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"Your family is having a private dinner tomorrow and they wanted you to invite me and Devyn?" I questioned over the phone staring at Jayce and Devyn both who held confused expressions.
{"Yes, because Maverick and I are seeing you and Devyn, they'd like to meet the two of you in person, it's a bit complicated on the reasoning but they said to invite you."} He explained over the phone and I frowned in response.
"I mean that sounds fine with me and Devyn's schedule is also clear for tomorrow, what would be a good time to come?" I asked the other.
He went quiet on the other end and I nibbled my lip.
{"Eight, I'll have my driver come get the two of you tomorrow and if you'd like, you can bring a guest, our home is large so inviting a third guest wouldn't exactly bend our arms here, it's up to you of course."} He told me and I nodded looking at my two friends.

"So eight tomorrow?" I repeated to make sure I heard him correctly.
{"Yes, eight, and Adrian?"} He paused as if waiting to take him off speaker.
I brought the phone to my ear now.
{"I apologize about earlier today, my cousins interrupting us, I should of stayed by your side instead of running off with them. The meeting wasn't as serious as I thought it would be, so a lot of time was wasted."} He explained softly and I smiled.
"It's fine, I wasn't worried about that, I figured it was still something you needed to deal with, but I'll see you tomorrow night, Abel." I told him.
{"Goodnight, Adrian."}
"Goodnight." I hung up with a heavy sigh.

"Why does this feel like unwanted drama?" Devyn asked me and I shrugged staring at the ceiling, frowning as I laid there thinking it over.
"Maybe something happened and they're wanting to make sure we're worthy of their family?" I suggested.
Jayce arched a brow.
"If they have to check that shit out then they're the ones who aren't worth it." He stated.
Devyn ran a hand through his hair.
"It is a bit much just to see them." He told me biting his gum and I frowned.

"Well I'm still going to see what's up with this, I mean maybe the family is actually nice and we're just over thinking it?" I frowned not really believing myself now.
Devyn stared at me before glancing to Jayce.
"He said we could invite a person, wanna be our plus one?" He asked the black haired teen who arched a brow.
"I dunno, I feel like I'll be the odd man out-"
"You won't." I told the other trying to pep myself up about this.
"You can tag along and take notes on them while we're there, again maybe they'll be nice and we're just being shitty people assuming the absolute worst." I said.

When the morning came I had so much anxiety just thinking about this.
Were we supposed to dress nice?
I messaged Abel but he never got back to me about that.
I had a few outfits picked out and the guys said they'd come back to the house by six to hang out and wait for our ride to get here.
I was nervous.
What if we got there and weren't even given the chance to impress these guys?

I knew they weren't Abel's parents because they lived off in Italy, maybe they were Maverick's?
I stood in my room as my brows knitted thinking it over.

"What you doing up here, baby?" I turned around to my mom who was still in her night gown looking half awake as she held a cup of coffee.
"Just trying to figure out what I'm wearing tonight, me and Devyn were invited to Abel's tonight and I don't know if I'm supposed to dress classy or be comfortable." I told her.
Mom came further into the room looking at the clothes I had picked out.

"Did you ask him about what attire you should wear?" She questioned and I nodded.
"I did but I guess he's busy because I haven't heard from him." I sighed and she smiled softly.
"Just wear a nice t-shirt, jeans and a nice jacket to cover you sweetie. I'm sure you're thinking too much into how to dress for his family and as sweet as that is, you don't want to over do it." She told me smiling softly and I sighed.
"I guess not." I looked at the clothes on the bed then at my closet.

"So Abel said the car will be here shortly." I looked at the message Abel had sent as I stood in the living room with Devyn and Jayce.
We each didn't know how nice we were supposed to dress and Abel never responded to that message, maybe he never received it, or his message never sent.
I don't know but I was beginning to get cold feet thinking about this.

I was in my dark blue jeans with a dark purple shirt on, my black jacket actually worked well with the outfit, I had considered the scarf but didn't want to over do it.
Devyn had his hair pushed back even though some was trying to poke out, he was in his red shirt and black pants with his jacket in hand in case he needed it.
And then Jayce had his black shirt on, unlike me he was wearing his gray scarf and blue jeans with his hair messy.
It actually made him look a lot younger than your average sixteen year old.

