Chapter fifteen

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The next day we flew over to Canada for the Canadian Grand Prix, when we landed I wasn't speaking to Charles cause he was busy with other people anyways. He had warned me that the girl he liked was gonna be at the Grand Prix this weekend so we had made up a deal that I'd stay at the Mercedes garage as I could use some time with Toto and Susie. As we got in the cars to get to the hotel I decided to go in the car with Toto and Susie and the Mercedes team instead of going with Charles and the Ferrari team cause I couldn't do it not with how the terms we were on now looked like. As I got to my room on the other side of the hotel as Charles had his room I threw myself on the bed with my hands covering my face before I got my shit together as I heard someone knock on the door. When I got to the door I saw Lewis standing there with Daniel.

' hey is it okay if we come in? ' Lewis asked as I nodded and let them in.

' we just wanted to check if you were okay with you know everything going on with you and Charles '

' yeah I'm okay why wouldn't I be I hate the man anyways ' I said as i walked to find an outfit to have on as we were leaving for the track in less than 30 minutes.

' well maybe you wouldn't because he told you he loves someone else even tho your the one married to him so you must care somehow ' Lewis said as he looked at Daniel and then
looked at me.

' yeah and you know that you care ' Daniel added to what Lewis had just said.

' omg I am fine I don't care I hate the man I didn't choose to marry him '

' okay then ' Lewis said as he looked at Daniel again with a concerned face.

As I got done changing I went with Lewis, Toto, Susie and Daniel to the track. The second we came there it was a lot of paparazzi everywhere and they were attacking with questions why I didn't arrive with Charles. As I was on the verge of tears Lewis took my hand and lead me through the paparazzi and fans asking them all to give me privacy, then later on proceeded to lead me into his drivers room and let me sit there to calm down cause I was crying floods whilst he hugged me and told me everything was okay. I didn't know what it was but I felt safe in the Mercedes garage I had always felt safe with Mercedes and all this felt so new and still so complicated. I didn't know what to do I supported Charles with it all because he met her before he was forced to marry me but I honestly just wished that I wasn't forced into this mess in the first place cause when you well were in the mess it was hard to get out of it. Without it being an even bigger mess of course. When I was done crying I told Lewis to get out there as free practice started soon but he insisted on staying with me until I felt better and I assured him that I was fine, he got into his driving suit then we went out to the car together, i then stayed in the Mercedes garage watching free practice from there with Susie as I didn't feel like going out in the paddock where it was reporters, paparazzis everywhere, just in general people everywhere. As free practice was done Lewis came to me hugging me, I told him he did well and he told me he was going out to meet Seb and asked if I wanted to come with him, I decided to go with him as with him I felt safer to go out there.

But the second me and Lewis stepped a foot outside the Mercedes garage the cameras were all in our faces I took Lewis hand and squeezed it hard. Whilst he lead us through the paddock to the outside of the Austin Martin garage. Where the paparazzi left us alone cause Seb and Lewis sent them off. As we got there I stood by Lewis side while he was talking to seb I saw Charles walking into the Ferrari garage, i excused myself from them for a second to follow Charles in the garage. When I went into the garage Carlos told me he was in the back of the garage so I thanked him and went in the back of the Ferrari garage saying hey to the team members on the way. Although when I got there I was the one to get a surprise not Charles, when I got in I saw him hugging, then kissing a girl so I coughed and they both turned to me and the girl excused herself to go and get a coffee while I stared at Charles feeling a little paralyzed.

He also looked at me before saying ' hey.. '

' what's her name? ' I said trying to hide the tears in my eyes.

' what? ' I heard Charles say while I was in my own daze.

' it's not that hard what the fuck is her name?? '

' Quinn... ' he said trying to come closer to me.


' it's Charlotte.. ' Charles said as he looked down on the floor.

I looked at him before I stormed off not caring that he was yelling my name and running behind me. All I was focused on was to get to Lewis and seb and say that I wanted to leave cause I couldn't be here at the moment. I got out of the Ferrari garage and I heard Charles still running after me screaming my name but I honestly didn't have the motivation to care or the energy to for that matter. i wanted to support him to be kind but something in me just couldn't do it, I could feel the people watching as he ran after me, I just ignored him I could see the reporters, fans and paparazzis cameras going off but at this point I didn't even care about anything of all that. I got to Lewis and seb with my eyes filled with water, as I then fell on my knees as fast as I got to them but lewis caught me before I fall and asked me what was wrong, all I could say was

' I... want to go. ' with my eyes just getting more watery by the minute.

Lewis & Seb immediately understood what I wanted to say even tho my voice was shaky, they then helped me get to the Mercedes garage to get our stuff then tell Susie and Toto that we were leaving early. After all of that we made our way to the car, everyone was even more crazy with everything that had happened today but I just felt like going to my hotel and never coming out of my hotel room ever again. At that moment I didn't even care that Charles was trying to call me to explain everything.

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