Chapter seventeen

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The rest of the night was pretty much a big blur all I remember was dancing and drinking pretty much and then seeing Charles and Charlotte dance together and they seemed to have fun. And then the last thing I remembered was watching both Charlotte and Charles leave together. After that I just remember waking up in a hotel bed that wasn't mine.

' where am I? ' I said as I woke up with a pretty big hungover.

' your in a few rooms from your room don't worry ' I heard Lewis voice say.

' Lewis?? What am I doing in your room ' I said as I sat up and then came to my senses and said ' wait we didn't you know.. together right?? ' panicked.

' no don't worry you were blackout drunk and I was only a little drunk and Charles had gone from the party with Charlotte so I took you to the hotel but you didn't know where you put your room key so I just took you to mine and let you crash here and don't worry I slept on the couch ' he said smiling at me whilst coming with water. Coffee and medicine to make me feel better. Before he went and got ready and I sat there waiting for the medicine to work and Lewis went to my room to go and get a dress for me.

I styled the dress with some of Lewis shoes, a pair of Lewis sunglasses to try and cover my hungover mood and some of his jewelry that he said I could borrow. When we went downstairs Lewis bought me some more coffee to brighten up my mood and we got in the car together with Daniel, Heidi and seb on our way to the track.

' you look hungover ' Heidi said as she laughed.

' oh no is it that noticeable?? I tried to cover my hungover up ' I said laughing back.

' no it's just the way you sit and your face is that made me notice if you smile a bit and brighten up no one will notice trust me ' Heidi said smiling.

' well thank you for the advice heidi ' I said laughing lightly still feeling the hungover.

I leaned on Lewis shoulder whilst my headache was coming back and he took some medicine from my bag and gave me it to try and get rid of the headache I had and try to make me feel more bright and it for most part did.

' wait are you wearing Lewis stuff? ' Daniel said as he looked at me.

' no. ' I said quickly.

' your lying what did y'all do?? ' Daniel said again laughing.

I just punched his shoulder and then we arrived at the track and went out of the car and made our way to the paddock. Lewis asked me if I was coming in the Mercedes garage with him or if I was going with Heidi and Kelly and I thought about it and eventually ended up going and being in the paddock with Kelly and Heidi and I felt safe with them because they were those kind of people who always made you feel safe. As we sat there in the paddock I saw Charlotte walking there alone and I felt bad for her so I invited her to sit with us and Kelly and Heidi knew about Charlotte and Charles so before she came they asked me if I was sure and I'm not gonna lie I was hesitant but I couldn't let the poor girl go there all alone as she looked so lost. Charlotte came and sat down and we got to talking.

' what do you work as? ' I asked Charlotte.

' well I am an architect who newly graduated from university what about you? ' she answered me.

' well I am a model but I am currently putting that on hold as I got orders from my doctors to do so because of stress and my health ' I said smiling at her.

We talked some more and I noticed she was nervous so I asked her why she was nervous and she said ' well I thought you'd hate me because you know.. I heard you and Charles yesterday and I'm sorry I thought that he'd talked with you about me coming here ' as she was still nervous.

I took my hand on her shoulder and said ' it's fine it isn't your fault me and Charles problems are ours and I can see that you make him happy and that is all that matters I just got mad as I wanted it to be more private yk?? Just so it didn't come out to the media whilst we were still married '.

After I said that she seemed to calm down and be a little more chill around me and I liked it to be honest. I liked Charlotte as well she was a kind soul and human being and to be honest I kinda saw why Charles liked her so much she was an amazing human being and just so in general kind and sweet and caring. After qualifying was done we all agreed to go and meet with the guys and so we started going to the garages but on our way to the garages we met Lewis and we stopped to congratulate him as he was starting pole position tomorrow for the actual race and then we all started walking towards the others and we all were still walking with Lewis when Charles came together with Carlos so I hugged Carlos.

' hey Carlos!! My smooth operator you did so well today I'm so proud of you! ' I said as I pulled away from the hug.

' thank you Quinn! ' Carlos said as he smiled at me before greeting the others.

' you did alright Leclerc ' I said to Charles as he and I hugged a very awkward hug but for the media it would work.

' yeah uhm thanks ' he said as he pulled away from the hug to hug the others as well.

As we all stood there talking I was joking around with Lewis and Daniel when Charles excused himself to go to the garage and Charlotte went with him to get her things. I didn't even care that they left together I was not in the mood to care I just wanted tomorrow to be done with so I could go home to Monaco and be in my own home again or my new home as I would say. Or should I say mine and Charles home as technically it was both of our house but I was the one who was at home the most so I considered it my home only but you know. A few hours later we all went back to the hotel as tomorrow was a big day.

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