If we don't get to be happy, you don't get to be happy." Her words pierced me like needles.
To be reminded over and over again how wrong I was.
How evil I was for ever being born.
"Maybe you should go up to that room of yours and pray long and hard about in your next life, you're not born as a creature of the night." She spat.

I stepped away from the window in cold sweat as I frowned deeply.
Yeah maybe I should of done that.
I don't believe in that man but I know millions do.
I just think there were other things out there similar to him.
But I knew that family believed in him.
There were more pictures of him than the family was on the wall.
It was shocking and also sad.

"Are you going to come join us?" I looked over my shoulder to Eliana at the door, she looked like she was going out for a special occasion based on that light blue dress she was wearing and how her hair was fixed up.
"Join you?" I questioned confused and she smiled softly.
"For dinner, you know your two friends are still here and they were asking for you earlier, is there a reason you've kept yourself locked in your room since your friend talked to us?" She asked me leaning against the door with her arms behind her back.

"I've been thinking about some stuff.." I rubbed the side of my neck frowning.
"Some stuff?" She repeated and of course that would only make her more curious about me being antisocial.
I looked at her.
"Just trapped in the past I guess," my arms were crossed looking at her now.
"I'm trying to get used to calling this place home and embracing my vampire self... all my life," my brows knitted.
"I had to act like a human, to be told I was a monster, a demon.. my adoptive parents never acknowledged me as their kid, just something they picked up from the store and had to feed time to time." I ran a hand through my hair and she frowned in response to that.

"Jayce this is your family now and you should know no one here will ever treat you like that, aunt Zendaya won't let them." She came up to me with a smile now.
"Now let's go join the others and eat, they've been waiting for everyone to join them." She took my hand and pulled me along.
This was my family now..
I had to get used to calling them that.

"Ah there they are, we can begin eating." I felt guilty walking into the room and hearing Zendaya say that.
I've never had to be waited on.
It was honestly making my face burn as I looked for Adrian or Devyn.
They were both sitting by their partners.
And of course.
There was no where for me to sit near them.
My eyes traveled and panic consumed me when I noticed the only other empty chair was beside no other than.

"I'm sorry." I said sitting down and Zendaya only smiled softly.
"There is no need to apologize dear, we all run late when it comes to the meetings, I'm only picking fun at these two but Abel and Maverick are both great examples for when it comes to being late." She stated and Abel choked on the water he was drinking while Maverick only laughed in response.
"She's not wrong." He shrugged.

Styx rolled his eyes.
"You'd be late to your own funeral if there was one." He stated and that only made Maverick smirk.
"Probably." He didn't deny it.

Eliana's eyes were on me for the longest time before taking a drink of her water as if trying to decide something.

"So my children I would like to discuss something while we're all here and present, as you know, mating session will be here in a few days." Zendaya spoke up and my face grew really warm hearing her announce it.
"Do we really need to talk about this kind of thing over dinner?" Synclair asked her frowning.
She looked to him.
"Yes, I won't go into great detail about it, I just wanted to inform everyone to control themselves especially at school. We all know it's a painful time," her eyes fell on me and I flinched sitting next to Nathan who glanced to me before smirking softly.

"And I would like our younger vampires to be prepared and to not jump anything they see moving near them, you each need to control it and find the right person you actually want to be mated too. If you mate with just someone because you're in pain, you will be linked with that person until you or they die, so you have to be wise over your choosing." She explained and my eyes fell on Adrian and Devyn both who were blushing listening to her.
It was so obvious Abel and Maverick haven't touched them in that way yet.
All four of their expressions proved that.
And because they respected my two friends.
They wouldn't do anything unless Devyn or Adrian asked for it directly.
How embarrassing.

"Mating season can last anywhere from a week to a whole month, so you have plenty of time to find the person you wanted to be mated with." She looked at me and suddenly I felt uncomfortable.
"For newborn's it'll be more painful so I want you each to be careful from here until the end of the month." She explained and I lost what appetite I had and pushed the plate forward staring at the untouched contents.

