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**Maverick's Pov.**

"This is weird." I stared at the phone standing in the hallway with my back against the wall.
Nick glanced to me with a book in his hand frowning.
"The fact that you're just standing there or ?"
"The fact I haven't heard from Devyn," I ran a hand through my hair.
"The kid usually messages me fifteen minutes after we part ways so I know he's at home to video call, but." I stared at the black screen.
"He hasn't called me." I frowned.

"God you're dramatic." Styx sighed walking down the hall with Rowen.
"If he hasn't called you it mean's he's probably busy, you know humans do have other things to do, like chores and stuff." He shrugged and my eye twitched.
"I'm well aware of that Styx." My eyes fell back on the phone and frowned.

"Want some advice?" Rowen glanced to me before they left the hallway.
I arched a brow at the other waiting for this advice of his.
I figured it would be shit since he's been emotionless the last ten years now.
"Go see him if he hasn't contacted you and if it's bothering you that much, honestly it's like Styx just said, he could be busy." He told me as the two vanished leaving me standing there hoping that Devyn would call me sooner than later.

"Would you ever consider being a vampire?" The question left my mouth as we sat across from each other on the bed, Devyn sat there staring at me with an arched brow.
"You mean where I don't ever age, have to drink blood to survive and basically watch my mom and brother age and die?" He asked.
I blinked.
"Well, when you word it like that, it sounds pretty dark." I rubbed the side of my neck and he smirked softly.
"When this shit with that bastard Mayonnaise or whatever his name is, is over with and Zendaya will let me. I want to tell my mom and Sevyn, I think they deserve to know about you guys. Hell so does Adrian's mom and siblings, if you guys are actually serious about us and see us as long lasting partners. They should know their kids may or may not become vampires for that long lasting experience to happen." He ran a hand through his hair.
"If I talk to my mom and brother about you guys and explain it to them, letting them know I'm going to die but not for long for the sake of this horn dog who likes me a lot, and they understand and support that." He looked at me before getting on his knees and leaning over pressing his lips to mine.
"Then yes, I'd consider turning." He told me now and I felt a small smirk crawling out on my lips.

"His name is Magna by the way." I told the blond haired idiot who I enjoyed seeing daily.
Devyn blinked.
"I mean it's a easy mistake." He shrugged and I grinned tackling him to the bed now.
"You're such a dork." I brushed his bangs back kissing his forehead, cheeks then lips.
He was blushing looking at me.
"It's a gift." He grinned.

The hallway felt colder as I finally decided to move.
I looked back down at my phone but still.
There was no phone call.
Damn it Devyn, this whole thing was starting to make me paranoid.

"Why do you look like you're fixing to piss yourself?" I heard Nathan question near the staircase after I finally decided to make myself move out of the hallway.
"Devyn isn't returning-"
"Yeah I really wasn't wanting a response." Nathan smirked as I glared.
"You know we'd hear your bitch ass out if it were about Jayce, you know your little rebellious boyfriend who wants to save the world all of a sudden." I said now.

Nathan arched a brow.
"The only difference with that statement is this hand connecting to that ass of his if he thinks for even a second, he's fixing to be saving the world. That's too dramatic and I'm not going to let him act stupid, he's marked to me and-"
"You can't control him all of a sudden Nathan, he's still a person with emotions." I growled and Nathan stared at me before shrugging.
"Okay, I'll bite. Only because I'm bored when Jayce isn't even home yet, he's over at that toy of Abel's house for the next hour or two studying." He came back down the stairs with his arms crossed.

"What isn't your potty mouth human not returning?"  He asked me and I scowled softly.
"My phone calls-"
"Hah! He probably got tired of your needy ass." He smirked.
"We're equally needy actually, so if he got tired of me that says a lot about him." My brows knitted.
"But this isn't." I ran a hand through my hair.
Just go over there.
I didn't want to impose.
What if he was catching up with that mom and his brother?
I didn't want to make him mad if I showed up.
But then again.
I was mad he wasn't responding to any of my texts.

"I'm going over there." I said now.
"Going where?" Abel just walked into the room with his coat as he stuffed his phone into his pocket.
"To Devyn's, he won't answer his phone and it's been driving me nuts." I growled.
Abel glanced to Nathan who shrugged before looking back to me.
"What if he's busy, Rick?" He frowned and I groaned.
"He should tell me if he's busy at the very least! So I won't be stressing over nothing." I growled glaring at the both of them.

