Chapter thirtytwo

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The next morning as I woke up I turned to the other side and found Lewis had already gone up. I looked around then heard the shower was on.

I just reached for my phone who was on the night table besides me. As I opened my phone I saw a message from Luna saying she was coming to London in two days asking me to pick her up from the airport then.

Just as I texted her back Lewis came in the room I looked at him and smiled.

' good morning handsome ' I said as I went up from the bed walking over to him wrapping my arms around him.

' good morning beautiful ' he said as he smiled then kissed me.

' what are your plans for today? ' I asked as he went to get dressed.

' I thought we could maybe go and explore the city a little if you want '

I got excited when he said that, ' yess I would love to! ' I said as I ran to get a shower and pick out an outfit.

In the end I went for a long white dress with long sleeves.

— — — —

As we walked to the elevator we talked about a little bit of everything. For quite a while he made me forget about everything else bad that was going on in my life, I wasn't gonna lie Lewis had been there for me through it all. Even before I got into this whole marriage thing he'd always be there for me when I had my family problems. He was simply just one of the only people who I trusted with my whole life.

When we got down to the lobby we saw Daniel and Heidi who were also heading out to explore the city so we just figured we all could go together. The more people the more fun it would be, although it would be fun with just me and Lewis as well.

As we were wandering the beautiful city Emilia Romagna heidi asked me ' so how's things with you and Lewis? '

' what do you mean ' I said a little panicked.

' oh come on you two were kissing, dancing close and flirting all night yesterday at the party ' she said as I blushed.

' uh yeah so don't get it confused I still like Charles, I promise i haven't moved on already ' I said.

' I won't judge you Quinn Charles have moved on so I won't and can't judge you for maybe wanting the same, Charles don't deserve you anyway after how he'd treated you plus Lewis was the one by your side the whole time not Charles. I'd be happy if you and Lewis got together honestly I think you'd be happy with him and not hurt ' Heidi said as she smiled at me.

She was right and I knew she was, but something in me wanted to stay delusional. I didn't know what or why but I did wanna stay delusional maybe it helped maybe it didn't. I had gotten a call from my mother yesterday after the divorce was signed but I didn't answer cause I was too scared of what she'd say.

I always told myself I didn't care what she thought but I did care. The fact was that I did care what she thought and said, I knew she would be disappointed because of the divorce but I knew I also had to live my life. I wanted to be able to breath and live not just barely survive. I deserved to do that I knew I did, I had done a lot of what they wanted me to do. Now I was gonna do what I wanted to do for once.

— — — —

I went up to Lewis who was walking with Danny taking his hand. At first he seemed shocked then he smiled, oh gosh how his smile was beautiful I hadn't noticed how beautiful his smile was before cause I'd been so busy with other stuff but now when we walked like this I noticed his melting smile.

After exploring the city and a 2 hour walk going in and out of stores we decided to all go and get some lunch. As we all had gotten hungry from all this exploring, it was hard to find a restaurant where we all wanted to eat but we eventually found one that was good.

After eating we all explored some more then we headed back to the hotel, ate dinner there and then went to bed feeling pretty exhausted.

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