"Are you okay?" Eliana questioned beside me and I nodded.
"I'm not hungry." My eyes met Zendaya's as I stood up.
"I apologize for keeping everyone waiting to eat but I'm not really hungry, so I'm going to excuse myself if that's alright." I said and she smiled softly.
"Of course that's alright, if your appetite returns, we'll have the cook warm the meal up for you." She told me and I nodded leaving the room unaware I was being trailed behind.

I went to shut the bedroom door but he pushed it right open.
Fear struck me but only for a moment before his lips were on mine and I flinched under his touch.
"N-No." I growled and he only smirked softly.
"Are you really going to tell me no after being such a mess at the table?" He kissed my neck and cold chills raced through me.
"It seems like," I shivered at the sight of his black eyes piercing me.
"You've already hit it so why try to stop?" He asked running his hands up the back of my shirt as I flinched against him.
Everything was burning.
My eyes included as everything began to ache.
No way.
I was in heat?
This was what being in heat felt like?
No way.

His lips were on my neck walking us backwards before I felt myself falling onto the bed and he was removing his shirt.
I was so scared.
So terrified of this actually hurting.
I didn't want to be in pain.

"Hey." I flinched feeling the coolness running down my cheeks.
"Why are you crying like you're fixing to be killed?" Nathan asked me and my brows knitted.
"It's obvious you're more experienced than I am and you're making it seem like this isn't going to hurt, I don't want to be in pain during my first time having sex!" I growled at him my own eyes black now and he blinked but only smirked as his eyes flickered.
"I'll try to make it bearable, but who knows, you may actually like being in pain." He pulled my jeans down before flipping me over and I yelped feeling his hand connect to my ass.
My face burned like fire.

"Did that hurt?" He asked me and my eyes burned.
"Liar." His lips were right beside my ear.
"You're turned on, look how hard you are." He teased and the tears slipped.
"No, that's b-because-"
"Uh huh." His hand came down again and I cried out but it came out softer this time as I dug my nails into the mattress.
"Stop it." I growled lowly biting my lip hard enough to draw blood which earned a growl from the other.

"What would you like me to do?" He smirked now with an arched brow and my face was flushed.
I couldn't say it.
The words were embarrassing.
This whole situation was.
Me and him.
Me allowing this to actually happen.
Did I want this happen?
Were we going to be mated together if we went any further than this?
If I was a human I know my heart would be pounding.

"Jayce~" He kissed the back of my neck as I shivered but let out a shaky breath.
"I want.."
My brows knitted as the tears slipped.
This wasn't fair.
I wanted to move.
I wanted to see what kind of face he was making above me.
"I want you to fuck me." I told him and I knew I was going to regret this.
But the words left my mouth and his was on mine instead.

He turned me over onto my back and removed my shirt as his lips sucked on my throat and my back arched, my hips bucking up against his.
It was hot.
The room was spinning but I wouldn't complain.
I wouldn't keep denying him over and over.

His hands were on my ass squeezing and caressing before he was pulling my boxers down and everything became real.
Him on top of me and him undoing his own jeans.
"Jayce." He pulled his jeans down and kicked them off looking at me.
"Suck it." He instructed and I stared at him.
"What?" My brows knitted and he smirked pulling me up and before I knew it.
I was knelt in front of him with his dick in my face.
There was no way.
My mouth was small.
It was going to tear.

I scowled looking at it before glaring at him.
"It's not possible-"
"Oh no, it is." He smirked.
"Just open your mouth and I'll help you." He told me and my eyes burned staring at it.
 I swallowed hard before bringing him into my mouth only to hear him hiss sharply.
"Watch your teeth, Jayce." He growled and my chest grew tight.
I couldn't apologize but this was my first time.
He should of known this was bound to happen.
And I couldn't breathe.
He was huge.

