Chapter thirtyfive

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Later as I stood at the entrance getting people who arrived I saw Carlos arrive with Avery. I smiled as I saw how in love they looked, as they looked at each other you could see they forgot about everything else around them.

' Welcome love birds! ' I said as I greeted them.

Avery laughed ' hey Quinn, how are you ' she said as she hugged me.

' I'm great thanks ' I said as I hugged her back.

As I stood there talking to Avery, Charles arrived with Charlotte on his arm. I forced a smile as I saw them but I actually felt sad seeing them together. I still liked him even though everything my feelings didn't just disappear like that even though sometimes I tried to make it.

As we then greeted each other Charles and Charlotte went inside to everyone else while I stood there trying to not cry.

Later when I had greeted everyone I went inside where I saw Lewis who soon came up to me asking me what was wrong. I tried to keep a calm face but I couldn't so I broke down in front of Lewis telling him about what happened.

' I'm sorry, I keep trying to move on with you then always go back to liking him ' I said.

' it's fine, I knew from the start that we weren't anything serious I am gladly your rebound to make you feel better ' he said.

I felt bad honestly, Lewis was always there for me doing everything he could to make me happy while I kept using him to try and move on. I knew it wasn't fair to him, but I couldn't help it.

— — — —

I hugged him as we made our way downstairs again together to be with everyone else at the party.

I just sighed seeing there was a lot of people there I just at this moment wanted the ground to swallow me whole. I wanted to just for once lay in bed ignoring all of my problems, but as usual the universe said no.

Just as I stood there chatting to people I saw my parents entering with my brother. I suddenly froze when they came up to me smiling with their ' you've fucked up bad ' expressions.

' Hello Quinn ' my mother said.

' Hi mother.. ' I said as I looked down to the floor.

' Where is your husband or should I say ex husband? ' she said angrily.

I looked at her for a second with guilt in my eyes before it burnt inside of me.

' you know what I tried!, I tried, I always try my best, but you never see that I try you always think I am that hopeless case of a daughter. He's in love with someone else, I wanted it to work out I really did cause I fell for him but he didn't want the same and I was not about to force him to be with me! I'm not you and I won't ever be but you know what it's fine I don't have to be, I am done with your shit and your big expectations on me. I am my own person not some fucking perfect image you made up of me ' I said.

I looked at them before I calmed down and said ' With that said have a wonderful evening, hope you enjoy the party '

As I walked away my parents looked at each other and then at my brother in shock. I knew I wasn't perfect for them and I would never be but it was okay. I was my own person and I was proud of myself, that was all that mattered in the end of the day.

Later as I stood with Lewis and danced a little with Luna on the side while Lewis was talking to other drivers my brother came up to us.

' Hey sis, hey Luna ' he said as he hugged me and then went in to hug Luna.

' Hey! ' Luna said as she smiled.

' hello brother ' I said as I hugged him back.

' I'm sorry about what mom and dad said, I'm proud of you for trying in the first place '

' thank you, I love you ' I said.

As we all three stood there talking a little about everything Lewis came grabbing my waist from behind and introducing himself to my brother.

' Hey I'm Lewis ' he said as he took his hand out to greet my brother.

' Hey I'm Quinn's brother ' my brother said as he shook Lewis hand.

For a moment I was nervous about them getting along but it turned out that they got along pretty great. My brother seemed to like Lewis, Lewis seemed to like my brother as well. I couldn't tell for sure but they seemed to bond well which made me happy. Mostly as my brother didn't get along with many people for most parts, after a while my sister in law and my nieces came to us. I immediately hugged my nieces the moment they ran up to us, god how I'd missed them. I hadn't seen my nieces since last year around Christmas which was a few months ago.

We all just stood there I talked with my sister in law, Luna and my nieces while Lewis and my brother talked. Those two talked about racing and much other stuff so we just let them bond while we talked about other stuff as they seemed so busy with their own conversation.

Lewis who had grabbed my waist pulling me towards him so I stood besides him again with my head resting on his shoulder, introduced me to his friends outside of the track when they came up to us greeting Lewis.

Then he went back to speaking to my brother and his friends about their stuff. Which I didn't mind I just stood there besides him as I talked with my sister in law, Luna and my nieces.

I from time to time saw my parents with Charles and other people but this night I didn't really care about them and what they did. They could do whatever they liked, at this point I didn't even have the energy to care.

— — — —

Later I danced with Lewis while my brother and sister in law danced. When I saw my parents staring at us all four, I just rolled my eyes at them which they might've seen.

' Hey Olivia come! ' I said to my niece who stood on the side with Luna.

As she started running to me with her small legs my heart melted. I danced with Olivia and Lewis who I noticed was super good with kids, I could picture Lewis being a good father to some kid some day. And an amazing husband to some lucky woman in the future, I knew he wanted to be a father and have his little family. I always thought he would be a great father and husband to some children and some lucky woman some day.

I also wanted a family which I hoped in the end would be Charles. I had fallen for him somehow in all of the craziness and now I sometimes pictured us having our little family in the future and I often pictured myself with Lewis future wife having nights where we took the kids and went to have play dates for our children.

Some day.. some day I hoped it would happen. I of course knew that in the end I would be happy with however my life turned out. Even if I wasn't gonna end up with Charles I would probably be happy anyway, cause I would be with loved ones and that was all that mattered in the end.

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