Abel sighed first.
"You seem too much in a temper to drive so I'll take you there." He glanced to Nathan.
"You look bored out of your mind, are you wanting to ride?" He arched a brow and Nathan blinked.
"Well since you're twisting my arm about it, I honestly want to see Maverick get his ass chewed out by a human for being so damn dramatic, so yeah. I'll ride." He said with a smirk and my eye twitched in response.

"Have you talked to Adrian since after school?" I questioned in the passenger seat with Nathan in the middle behind us.
Abel glanced to me.
"Yeah, he calls me every day after he gets home and we talk about class, it's weird but it's also cute hearing him get frustrated over math." He grinned stopping at the redlight.
I only frowned in response looking out the window as he began to drive again.
"I really do think you're overthinking this Rick, what if we get there and he's actually busy with his mom and brother?" He frowned and so did I.
"Then I'll just apologize, but.. I have to see for myself." I said as we came into the suburbs of where his house would be.

Just two more left turns and it would be the third house on the right.
For once.
I was nervous that I was fixing to mess this up.
Hopefully he wasn't busy and his phone just died or something.
Then we'd laugh it off and kiss and I'd go home feeling better about everything.
But also feeling like a huge idiot.
For ever thinking Devyn would ignore me like this.

I was confused at how still the house seemed.
The lights were all on and the door was wide open.

I stepped out first but my eyes turned black at the amount of blood that I could smell.
"Do you guys smell that? Holy shit." Nathan stepped out looking at the house and nothing but fear struck me as I ran into the house to only feel insanely weak from the scene that was playing in front of me.
All of the blood that was scattered across the hall.
My eyes fell to the ground where this woman lied, completely motionless.
Was this..
Devyn's mom?

I knelt down hoping for some kind of hope for her to have some kind of pulse, but her body was cold as ice.
There was no saving here, not even as a vampire.
I walked down the hall and I was trying to keep it together.

There was a teen against the wall completely unconscious.
My brows were knitted together before I looked down.
And I was terrified.

"Oh baby.." I knelt down in the puddle of blood Devyn had been lying in for who knows how long.
Tears burned my eyes staring at him.
"What happened to you?" I laughed staring at his limp body.

"Maverick!" I looked over my shoulder to where both Abel and Nathan were, they were taking in the mess around us and my eyes wouldn't leave Devyn.
His body was so pale.
So broken.

"An ambush?" Nathan looked around and I swallowed bringing my hands under Devyn.
"This isn't the work of Magna." Abel crossed his arms walking over to me.
"Rick, is he-"
"I don't know." I growled at how cold his body was.
"I want to rip the heart out of the one who did this and shove it down his fucking throat." I glared harshly at both Abel and Nathan who flinched looking at me.
"Devyn didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve to have his life ripped from him!" I yelled but flinched at the sound of him groaning.

"Baby?" My brows were knitted looking at Devyn who's head was resting against my chest and I watched his brows knit for a moment.
I felt weak stumbling.
"H-He's alive-"

"No." Abel looked at him frowning deeply.
"He's transitioning, we have to get him out of here, Rick." He told me and my eyes fell on Devyn's brother and mom.
"What about them?" I frowned deeply.
"I'll call an ambulance, based on the mess here, it'll be shocking if they believe this was an animal attack, but we need to go. Now." He hissed and I cradled Devyn close against me before shutting the front door and Abel didn't hesitate.
He flew down the road breaking any speeding rules that existed as he drove back to the house.

"What is the meaning of the doors being slammed open and closed?!" Aunt Zendaya demanded coming down the stairs in anger before her eyes fell on Devyn and me.
Her expression softened.
"What happened to him?" She came right up to us but I did the shocking thing by growling which only earned a glare from her.
"Watch it Maverick, I didn't do this to him, so don't you dare give me attitude over what's been done." She hissed looking at Devyn with knitted brows.

"Was there a way to get the scent of who did this?" She asked and Abel's arms were crossed.
"Someone masked it so we wouldn't be able to track them down, it was a smart move but it leaves us blank on who attacked Devyn and his family-"
"Family?" Aunt's eyes were wide with concern.
"Are they-"
"His mom is dead." I said tightly frowning looking at Devyn.
"And his brother is probably in the hospital by now, but aunt.." I frowned at her.
"He's transitioning." I told her.