"You're going to be uncomfortable if you don't bob your head, if you just stay like this, we'll be here for a while." He told me and I blushed before moving my tongue against him and closed my eyes.
Just imagine all those video's you watched, think of how the girl made the guy feel.
I tried.
I really tried.
But was stopped.

"You're horrible at this." Nathan smirked at me and I glared at him.
"We'll work on that later but for now." He pushed me back down before grabbing my thighs and fear consumed me.
"W-Wait, I haven't even p-prepped-"
"Oh right." Nathan tapped his skull before looking at me amused.
"You are such a virgin but it's cute." He teased and I glared at him.
"Unlike you." I shot and he only grinned pressing a finger inside and I hissed at the sudden feeling.
"You can insult me all you want if that's a kink of yours but mine?" He pressed another finger spreading and I cried out.

"Is making you submit to me, even if it means I have to beat this ass of yours to do so." He told me bringing his lips to my nipples and I flinched.
"I thought you were going to try to make this b-bearable." I hissed and his eyes flickered.
"I lied." He grinned deviously removing his fingers and I glared but only bit hard into my wrist feeling him pushing into me now.
"O-Ow." I cried as the tears fell but he brought his lips to mine.

"It's going to hurt the first time my little dumb ass, there isn't a single person out there who's going to tell you, the first time isn't going to hurt. Because it is." He told me pushing in further and I let out a sharp gasp earning a wicked smirk from the other.
"Found it." He grinned rubbing that same spot and my whole body trembled.

"I-It's weird, stop." I cried bringing my hands to my face to hide but he only shoved my hands down looking at me.
"No hiding here." He smirked and I glared but cried out as he began to thrust harder.
"Slow down." I growled but he wasn't listening.
He grabbed both of my hands and held them above my head and he thrusted into me.
I thought my face was going to melt from how hot I was getting.
Everything was burning before I gasped being turned over on my stomach and my hips were lifted.

"You're easy to read." He bit into my shoulder and the pain echoed through me as his hand connected to my ass before he squeezed down.
"You say you want me to slow down, but your actually enjoying how rough I'm being towards you, it's quite sexy." He told me bringing his hand down my back as I shivered.
"I d-don't like it, I hate it. But even if I told you to stop, you wouldn't listen." I hissed crying out as he slammed into me.

"Would you complain being marked by me?" He asked suddenly and he sounded so serious.
He slowed down and I let out a breath to think.
Mating season was going to last either a week or a whole month.
Which meant other vampires would come after me.
With Nathan.
I felt a little more protected than I thought I would.
Would he change if I let him mark me?
Or would he continue being the same asshole I had to tolerate?

"No." I found myself saying as I laid there, my face against the pillows trying to breathe for once.
"Are you sure?" He asked and it threw me off how considerate he was being.
My brows knitted.
"You know it's pretty disgusting how considerate you're being all of a sudden, you're breaking character." I told him and he only smirked.
"Perhaps I want to break character for a moment, you heard Zendaya say it herself, once you're marked. You're linked until one of us die and I don't know about you but I don't plan on dying anytime soon." He told me.
I stared at him and let out a soft sigh.
"I wouldn't want any other vampire just throwing themselves on me and then being stuck with someone that I don't like more than you, so I guess I'd rather be marked by you, Nathan." I told him now.

He stared at me before smirking softly.
"What an honor." He grabbed my hips before twisting me over so we were facing each other.
"Then where would you like to be marked? I hear they're ugly while healing so you may not want it visible, especially while attending a human school." He told me and I swallowed thinking about it.

"My hip." I blurted out and his eyes widened before grinning.
"Not a bad choice." He moved to the right side of me and without any kind of warning, he was biting down hard into my hip and I cried out in both pleasure and pain.
Mostly pain.
Because it hurt.
Like I had just been stabbed.

Nathan let go looking at me before kissing the wound then my lips.
He smirked softly.
"Now?" He brushed my hair back.

"You're mine."

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