Chapter thirtyseven

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The next morning as I woke up I saw Charles sleeping next to me but somehow it didn't feel the same way I thought it would. This was what I'd wanted for months ' wasn't it? ' I thought to myself.

Or maybe I was just used to seeing Lewis sleep besides me every morning by now. Maybe it was just that I wasn't used to seeing Charles besides me but if it was only that why did it feel so wrong. ' why doesn't this feel completely right ' i thought to myself as I stated at Charles who was still sleeping peacefully besides me.

Was this the right thing for me? Yes it was Quinn! ' Get those stupid thoughts out of your head! ' I loved Charles he was the right one for me. He was the one I wanted to start a family with, that's that.

I just wanted to stop thinking about everything so I decided to go up slowly as not to wake Charles up. As I finally stepped into the steaming shower I suddenly missed the times where I'd feel Lewis join me in the shower just keeping me company. Making me feel loved no matter what, somehow I didn't feel that feeling with Charles. It was like how much I even tried I saw Lewis in everything Charles did which made it hard to know I wasn't allowed to meet or even talk to him anymore.

Charles had sent someone to get my stuff and I just got to sent Lewis a quick text about it all before Charles took my phone. He didn't want me to spend time on Instagram or anything like that unless he gave me permission too. I missed Lewis in some ways, I would do anything to only have him as a friend right now even though I didn't want to have him as only a friend.

' no! Charles is my soulmate he's the one I'm gonna settle down with! ' I told myself as I sat down in the shower feeling lost in my own thoughts.

I decided to give it a few weeks right now I was just not used to Charles. I would get used to it and we could maybe get married again hopefully in a few months then start our little family.

— — — —

Two weeks later..

Suddenly I felt very ill out of nowhere so I ran to the bathroom to throw up. I heard Chloe running after me the second I stood up.

' god not again ' I thought to myself.

Chloe came behind me holding up my hair as I was throwing up.

' what's going on Quinn? ' she said.

My hands were shaking ' I don't know I have been feeling sick recently ' I said as I threw up again.

Chloe was silent for a moment.

I looked at her as she had a nervous look in her eye.

' what is it?? ' I said.

'  you know, you could be pregnant.. ' Chloe eventually said.

' what nooo I don't think so I've only had it once with Charles I don't get pregnant so easily ' I said as I laughed.

' well maybe take a test, just to be on the safe side Quinn '

' okay fine, the tests lays in the top counter ' I said as I sat there on the floor still feeling ill.

' why do you have pregnancy tests at home? ' she said looking at me confused.

' my sister in law and my brother are both living here for the moment as their home is getting renovated and they are trying for a baby so they always have those at home ' I said as I laughed lightly.

Chloe laughed as she gave me the test.

I took the test eventually, then we both sat there on the bathroom floor nervous. I think Chloe was as nervous as I was if not even more nervous, when the test was finally done I was too nervous to look and Chloe was also too nervous so we just called on my brother.

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