Aunt Zendaya frowned looking at Devyn.
"If you don't want this life for him Maverick there's only one thing you can do-"
"I won't." I glared at her and she glared back.
"Are you even certain the boy wants the life of a vampire? The pain we have to carry?" She pushed and I stepped back with Devyn in my arms.
"I won't rip his heart out, he's going to wake up as a newborn and he is going to mourn over the death of his mom." I glared at the three of them.
"We talked about it in the past and he said he would be okay being a vampire, but he wanted his family to know of our existence-"

"That can't happen." Aunt hissed and I growled.
"Well no shit-"

"Watch your mouth, Maverick!" I glared as Styx came into the room glaring at me.
"Have you lost your mind, talking to our aunt like that?" His eyes fell on Devyn.
"What the hell happened to him?" He asked and I looked at Devyn frowning.
"His family was attacked tonight by an unknown vampire and Devyn is transitioning as we speak." I told him.
Styx blinked but ran a hand through his hair.
"Good grief you asshole's won't let me or Elli ever relax will you? It's always healing nowadays, you know that takes a lot out of us." He pinched the bridge of his nose frowning with a hand on his hip before letting out a heavy sigh.

"So what are we going to do with him? Another sudden move in?" He looked to our aunt and she looked at me.
"Do you see a long life with this boy, Maverick?" She asked me and I looked at Devyn frowning.
"In the beginning no, I thought he was going to be some punk kid who just wanted to hook up, but he wanted the whole package." I smiled softly.
"I don't think I would of stressed out or brought him here if I didn't want to see a long life with this kid." I looked at him for the longest time.
"I promised to keep him safe and I broke that promise tonight, so he's my responsibility to make sure he makes it out of the transitioning okay." I frowned looking at him.

"So he'll be another addition to the family." Aunt Zendaya looked to Styx who was frowning.
"Should we just ask if the other kid wants to move in? I mean his two friends are already here." He stated and Abel frowned at him.
"No, but after tonight, I know to keep better tabs on Adrian and his family." His eyes fell on me.
"I'm not saying you failed as Devyn's boyfriend or anything like that Rick, I'm just saying that since there's another vampire out there hunting in Magna's place." He crossed his arms and I adjusted Devyn in my arms.
"Yeah.. that's a good idea, I'm going to bring him to my ro-"

"No, I need to heal his wounds Maverick, you can have him when he's awake and moving around, not for you to put in your bed and impatiently wait for him to wake up, he may freak out when he first wakes up and given the fact his own mother is dead because he's involved with us, you may not be the first face he wants to see when he wakes up. So give him space, he'll need it." Styx took Devyn from me and everything was cold watching the two leave the room and I felt so weak.

"He's going to hate me." I slumped against the wall with my palm to the side of my head looking at the dark brown carpet frowning.
"He's going to wake up, realize his mom is dead and Sevyn is in a coma, he's going to hate me." I frowned deeply.

"I don't think he's going to hate you Maverick." I looked to Nick who was frowning at me.
"He may be angry that being involved with vampires lead to the death of his mom, but I don't see him actually hating you," his eyes studied me for a minute.
"You may however want to go change and shower, you're covered in his blood." He told me and I looked down at my white t-shirt and gray jeans that were stained in blood.
"Oh." I frowned.
"I guess I should go clean up." I frowned leaving my brothers side and made my way to my room where the bathroom would be.

How was I going to explain this to his friends?
Jayce would be home any minute now and he'd know Devyn was here just based on the smell of a human's blood.
Devyn wasn't even human at this point.
He was transitioning into one of us, a vampire..
And what pisses me off the most.
Is the fact I wasn't the one who got to turn him.
I wanted to experience that with him.
To watch his eyes turn into that beautiful ruby red, for him to crave for blood.
He would still do those things when he woke up.
But it wouldn't be because I turned him.

That bastard took that from me.
He took Devyn's humanity and his mom.
I hated this.
I hated how angry I was over the fact that this may change how Devyn sees everything.
How he sees us.
And me..

How was I going to face him?
I failed him.

I slammed my hands into my face as I gritted my teeth falling to my knees in the shower.
He's going to wake up and be fucking devastated his mom is fucking dead.
He's going to be broken knowing Sevyn is in a fucking coma and we don't know when or if he'll ever wake up.
I stared at the water going into the drain.
If he rejects the vampire inside of him, he'll get sick.
Or in worse cases, he'll fall into a deep depression where he won't feed and if he doesn't feed.

He'll die.
And I won't let that happen.
I'll be selfish when it comes to his life in my hands.
I'll do what I can to make this okay.
For him to be okay.
For us to be okay.

Because all I want, is for Devyn to still accept me.
To accept himself as what he'll be.
And to continue living no longer as a human.
But as a vampire.

I just hope this goes in the way that I want.
And none of it backfires.
Because if I lose Devyn over this.

I'll lose myself.

And no one wants that.
Not even our enemies.
Because this mistake.
Will be their last.

I'll make sure of it myself.
Even if it kills me.

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