"You look like you're going to prom." Hyde commented as I made sure there wasn't dirt on me before looking back at my brother.
"We wanted to look nice-"
"You look like you're over doing it, what happens if no one is dressed up?" He asked and the three of us exchanged looks.
"We'll just ditch the jackets." I told him and Hyde only rolled his eyes but smirked softly.
"Okay well have fun, don't embarrass yourself or the family you're dining with, and don't talk about school. No one cares about your school life." He told us.

Devyn arched a brow.
"Excuse you I have a exciting school life-"
"Again, no one will care." He said as the sound of a car horn honked outside the house.

"There's the driver, let's go." I said dragging my two friends out of the house before Devyn and Hyde tried to get into a fight over something stupid again.

"Is anyone else nervous?" Jayce asked sitting in the middle of me and Devyn.
"I would be lying if I said no, I mean this will be our first time meeting Abel's and Maverick's family, good first impressions are important here." I said looking out the window feeling chills racing through me.
I kept getting bad vibes the whole way there.
What if we mess up.
Or they don't like us?
What if they wanted us to be girls?
So many negative thoughts kept appearing in my head as we came up to this large gate.

"Excuse me." The driver got out and walked over to the side punching what I assumed the code in before returning to the car and driving through the opening gates.

"I have never felt so poor in my life." Devyn complained as the gates closed behind us.
My chest was squeezing me tight and it only got worse when the house that looked like a mansion came into view.
This was their house? Holy-

"Holy shit." Devyn's eyes were wide as we drove around the driveway towards the door where both Abel and Maverick were waiting.
"Can I bail?" Jayce asked looking to me with his brows knitted.
"No." I said tightly.
"We're already here." I told him wanting to run away.

"I apologize I couldn't pick you up myself." Abel came up to me and I tried to relax despite how hard my heart was pounding.
"We were busy getting the evening ready for the three of you." He smiled softly pressing his lips to mine and I suddenly relaxed.
"It's fine." I said at last.
"The ride here was nice and we've been looking forward to meeting your family." I told him and he smiled softly.
"I'm glad and you each dressed appropriately, my aunt will be happy about that, shall we go in?" He suggested and I nodded, his hand taking mine and I quickly grabbed Jayce while Devyn stayed in the back with Maverick.

"Your home really took me by surprise when we got here, I wasn't expecting it to be so big." I commented and Abel glanced to me smirking softly.
"It's a bit much for my taste but it works for the ones who live here, originally it was a small hotel but my uncle worked hard into making it more of a home." He explained walking us towards this long hallway where the smell of delicious food was coming from.

"I hope you're hungry." He smiled and I nodded glancing to Jayce and Devyn who also nodded.
"We refrained from eating just so we could actually eat with your family tonight, I think it would of been rude to come here full and couldn't eat anything." I told him and he nodded smiling softly.
"Your consideration never fails to amaze me, its one of the things I like about you." He said pushing the door open and suddenly.
I couldn't breathe.

There were maybe sixteen people in this room and that was excluding the ones who just walked in.
The table was incredibly long.

"Ah our guests have arrived, welcome." My eyes fell on the woman who stood and came over to the small group of us.
She was gorgeous, she was tall with long curly red hair and soft gray eyes, she had a beauty mark under her left eye.
She wore a dark red dress with high heels on.
She smiled at the three of us.

"My name is Zendaya Rhodes, but you can just call me auntie Zendaya or-"
"Aunt." Abel glared at her and she smiled at him.
"Zendaya will be fine, please, come join us." She joined the man who was glaring daggers at us before his eyes fell on her and his expression tried to soften.
But it failed.

"So, my nephews spoke highly of the two of you but I haven't heard either of them mention the one next to you." Zendaya spoke her eyes on me as I glanced to Jayce who was stiff as a board and avoiding making eye contact with anyone in the room.
"Yes ma'am, this is mine and Devyn's friend. Abel told us we could bring a friend-"
"Did he now?" She smiled at Abel.
"You didn't go over that with me or your uncle-"
"I figured it was fine aunt, I apologize for not informing you about the last minute decision of my suggestion to my date into bringing a plus one. I didn't see the harm in it." He was speaking so formally that it brought me back to the first night we met.
I noticed yesterday he was actually dropping his formal way of talking but I didn't want to mention it.
But tonight he was laying it on thick in front of his family.
Was this the way he was supposed to speak in front of his aunt and uncle?

"It's alright, I wouldn't be as rude as to ask our unannounced guest to leave, after all we threw this dinner together to get to know these three and to understand why my two nephews are so interested in you two." She smiled and suddenly I was uncomfortable being here.

"There really isn't anything interesting about us." Devyn shrugged looking to me and I tried to relax but I couldn't.
"We're just some sophomore high schoolers who deal with drama, I somehow managed to snag Adrian a date that's lead to them actually being more into each other than I thought, and I somehow landed in a relationship with Maverick. We don't do anything interesting." He shrugged and Jayce glanced to me before his eyes lit up as if he were about to say something.

"Adrian is interesting, he plays the piano." Abel spoke up and my face suddenly grew warm.
"The piano?" His aunt sounded interested but everyone else looked unimpressed.
"I haven't played in a while." I spoke lowly and Abel smirked softly.
"I told you I'd like to hear you play sometime, if my aunt will allow it, we have a piano in the main hall-"

"Why would we want to be put to sleep? The piano is a boring instrument and has nothing dramatic about it." This guy spoke up with a bored look in his green eyes.
"The piano can be dramatic depending the song you play." I somehow found my voice and everyone's eyes locked on me.
The brunet's eye twitched looking at me.

"No one is using the piano tonight we're here for get to know the hu-guests." The man sitting next to Zendaya spoke up.
She smiled in his direction before looking at the three of us.
"I would like to just cut to the chase if you don't mind and will forgive my bluntness but my nephew informed me the other night you had a run in with an individual." She looked at us and my brows knitted.
"We haven't ran into anyone?" I looked to Jayce and Devyn who frowned in response to this.
But she smiled.
"That you can remember."
She raised her hand as Abel stood there glaring at her.
My eyes fell on him and he had his fists bawled glaring daggers at this woman.

She laced her fingers together.
"The individual you ran into was attempting to assault you in a more violent way than you'd probably like, he was spouting nonsense like wanting to taste your blood, do you remember this?" She asked looking right at me and it was like the fuzzy feeling in the back of my head had vanished and suddenly everything from that night was more clear, and based on Devyn's expression, he was apparently remembering everything from that night more clearly as well.

"I thought he was just some drunk guy who had a bit too much to drink, I wasn't taking him serious until.." I thought more about it and frowned.
"Until?" Abel's eyes were on me with his brows knitted.
I looked at Devyn who was frowning deeply.
"His eyes." I looked right at Zendaya.
"His eyes were lighter but after he found out I was bleeding from injuring myself that night with Maverick, Abel and Devyn. His eyes changed color? I thought it was me seeing things but then he said he wanted to have a snack.." The color was draining from my face and it was getting harder to breathe.

"Do you believe in vampires?" She asked us and my eyes grew wide.
"Are you saying he was one?" I asked her.
Everyone looked to each other then to her.
She smiled softly.
"I would rather not put the poor lad in danger, I mean, you lot are just kids. You'd be bound to tell-"

"No." I cut her off looking to Devyn and Jayce who were looking at her more serious now.
"I've had this discussion a few times already and I wouldn't tell anyone if vampires existed." I told her and she looked surprised by my answer.
"Even though they're threatening?"
"In what sense?" I frowned.
"I can understand them being territorial and hungry but I don't see them as these monsters other people would see them as. I've already told my friends here and Abel that I think vampires have just as much a right to live as humans do. I feel like we can exist equally if there was communication-"

"Communication?" Zendaya smiled.
"You mean one of you boys telling the town that vampires exist and would like-"
"I'm sorry but you keeping saying one of us like we'd open our mouths over a secret as big as that." My brows were knitted.
Zendaya looked at me.
"Are you confirming for certain you wouldn't tell humans that vampires existed? No matter what risk that'd put you under?" She asked and I swallowed thinking it over.

"No." I looked at her as Devyn and Jayce looked at me like I was crazy.
"If that guy before was a vampire then he was just trying to feed, I wouldn't announce it to the world that someone's trying to eat to survive. That's rude, that's like a vampire complaining humans can eat garlic or go out in the sunlight." I shrugged and everyone just stared at me before a few people actually chuckled that lead to full blown laughter.

