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**Adrian's Pov.**

It's been a few days since we were at Abel's house last, and Zendaya told me that they would let me know when either Rainer or Rose appeared to fix my arm.
Honestly I was already getting used to having it broken.
What I wasn't used to.
Was seeing my boyfriend, Synclair and Nathan all in the same school as us to watch for Magna and the others.
But after that story Abel told me.
I feel like something isn't adding up when it comes to Magna and what happened that night when Athan died.
I know I told myself I wouldn't try to think too much about it.
But this is affecting everyone we're involved with.
Lives are at risk all because Magna is trapped in the past and won't move on.
I can't say I understand how it feels to lose a sibling and I hope it never comes down to that, but part of me feels like Magna no matter what he tries, can move forward.

I noticed that the day in the cafeteria.
He was hesitant of even touching me, but something triggered him.
I just don't know what it was.
And that's what's bothering me the most.

"You're spacing out." I jumped hearing Abel behind me at the lockers and I turned to the other.
"Am I?" I questioned and he smirked softly with a nod.
"You are, is everything okay?" He asked and I thought about my answer.
"Yes." I smiled softly.
"Any word on when those people may be over?" I questioned and he sighed.
"According to my aunt, Rainer will be there tonight but we're going to have you come over tomorrow with it already being the weekend again." He explained and I ran a hand through my hair.

"Why does it seem like school is nonexistent? I think any time I end up here I somehow wind up at your house." I smirked and he grinned.
"You say that like it's a bad thing." He told me and I leaned up kissing his cheek.
"Not at all, thing's always end up interesting over there," my eyes traveled over to the locker where Jayce was and my brows knitted.

"Do you think he's going to be okay?" I found myself asking.
Abel glanced to Jayce then back to me.
"Like in what sense? Because it's fifty-fifty either way with him being marked by Nathan." He crossed his arms and I frowned at that.
"Nathan won't hurt him, right?"

"No my oblivious little human, I won't hurt your friend." I turned to the side where Nathan was now with a bag in his hand and his eyes on Abel.
"We're linked so for example if he were to get hurt, I would feel it and if I got hurt. He would feel it, but because I am stronger than him both physically and mentally. All that would hurt him the most is where his mark is." He explained and I looked to Abel who inhaled sharply.
"Shouldn't you be where he is?" He asked now glancing to the lockers and Nathan smirked.
"Even though we're marked I don't have to be with him all the time, unless he asks me too, plus he's still pissed at me for lying." He shrugged going to walk away but I frowned in response.

"What do you mean for lying?" I questioned.
Nathan blinked but then smirked deviously.
"I told him I'd be gentle but was the polar opposite." He whistled walking away from us now.

I turned back to Abel now.
"Would you lie about something like that?" I asked him frowning with an arched brow and Abel's eyes widened before rubbing the side of his neck with a small smirk.
"Well..., honestly Adrian, I can't say for certain I'd be as gentle as you'd probably prefer. We tend to push our luck when it comes to being in that situation." He looked at me and my face was growing warm.
"So you'd be rough?"
Abel swallowed before looking at me.
"I'd try to be gentle in the beginning, I respect you and your wishes but sometimes, we lose control and do what we want." He explained.

I stared at him.
"Oh?" He brow arched and I blinked.
"Yeah. Oh." I closed the locker and left his side but was only grabbed by the other who looked at me with concern in his eyes.
"I'm not saying I'd lose control when we did it Adrian, I'm just warning you that it can happen." He looked around.
"We're not human." He whispered and I looked at him.
"I can understand that, I think I'm just worried that if we did it and I told you to stop, you wouldn't is all." I was blushing at this point and I couldn't control my face from burning.
"Adrian." I looked at him but relaxed with his lips on mine.
"I would stop if you told me too, I'm not a monster who would scare you like that." He said with reassurance and I stared for a moment before nodding with a soft smile.
"Good to know." We went to move but came to a stop.

"It's still broken I see." Magna stood there smirking with these guys behind him and Abel grabbed my free hand glaring at him.
"I thought you would of tried to fix it." He arched a brow at Abel who glared at the other.
"Kind of can't when you put a god damn curse on it." He growled and Magna grinned wickedly.
"Oh right that! I actually forgot I did that, but what can you do?" His eyes fell on me and they darkened with amusement.
"I guess it'll stay like that until you're a corpse." He shrugged and my eye twitched.
"We're getting someone over to fix it because vampires can't." I hissed.

Magna arched a brow before his eyes lit up.
"Oh you're desperate enough to involve a witch or wizard?" His eyes fell on Abel.
"That's pretty low even for a vampire, your healers should of been able to do it without relying on someone like them." He stated.
Abel glared.
"It's your fucking fault he's even in this situation, breaking bones like a child." He spat and Magna looked around before slamming Abel into the locker.

