Chapter twentyeight

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I later found myself getting ready to meet Charles at a restaurant he'd chosen. One part of me knew this was just stupid but one part of me wanted to go in hope that he'd say he wanted to fix things with us.

Clearly that wasn't gonna happen and I knew it wasn't gonna, but I was my little delusional self as usual, in any way I'd go just to see what he wanted and if it went to hell Samantha was gonna stand outside the restaurant with the car.
Just as we'd made up that she was gonna plus this dinner thing wasn't gonna be longer than an hour anyway so she happily agreed to wait outside in the car. I eventually found myself going back and fourth in the room trying to pick a dress, meanwhile Nicola who was Lewis other sister and Samantha stood holding up two alternates.

' if you just go back and fourth it's kinda hard to take a look at the dresses properly ' Nicola eventually said.

' okay okay your right but I'm just nervous, you know?? ' I said while I stopped in front of the two dresses which of both of Lewis sisters were holding up.

' don't be it's going to go just fine ' Sam said as she walked up to me with the dress she held and gave me a sign to put it on.

I knew I couldn't stand there and choose anymore cause I had to drive to the restaurant in less than 10 minutes. In the end I went with the dress Samantha had held up and then I went to the car with her and we made our way to the restaurant Charles had chosen.

— — — —

On the way while we were in the car my hands were shaking non stop. I could not stop thinking about what it was that Charles had to tell me I was hoping it'd be something like that he wanted to give us a real try. But one part of me knew that was not gonna happen, it was just my delusional ass who always had to think that.

In any way I wanted this night to go well. I wanted to grow old with Charles, I wanted to raise kids together and I wanted to be the supportive wife but I couldn't be that if he wasn't the supportive husband and I knew that.

But it hurt more than I thought, the feeling of maybe loosing him hurt a lot more than I in fact thought it would.

As we later pulled up to the restaurant I saw Charles standing outside the restaurant so I got out of the car and nodded to Samantha to wait in the parking lot. As I stepped out of the car I greeted Charles who greeted me back then made our way inside.

As we got escorted to our table I tried holding Charles hand but he brushed it off. That felt weird. I thought to myself but didn't think more about it as I wanted to shake off the bad feelings and just enjoy this night, I was honestly just trying to drown myself in delusion rather than facing reality. Rather than facing that I had been hurt more than I'd felt love In this marriage, but I wasn't gonna give up on this just because I got hurt a few times. I knew Charles was a good guy and I knew he could be nice, it was just the fact that he loved Charlotte.

Charlotte right, I'd for a moment actually forgotten about all that.

Eventually when the waiter came to ask what we wanted to drink I just asked for a red wine, Charles asked for a wine as well. As we sat there he started off asking how my weekend with Lewis and his family had been. I told him all about Lewis niece and nephew, about how cute they'd been, also about how much time I'd spent with those two. I also ended up telling him about Samantha and Nicola, surprisingly he for once listened to what I said or at least looked like he did. He didn't look like he was busy with other stuff maybe he pretended to listen or maybe he didn't but I let it go.

After we had eaten Charles started off with saying ' so I think it's the perfect time for us to talk?? Or what do you think? ' .

I nodded nervously and he paid for the meal, then we were headed out for the garden outside the restaurant.

The arrangement | Charles Leclerc On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara