CH 48 - Trust

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Heart Memorial - Rome POV

I stood with my hands braced on either side of the open window, ready to jump. I didn't want to do it this way but the message was fresh in my mind.

Din: Come alone, don't let the vampire know.

Days passed and we still didn't know where my grandmother was. I raised his knee, there was no other way.

"Rome, trust me." P'Bright held his hand when he was scared. "Just give me a little time. I promise I will find her and bring her home."

Remembering the words made me pause, I was scared, now he was part of a world I didn't know.

"It's okay Rome." P'Bright held him till he calmed down. "Just a nightmare. I'm here, don't be scared."

Would it be wise to rush in when I knew so little? And the lie I used to come here bothered me too, P'Bright trusted me. First with the demon, then the vampires, P'Bright was always there.

"You realise it's a trap."

I turned hearing the voice, it wasn't Beam but Yut. He helped P'Bright find us, I met him last time I came to see the Doc.

"Does that mean I shouldn't even try?"

"Try if you have a plan." Yut told me. "If not, you will be someone they can use against us."

I didn't, I knew nothing! I didn't want to be a problem, instead of helping find a solution. Din said she was safe but if they resorted to kidnapping her, they could lie. What bothered me more was why Din was so hell-bent on getting me?

"They have my grandmother."

"The mistress had my sister for years." His voice understanding. "It comes to a choice, who will you trust. Strangers who will do anything for what they want? Or. Someone who would bleed getting through a demon barrier to get to you, because you called his name."

"Don't listen to him, Rome." Doc Beam came in and locked the door. "I created a diversion and brought back up."

"Don't worry P'Rome, P'Korn and P'Fei are babysitting Bas." Godt smiled. "Let's go rescue Granny, but we have to be back before he wakes up or he will cry."

"Godt! You brought Godt?" Yut stared at Beam astonished, same as me. "He can't even mist yet!"

Beam called him a suicidal zombie, but Yut was definitely more reliable. When Beam opened the window, I quickly pulled out my phone and called P'Bright. I made my choice. Anyway, this guy was more dangerous than Din.


The Gypsy Queen

"What is a Gypsy Prince?"

"A decedent of one of the seven, who stayed."

Powerful vampires sat around the room; it frightened the children. Seeing the Prince calmed her heart, she could see the energy swirling around him, the land was accepting him as its own. His right by birth and his right as the Earth of a mage.

"Seven daughters from powerful families drank from the Goblet of Protection and stayed, to keep the ones left here safe. Their bloodlines would call the descendants of magic beings and watch over them. The seven daughters formed tribes and travelled the world becoming the first, Gypsy Queens."

In respect for the seven only the daughters were given the title of Queen, the sons that followed were the princes. But time was not kind and not all bloodlines last. She carried the title of Queen but was a relative, the Prince was a true bloodline. The right would pass to him.

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