"Abel!" I cried out and froze at how fast Nathan and Synclair were ripping Magna away from the other.

Magna's eyes were wide in amusement.
"So I wasn't just seeing things, you're both at this school now?" He grinned.
Synclair was the first to glare at him.
"For the sake of lives, yeah." He growled and I felt chills when Magna's eyes fell on me.

"Oh, so you told, even after I warned you what would happen if you did." He smirked looking around and so did I.
Where was Jayce?!
Magna looked at the three by the lockers.
"I wonder who is faster at running after all this time, because you can't save everyone." He disappeared fast and my eyes grew wide.

"H-He's after Jayce." I cried and Nathan glared daggers at me before looking around.
"Fuck!" He disappeared as did the others.

"What's going on?" Devyn ran over to me with Maverick and looked to where Nathan and the others ran off too.
"Magna found out I told Abel and the others and now he's after Jayce." I hissed and Devyn's eyes were wide as he looked to Maverick who didn't even have to ask before letting the others hand go and ran off.

"Fuck! What happens if I just killed Jayce?" I cried and Devyn took me by the shoulders frowning with knitted brows.
"It won't happen, they won't let it." He told me trying to reassure us both.
It didn't help how terrified I really was.

**Jayce's Pov.**

It's still burning from the other night and it was beginning to piss me off that he didn't even warn me that it would take a few days before it healed.
I stood in the locker room with my arms crossed, I wanted to put my shorts on but Nathan said if I did that.
It would only make it burn so I had to keep wearing pants to keep pressure added to the mark.
It was so annoying!

I jumped to the sound of the door slamming open and my brows knitted.
Who was coming in here with a temper like that?
I went to walk around the corner but only turned around fast at who it was.

What do I do?
I couldn't call anyone without risking being heard.
I opened the locker as quietly as I could before sliding inside.
I felt like a kid hiding from a group of bullies as I stayed in the locker waiting for him to leave.
I can't believe I was saying this.
But I wanted Nathan.

"Found you~"
I couldn't even react before the locker door was ripped open and I was being forced out and thrown into a group of guys.

"Your friend really is stupid and doesn't care much about if you or your friends die." Magna smirked at me and my brows were knitted going to move but this guy with brown hair and hazel eyes held me perfectly still.
"Even after I warned him to stay quiet he still opened that mouth of his and basically tossed you to an early grave." Magna smirked and I glared softly.
"He was being selfless by doing that, now you can't go around killing innocent people all because you're throwing a fucking tantrum!" I yelled and I wasn't even sure where that confidence came from but I didn't regret it.

"Well said." I felt relieved seeing Nathan standing there with Snyclair, Abel, Maverick, Ashby and Nick.
Magna glanced to them with a smirk.
"It's so like you bring tag alongs for a fight you already know you could win if you actually tried, Nathan, take 1866 for example. You fought off a lot of vampires on your own over the sake of your little brother who I ran into the other day." He shrugged and Nathan's eyes turned black.
"Did he tell you that Dallas was back as well?" Magna walked closer to me and I wanted to move.
I wanted to shove these guys off and to run.
But I was weak.

"Apparently more vampires are coming from Italy because of the past, they still see Abel as a potential leader over that pathetic community you tried hard to create," Magna said with a roll of his eyes.
"Wanting humans and vampires to coexist was such a sick thought and at one time you actually thought so as well, Abel." His eyes flickered and Abel only glared.
"Because the humans we knew back then weren't good at negotiating!  So of course I had my doubts of that community ever happening, it was a goal of mine but it came to a fucking end-"

"Because you killed Athan!" Magna yelled in pure anger glaring at him.
"You killed my brother and you thought you could still get what you wanted with that community after killing someone who looked up to you, who fucking admired you! Big shock you only care about your god damn self when it comes to those goals of yours." He stared me down for the longest time before smirking softly.
"But I came here with two goals in mind myself, for the sake of a distraction of never getting something back." He grabbed the collar of my shirt and I flinched hearing Nathan growl.

"My first goal was to just exterminate all of the humans here and create a new community, you know start what you couldn't finish." Magna smirked.
"I could have all of California become vampires with just a snap of my finger, but it would take more than a week to make that process happen. It is a lot less time unlike back in Italy where you wanted to hand choose who was capable of existing as a vampire and who wasn't." He glanced to Abel.
"So I'm postponing that first goal of mine, the second one now." He looked down at me as his eyes turned black.