I glanced to Abel and he was also smiling but not in a teasing way to make me feel anymore embarrassed than I already felt.

"You've definitely found an interesting one, Abel." Zendaya smiled at the one next to me and her eyes fell on me next.
"I approve of you, Adrian Grimes, I've heard what you've had to say and I actually believe your word. Which is rare, but I'm not convinced the two you brought with you feel the same way." She said and my eyes fell on Devyn and Jayce both now.

Devyn looked at her.
"I would rather not cause anymore drama in this town ma'am, like Adrian here, I'd also stay quiet about the truth getting out over the vampires existing. I mean it's pretty cool to know they're real and meeting one would be pretty cool, but I wouldn't put them in danger like most people." He shrugged.
"Like Adrian said, they have just as much a right to live, unless they've hurt me in an unforgivable way...No, not even then would I tell the town." He said and I looked at the other frowning.

"If we have a problem with each other I'd like us to deal with that problem instead of tattling like a pair of bratty ass kids, my parents raised me better than that and as much as I like to act like a brat. Acting like one to expose another being who just wanted to exist? That's not me." He crossed his arms and Maverick actually looked impressed with his answer.

Zendaya smiled softly.
"Boldly spoken, I approve of you as well, Devyn Fox." Her eyes fell on Jayce who hadn't said a word and looked like he was shrinking.

"And you, Jayce?" She questioned and his brows knitted looking between me and Devyn.
He ran a hand through his hair.
He just sat there before standing up and everyone's eyes were on him.
"Jayce?" I frowned and his eyes fell on me.

"I just need a moment, this night isn't what I was expecting at all and all the vampire talk is really messing with my head, may I use your bathroom?" He looked at Zendaya who was hesitant but nodded.

"I'll show him, you guys really know how to throw a dinner party." This girl with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes spoke up, she wore a solid white dress without any shoes on.

"Well that settles that." I watched this guy stand up and for some reason I got real bad vibes from the way Abel and Maverick glared at him.
"Where are you going, Nathan?" Abel asked glaring.
This guy stood at his chair with his brown hair pushed back exposing his brown eyes that really looked more black than they looked brown.
His eyes fell on Zendaya and the man who had been quiet up until recently.

"I'll be back shortly, I'm just going out for a smoke." He grabbed his jacket and disappeared from the room.

**Unknown Pov.**

It was all a joke.
He knew it was.
To invite those humans here, it was obvious one of them weren't going to be able to keep up with where his aunt was going with this.
To be carefully laying out the truth right in front of those humans just for them to turn out to be complete idiots.
Except for that one who got cold feet and disappeared.

Nathan's eyes traveled as he looked around to make sure there was no one around.
He would make this quick.
They had already confirmed the humans would be turned if there was even a chance one of them would tell the other humans.
And this quiet little brat was going to be the one to ruin it for everyone.
At one point.
Nathan was also believing what those two humans were saying in the room.
But it was like he was brought back to reality when that Jayce character asked to be excused.

He had to be dealt with.

"What are you doing?" Eliana asked standing on the opposite side of the room where the door that would lead to the bathroom was.
Her arms were crossed and looking right at Nathan who's eyes were black.
"He's a risk, you and I both know that-"
"We don't know for certain he'd even tell Nathan, you can't assume all humans are bound to spill the truth just because their hesitant on answering." She hissed but he wasn't hearing it.

He banged on the bathroom door that was ripped open by none other than Jayce who looked both confused and vulnerable to anything right now.
Nathan shoved the other back into the bathroom locking the door.

"You know." He growled.
Jayce stared back at the other.
"I'm sorry?" His brows were knitted and Nathan let out an annoyed chuckle.
"The vampires, the hints my aunt was dropping, it's painfully obvious you really know what's going on." He spoke lowly as Jayce glared now.
"I really don't just like I don't appreciate you cornering me like you know everything, now let me out." He hissed.

Something snapped.
Nathan slammed Jayce against the wall snapping the others neck back as his fangs bared out.
But something interesting happened.
Something unexpected.

Jayce's blue eyes had turned black as his fangs bared out trying to get out of Nathan's hold.
Nathan's eyes were wide but they were soon full of amusement and curiosity.
"Well now, this was not what I was expecting." He let Jayce go who's eyes flickered back to blue glaring daggers at Nathan now.

"You're a fucking vampire."


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