"Was to destroy everything you traitors cared about, starting with those humans and this pathetic excuse of a vampire." He growled now.
And I wasn't sure what it was.
Maybe the adrenaline of the thought that I really may die right here.
But I used what courage I had and stomped hard on the guys foot behind me before kicking Magna in the knee and ran right for Nathan.

"Nathan!" I called out to him and my eyes were wide at how fast he moved and how fast his fist swung connecting to Magna's face knocking him back off his feet and onto the ground.
Nathan had a tight grip on me as he glared harshly at Magna who sat there massaging his jaw glaring at Nathan who wouldn't let me go.

"Now I see, the two of you are linked." Magna got to his feet smirking deviously.
"So I get the joys of killing you as well, Nathan." He said and Nathan only smirked in response.
"Good luck with that, you're lucky I don't kill you right here for touching what's mine." He growled and Magna's eyes fell on me with amusement as I pushed into the other vampire glaring at him.
"What's stopping you?" He asked him.
I looked to Nathan who was frowning deeply.
Magna glanced to him then to me smirking.
"Don't tell me you've gotten soft for this little vampire, you know he smells more like a human than us. It's hard to believe he's even a vampire, that's why it's so damn pathetic." He snarled and Nathan shoved me behind him glaring at Magna.
"The only thing I see pathetic here is someone who's so fucking full of himself that he thinks for a god damn minute anyone on this side is going to let you touch a single person in this school." He spat now and I was suddenly impressed by how serious he looked and sounded.

"You're not welcome here Magna, you're trapped in the fucking past over a death no one can prove that happened except you and Remus, you're so fucking pathetic even Athan would think so-"
"Keep his fucking name out of your traitorous mouth, Nathan Steele!" Magna snarled hatefully now and Nathan only stared at him.
"I'm stating facts and I'm sure Ambrose, Dante and even Cain would agree that you've sunken pretty fucking low from where you used to be. Doing all of this over the sake of a kid who would hate you for going after Abel." He stated and Magna was growling at the other glaring daggers at him.
"He killed-"

"Shut the fuck up already, you sound like a broken record repeating the same damn line over and over again." Nathan stepped up glaring.
"You keep saying he killed Athan, your precious little brother, we fucking know! We were all present when the elders said Abel was guilty, but you keep repeating it like he's going to come back. Newsflash, the dead can't be revived unless you use blood rising." He spat.

"Blood rising?" I found myself asking out loud and Nick glanced to me.
"It's when a vampire is destroyed you can use his ashes and some blood magic and it brings them back to life, it's a hard spell and only the rarest vampires can use that sort of power. Not even a witch can do it. Humans can be known to use their blood to bring that vampire back as a newborn, but like I said. Only the rarest vampires are capable of pulling that sort of thing off." He explained. 
I frowned deeply.
"Then couldn't we just help-"

"No." Nathan glanced to me glaring softly.
"We're not helping someone who not only tried to kill you, Nick and Adrian. I don't trust Magna, not anymore." He hissed.

"Well that's fine." Magna commented with a shrug.
"I wouldn't dream of asking any of you traitors to bring back someone who you used to enjoy seeing, time does change a person." He smirked looking right at me.
"And with that said, I believe it's time to go to class." He looked to the three behind him and his eyes were stuck on me as my brows knitted.

Nathan grabbed me and kept me away from the four who walked out first and I looked to the others who were all glaring at the door.
"I think we should help-
"Jayce I said no." Nathan glared at me.
I glared right back.
"If we used the blood rising spell and got Athan's ashes, we could revive him and Magna would leave everyone alone. All he wants is-"
"I SAID NO!" Nathan yelled and my eyes were wide as I stood there stiff as a board staring at him.

"That's our cue." Nick said pushing the others out of the locker room leaving me and Nathan alone as I stood in front of him.
He was still glaring and I just frowned deeply at him.

"The dead should stay dead, the reason vampires who can use blood rising are so rare is because they're dangerous. They don't use blood rising for the fun of it, they're not God's and no one is fixing to rely on them to bring a kid back from the dead because it may cease issues for us." He looked at me no longer glaring but frowning.
"Nick never should of said anything regarding that fucking spell." He growled and I frowned deeply at the other.

"I just think it would help everyone-"
"Drop it, Jayce." He said in a warning growl and I glared.
"Oh I get it now, just because I'm marked by you, you think you can suddenly order me around and tell me what to do." I smirked bitterly.
"Newsflash, I'm still me," my eyes flickered.

"And I don't feel like doing as you say." I said walking out of the locker room leaving the other alone.

Maybe I should bring it up to Adrian and Devyn, see what they say or think about this.
I can't be the only one who wants the drama with that Magna person to end.
If we brought Athan back from the dead.
Things should go back to normal.


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